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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
I think I'm being babystalked right now. I was having dinner when my family started to annoy me about putting my kinect so they can see my cousin's nephews. So now I have almost every person on the house in my room fawning and cooing the kid. I don't hate my nephew, actually I find it kind of tolerable, but my family is annoying as fuck.
Ah, summer. Where I live means laker season. That's the lovely name we give the tourists who flock to our small county from Chicago, Toledo, Detroit, and Indy. We're smack in the middle. We get it all. It's blissfully quiet here when it's cold. My house is situated on 4 acres of my own and then 500 acres of the neighbor's fields. Usually the only person we see is the hired boy across the way feeding the cows. Unfortunately for us, just over the next hill is one of the largest lakes in the county.

For some reason people from the city feel the need to push their strollers full of screaming toddlers ALL the way out here. I don't understand why they would go so far out of their way. It's a mile from my house to the lake and the scenery at the lake is so much better with all of the professional landscapers, water, etc.

Last weekend I was standing in my driveway talking to a visiting friend. Understand that I have purposely secluded myself from people. My nearest neighbor is a 1/4 of a mile away. Anyway, up over the hill pops a quad of breeders - moo, duh, bratleigh (about 5?), and a loaf in a stroller (about 2). As my friend and I chat about local politics (boyfriend works in government) the breeder mob descends upon my house, proceeds to stand 20 feet from my friend and I, and coo loudly at the stroller monster about some of my free range chickens. They were practically standing in my driveway.

OK, fine, I think they've seen the chickens and they'll move on. No big deal. NO! They stand there for 10 minutes, practically interrupting my friend and I's conversation cooing and going "Ohhh.. LOOK bratton, oohhh, LOOK at the CHICKENS... ohhh, LOOK at the horses, LOOK at the kitty, ohhh, what does the horsey say....blah blah blah and on and on" and they never even bothered to politely nod, attempt to excuse themselves for interrupting our conversation, or even recognize that we existed.


My home is that - MY HOME! I'm NOT a petting zoo and I'm certainly not here to make your vacation "down home and earthy".

Then to add insult to injury a completely DIFFERENT stroller-pusher-duh sets my dogs off at 7:30 AM on SUNDAY standing in the road just GAWKING into my yard. I hadn't let the chickens out yet, hell I wasn't even awake. Maybe he was hoping for an early showing?? WTF?! I wake up, look out the window to see duh standing there and curse. Loudly. With the window open. I think he got it. He was busting ass down the road by the time I got down stairs to let the dogs loose (don't worry, they have invisible fence around the 4 acres, so the dogs won't get in trouble for mangling junior's snotty little face). Of course I could have slept in until 10 but not NOW! Ugh!

Then, same day, no joke, 2 girls about 12-14 come bicycling down the road. I was upstairs and the dogs began to bark so I go check to see who it is (dogs are great alarm raisers). Just as I look out the window one of the two (both had slowed down to gawk) starts to wobble and then *SMACK*! Hits the pavement. Boyfriend starts screaming at the dog because he didn't see what happened, so I have to go calm him and tell him our dogs aren't at fault and THEN I have to go out and make sure tardcilla isn't dying in the road - you know moral obligations and all that crap. UGH!

I'm sad to say it because I LOVE summer but I'll be so GLAD when it's over. I can't take much more of this.
man, I think I'm on a streak. I just just got babystalked while on the bus today. I was minding own business when a grandmoo entered using using the backdoor (the back door is only used as an exit here) with her sprog, which was no more than 5 years old, and a then she started to put inside 2 packages so big that block the whole hallway. After getting up the sprog stood next to me and started to lean against me; to make things word both the grandmoo and the loaf smelled like shit, they probably haven't took a bath in days. Then, in order to not having the brat over me I started to move to the other side of the seat as much as I could, but the brat kept leaning against me, so I pushed him gently with my body saying in a hushed voice that I'm not a recliner. That didn't work out. In the end someone behind me got down or gave the seat to the grandmoo, so I didn't had to endure the having the brat invading my personal space, but I still had to endure their smell for a while. It was so disgusting that I could taste the odor. I almost wanted to puke.

