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Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)

Posted by KABA 
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012
WOW! Kim, I'm glad I'm on your side. Are you sure you don't wear a leather bikini and carry a broadsword? If anyone is a Valkyrie, it's you! You're really slicing, dicing and making Julian fries out of these idiots! Again, MY HEROINE!
Post more details about the unethical use of donation funds, KK! This could be on the level of Hawt Widow and I do think past and potential donors should know what that money has gone to. That sort of thing is EXACTLY why people are told to NEVER donate to a single beneficiary and instead donate to reputable charities. It's telling that this woman says, "Donate to me, er, LILY," and not ask for potential donors to instead divert their funds to the Trisomy 18 Foundation. If you're going to whore out your severely disabled daughter, do something good with it instead of continuing to be a self-serving cunt.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Not only did she knowingly sluice a Tri-Tard, which will have no quality of life, but she exploits, and capitalizes on her disability as well?

And she has the nerve to call KK cruel!

The more I hear about this evil witch, the more I can't stand her.

What a self-serving cunt!
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012
I never have anything nice to say about kids, but I do feel bad for Lily. That is no life at all, and the fact that her evil bitch of a mother was aware of the outcomes disgusts me.

And KK, :yr
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012
I just checked out the actual blog and it looks like the commenters are ripping her to shreds.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012

Chewed Cud Spews Forth from the Pie Hole of the Cow

Financial Peace
This is the blog post that is probably going to be the hardest to post. It's easy to talk about money, just not your own. For some reason, though, I feel this calling to do this post. It's been calling me for a few months now. I've resisted, given it some thought, and finally decided to take that leap. BAD IDEA because announcing to the world how you have enough net disposable income to actually "budget" each month, EXTRA money for family and couple dining, "nights on the town", allowances for your kids, karate lessons, Chick Fil-A and Starbucks treats, gifts, vacations, "goals" of things you want to buy going into your savings accounts, baby sitters, daycare for Gabriel, paying off debt faster, flat screen tv's, IRA-retirement accounts, charitable donations, cell phones with internet access, and "blow money" , when you are on WIC, Medicaid, and take donations from people! The only "call" she should be getting is from Medicaid, WIC, and the IRS Fraud Division!! bouncing and laughing

MY GOD, did I leave any of your FRIVOLOUS spending habits out? You have the NERVE to say I am heartless with my "at the tax payer's expense" comment in reference to Lily, yet you BRAZENLY post your careless and self indulgent spending habits! Do you live in such a bubble you don't know that in this economy, MANY PEOPLE don't have the extra money to stash into retirement and savings accounts, GIVE TO CHARITY, spend $25 on GIFTS every month, go out to eat, give their kids allowances, let ALONE have any "blow money", as you called it, to throw away! HOW DARE YOU rape the government till with getting WIC and Medicaid and take donations from well meaning people and then QUIT YOUR JOB!confused smiley

THEN you pretend to be a hard working stay at home moo of a disabled child, all the while you are dumping the one kid off on a daycare center and pay a baby sitter to watch Lily, until she finally got sick of your horse shit and quit.:YOU are a real piece of work and have a LOT of nerve. NEVER have I witnessed such a BLATANT act of greed or entitlement, ever. As if all of that wasn't enough, THEN you expect sympathy and pats on the back for allowing your poor child to suffer. UNBELIEVABLE.

It's not for me. Perhaps there is a family of a T-18 baby out there who's wondering how they can cut there financial lives back to a single-income household. Maybe not. Still, I feel led to write this post. No, YOU don't need any advice on how to make it financially because you have WIC, Medicaid, and donations to line your pockets, and God only KNOWS what all else you fraudulently obtain!eye rolling smiley

Donations for Lily spent on, "much needed night on the town" and other things they weren't meant for
What I am not trying to do is put myself up on a pedestal and give a financial holier-than-though attitude. This is our lifestyle. Plain and simple. I am also not using this as a way to secretly ask for money. I would rather use my talents to make money than to ask for it to be given. But we're not at that place, so please note that I am not asking for money. I'd like to add that we have had a few anonymous people send us monetary gifts. There have been times when I don't know what we would have done had these gifts not come. Other times, they have lightened our financial load. Some of these gifts have allowed me and Dave to spend a much-needed night on the town. We have tried to use the monetary gifts for purchases mainly for Lily, but sometimes we've used them for Gabriel and Soleil and things they need. Occasionally, they have been for personal items, but we try not to use them frivolously. There have also been times when our parents have helped us, but it's been more like helping with gifts or vacations. We certainly appreciate all they've done, and never intend to "mooch" off of them. It's not enough to steal from strangers,but she mooches from family too.:BS

