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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
December 30, 2013
Damn, your husband is a patient man indeed to deal with that. What is it about grocery stores, anyway? They bring out the worst babystalking!

I'd like to know that myself. I helped my MIL pick out that sweater. She paid $90 at Macy's for it. That was what made me angry about the entire thing. I didn't follow my husband because I didn't want my fleece hooded jacket smacked with that same filthy shoe.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 02, 2014
Damn, your husband is a patient man indeed to deal with that. What is it about grocery stores, anyway? They bring out the worst babystalking!

I agree. Stores in general are rife with people fishing for compliments about their babies, but grocery stores are the worst. Maybe it's because shopping is the only real chance parents have to get out of the house.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 16, 2014
I don't get babystalked all that often, at least not by parents (I do get stalked by staring babies/toadlers quite often, but that's a whole different story), possibly since I tend to avoid interacting with people in public and I think it's fairly obvious.
The last time I got babystalked was last summer, when I visited my best friend for a few weeks, and it was by a grandmoo who tends to take little Shitford out for a walk all the time and parade him around, so it was a daily occurrence. Now, my friend has a very sweet disposition and actually really likes kids, so it was her who was targeted at first. "Oh, look, Shitford, it's that sweet neighbor of ours! Say hi to (friend), don't be shy! Oh, no, Shitford, don't act like that, (friend) is going to whoop your butt!" (That last one made us both cringe.)
Once I went out without my friend and, lo and behold, there she was with the sprog. Cue the obligatory "Look, Shitford, it's a pretty little giiiiiirl! Say hi to the pretty little giiiirl!" I went right past them, uttered a polite "good morning" without explicitly acknowledging the loaf and tried to go on my merry way. But grandmoo wouldn't have any of it. She followed me, dragging the sprog and babbling in that annoying, high-pitched, sing-songy voice: "Look at the sweet little giiiirl, Shitford! Say hiiii to the pretty little giiiirl! Why don't you show her your new toys?" She gave up after a short period of time, thank goodness.
Maybe I should have told her to knock it off, but I just felt way too awkward.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 18, 2014
One of my coworkers brought his kids in to work Friday and then proceeded to lead the around the entire office attention-whoring them to everyone around. Thankfully I got away with ignoring the fucker and his fuck trophies. It was thankfully brief. Sorry duhdy I don't give asspats for fucking without protection and no your kids aren't cute.

Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2014
So I went to Albertson's, my local nearby grocery store, to get a few things this afternoon. Now since I'm older, I don't get flirty babystalkings anymore, but occasionally I still get some young pahrunt who wants me to notice their loaf and/or give them props for their parenting. Like that's gonna actually happen.

So as I'm toodling around the store, I notice this mid-30ish Duhddy with a, I don't know, 2-year-old toadler (?) riding in his cart following me and looking at me sideways out of the corners of his eyes. No matter where I go in the store, Duhddy and Toadler are sure to turn up in the next few seconds.

Finally I end up in the produce section, bagging some onions. When I look up, Duhddy and Toadler are there, and Duhddy has one of those filmy plastic produce bags OVER HIS FACE and is telling the Toadler to lookee what Duhddy has! On his face! (In case you never noticed, these bags are printed with the warning "NOT A TOY! DO NOT LET CHILDREN PLAY WITH PLASTIC BAGS! SMOTHERING HAZARD!")

So Duhddy finally got what he wanted - attention from me. "What the hell are you doing, you freakin' idiot? Don't you know those bags aren't toys? Why are you teaching your child to play with filmy plastic bags? Are you nuts? You're a TERRIBLE parent!"

I didn't stick around to see his reaction, but turned on my heel and proceeded to the checkout stand. I could not believe that this dufus was so starved for compliments and attention that he'd teach his kid that it was okay to put a filmy plastic bag over his face.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2014
So Duhddy finally got what he wanted - attention from me. "What the hell are you doing, you freakin' idiot? Don't you know those bags aren't toys? Why are you teaching your child to play with filmy plastic bags? Are you nuts? You're a TERRIBLE parent!"

Did you really say that????? OMG... :yrwaving hellolarious
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2014
So Duhddy finally got what he wanted - attention from me. "What the hell are you doing, you freakin' idiot? Don't you know those bags aren't toys? Why are you teaching your child to play with filmy plastic bags? Are you nuts? You're a TERRIBLE parent!"

Did you really say that????? OMG... :yrwaving hellolarious

Yes. I was so stunned that this idiot was teaching a child to play with filmy plastic bags that I just lost it. (Not to mention that I started out in a state of annoyance by being babystalked in the first place. I have something of a short fuse.)
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2014
Holy hell Skyeyes sounds like a certain duhd was setting a pna.

