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Your attitude

Posted by A "moo" as you call it. 
A "moo" as you call it.
Your attitude
May 14, 2005
Reading your message board- it really dawned on me why you are dissing parents so much- you are a spoiled brat yourself. People have kids and they are largest investment they ever make- you constantly sacrifice to provide for your family- THAT IS RESPONSABILTY.Mothers and Fathers are celebrated on their respective days for the sacrifices we make to raise our children. GET A CLUE- apparently you are too busy dissing parents or stuck in your own world to care about anything other than yourself. Good thing you do not have children. Hope you rot in a bad nursing home when you get old, you deserve it.
Anonymous User
Re: Your attitude
May 14, 2005
Actually we don't diss parents, we diss idiots, we call them either breeders, moos or duhs, that can't be bothered raise children to be decent human beings. We also dislike the ones that whine constantly how hard it is to raise children all the while taking hand outs from the government, pushing work off onto their co-workers who have either don't have kids or have finished raising them. Oh and another category that we are not fond of; people who come on to this board and try to troll, apparently you are in this group.
A "moo" as you call it.
Re: Your attitude
May 14, 2005
Sorry, "Maus" - not trying to be a troll. I have kids- they are the price for having sex- birth control not always 100% you know. But honestly reading you guys are like a cult that hate parents and children. How do you guys think you got to be in the world? If you have brothers and sisters with kids , for that matter your own mother- do you call them/her moo's and duh's? I do my part- I work FULL TIME, I PAY FOR MY DAYCARE,My kids have morals, They are well behaved And I don't ask anyone else to raise my kids or ask my co-workers to pick up any slack for me. Just wanted to set you guys straight- pay attention- not everyone you call "moo's " or "duh's" are- and unless you were in their shoes- you don't know about their situation or how hard it is to raise a child since you don't have one. Maybe you guys need to rant on something else- politics- weather- whatever... but keep your rants about other peoples parenting out until you know how to do better.
Re: Your attitude
May 16, 2005

What do I win?
Anonymous User
Re: Your attitude
May 16, 2005
*Head explodes*
"Kids are the price for having sex." Um, no, they aren't. Kids are the price for having unprotected sex. I've been having sex for 20 years, and ya know what? No kids!! (It's called a vasectomy/tubal.) My husband and I got ours right before we got married. Children were apparently an inevitability for you and not a choice. How sad. Bingo ,bingo, bingo. Blah blah blah.
CF Uter
Re: Your attitude
May 17, 2005
If we know nothing about having kids, therefore we shouldn't talk about nor dis parents about them, why would we start in on politics? We're not politicians, so what do we know about it?

Moo, your logic is as poor as your grammar. Hope you are not teaching your kid either of them.
Re: Your attitude
May 18, 2005
You lack reading comprehension skills. Not every parent is a Moo or Dud, just the ones that complain constantly or who do a shitty job raising their kids.

Your post is so full of idiotic sentences, I don't know where to start. Children are the price to pay for having sex? Perhaps you envision a world where this is the case, which says a lot about your. Sex is a beautiful thing, but no way is it worth being stuck with a sprog.

You wanna think stupid shit like this, no skin off my nose. However, I take great issue with crap like this:

" People have kids and they are largest investment they ever make- you constantly sacrifice to provide for your family- THAT IS RESPONSABILTY"

I am heartily sick of hearing that having children is the only ticket to responsable (sic) adulthood, being a true citizen, whatever. (Third Reich, anyone?)

I am 45 years old and I've been working since I was 14 years old. I am no spoiled brat; in fact, I haven't taken any money from my parents since I was 18. I pay my taxes, in fact, I proportionally pay more taxes than people with kids, although they are using more services than I ever will: schools, roads, public services.

If people want to "invest" in their kids, great for them. I choose not to invest in kids myself. So why I am routinely expected to make sacrifices for other people's children? Why am I expected to work overtime cheerfully because someone *needs* to attend their kid's soccer practice, yet my need to care for my aging parents is not given the same consideration? Why is my health insurance premium for me a couple the same as someone who has a spouse and 4 kids? I don't mind paying a REASONABLE amount for public services, but why is it sacreligious to even ASK parents to start paying more for the kids they created?

I'm wasting my breath.
Re: Your attitude
May 18, 2005
*****People have kids and they are largest investment they ever make- you constantly sacrifice to provide for your family- THAT IS RESPONSABILTY.Mothers and Fathers are celebrated on their respective days for the sacrifices we make to raise our children.******

Sounds like you have a bit of martyrdom syndrome. Why do you feel the need to come on to a CF community and tell us about all the wonderful sacrifices that you make? Why? are you not appreciated at home? You get no cookies from me girl. Your sacrifice, YOUR CHOICE!