Long string of excuses leading to her PERMANENT unemployment
Where to begin? When we found out about Lily having T-18, both Dave and I were working. I was contributing about 52% of the income. The rush to go to a single-income household wasn't really there because we didn't know what was going to happen to Lily. I didn't want to quit my job and then something happen to her and be left at home to dwell in that sadness. On the other hand, we also didn't know how we would be able to afford it. After she was born and it was time for me to go back to work, we decided to have someone to come into our house and watch her and Gabriel. This was not an easy decision because of the scary nature of that and because it was going to cost us a lot more than what we would have paid for both Lily and Gabriel to be in daycare. But daycare was not an option. Is it necessary to point out you were contributing "52%" before you up and quit work for good? That doesn't impress anyone you USED to be the majority bread winner, at all, and it sure doesn't make up for the fact you "retired" at age 40 and won't ever bring in another dime, except what you collect from donations and WIC.

I don't know how we've done it. There have been many contributing factors that I can say, yes, those helped, but there have also been some very mysterious happenings that perhaps God himself had initiated to help us through all of this. Income tax checks and extra work, a little government intervention and employment payouts have helped, but still, there are some things that are unexplainable. Unless GOD pays into WIC and Medicaid and sends you donations in the mail, that's NOT how you were helped financially. Stop trying to make your mooching sound like divine intervention.

In the time that we've been in Charleston, basically a year, we have paid off our car, our only credit card, and my student loan. Getting rid of those debts lifted a large weight off of our financial load. We have used Dave Ramsey's model for paying off our debts, but I must admit we don't have that "gazelle intensity" that he talks about. There are times when we probably buy things that we shouldn't and contribute to a debt instead, but we are human, and we know that we cannot deprive ourselves of everything. That leads to disaster. I also am a big fan of the tv show "Til Debt Do Us Part," and try to follow some of Gail Vaz-Oxlade's suggestions. WHY NOT? Why should you get to go out and eat and go "out on the town" while on WELFARE, when many working people can't afford it? WHAT makes you special? confused smiley

I can not BELIEVE she "budgets" for charity when she IS charity case!
The first item is Charitable Gifts. I must admit that we do not give monetarily as much as I would like, but we do try to give a little of our money and a lot more of our time. I'd like to see both of those types of charitable gifts increase, for I believe in the "Pay It Forward" philosophy. Since the new school year brings a small increase in income, Dave and I have been able to increase this category a little. MY how you must feel so warm inside to donate to poor people from your welfare check. waving hellolarious

Savings comes next. Right now, our savings is mainly in the form of putting money away for short-term items like taxes, car/house repairs, clothing, office supplies, gifts, and goals that we have, but those aren't really in our "savings" column. I'll talk about them later. When he started this new job, Dave decided to take a break from contributing to retirement. If we don't contribute this year, we will definitely make it a priority next year. It's not something we like holding back from, but it has helped us pay off a few bills and afford to live in a slightly better area. SAVINGS? Does Medicaid know you have savings and retirement accounts and "blow money"?confused smiley

Housing: We were unable to sell our house before we moved. Luckily, my brother rents it from us, but we don't make any pocket money off of it. What we make goes right back into it. Plus some. We are actually putting a little more into an equity payment attached to that house as part of our bill paydown plan. We recently bought a house, and luckily, Dave's school switching to a year-round schedule gave us a small "chunk" of money with an end-of-the-year payout. We were allowed to use that towards closing costs. Plus, we borrowed a small amount from my mom, and we'll use our tax refund to pay her back. Actually, our closing costs were a lot less than we expected, and we could have depleted our short-term savings and taken that leftover amount and paid her back, but she told us to keep in just in case we needed it and pay her back later. You own TWO houses and STILL get WIC, Medicaid, and donations? I forgot about your hefty tax refund you no doubt get too. saying 'wtf'