On an unrelated note the captcha was "dhCum" and now I can't stop laughing. I think I may be too immature for this system. lol

Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 20, 2014
Awesominatrix, I use that method myself. I'll say hi to the adult, completely ignoring any baby hand-puppeting that might be going on.

If a child says hi to me, I'll return the greeting...once. I do NOT go for that "hi hi hi hi hi hi" game. I greet kids pretty much the same way I greet adults.
I got it at the DENTIST today
changed dentists so DH and I have same one
new office to me
went in, nice lady for the cleaning, they have screens to watch with peaceful photos for you to look at. I'm a very anxious dental patient so appreciated it. she went out of her way to make me comfortable.
two slides in... some fugly-ass loaf with a pumpkin.
um.. ok
then moments later... more really unpleasant looking children in car seats, in a onesie, etc. these are obviously off someone's cell phone
the REAL pics for meditation are professional shots of japaense gardens, ocean, trees. and are interspersed
I say to the lady "oh... um... someone is really into baby pictures" (this is NOT helping my anxiety levels)
turns out the loaves are hers
"oh, they are mine! I have a 3 yo and 7 month old twins!"
... crickets
then I figure this lady is going to be scraping my teeth, and I have issues with that, so I say "well! you must certainly have your hands full!"
"tee hee, I certainly do, I come to work for a break!"
"oh... yes I imagine you do. that's... a lot of kids"
"do YOU have kids?"
.... crickets
"ok let's get started then!"

she was good at her job and didn't bring the kids up again, although the damn photos kept repeating. finaly I looked at the ceiling to avoid seeing the brats.

due to my age maybe she sees me as one of those "poor ladies that waited too long and can't have Baybees"

I see her as a fat cow (nice enough, and good at her job I must admit) who can't keep her family life out of her professional life

thus you know, the difference between choosing to sluice and choosing to have a graduate degree and a long term career in a chosen field.

nothing against dental assistants. it's a real job and I'm glad someone does it. but please don't show-boat your loaves at work.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 23, 2014
OH.. I would say somethign about their choice of 'relaxation' photos. That's unprofessional IMO
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 23, 2014
I would be having a chat with the management of that dental clinic.
It would be strongly suggested that only professional relaxation photos be utilized and that the woman should remove the personal family photos from mandatory public screen viewing.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 23, 2014
I had an overly annoying stalking happen to me yesterday.

Then again, I should have known better, I GUESS....god forbid a person should want to go to a cafe any time after 12 noon...

I love my local Mister Donut (we've still got the things in Japan and they're sweet!). It's bright and quiet, and i used to go once a week or so to study or read, or anything else in the cheerful morning light. The staff is also really friendly at my local store, and they always go out of their way to remember how many sugars I like, etc. Normally I'd go when they open, at 8am. It's then that you get the office workers grabbing a quick donut and reading the paper before heading to the nearby train, and it's mostly very quiet, even when it's bustling.

I was stupid enough yesterday to decide to go at lunch time, after having run a few errands, not realizing that soon enough, the place would be descended upon by gaggles of brainless stay at home young moomy housewives and their unruly crotchvermin. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that even my local Misudo could be vulnerable to such things, since most other places are. You can't go to a Starbucks or any other type of cafe after noon (but it's usually closer to 2pm or 3pm when they want their little mamatomo** coffee klatsch/ tea time clucking sessions together, and maybe that's what I was counting on) in this city without running into large groups of these useless baby ovens with loaves between baking, newly hatched and obnoxious 4 year old you want to punt across the room the next time it runs past you screeching. They go out of their way to be as loud as any soccer mom you care to recall back West (safety in numbers, I guess they figure), take up as much extra space as they please with their strollers and other loaf-related debris, and if you're not one of their little in-group, you DO NOT EXIST. I hate them.

So here come two of these little bitchfaces, babbling away loudly. One carrying a loaf (naturally the big-ass stroller is blocking another table, and they've got their coats and everything else loading it up so that nobody else could possibly try to sit there - and it's a tiny place to start with!!), and has a noisy but apparently controllable toadler in tow. The other cunt....irresponsible loudmouth moombie du jour, unfortunately. She's letting her 3 year old run through the store, and the best she does, rather than get off her ass and capture the little beast before it starts knocking over other customers, displays, etc. is bellow its name repeatedly. Lazy cow. Clearly, the little shit is used to this and can't be bothered responding when its name is called, but I guess moo moo figures it'll magically work after the 53rd time bellowing its name.

I actually suddenly just remembered the name of the little beast was "MANNNNNNAAAA~"....which is pretty funny, seeing as how that's also how "manners" are pronounced in Japanese - even though neither mombie or brat had a clue what they are.