**** GET A CLUE- apparently you are too busy dissing parents or stuck in your own world to care about anything other than yourself. Good thing you do not have children. Hope you rot in a bad nursing home when you get old, you deserve it. *****

Yes, like breeders are too busy expecting the world to bow down to them that they cannot care about anything but THEMSELVES.

Most of the people you see rotting in bad nursing homes HAVE CHILDREN!
Re: Your attitude
May 20, 2005
i dislike moo's and duh's (a different group to parents not breeders).. they are the ones that you see on tv, with 17 kids, and one day they murder little snotleigh, from neglect.. my mum was a great mum, my dad wasa great dad.. they taught me respect, to treat others how i want to be treated.. however some of these moo's are only on the look out for money, thats the reason they had the kids, not for love.. but money.. and what the governments can give them.. make them better off.. making us CF poorer financially yet richer in experiences.. and why do u just have to celebrate mothers/fathers day just one day a year.. shouldnt it be every day.. we are talking about respect and responsibility.. you may be able to have a kid.. if you teach it respect for others thats fine.. a lot of us like those kinds of kids.. but its the badly behaved ones.. the ones that kick balls at the side of the house till 2 or 3 am.. the ones that destroy property for fun they are the ones we rant about..
Re: Your attitude
May 24, 2005
You dumb moo! When birth control fails it's called making a trip to the abortion clinic for some. You chose your fate when you decided to have a crotch dump! Don't come on here acting all that when the real reason is that you are regreting your decision.
Re: Your attitude
May 27, 2005
It's astonishing how every troll I've ever seen claims to be a superb parent.
Re: Your attitude
May 27, 2005
*** Blows AbracaDeborah a big kiss ****

Glad to see you made it here, dahling.

Yeah, I'd love to see someone post they are a shitty parent. Ain't gonna happen.

Re: Your attitude
May 27, 2005
Don't you know, AbracaDeborah, "superb" parents troll boards like this. As far as these breeders are concerned, it's the "shitty" parents that take responsibility for their kids and have better things to do than troll.
Sick of Moos
Re: Your attitude
June 23, 2005
all I keep hearing is, "Moooo...MOOOOOO....mooooo....responsAbility....MOOOOOO," Blah blah blah, b.s.,b.s., and more b.s.
I agree with the other posters...kids are not the inevitable result of sex. Unprotected sex, yes, but there is always abortion, and for those morally opposed to that, there is the adoption option, (didn't mean to rhyme.) I personally prefer to use my time to actually contribute something to society other than other shitwad that is going to add to the already huge over-population problem. Go away and get a life MOO!!!
Anonymous User
Re: Your attitude
June 25, 2005

You CHOSE to have kids. Don't bitch and whine about how hard your life is now that you have to make sacrifices. It's your own fault because you couldn't figure out how to use birth control. Guess what? Birth control DOES work for childfree folks. I guess we're just smarter than moos.

No one should HAVE to celebrate mothers and fathers... it's not like you asked your little Mikaylah and Dakota if they wanted to be born -- you forced them to be. And yet, now you expect them to get on their knees and praise you on mother's day becuase they somehow OWE you? Geez, talk about entitlement.

The reason we "dis" breeders the opposite of what you think: BREEDERS are so stuck in their own worlds to care about anything other than themselves, and in some cases their kids. When you are at the restaurant every night (because, like most moos, you are too lazy to cook) and your kid is screaming and throwing food, you are NOT thinking about ANYONE but yourself. When you are in the public swimming pool letting your kid shit and pee in the pool, you are thinking of no one but yourself. The fact is, we wouldn't be complaining about breeders if YOU ALL weren't so utterly selfish and self-absorbed.

If we really were so self-absorbed, we wouldn't even notice breeders or kids in public. Ever noticed how you NEVER notice anyone around you in public, and you think the world revolves around you and your kids? That's because YOU are self absorbed.

It's amusing that you hope we'll rot in nursing homes. I'm sure that while you are too busy raising your own kids, YOUR parents are rotting in nursing homes. And when you are old, your kids will be too busy with their kids to give a shit about you and they'll do the same to you. You are extremely stupid if you think the only people in nursing homes are people without kids.

It's really too bad you have kids -- I can see you are too busy playing on the internet to spend any time with them. I guess even YOU can't stand to spend time with your kids!!
CF Scorpio
Re: Your attitude
June 25, 2005
A "moo" as you call it. Wrote:
> constantly sacrifice to provide for your family-

I'm not familiar with that word. Is that anything like RESPONSIBILITY? Maybe you should buy a couple of books for your kids so they don't end up illiterate like you.
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