Utilities: We budget $150 for electricity and $50 for water. Since we've moved, we may have to adjust that. What that means is a 79 degree thermostat (in the summer) and 67 (in the winter), which we find keeps us comfortable with our ceiling fans on, not using the dishwasher every night, turning off lights and tv's when they aren't in use, taking shorter showers, and bathing the kids together. In the winter time, I give myself permission to take one long, hot soaking bath per month. Like I said before, I can't deprive myself of everything. We have cable, which we mainly got for football season because going out to watch football is not possible with three children and it can get expensive. But we also don't go to the movies very often, and we know where to get free movies and cheap movies. We both have cell phones that have internet access, but we don't have a home phone. When we bought them, it was cheaper because we didn't have internet. Now, it's become a luxury. But it does come in handy in many ways. And we pay for internet, but that's pretty cheap for us right now. shrug

Food: This is the one I'm proud of. I was watching The Today Show or something like it the other day, and they said the average household spent somewhere around $800 on food. Blah! We could never afford that! Our grocery budget is $290--one hundred of which goes toward our CSA for fruits and vegetables. So we budget $190 to spend at the grocery store. This includes toiletries. It's actually quite easy. . .and healthy. What we don't buy are sodas (unless we have company over), a lot of processed foods, and a lot of junk. (Read Michael Pollan's books, and you'll understand.) Our snacks usually consist of a GORP mix or popcorn and sometimes ice cream, but we've been making that ourselves lately. Occasionally, I'll buy crackers and sometimes canned fruits and vegetables, but we try to make it as fresh as possible. Meats are bought when they're on sale and we try to have leftovers. It's humiliating, but I'm being as safely transparent as possible, but we do receive WIC. We usually get a lot of meals out of the eggs, tuna, and beans, too. So, yes, it helps our grocery budget, but we usually have a little money left over, so we could probably be safe without it. It's just nice to have that "safety net." Plus, with school starting back, Gabriel doesn't eat breakfast and lunch here. Oh, and I don't use coupons. STOP BRAGGING about how little of YOUR money you spend on groceries when WIC is subsidizing your fucking budget and Gabriel gets free lunch and breakfast at school! You don't need much grocery money because you're always going out to eat!:BS

Restaurants: We budget $50 for going out to eat. Dave's a good enough cook that eating in isn't too bad, but it's nice to have a change eating out and not have to clean up afterwards. INCREDIBLE. So few people can afford to go out anymore and THEY have jobs! eye rolling smiley

Transportation: We budget about $250 for gas and $70 for taxes and repairs. Dave has begun to carpool with a fellow teacher, so hopefully we'll be able to cut our gas bill.

Medical: We budget $200 for medical bills and $40 for medicine. Lily is on Medicaid. That has saved our financial lives. Personally, I'm not proud of it, but she deserves it, and that's all that matters. If our bills are over $200 each month, I call and make payment arrangements. Luckily, everyone has been very accommodating. But it sure is nice when all medical bills are paid up and we don't fully spend the $200! cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck While everyone ELSE has to PAY their medical bills after insurance pays, but MEDICAID is free, for you the cows who get it!:BS

Personal: We have things like life insurance that I'm not accounting for in this post, but we do have those bills. We put aside $5 for office supplies (also mentioned in savings), $25 for gifts, and $16 for karate for Dave (a man's lifesaver!). :headbrick

Allowance: Gabriel gets $12 for allowance, but that will go up to $16 when he turns four. He puts 5o cents in each labeled jar: savings, spending, gifts, and donations. The other dollar, he puts in the jar of his discretion. Sometimes he breaks it up; here lately, he's been giving it to himself in spending. We RARELY buy him things, including the cereal that he wants (we get cereal with WIC). When we do buy him something, it's because we would like to give it to him, not because he's screamed for it. The last toy we bought him was a housewarming gift we let him pick out when we moved. I really can't remember if we bought him a toy in between then and last Christmas, but he has bought himself a few things. The way Dave and I see it, we'd rather enrich Gabriel's life by spending time with him and taking him places than to buy him things that will never truly make him happy. Plus, he has plenty of toys that he's very happy to play with. eye rolling smiley

Extra: We allot $30 to "blow" money. This is money that we can just spend on whatever. $30 goes to entertainment that could be a restaurant but doesn't have to. $50 goes towards vacations, but we don't always put that much aside because this comes out of our bank program that puts a dollar in savings every time you make a purchase. Most of the time, we're always under budget with this one. PLUS the $200 they "budget" for medical and RARELY have to spend thanks to the tax payers.

