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what... to sailcats

Posted by mercurior 
what... to sailcats
April 30, 2005
you have to see a therapist, coz you dont want kids, thats just plain insane, i would have told the medical council that, its a concious decision, they dont ask people to see a therapist when they want 8 kids, or spend hundreds of thousands in IVF just to have their own dna running about..
Re: what... to sailcats
April 30, 2005
Absolutely. I hate that shit. Do doctors routinely tell prospective parents they need therapy before they have kids? Hell no.

Perhaps they should. Having kids is an irreversible decision. In fact, I wish more parents would have therapy before they have kids. Some of the most fucked up parents I know are the ones who had crappy childhoods and they are determined to cure their own pain by making it different for their kids. Unless the parent has had some therapy, they usually fail miserably.

Re: what... to sailcats
May 01, 2005
it beggers beleif.. ::sarcasm on:: but then again there must be something wrong with us, there must be otherwise we would be worshipping at the alter of moohood ::sarcasm off:: if you hadnt noticed i dont want to worship, i have more peace of mind, more love to give my cf fiance,
Re: what... to sailcats
May 02, 2005
I thought it was pretty unbelievable- You're right, somehow it's more sane to take fertility drugs and have a multiple birth than not want children...."But allllllll women want babies! You'll change your mind!" -yea, right.
I had to do that too.
May 09, 2005
I had to do that when I wanted to get my tubes tied about 12 years ago. While I understand your point and agree with it, I believe the doctor is just trying to cover his own ass. There are many women out there who later change their minds. It is THOSE women who make this harder on us. I suspect that the doctors are routinly sending their pts to a therapist before they get their tubes tied. It sucks, but if you want to get it done, you will jump through their hoops. I did, and haven't had one pregnency scare since it was done, so it was worth it to me.

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