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"It's like a judgement on your masculinity"

Posted by yurble 
"It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018
Time for an article about how Oog's sense of self-worth depends on breeding. Along with the usual description of people who are entirely too fixated on breeding:


“My failure at fatherhood ate away at my very being,” he says. “Friends later told me that my body was physically hunched from the emotional weight of my baby wait. I didn’t want to talk about it to anyone. I would walk past children playing in the park and I’d feel my heart breaking into tiny pieces. I would oscillate wildly between anger and depression. After learning a friend of ours was pregnant, I didn’t leave my bedroom for two days.”

there's the discussion of the 'crisis' of declining fertility:


One study held in Edinburgh showed sperm counts declining from an average of 100m spm in 1950 to 50m spm in 1990. Another conducted among sperm donors in France suggested that healthy sperm levels were dropping by 2% a year. It’s figures like these that encourage the postulation of doomsday scenarios, familiar from science fiction, in which humanity risks extinction.

playing a violin
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018

“He told me: ‘You’ve got no sperm. You can’t have a family.’ That was just a five minute-conversation. He knew I was at work but he didn’t think twice about delivering the news and hanging up. There was no offer to come in and have a chat, to explain or help with what the impact might be.”

Typically, that sort of thing is reserved for, you know, diagnosis of legit medical conditions that will change the patients life forever - diabetes, cancer, kidney disease - knowing that your balls are empty is not the life-threatening crisis you think it is.


“The remarkable thing about ART (assisted reproductive technology) is that even when it’s the male problem, it’s the female that has to undergo treatment. What sort of equality is that?”

That's because the woman is one who has to play host to the damn thing. How would you like to be a prisoner to an abhorrent parasite in your body? A ghastly clump that sucks nutrients away from you that both changes and damages your body beyond recognition? Would you like to squeeze a watermelon out of a 10cm orifice on your body?


“I remember going to see the doctor to get the announcement of the test and hoping that it wasn’t me. Hoping that it was her fault.”

Wow. Prince fucking Charming right here guys. So let me guess, if it was her fault, I bet you'd have lauded it over her like the wonderful bastard you are cutting a smiley with a chainsaw
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018
Prince charming is right. After NINE IVF cycles they got their child, but check his comment: :

“We had a girl,” he says. “We’re overjoyed with her. Genuinely feel blessed. But I really feel for anyone who doesn’t come out the other side. I wanted to go for more but my wife was adamant that she wasn’t going to do it again.”

Of course he wanted to go for more because it wasn't his body that was being subjected to medical procedures. . She probably only did it because he would have left her had she not been successful.

People being infertile is hardly a crisis in a world with billions of people. If people are indeed becoming sterile, it's because there are too damn many of us on Earth and we are swimming in our own filth and pollution.

I read stuff like this and think we are definitely devolving as a culture. We used to define women by their reproductive organs. Feminism was supposed to change that, but it did not. It made it worse because we have Moo Power. And now men are equally defined by their reproductive organs.

And it seems there is no shortage of males like these idiots who buy into the rhetoric.

Someone is making a lot of money off these sheeple.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018
We need much more of this.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018
Of course he wanted to go for more because it wasn't his body that was being subjected to medical procedures. . She probably only did it because he would have left her had she not been successful.

Yup. It's insanely easy for a man to say he either wants kids or is okay with having them if the woman wants them because men don't have to suffer physically the way women do incubating the fucking things. And then it's super easy for him to say he wants more because he also probably isn't lifting a damn finger to raise them because that's the woman's job too.


He spent most of his 30s trying to have a child, and the failure to do so left him depressed, he says, sometimes in tears, and “hiding under the duvet”.

If I sat around for a majority of a decade trying to reproduce, I'd be crying under the duvet too, but not because I failed at breeding. Because I failed at living.


“He told me: ‘You’ve got no sperm. You can’t have a family.’...There was no offer to come in and have a chat, to explain or help with what the impact might be.

Anyone can have a family. We all have families comprised of relatives, friends, and pets. Not being able to have children does not mean you can't have a family. Also, what purpose would have been served by this guy going to see his doctor to discuss anything? His sperm count was beyond low - it was non-existent. There is nothing further to discuss. Did this idiot want to pay money to hear his doctor tell him to his face that he's barren? Or did he think his doctor would pull some magic cure out of his ass just for him?