Student Loans: We have Dave's student loan to pay off. It's a pretty hefty sum, but we hope to have it paid off in the next four or so years.

Goals: I've already mentioned that a small part of our savings consists of goals. This money does not come from Dave's teaching income. Dave also writes grants and does part-time work on high and low ropes courses. I make pies that I sell around Thanksgiving and Christmas time and do a little cake decorating. The extra money that we make goes toward our goals. There are times when people might think that we spend this frivolously, but we don't. We've made a list of things we'd either like to buy or do, put them in order of importance, and marked them in our goals column. And if it's something to buy, we wait until we find a good deal. We bought a flat-screen tv. While that may seem frivolous, Dave had been wanting one for years, but he didn't want to pay more than $10 per inch for it. About six months ago, he found one at Sam's on their clearance rack for about $10.40 per inch, so we bought it. We bought iphones. Yes, we knew we'd have a more expensive data plan, but we got the iphones refurbished. Dave paid $20 for his; I paid $9.53 for mine. They listed for $200. Some of our goals are pretty expensive. One of mine is to go back to South Africa. I'd like to take all the kids with us, and that's going to be pretty expensive. But I want to go and meet my newly found T-18 friend Taryn and let her daughter, Mikayla, and Lily play with each other. Plus, I'd like to go back to Kruger National Park. Once we get our bills paid off and if I go back to work or start doing something from home, who knows, maybe this dream will materialize. I don't mind being patient. At this rate, she'll be able to fly first class to South Africa by this Christmaseye rolling smiley

Our budget, our goals--yes, they require sacrifice. Sometimes, I hate those sacrifices. But I know that they are molding me and making me more appreciative of what I have and more aware of what others don't have. That awareness spurs me to want to take action, and I take action when I can. I remember when I lived in Augusta how Chick-fil-A was about a twenty minute ride from my house, so I would only go maybe four times a year. Oh, how I love Chick-fil-A! Then they built one down the road from us, and it became a five minute drive. Rani, Autumn, and I would go every Thursday, and they would get a free kid's meal and I would get my regular value meal. After a while, I didn't appreciate Chick-fil-A so much. It kinda got boring, and I got to the point where I really didn't want it anymore. Now, we don't go to Chick-fil-A very often, so I've grown to appreciate it again. :BS

If you've made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS! I know this was a long post. I know I disclosed a lot of. . .um, personal. . .information. And I know I'm not perfect. Our budget is only a budget, and we could stand to perfect it. I hope it has given inspiration to someone out there who may be thinking about staying home with the children or even to someone who may be looking for happiness in. . .things. It's not there. I know. While living our budget is hard, and I complain about it sometimes, I am not unhappy. I am fulfilled, and in the little that we think we have (because God knows, there are a whole lot more out there who have less than we do!), I find myself. . .blessed. And I know you will too. THAT'S the understatement of the year! She has more "extras" in her budget than the Screen Actor's Guild!drinking coffee

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012
WIC-Cow on a Travel Related Spending Spree

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind! St. Patrick's Day weekend, we headed down to Orlando, Florida, to help celebrate Kayli's birthday. She was granted a Make a Wish wish to spend the week in Orlando, having a parade for herself and other Trisomy 18 children. We weren't able to attend the parade, since that was our travel day, but the next day, we attended a celebration where twelve other children with varying chromosomal conditions, mainly Trisomy 18, gathered. The oldest, Tess, was 22! 400 hundred miles from Charleston, ONE WAY, and adding in driving around at approx 100 extra miles, plus or minus. No way they found a hotel cheaper than $100 a night in Orlando for them and two kids AND on a holiday weekend. Even with decent gas mileage of approximately 30 miles to the gallon, and we all KNOW they drive an SMooV, at $3.50 or so a gallon, the gas alone would have cost in the vicinity of, $120-$150, just for that leg of the race. Two nights in a hotel, $200+/-.shrug

Then, 8 meals or so out for the whole famblee. EVEN IF "kids eat free" couldn't be less than $20 each, so that's another $160-$200 for meals. I am being conservative, I believe, because I honestly think it'd be closer to DOUBLE my estimate. We haven't even added in extras, snacks, souveniers, drinks, etc........ So thus far they have spent roughly $500, AT LEAST.