I really hate public transport. If only parking wasn't so expensive.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 25, 2013

I was minding own business when a grandmoo entered using using the backdoor (the back door is only used as an exit here)

waving hellolarious

(dirty mind, sorry)
Dude... I really need to check what I write spewing water due to laughing
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 26, 2013
mistress rotwang

I was minding own business when a grandmoo entered using using the backdoor (the back door is only used as an exit here)

waving hellolarious

(dirty mind, sorry)

You've seen Backdoor Teen Mom? ::brbl

Farah Abraham's the Teen mom's p0rn flick

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 08, 2013
several times this week, I got babystalked. the stories are basically the same, parents blocking my way with little kids doing annoying shits like dancing around or running around in circles. everytime I would wait standing up until my way were cleared, and passed the parents (who smiled and glanced at me clearly wishing me to acknowledge their brats) with straight, slightly annoyed look on my face. ha! it feels so good to kill their hope.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 14, 2013
Due to the fact I stay indoors most days and away from the public as much as I can I haven't been babystalked outright in a while.

I guess it was coming...

I was standing in line at the gas station. It was crowded and I had my headphones on to block out the panic triggering cacophony around me when I feel asomeone fucking tap my shoulder.

The worst thing someone could ever do if fucking touch me without my fucking permission. If I have headphones on I am OBVIOUSLY not giving you permission to engage me at all.

So my reaction is to whip around while pulling one headphone cup off my ear and glare at the offender to see why this shit smear on the tile grout of my day has thought it was okay to touch me.

It was a huffy fucking moo with her stupid HIHIHIHIHI little sperm vermin.

"He's trying to say hi to you" it said in this whiny how dare you tone.

"I don't give a flying shit." I reply with all gusto and snap my headphone back into place.

Not sure wtf she said after that since I had O Fortuna blasting in my headphones but she looked pretty pissed and I stared at her for 5 more seconds with my blankest expression before she stormed off to a different line. From the way her face crevasse was still flapping I assume she was still blustering on about how horrible people are wah wah wah.

grinning smiley The line she went to was much longer btw. HAHAH.

Btw most people seem to get that my giant fucking headphones mean go away. I had not even acknowledged that the land whale and her squealer existed before she touched me so why the fuck did she feel that need? Good fucking gods, mess with someone else.
I might have been babystalked. I was at a public pool and I was in the kid section (Because I was with friend and her two kids. Yeah, I don't hate all parents and kids, and she actually parents her kids.) So this other random little boy swam up to me in his swimmies (those arm floaty things) with this giant grin. Sue me, but I thought he was adorable so it didn't bug me. A BRAT, however, poured some water on my head for no reason and I yelled at her and asked her where her mother was and said I would take that stupid toy away from her if she used it to dump water on anyone else's head again. She moved to the other end of the pool. Of course by the end of the day it got much hotter and I found myself thinking: "Hey, where did that brat go dumping water on people. I need that service right about now."
And... reading more comments earlier in the thread, what happened with me wasn't the official definition of babystalking but it sort of was a baby literally stalking me LOL. But in this case it didn't bother me because he really was sweet. His mom didn't put him up to it or anything. But I let brats have it. I feel like bratty kids are NOT used to ANY adult telling them NO or raising their voice. In just the past couple of weeks I've had two situations in which some feral brat not being parented has gotten into my space or done something obnoxious and I've told them exactly what I thought about it.

And they act like being lectured is a totally new experience for them. Like I backhanded them or something. That's the level of shock on their faces. So I KNOW they don't get parented at home or this situation would not be so weird/rare for them.