I will admit I'm surprised that some men attach as much importance to their fertility as women sometimes attach to theirs. Like to the point where they think that is the only thing that defines them as people. So this guy couldn't make a loaf the old-fashioned way and this warranted what was basically mourning? I'm not even saying that because it's a man because it's fucking ridiculous when women do it too. I might feel a smidgen of sympathy for their asses if there were tons of children other people didn't want who need loving adoptive and foster homes. Someone wants to be a parent that badly, then it shouldn't matter if the kid is related to them by blood. But since the ONLY way these pricks can truly love a child is if it's from their own loins, they would sooner spend six figures on failed fertility treatments than look into adoption or fostering for the same amount. Yeah, no fucks given.

Also, why is it that masculinity is determined by a man's ability to reproduce? We have an odd definition of "manly," it seems - it's a guy who is straight and fertile, apparently. Meanwhile, most Duhs are the biggest pussies you'll ever meet. There's a lot more that goes into being a man than the viability of their sperm. Why do we have to attach so much meaning and value to someone's ability to breed like it's the only thing that matters?
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018
What an ass!

The attitude that being able to reproduce is somehow linked to manliness reminds me of the men (though I use the term loosely) who refuse to neuter their dogs because of their own masculinity hang up.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 16, 2018

He spent most of his 30s trying to have a child, and the failure to do so left him depressed, he says, sometimes in tears, and “hiding under the duvet”.

If I sat around for a majority of a decade trying to reproduce, I'd be crying under the duvet too, but not because I failed at breeding. Because I failed at living.

It would be much more tragic if this guy had a terminal illness or a debilitating mental illness he had to deal with for the rest of his life. I've known so many people who've overcome much larger obstacles than their sperm count and without their "woe is me, I spent a decade hiding under the duvet."

A decade hiding under a duvet, he doesn't want to be around friends who have kids or talk about it. I cringe imagining how his wife felt, what a kill-joy.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 17, 2018
Damn, that’s some real priorities there. You’d think the guy had been neutered or something. And it’s been a problem for a long time, this Og dickwerks thing.

My parents married in 1942, when Dad was in the US Army. He was 25 and Mom was 19. He shipped out to Europe in 1943, and they were worried because Mom wasn’t pregnant yet!!!OMG! Why the hell would you want a kyd when there was no guarantee you’d make it home alive? Would you want to raise a baybee as a war widow?

BTW, I’m the last of five. Dad was 48 when I was born. He was proud of that, of course. Not sure how Mom felt about it, she thought her childbearing days were over. Oh well.fainting
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 17, 2018
Maybe the guy has a mental health condition like depression? Although, I don't personally believe that working sperm make the man. To me, the mark of a real man is how he treats those around him, his values, etc. In any case, his whining is pathetic. People are dying of fucking cancer out there, and he's hiding in the bed for ten years because his sperm don't swim? He really needs to get a life.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 18, 2018

Also, why is it that masculinity is determined by a man's ability to reproduce? We have an odd definition of "manly," it seems - it's a guy who is straight and fertile, apparently. Meanwhile, most Duhs are the biggest pussies you'll ever meet. There's a lot more that goes into being a man than the viability of their sperm. Why do we have to attach so much meaning and value to someone's ability to breed like it's the only thing that matters?


My grandpa joined the air force during WWII, trained to become a glider pilot to purposely sneak behind enemy lines, held down a full-time job when the war was over, supported a wife and 5 kids, built the damn house they lived in with his own two hands, and ran a farm in his spare time for fun.

My ex husband would throw a tantrum every time it would snow because he'd have to get up early and dig out his car. If his ass wasn't on the couch watching porn or playing video games he would sulk. He was a fucking toddler with a job.

The majority of men (from what I've seen) today *are* huge fucking pussies. Culture tells them it's their role to be clueless, lazy idiots. There's no push anymore for a man to be masculine, strong or capable. It's great that less men are acting like sexist pigs and feel more comfortable with emotions, but FFS, it's hard to find any of these ball-less wonders attractive.

Of course Mr Metrosexual has low sperm count and blubbers over it and hides under the "duvet". He's basically a bitch on his period.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 18, 2018

The majority of men (from what I've seen) today *are* huge fucking pussies. Culture tells them it's their role to be clueless, lazy idiots. There's no push anymore for a man to be masculine, strong or capable. It's great that less men are acting like sexist pigs and feel more comfortable with emotions, but FFS, it's hard to find any of these ball-less wonders attractive.

Of course Mr Metrosexual has low sperm count and blubbers over it and hides under the "duvet". He's basically a bitch on his period.