After the celebration, we headed to Tampa because that's where my best friend lives. Since we were in Florida and so close, it would have been a shame not to visit her! That visit was amazing! Not only did we see Yvonne and her family, but we also got to visit with her niece, Jackie. Jackie has a condition called Pallister-Killian Syndrome, a condition that is quiet rare. It seems that only about 200 children are diagnosed with this condition. Oh, what a sweet little baby! Another miracle to add to the list! My only regret is that the visit was not long enough. Now, they ZIP across Florida to visit friends, adding at LEAST another 200 or so miles to their journey, at an added expense of probably around $100+/-. Now, we are edging up to a MINIMUM of $600-700, and like I said it's probably double that in their SMooV, but we'll just say $600 for shits and giggles.eye rolling smiley

We got back on Sunday evening, had Monday to settle and get things together, and then took off Tuesday for Philadelphia, where Dave had a conference to go to. That was quite an exhausting trip! Because of all of the equipment we had to take with us for Lily, there wasn't room for our double stroller, so I opted to use a hiker's backpack to carry Soleil around the city. Day one had the kids and I walking a lot downtown. Day two did not hold the adrenaline that day one held. I think we took a rest on day three. Day four held a visit to the Please Touch Museum, so I didn't have the backpack, but watching three children in a place packed with children was exhausting in itself. And the last day, a very cold day, found us driving around looking for a park for the kids to play in the majority of the afternoon. I suppose it's possible Dave got reimbursed for this trip by his company, but I doubt they paid for the extra meals, museum visits and whatnot, the merchandise no doubt purchased during that long down town walk, incidentals, and the upgraded hotel room to accommodate those kids and all those kid accessories. Also, there's no way to go on a four day trip out of town and NOT spend any money!

We'll give her the benefit of the doubt though and low ball the Philadelphia trip at an out of pocket "blow money" cost of $200. Thus far in less than a week, she's spent at least $800, but she doesn't have to worry about food and medical bills, has the donations to fall back on so she won't miss out on any restaurant visits, nights out on the town, or her monthly charitable donation pledges, etc.......so all is well.
:confused smiley

NOT BAD for a Cow on WIC, living on donations, and can't pay for her own child's medical expenses!cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
In Philadelphia, we saw the Liberty Bell, played in Franklin Square and a few other smaller parks, went to the Reading Terminal Market, walked through Chinatown, visited the Please Touch Museum, ate Peking duck, went to a 76ers game, and had a Philly cheesesteak taste test. We walked a lot and all of the kids were champs! I am so proud at how well behaved and tolerating of our circumstances they were. On our last day, the kids and I were in a restaurant, and our waitress came up to me and told me that the lady beside me would like to pay for our meal! The waitress said, "She says you have a beautiful family." I cried over such a lovely gift. Such a high compliment and tender gesture! I wish I had made some business cards like I've been meaning to create to share with her about Lily. I wanted her to know about our family and how Lily helps make it beautiful despite her condition. (Not that my other four children don't make our family beautiful, for they surely do in their own unique ways!) FFS! She can't even go on VACATION without pandering to the public!bouncing and laughing

ON to the Big Apple!
That was on Sunday, and soon after that episode, we headed to New York to visit Dave's parents. It was great seeing them! During that visit, we got a chance to go into the city. Unfortunately, it was really cold, so we drove and mainly stayed in the car. But Gabriel and Soleil got a chance to get out into Times Square, and Gabriel got to play for a few minutes in Central Park. Again, another short trip. We left Wednesday afternoon with the intentions of stopping overnight at a hotel, but then decided to make the drive overnight. We got home at 7:00 the next morning! The drive home was interesting because we were able to ride the ferry from Delaware to Maryland (I think). eye rolling smiley

And we're not done! We've got a few more scheduled visits out of town for the month of April! There's MORE?confused smiley

I love it because I love, love, love that Lily gets to have these experiences! Sure, we take a risk sometimes, and she probably doesn't understand what's going on, but I believe that she feels the excitement in us that we get to share these experiences with her. And I believe she thrives on things like that.:BS