And I don't care if I make parents upset. I remember when I was a kid if you behaved like a hooligan and ANY grown up called you out on it, you were in trouble for behaving like a hooligan. But now parents just don't freaking parent their kids and if you have the gall to say something to them or their brat you are just an evil monster. Fuck that. You school your brat or I will.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 27, 2013
It's possible that moo was oblivious or just needed to go to the same department I did but I had to walk through Target hearing some she brat screech it's lungs out. The little fucker stayed right behind me for fifteen minutes too. All I wanted was for moo to shut that fucking thing up and in that moment I didn't care how she did it.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 28, 2013
I don't know if this counts since I was stalked by the child.
So I was riding the bus to meet my friend in the city. I don't see her very often since she lives miles away so I was really excited. For some reason the bus was almost full (weird on a Friday) and I had to seat in the second row (I like to sit alone and next to the window). I was listening to music and suddenly the front row child (looked like she was 3 or something) stood up on the seat, turned to me and looked at me in the eye. Since I was in a very good mood, I decided to indulge her. I smiled and returned to my poker face. She sat, stood up again and stared at me from different angles. She just wouldn't stop. She started touching everything and her mother never looked her way. She just kept looking forward. I ignored her by looking through the window but that didn't stop her. She started playing pick-a-boo (is the spelling correct?) even thought I wasn't. I turned up the volume and started texting. After a while she got tired and stopped.
I guess I can't smile to children, it always turns out like they're hungry for attention. Don't they get it at home? =_='

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013
I don't know if this counts since I was stalked by the child.
So I was riding the bus to meet my friend in the city. I don't see her very often since she lives miles away so I was really excited. For some reason the bus was almost full (weird on a Friday) and I had to seat in the second row (I like to sit alone and next to the window). I was listening to music and suddenly the front row child (looked like she was 3 or something) stood up on the seat, turned to me and looked at me in the eye. Since I was in a very good mood, I decided to indulge her. I smiled and returned to my poker face. She sat, stood up again and stared at me from different angles. She just wouldn't stop. She started touching everything and her mother never looked her way. She just kept looking forward. I ignored her by looking through the window but that didn't stop her. She started playing pick-a-boo (is the spelling correct?) even thought I wasn't. I turned up the volume and started texting. After a while she got tired and stopped.
I guess I can't smile to children, it always turns out like they're hungry for attention. Don't they get it at home? =_='

I hate that too. They always think shittington is so cute to be saying hi to every Tom, Dick, and Harry stranger (who could actually be child molesters or kidnappers) and they pay no mind to their little "angel". Then they get pissed because you ignore them. Why should I give you some kind of respite from your selfish decision? You wanted a little you...well let it stare at you and follow you around! :bedmadelie

I guess you could call this babystalking but I think it's more of a horror story than anything else.

So my one exwannamoo's (ewm) friend moved back in the state with her disguisting cum-medal and ewm just is dying to take care of the little bastard (I don't even think moo knew who the father was...yes, one of those) so I told ewm to have fun, but NEVER bring it to our apartment. I have nice stuff in there...it's not spawn-proof and I shouldn't have to make it spawn-proof.

So I came home one day from work and ewm tells me she hoped I wasn't mad but she had brought sprogget over since there was "no where else to take him". Yeah, okay. So she tells me how much her and the retard had fun together (trying to get me to squee over it or something) and I asked if it was well-behaved while it was there. She starts to look down at the floor and she finally tells me that she had made it jell-o. She looked away for "just a second" and the POS was grinding jell-o all over the hdtv that I had just bought. I about had a heart attack! She then tells me that it was all okay, because it was soooooooo cute and nothing was damaged. You have to see the humor in things, she tells me. Kids will be kids, she tells me. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

The MORE abortions there are,
The FEWER spawn there'll be.

The FEWER spawn there are,
the FEWER I'll have to see.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013
It's possible that moo was oblivious or just needed to go to the same department I did but I had to walk through Target hearing some she brat screech it's lungs out. The little fucker stayed right behind me for fifteen minutes too. All I wanted was for moo to shut that fucking thing up and in that moment I didn't care how she did it.

If only they would take the damn thing outside. Leave it in the damn car with the window cracked (or not). I guess she wanted you to take care of her mistake. Isn't it funny how these moos just turn oblivious when they're out in public and it just starts whaling like a banshee? I think they do that just to escape from their lives and think of how they wish they were CF (not that they would ever admit such a thing).

The MORE abortions there are,
The FEWER spawn there'll be.

