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He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD

Posted by freya 
He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
May 31, 2017
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
May 31, 2017

My husband says that he would not enjoy taking care of children 24/7 and would feel unfulfilled.

Translation: He doesn't really want kids and figured she'd wind up doing all the work, leaving him to lead his life however he wants.

She should leave his ass and find another breeder like herself.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
May 31, 2017
Haha, that's beautiful. Funny how much less eager men are to breed if it turns out they'd be the ones doing the cunt work. He figured she'd quit her job to stay home and deal with his brats for him so he could brag to everyone about his progeny without doing any of the actual work involved. Sure, it's real easy to decide you want kids when you don't have to incubate them, puke your guts out for months because of them, give birth to them and then raise them a vast majority of the time.

He's feeling doubly emasculated by this situation: not only is the woman in the marriage the breadwinner, but he'd be the pussy-whipped, diaper-whipped house husband. His friends would never let him hear the end of it and he might as well chop off his balls now and get it over with in order to become castrated literally as well as figuratively.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the father being the stay-at-home parent, but this is a machismo bullshit kind of thing. Never mind that the wife makes "well over" twice her husband's income, meaning that, if one of them were to stay home, it would make much more sense for wanna-Duh to do it since his job is disposable. Nope, he doesn't give a shit - he'd rather be poor and have his Moo-wife wrangling his miracles than have her be the one who wears the pants in the family while he's at home working on his dad bod while changing shitty diapers and trying for three hours to make the loaf suck its fucking bottle. He's not interested in any of her compromises like working longer days to give him a day off. He wants her ass at home dealing with his kids so he won't have to deal with them where she "belongs" because that's how it's "supposed to be."

They'll go and have a kid anyway, and one of two things will happen. Either she'll will divorce him for being such a big baby about who will stay at home and who will work (or trying to force her to quit her job), or she'll quit her well-paying job to placate her man-child and then he'll bitch about how they should have never had a baby and the baby that she "had to" have is sucking up all their income. Yeah, he might want a loaf, but the second it becomes inconvenient, suddenly it'll be all the wife's fault that the loaf exists.

Wanna-Duh needs to learn to stop acting like a petulant child before he goes and tries to make another one.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 01, 2017
Another breeder problem that could be solved by...NOT HAVING KIDS.

If you don't want to do the cunt work, you shouldn't be having them.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 01, 2017
If you would be "unfulfilled" by having to spend time with your kids, whether you are a man or woman, you shouldn't have them. Very simple, right?

Breeders have a way of making their lives needlessly complicated.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 01, 2017
I wonder if he's wearing one of carry in front baby carriers I see so many young men have.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 09, 2017
My friend met up w/ a former co-worker of mine who married a doctor. He never wanted kids. He somehow agreed to one, well....they have two. He works all the time, is never around for her and certainly is not interested in said kyds. She's miserable even tho they are rich rich rich. I told my friend,....she's surprised that hubby who didn't want kyds isn't now interested the kyds he really didnt want, really? These selfish moos make their beds and just can't lie in them, can they?

I just said, she should focus on the good. She can do what she wants, when she wants and he leaves her alone. She might be a bit lonely (anyone married to a doctor can attest to this) but she has the time and the means to amuse herself and her kyds anyway she wants. Life certainly could be worse.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 09, 2017
My friend met up w/ a former co-worker of mine who married a doctor. He never wanted kids. He somehow agreed to one, well....they have two. He works all the time, is never around for her and certainly is not interested in said kyds. She's miserable even tho they are rich rich rich. I told my friend,....she's surprised that hubby who didn't want kyds isn't now interested the kyds he really didnt want, really? These selfish moos make their beds and just can't lie in them, can they?

I just said, she should focus on the good. She can do what she wants, when she wants and he leaves her alone. She might be a bit lonely (anyone married to a doctor can attest to this) but she has the time and the means to amuse herself and her kyds anyway she wants. Life certainly could be worse.

How true. Maybe money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can rent a big chunk of it.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 09, 2017
Yea, I understand that, too. My husband and I live in a smallish house on a large piece of property in the country. We aren't rich by any means, however, it doesn't matter HOW much money my husband made. If I had kids, I'd be miserable as shit, too.