Unbelievable eye rolling smiley I am not going to even attempt to calculate how much they spent going from Charleston to Philadelphia and on to New York, and BACK to Charleston and all the expenses in between because we ALL KNOW it was expensive as hell. I don't believe they could have done all that for LESS than 2-3k, I really do not. I know I spend at LEAST five hundred dollars every time I travel home to visit my family and that's only an 800 mile round trip. Traveling is expensive and there's always "extras" when going out of town. "Extras" Cows exploiting WIC, Medicaid, and donations from well meaning people have NO BUSINESS spending.angry smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 16, 2012
These experiences are meaningless to her glorified, fleshy paperweight of a child. Nice to see that the taxpayers get to foot the bill for someone else's vacations under the guise of charity for a lost cause.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
I'd like to email that post to the Wic office, among other places, and see what they think of it.
satansbitch, we're completely on the same page. If I weren't so preoccupied with school right now I'd send emails and snail mails to the head WIC and welfare office in Charleston to show them what a digusting, mooching pigs this sow and her husband are. I may do it after the semester is over.
pepper labeija
satansbitch, we're completely on the same page. If I weren't so preoccupied with school right now I'd send emails and snail mails to the head WIC and welfare office in Charleston to show them what a digusting, mooching pigs this sow and her husband are. I may do it after the semester is over.

As soon as I google those places, I'll get to it. If you want to do the same at some point this cow could be in hot water a little bit faster.
I have no words. I hope no one ever gives this cunt another dime.

The fact that this bitch can afford all the trips she takes, goes out to dinner all the time, and has a fucking iPhone, makes me sick toy stomache. I scrimp and save every dime I make just to get through every month. We don't take trips or go out to dinner because we cannot afford it. My husband is disabled and gets no disability,because we don't qualify for it. We don't qualify because we don't have kids, according to the state of Florida. So for this woman to milk the system the way she is makes my blood boil.

Whoring out your cataclysmically retarded daughter in order to steal money is pretty fucking horrible. Burn in hell, bitch.
I have no words. Attention whoring her severely disabled daughter isn't enough? The nasty cunt has to exploit other people for money? Unbelievable.
pepper labeija
satansbitch, we're completely on the same page. If I weren't so preoccupied with school right now I'd send emails and snail mails to the head WIC and welfare office in Charleston to show them what a digusting, mooching pigs this sow and her husband are. I may do it after the semester is over.

This is the type of thing that makes my blood boil. Add me to the cause...I've been doing research on this for a law journal article, and I may be able to help.
I'd get screenshots of her blog in case she or one of her idiot minions gets wind of this, because she might delete those posts.

What a fucking conniving, thieving bitch.

My husband and I struggle in this goddamn shitty economy. We worry about our retirement and scrimp and save and this cunt is living high off the hog on our tax money and money she fraudulently obtained via her blow, all the while parading her unfortunate kid like some prize at a freak show. WTF does she care, she's getting a fuck ton of money out of this.

This breeder bitch is SICK, CRUEL and just EVIL.
Gee KK didn't you realize that you're supposed to stroke the special mommies udders and tell what an amazing moomy she is and tardette is the bestest most spayshul tard of all. sarcastic clapping

On a far more serious note it never fail to boggle my mind that people pull crap like that "invitation". What kind of reaction could she possibly be expecting? Like KK is going to go "crawling" to her site and "repenting" everything and "admitting" that she is a horrible person. Or maybe KK is supposed to have an epiphany and immediatly go get knocked up with a tris-tard of her own so she can be super spayshul to.

I do feel horrible the kid though I couldn't imagine forcing someone live a life (and i use that term very loosely) like that.

I'm a human too, so I want to indulge in delicious food, take trips, and spend money on luxuries. I want to never work again and put my mind and energy into projects and other activities that I care about.

I can't because I didn't shit out a defective loaf that people feel sorry for, even if shitting out said loaf was a choice all along.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 17, 2012

I wish I had made some business cards like I've been meaning to create to share with her about Lily.

I had no idea it was such a common moo idea to produce 'business cards' for people who will never be capable of obtaining a job. Can't they at least call them 'information cards' or something?

At least Lily is probably less annoying to the general public than these brats. Can she even make noises?
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 17, 2012
I'd get screenshots of her blog in case she or one of her idiot minions gets wind of this, because she might delete those posts.