Look at how the media portrays men. They are horny idiots with wallets to be used for sex and money. At the last FT job I had there were literally a dozen or more single moms that would gather at breaks and brag or complain about how much or little money they were bulking out of their babies daddies to spend on new boyfriends. And it's the guys fault - they know if they knock these girls up, they're getting put on the child support express for 18 years, but they have sex without condoms without being married anyway. And of course, when these bad boys don't pay up, or skip town, it's never the girls fault they picked losers - it's societies fault, for not making their sperm donors own up to "their responsibilities". And then they apply for assistance, which all of us pay for, even though we were smart enough not to breed, and they weren't.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 19, 2018
My ex husband would throw a tantrum every time it would snow because he'd have to get up early and dig out his car. If his ass wasn't on the couch watching porn or playing video games he would sulk. He was a fucking toddler with a job.

The majority of men (from what I've seen) today *are* huge fucking pussies. Culture tells them it's their role to be clueless, lazy idiots. There's no push anymore for a man to be masculine, strong or capable. It's great that less men are acting like sexist pigs and feel more comfortable with emotions, but FFS, it's hard to find any of these ball-less wonders attractive

Oh dear lord, I know a handful of guys who pout about everything and they can be very difficult to be around. Grown-ass men pouting because they didn't get exactly their own way, didn't get what they wanted the second they wanted it, or taking something completely out of context and getting upset about it. I understand being annoyed about some things, but have you ever seen a grown man pout for six straight hours because you accidentally unknowingly said something that reminded him of something sad that someone said to him ten years ago? It's very hard to feel sorry for them.

I'm glad to see that we're slowly creeping away from the expectation that men can't show emotion for any reason, but some of these guys just take that inch and run clear across the globe with it. I don't think a guy has to be physically strong, brave, fertile, straight, or have a lumberjack beard to be considered manly, but being a man-baby is wholly unattractive. These are also usually the neckbeards and incels who piss and moan about how all women are whores who won't sleep with them.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 19, 2018
My ex husband would throw a tantrum every time it would snow because he'd have to get up early and dig out his car. If his ass wasn't on the couch watching porn or playing video games he would sulk. He was a fucking toddler with a job.

The majority of men (from what I've seen) today *are* huge fucking pussies. Culture tells them it's their role to be clueless, lazy idiots. There's no push anymore for a man to be masculine, strong or capable. It's great that less men are acting like sexist pigs and feel more comfortable with emotions, but FFS, it's hard to find any of these ball-less wonders attractive

Oh dear lord, I know a handful of guys who pout about everything and they can be very difficult to be around. Grown-ass men pouting because they didn't get exactly their own way, didn't get what they wanted the second they wanted it, or taking something completely out of context and getting upset about it. I understand being annoyed about some things, but have you ever seen a grown man pout for six straight hours because you accidentally unknowingly said something that reminded him of something sad that someone said to him ten years ago? It's very hard to feel sorry for them.

I'm glad to see that we're slowly creeping away from the expectation that men can't show emotion for any reason, but some of these guys just take that inch and run clear across the globe with it. I don't think a guy has to be physically strong, brave, fertile, straight, or have a lumberjack beard to be considered manly, but being a man-baby is wholly unattractive. These are also usually the neckbeards and incels who piss and moan about how all women are whores who won't sleep with them.

I hear ya. There's a whole hate group aimed at women by some of these types. They claim that women are evil. They committed an act of terrorism on Canadian soil.

They couldn't get a date, so they hate women with extreme malice. I hope that someone takes them down soon.
Re: "It's like a judgement on your masculinity"
August 21, 2018
The true traits of a man include valour, intellect, respect, compassion, honesty, duty, provision and general uprightness. Does a man's dick do any of that? No. It doesn't. Men don't know how to be true men anymore. They focus entirely on whether they can subjugate or woo women and how much better they are than women than whether or not they have grown as an individual. I once asked a fellow (male) colleague of mine "what is the opposite of man?" They said "woman". I said "Wrong! The opposite of Man is Child." They literally stared at me as if I had grown another head. To define yourself as a man based on how much you AREN'T a woman is just plain silly as well as restrictive and soul-sucking. Hell, another colleague broke a button on his jacket and I sewed another one on good as new. He couldn't do it because he never learned because he thought sewing was girly. Literally foregoing a SKILL in face of being seen as womanly. What a waste.

A few colleagues have intimated to me that they considered me to quite manly despite my general willingness to be feminine as well as masculine. I am not even remotely violent and I'm not a pig towards anyone. I refrain from commenting on other's bodies because it is disrespectful at heart and is an act of degrading the other. It's all simple and yet we see men everyday who clamour to find the true essence of what it means to be a man. This guy probably defines his manliness on how well he can "conquer" a woman's body with his seed. That's pretty gross.

I wish people would understand that their biology doesn't automatically reflect their identity. I'm living proof of that.
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