Then again, I like to keep my life simple, and brats are a recipe for drama and disaster.

Money doesn't buy happiness, and neither do brats. If anything, they force people into responsibilities that they can rarely handle.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 09, 2017
Another breeder problem that could be solved by...NOT HAVING KIDS.

If you don't want to do the cunt work, you shouldn't be having them.

Exactly. How many adults talk about how they can't get enough of cleaning, staying up all night taking care of someone, watching someone to make sure they don't put themselves in danger, and picking up after someone? Because that is exactly what most days with kids are like.

Never heard an adult whining about not paying child support or for daycare.

I hated cleaning and all that crap as a kid. As an adult, I tolerate it because it is better than a dirty house.

Seems really simple to me!
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 09, 2017
My friend met up w/ a former co-worker of mine who married a doctor. He never wanted kids. He somehow agreed to one, well....they have two. He works all the time, is never around for her and certainly is not interested in said kyds. She's miserable even tho they are rich rich rich. I told my friend,....she's surprised that hubby who didn't want kyds isn't now interested the kyds he really didnt want, really? These selfish moos make their beds and just can't lie in them, can they?

I just said, she should focus on the good. She can do what she wants, when she wants and he leaves her alone. She might be a bit lonely (anyone married to a doctor can attest to this) but she has the time and the means to amuse herself and her kyds anyway she wants. Life certainly could be worse.

I have no idea why she didn't listen to him. He said he doesn't want kids and he works all the time. That translates into her taking care of the kids or hiring someone to do so. Very little help from him and it isn't as if he lied.

And since she has kids it is a million times better to have money than not. At least when she is miserable she can hire help to take over and spend some time relaxing. And even if she is miserable it would be in her best interests to be very kind to her husband and a good wife or she could find herself divorced, poor and miserable.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 10, 2017

How true. Maybe money can't buy happiness, but it sure as hell can rent a big chunk of it.

One of my favorite quotes:

Said by Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind
Money can't buy happiness but it can buy some excellent substitutes.

That is, unless you have kids. Yeah, you can afford to pay someone to care for them, but you can't pay to make them go away altogether.

The doctor was an idiot. A friend of mine's mom used to work for a doctor who gave himself a vasectomy one morning before the rest of the staff got to work. (He had kids and wanted to make sure he didn't have another.) Some might say it was drastic but it's also called taking control of one's fertility. This guy had medical knowledge and it's a fairly simple procedure. I would do it if I were a guy and similarly inclined.

On some level this guy must have been okay with having kids. Many guys just go along because they don't believe they have the right to determine their own lives.

The Moo should also have her head examined....I don't understand why people want to spawn with unwilling partners. But I guess she wanted this guy's money.
Re: He wanted kids until he realized he would be the SAHD
June 11, 2017

The Moo should also have her head examined....I don't understand why people want to spawn with unwilling partners. But I guess she wanted this guy's money.

Or settling. Everybody is so goddamn scared of being alone that they'll take whoever will put up with them for longer than 15 minutes, even if there's zero compatibility and they have nothing in common. This is why I don't understand these people who are obviously not made for one another who pay someone to help them "work" on their marriage. If any sort of a voluntary relationship needs work, then it's already a failure. No personal relationship should require such a degree of effort that it feels like a job just to maintain it.

So instead of just accepting that the relationship isn't going to work out, splitting up and going off to find more compatible partners, the two idiots will make a brat that chains them together forever even when they do split up. Then the kid gets shuffled between each parent's home and has to deal with their parents' respective romantic partners who, nine times out of ten, won't want anything to do with the kid and will do their best to ignore it because it's not theirs. The bio-parents don't give a shit how this will affect their child because they decided to be fucking stupid. Or worse, you get the ones who stay together "for the children" and then the kids get to grow up thinking that Mommy and Daddy screaming at each other or Daddy punching Mommy is completely normal behavior. Or having their parents' resentment taken out on them because they're the reason why their parents "have to" stay together. Apparently, a dysfunctional/abusive home is better than a divided one.
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