Here are the direct links to the posts in question:
I just wanted to add that in my high school there was a program where students could take a class period every semester to work with the sped kids in their class and assist the teacher. I did it for a semester, and learned that working with developmentally delayed people just isn't for me. One of the kids was a Trisomy kid, and it was heartbreaking. She couldn't move on her own. Her hands were clenched, her body very malformed, the rocker-bottom feet and all. She couldn't communicate. She was in intense pain much of the time. She did seem to respond positively to a music mix tape that her mom made her, but that was the extent of her sensory development. I'm fairly certain she wasn't intelligent enough to truly know what was going on around her. She would never get to grow up and do normal things, and it was kind of my first real exposure to how bringing a defecto-loaf into the world is cruel and inhumane. If someone already knows their child will "experience" life in this state, why would they want to bring it into the world? Oh yeah, because pro-lifers think all life is sacred, even with little to no quality of said life. :headbrick
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 17, 2012

You own TWO houses and STILL get WIC, Medicaid, and donations? I forgot about your hefty tax refund you no doubt get too.

Don't forget Social Security. Disabled loaves get that automatically. Now if an adult who has worked and contributed for years needs it they are told they don't qualify or are not disabled enough. So you have SS, WIC, Medicaid, donations, "borrowing" from family, and fat tax refunds.

And they took a vacation to Canada too.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 17, 2012
Snark Shark
" so please note that I am not asking for money"

smile rolling left righteyes2

" But I want to go and meet my newly found T-18 friend Taryn and let her daughter, Mikayla, and Lily play with each other"

by "play with each other" does that mean "stare at each other from their strollers"?

"Oh, how I love Chick-fil-A!"

now popular with homophobes!

" the Please Touch Museum"

"and she probably doesn't understand what's going on"


"My husband is disabled and gets no disability,because we don't qualify for it. We don't qualify because we don't have kids, according to the state of Florida."

I think someone's lied to you, Chevy. Has he applied for social security disability?

Yes, three times, and he was denied three times.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 17, 2012
Snark Shark
" so please note that I am not asking for money"

smile rolling left righteyes2

" But I want to go and meet my newly found T-18 friend Taryn and let her daughter, Mikayla, and Lily play with each other"

by "play with each other" does that mean "stare at each other from their strollers"?

"Oh, how I love Chick-fil-A!"

now popular with homophobes!

" the Please Touch Museum"

"and she probably doesn't understand what's going on"


"My husband is disabled and gets no disability,because we don't qualify for it. We don't qualify because we don't have kids, according to the state of Florida."

I think someone's lied to you, Chevy. Has he applied for social security disability?

Yes, three times, and he was denied three times.

No lying is necessary. The system allows for denial of actual disabilities in favor of moos who have none or loaves who are just born with any kind of medical issue. No one wants to change this, not the dems or repubs. When they make necessary cuts to save Medicare/medicaid, it will be against adults without kyds and the elderly. It is better for the CF to find ways to not put into the system as it is set up to fund those who deserve it the least, like this greedy cud chewing tri-tard moo pig.

To the CF who have actually been granted disability or some kind of assistance when necessary, you are the exception.
pepper labeija
satansbitch, we're completely on the same page. If I weren't so preoccupied with school right now I'd send emails and snail mails to the head WIC and welfare office in Charleston to show them what a digusting, mooching pigs this sow and her husband are. I may do it after the semester is over.

As soon as I google those places, I'll get to it. If you want to do the same at some point this cow could be in hot water a little bit faster.

If it's Charleston, SC here is the address and name:

Kelli Murray – WIC Director

SC DHEC Region 7
4050 Bridge View Dr. Ste 600
N. Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 953-0071

If it's long distance it is: 1-888-553-6844

Here is the main site address: http://www.scdhec.gov/health/mch/wic/region7.htm

Social services:

Department of Social Services
3366 Rivers Avenue
North Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 953-9400
(843) 953-9610 (Fax)

Main site address: http://www.charlestoncounty.org/departments/DSS/index.htm
why in fuck's name did this stuipid woman have another baby after having lily? why risk inflicting another kid with this sad, painful life? i feel bad for all her kids.

someone is a martyr moo, alright.
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