The FEWER spawn there are,
the FEWER I'll have to see.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013
I don't know if this counts since I was stalked by the child.
So I was riding the bus to meet my friend in the city. I don't see her very often since she lives miles away so I was really excited. For some reason the bus was almost full (weird on a Friday) and I had to seat in the second row (I like to sit alone and next to the window). I was listening to music and suddenly the front row child (looked like she was 3 or something) stood up on the seat, turned to me and looked at me in the eye. Since I was in a very good mood, I decided to indulge her. I smiled and returned to my poker face. She sat, stood up again and stared at me from different angles. She just wouldn't stop. She started touching everything and her mother never looked her way. She just kept looking forward. I ignored her by looking through the window but that didn't stop her. She started playing pick-a-boo (is the spelling correct?) even thought I wasn't. I turned up the volume and started texting. After a while she got tired and stopped.
I guess I can't smile to children, it always turns out like they're hungry for attention. Don't they get it at home? =_='

I hate that too. They always think shittington is so cute to be saying hi to every Tom, Dick, and Harry stranger (who could actually be child molesters or kidnappers) and they pay no mind to their little "angel". Then they get pissed because you ignore them. Why should I give you some kind of respite from your selfish decision? You wanted a little you...well let it stare at you and follow you around! :bedmadelie

I guess you could call this babystalking but I think it's more of a horror story than anything else.

So my one exwannamoo's (ewm) friend moved back in the state with her disguisting cum-medal and ewm just is dying to take care of the little bastard (I don't even think moo knew who the father was...yes, one of those) so I told ewm to have fun, but NEVER bring it to our apartment. I have nice stuff in there...it's not spawn-proof and I shouldn't have to make it spawn-proof.

So I came home one day from work and ewm tells me she hoped I wasn't mad but she had brought sprogget over since there was "no where else to take him". Yeah, okay. So she tells me how much her and the retard had fun together (trying to get me to squee over it or something) and I asked if it was well-behaved while it was there. She starts to look down at the floor and she finally tells me that she had made it jell-o. She looked away for "just a second" and the POS was grinding jell-o all over the hdtv that I had just bought. I about had a heart attack! She then tells me that it was all okay, because it was soooooooo cute and nothing was damaged. You have to see the humor in things, she tells me. Kids will be kids, she tells me. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

Chainsaw on her now!! WTF?! That's just rude. I've had children over but they never messed up anything. They just stayed at a corner playing. I guess they were actually being parented.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013

Chainsaw on her now!! WTF?! That's just rude. I've had children over but they never messed up anything. They just stayed at a corner playing. I guess they were actually being parented.

Oh, this thing was a little hellion. It had major issues. And the moo of it was out finding her next duh for the next sprog. She ended up finding it. Funny, both sprogs of this moo are now in CPS and last I heard, moo is on welfare with duh #2. Have they no shame? Even worse, the moo came over while I was there to pick up her cumstain and she just up and hugged me. I'm a nice guy, I didn't want to hug the moo, but I'll save face, I figured.

It was so creepy...a long-ass hug. I was thinking...okay, this hug has been over a year ago, yet we're still here. I don't know if moo was sizing me up for another sprog or what!

Never again.


The MORE abortions there are,
The FEWER spawn there'll be.

The FEWER spawn there are,
the FEWER I'll have to see.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013

It was so creepy...a long-ass hug. I was thinking...okay, this hug has been over a year ago, yet we're still here. I don't know if moo was sizing me up for another sprog or what!

Never again.


Maybe. You know how they think...

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
July 31, 2013

It was so creepy...a long-ass hug. I was thinking...okay, this hug has been over a year ago, yet we're still here. I don't know if moo was sizing me up for another sprog or what!

Never again.


Maybe. You know how they think...

That's all they think about. It's like it's one of the drugs they're addicted to. Don't they realize what they're doing to the resources on this planet? Can't they even think about what's going to happen when they can't take care of it? I guess as long as they pop the damn thing out, people can ooo and ahhh over it; she gets free sprogcare, and a free place to live/free food/free healthcare.

The MORE abortions there are,
The FEWER spawn there'll be.

The FEWER spawn there are,
the FEWER I'll have to see.
I think that was a baby stalk what happends few days ago..

I was in my favorite chinese restaurant with an mongol buffet in a shopping center. I'm going often in this place when I have a day off.
However, while I ate, some little girly loaf was running around. Few minutes later, she stand on my table and said "Hi". Then she took my hand and tugged me from my place. I asked her where her father sat. We're going to him, but he didn't do nothing but glared at me. The girl however, tugged me away from him, maybe she was scared of her dad. She wanted to go outside from the restaurant, maybe because there was a little show with life-size dinosaur sculptures. Thank god one of the waiters took the girl to her father.