On at least 3 occasions, wild toadler beast stood right in front of me (the tables are pretty small) as I was trying to work out a pattern translation, swaying back and forth, making slobbering sounds, just waiting for me to look at it and coo with admiration. Looked like one of those ones that's used to being told now KYOOOT it is, so loves to display itself in front of random strangers for as much attention as it can get from the village. Guess it makes sense for the loaf, since its mother couldn't be the least bit bothered. The cunt was sitting right behind the little monster, and wasn't bothered to notice or make it stop bothering customers in the store. Gee, typical oblivious moo, I suppose. She just sat there on her lazy ass and continued to babble away loudly to her friend. I would not look at the loaf.

What happens a lot of times with women like this is that, because Japan is so breeder/baybee-centric, they let their nasty little spawn loose in public places and just let the nearest granny mind it. Unfortunately, grannies encourage this behavior by reacting to the beasts with glee every time, so the moomies end up with the mindset that unleashing their spawn any time, anywhere is perfectly acceptable.

They hung around for a very long hour. At one point, inevitably, the loaf fell on its face, making a very satisfying, fleshy SPLAT while running through the store. I really wanted to laugh. Of COURSE it started to wail, but it was worth it to have caught it out of the corner of my eye. XD
Oopsie! That's what happens to unsupervised loaves! Didn't feel a bit sorry for it, or for moombie, who was then finally forced to deal with its screaming by actually bothering to pick the thing up and tend to it.

Oh man, was I glad when they finally left.
More came to replace them, however, and I finally just packed up and got out of there.
Baby shortage my ass - there's nothing BUT teh bayyyybeeeeez all over this city, and I bet it's about the same in most other decent sized Japanese cities. I swear, the population crisis is a myth.

** - This word is almost as puke-inducing to me as "play date" - it's a word that means a person who is your friend specifically because she also has a sprog close to your sprog's age, so you can dump them somewhere together so they won't bother you while you proceed to gossip with each other about boy bands and other useless shit, and ignore them.
urgh, that sounds awful
I had some sort of delusion that things were better brat-wise in Japan than in USA or Europe
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 24, 2014
urgh, that sounds awful
I had some sort of delusion that things were better brat-wise in Japan than in USA or Europe

Oh yeah, women with baybeez are put on pedestals here without question.
The Golden Penis is of the utmost importance to shoot out, since he will be required to care for the parents in their old age (it's an accepted part of the culture), but girls often get the princess treatment, too...except in the case of my neighbors, at least...They've got two boys (Golden Penis? Check! One for back up? Double Check!), and the last was a girl (Useless extra female mouth to feed?...Check). I notice how they interact outside, since the noisy fuckheads make it a point to run around screaming right in front of our house. The boys get all the attention, while the girl is left to run around in circles and babble to herself in god only knows what language, ignored. I swear it sounds like they aren't even trying to teach her to speak. I'm not sure yet if she's got some kind of disability, but they actively ignore her every chance they get, and I know when they're doing it, because she's prone to fits of screaming bloody murder for attention, while the boys continue playing and ignoring her, and the moo moos continue to just stand there gossiping. I know this is just one instance, but where it happens in one family, my guess is that it happens in others, too.

My husband has even told me from time to time that if we don't shit out a loaf eventually, we will end up ignored by his family. We've still decided not to do it. No way in hell, and if his family is that shallow and hateful, what do I want to have to do with them anyway?
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 25, 2014
I was under the impression the education was pretty strict in there. Guess not.
Family cutting ties over son not having kids? That's messed up.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 25, 2014
If their son's happiness is less important than a non-existent loaf, they can take care of themselves when they get old.shrug

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 03, 2014
I've just been babystalked by a nutjob ex and my own dreams afterwards ::brbl

A little back story: 5 or so years ago, I dated this woman (I use the term loosely). She turned out to be quite baby-rabid; she even frequently mentioned that she expected ME to carry the loaf. Words can't express how trapped I felt and how ashamed I felt about it. It was before someone floated an idea to me, that I didn't have to have kids, if I didn't want them.

She served me an ugly mind-fuck of a break-up, that was prelude to an even bigger mind-fuck, when she tried to get me back - I told her to go fuck herself and blocked her on social media.
A couple of years later, I realised that I was bisexual and stopped giving a fuck whether people knew about it; she called me, even though we were long over, and yelled at me that I had deceived her. She apparently had issues with bisexuals. I had to firmly tell her to go fuck herself again.

Anyhooligan, yesterday I got a failbook friendship request. It turned out to be from her new account, which I didn't realise, thus I ended up with a snoot-full of loaf pictures.
She shacked up with a guy twice her age and sprogged with him.
Feed, full of loaf pictures! Profile picture: loaf! The big banner: fucking loaf! angrily flogging with a whip
Since fapbook doesn't let you outright refuse a friendship request, I had to root around that clusterfuck, before I could block her.

On top of that, my poor brains were evidently preforming their own version of The Scream in my dreams last night. I had this horrible dream that I had twin loaves and I had to change the diaper of one of them. I went to dispose of a diaper and left the loaf half naked on the changing table. When I returned, the loaf was shitting on the table and laughing at me. I slapped it and scolded it, thinking that if I had to clean its shit, at least it shouldn't be so happy about it.
So the loaf started wailing, which was arguably worse than it laughing at me and I was standing next to it, trying to figure out how the fuck am I going to clean that shit and change the thing's shitty onsie without getting shit on its head.
It took me forever to get back to sleep, when I woke up :goggle

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 13, 2014
Husband gets twitchy pre Snowmageddon so last night we went out to dinner. At the table across from us moo is telling he brat to eat his ummy vegetables in a loud voice so he can be big and strong like that man (looks at husband), and get married to a pretty lady and have lots of kids. At that point I lost my shit and started laughing. Told husband in a loud voice that I'm so glad we're child free and not be snowbound with a bunch of brats. Moo gave me a pissy look.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 18, 2014
I needed to buy a few things today. I went during lunch time, thinking that there would be less people around, but I forgot that it's pretty much the exact time that brings out the SAHMoos/SAHDuhs and their shrieklings. Seriously, some of those things were the size of my cat! Who would bring a loaf that young to a store?

But I digress.

When I was at a furniture shop, I spotted a duh and his she-loaf, aged about 3. She treated display closets as a playground, playing hide-and-seek with Duh, screamed with laughter (there are very few sounds that I despise more than the shrill sound of a toadler's laughter) and stomped all over chairs and ottomans. Duh would occasionally look at me and smile. I don't think my dirty look was dirty enough, since he kept doing it. No, your snotling is not being oh so pweshus, now get it off that sofa.

I found an employee and notified him about it, but I didn't stick around long enough to see if he did anything.

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 20, 2014
WTF, why was the parent playing hide and seek with the kid in a store?

I went to get a coffee just now from the cafe in my office. The lady behind the counter was stood there holding a loaf and chatting to its moo (assume someone who had come into the office on a keep in touch day and brought the brat for udder rubs) totally ignored me and another person who wanted to buy coffee. The moo just kept looking at me with an "aww isn't he adorable" type face, and expecting me to join in the cooing.

No, bitch, I just want a freaking coffee. Put the loaf down and do your effing job.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 21, 2014
Hope she washed her hands before returning to the coffee fixin'
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 23, 2014
Well, today at work, I got kydstalked by a customer.

I was ringing the customer (duh, in his 40s or so) up, and his toadler (female, about 3 or so) was babbling at him, me, and damned near everything else.

Duh: She's talking to you.

Me: Okay. (Keeps scanning)

Kyd: (babbles unintelligibly at me)

Me: (polite, neutral tone; not engaging, but acknowledging) Good for you.

Duh: Did you just say 'good for you'? (to kyd) Better not talk to her anymore... she doesn't like kids. (pauses, looks at me, to the kid again) You know how some people don't like cats? She doesn't like kids. I bet SHE likes cats. (said in a tone suggesting I'm a single, lonely cat lady) Yeah, look at her... she doesn't like kids.

Me: (icy tone) My boyfriend and I both love cats, actually.

So, apparently, I'm a child-hater with a face only a cat could love? I just wish he had pushed the issue further, so I could either cheerfully list all the fun things that I, the evil child-hater, have been able to do, or to point out that my boyfriend is as horrified as I am by the idea of an evil little parasite sucking up all of our time, energy, and money.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 23, 2014
Well, today at work, I got kydstalked by a customer.

I was ringing the customer (duh, in his 40s or so) up, and his toadler (female, about 3 or so) was babbling at him, me, and damned near everything else.

Duh: She's talking to you.

Me: Okay. (Keeps scanning)

Kyd: (babbles unintelligibly at me)

Me: (polite, neutral tone; not engaging, but acknowledging) Good for you.

Duh: Did you just say 'good for you'? (to kyd) Better not talk to her anymore... she doesn't like kids. (pauses, looks at me, to the kid again) You know how some people don't like cats? She doesn't like kids. I bet SHE likes cats. (said in a tone suggesting I'm a single, lonely cat lady) Yeah, look at her... she doesn't like kids.

Me: (icy tone) My boyfriend and I both love cats, actually.

So, apparently, I'm a child-hater with a face only a cat could love? I just wish he had pushed the issue further, so I could either cheerfully list all the fun things that I, the evil child-hater, have been able to do, or to point out that my boyfriend is as horrified as I am by the idea of an evil little parasite sucking up all of our time, energy, and money.

My God, what a passive-aggressive loser! And a total dick, to boot. Yes, my husband and I have 3 cats, too. They're family to us.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 24, 2014
Another good 'come back' would have been.... "and it's okay for people not to like cats or dogs if they choose.. so it's okay not to like kids" (well, something like that)
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