Man, why didn't the father took his brat for himself?
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 04, 2013
My SO and I were self-stalked by a child of about 8 recently, who kept deliberately walking around us while we were sitting down, each time carrying something different. It warmed my heart when my SO muttered "What an attention whore" after studiously ignoring it.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 10, 2013
While I was waiting for the groomer to be done with Athena I went next door to Target. I wandered through the store and had lunch at the snack bar. I'm sitting in the snack bar and two moos are there with two she spawn. The youngest brat, a toadler, started shrieking and then laughing like it was the most fun she'd ever had. It took five minutes for moo to stop whining at the other moo "it's just so hard" (exact words and I'm not kidding) and finally tell the little shit to stop. As they were packing up to leave the toadler ran to the other side of the snack bar. The moo tells her to come back or "I'm going to leave you here with that lady" and pointed at me. I picked up my salad and got out of there as fast as I could. I didn't wait for moo's reaction. Eating in the truck suddenly looked like it would be a lot more fun.

Paranoia, paranoia, paranoia, paranoid. I'm not sick, but I'm not well. They're all out to get me they're all out to get me, so are you. So are you. (Sung to the tune of Frere Jaques.)
I was babystalked at Costco this weekend. My husband and I went shopping and he was looking at some speakers while I wandered off to look at something else. There was this dad with his two young kids (probably about 2 and 5-ish) wandering around. He kept fucking parking his cart right near wherever I was and would be all saccharine sweet with his kids. I kept moving. He kept following.

Finally, I met back up with my husband and we lost them. Funnily enough, we ended up behind them and when he did not see us watching he was showing major annoyance with his kids and basically telling them to sit down and shut it. Then we saw who I assumed was his wife show up (she must have been avoiding them too) and bring stuff back to cart. She was pregnant again.

It was funny as for the next few minutes everytime she was around or he thought others were around he was being all "sweet" to the kids (though kind of a fake, not really listening sweet) and as soon as no one was he was kind of just ignoring them or telling them to shut it, clearly annoyed.

My husband sarcastically commented "that guy is really liking being a father today"
OMG...this sounds similar to an experience I had while at dinner with a childhood friend I hadn't seen in years. We went to Chili's and sat in a booth at the end of the row, toward the back of a restaurant. I ended up on the side with my back to all of the connected booths. We got a couple drinks and we were enjoying catching up when 2 women and a 3-4 year old boy sat in the booth directly behind me. The women sat together on the opposite side and the boy was right behind me. I have a pretty high tolerance and from watching my nieces and nephews grow up, plus babysitting to earn $ as a teen, I knew his babbles, giggles and occasional screeches were normal for his age. No biggie, I tuned it out. He then discovered he could stand on the seat and lean over into my space. The mother was like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka - "No...please...stop..." Hardly authoritative at all. At one point the mother had the gall to tell him to behave or "that lady is going to yell at you". By that time, the conversation with my friend changed to the bitches behind me with the out-of-control kid. I'm typically non-confrontational so my friend and I tried to make the best of it and ignore it. The kid got worse and the mother ONCE AGAIN said if he didn't behave, he would get in trouble with me. That was IT. I said loudly to my friend, "Don't you just HATE it when parents expect other people to discipline their kids???" They left within 10 minutes after that.

Here's a tip - want to spend time with a girlfriend? Get a sitter for your little snowflake. No sitter and still insist on getting together with said girlfriend? Sit your kid on the inside of the booth and give him something to do, and reprimand him when he interrupts your "girl talk". Don't let him run amok in a booth seat by himself and hope that he annoys other diners enough to the point that THEY say something to the kid FOR YOU. The whole "It takes a village to raise a child." is bullshit. I CHOSE not to have kids. I'm not going to help complacent, lazy parents raise theirs. The more instances I run into people like this, the more I love my Bosties. heart
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 14, 2013
Yeah... I sure don't expect 'the village' to dicipline my poodles for me. MY responsibility.
Same goes for me with my Boston terriers. winking smiley
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