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"DADCAMP" - The Problem With Married Couples Who Choose To Have No Kids

Posted by law 
Buzz the Idiot Duh
I wrote a very specific rant about 2 childless couples I know and how their lifestyle choices / complaining about those choices are frustrating to those of us with families.

Considering that their lifestyle choices have exactly 0 impact on you, and that's why you're getting torn apart on the Babble comments section, you're still an asshole.

Buzz The Idiot Duh
1 is a childless couple who moved into the inner city right across the street from a school. The school is now closed because of lack of children in the neighborhood.

I don't see you moving to the inner city, you fucking dumbass. MAYBE the lack of children is why they moved there??? After all, didn't you just finish telling us CF that if we go to places that have kids, not to bitch about it? Here you are bitching that a CF couple went somewhere where there are no kids. What the fuck do you want? Do you know where you're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you?

Buzz The Idiot Duh
I also mentioned a colleague who has lamented about her lack of social life in the suburbs.

Of course you're too much of a fucking moron to realize that this was an insult specifically aimed at you. She's surrounded by mooing boors like you all the time and I'm surprised she was honest enough to note that your suburban hell is basically just a form of Idiocracy. I feel sorry for your colleague, being surrounded by fucking idiots.

Buzz The Idiot Duh
The thesis, however, remains – childless couples are becoming ever demanding and selfish in a campaign against kids.

That's probably because pahrunting skills are becoming scarcer than brain cells in your house. Perhaps if you reined in your feral little crackmonkeys, people wouldn't be working so hard to get them their own zoo areas.

It's really too bad this witless cro-magnon didn't study economics in college, he would realize that city planning, urban development, fuel costs and availability, tax structures, and other economic factors have a lot more to do with where people choose to live and why and why schools in the inner city are shutting down (while dorkface here makes a run for the city border suburbs) than it does with people being childfree, childless, old, hipster, or having curfews. College would cure a lot of this idiot's deficiencies but hey, at least he accomplished proving to the world that he can lose his load in a vagina. YAY BUZZ! You go boyeee!

I am soooo happy this whiny little bitchcake found us and the Childfree facebook page! :1wv What's up, Sackless Douche?
night owl
Zacharie, ending in -ie? How twee.

LMAO! waving hellolarious Twee is the perfect word for it.

You can tell that the 2nd kyd is not the favorite, they couldn't be arsed to come up with a creative way to spell Charlie. It even has an opportunity for an incorrectly used Y.
law, thumbs upwink

In addition to being feeble-minded, he has an outrageously grandiose sense of self.

The fool thinks he can tell 'childless' couples and empty nesters where to live. All because OgDickWerx. Puta, por favor!

In how many ways can people tell him that his two little shits are every bit as inconsequential and completely worthless as he is?

Hey duhd, you just don't and can't get it, can you? Poor, whiny, low testosterone fool.
I've checked the page again...and both of my rants are still up. The initial one has 48 likes and several replies, and the second one is at 75 likes. In the meantime, BuzzCock, BuzzKill, whatever the fuck the douchenozzle's name is, is still getting reamed with a 5 grit sandpaper condom in the comments.

He also has a half-wit fanboy by the name of Joe Maddison, with ears that could fit on a Cessna.

Hi, BuzzCock! :1wv We know you're still lurking....come on, post something here! You know you want to... :yeah


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Squatting near schools?! That's funny, because the BF and I live catty-cornered from a school. We decided to buy our house because it was move in ready, the price was right, and there was a grocery store literally right next door. I could give two shits about some famblee so desperately fucking needing this house because of the location, instead of us. This "dad-camp" douche can fuck right off with this holier than thou "fam-mees need this, child-free people selfish, fucking waaa!" attitude. I hope a child-free neighbor's dog shits a big, sloppy one right on his front doorstep.
Squatting near schools?! That's funny, because the BF and I live catty-cornered from a school. We decided to buy our house because it was move in ready, the price was right, and there was a grocery store literally right next door. I could give two shits about some famblee so desperately fucking needing this house because of the location, instead of us. This "dad-camp" douche can fuck right off with this holier than thou "fam-mees need this, child-free people selfish, fucking waaa!" attitude. I hope a child-free neighbor's dog shits a big, sloppy one right on his front doorstep.

Seems that he doesn't mind squatting if it's his autard kid (just waiting for the post about how "Z is 'speschal'") in the public shower. And do you really think CF people WANT to be near a school? They probably liked the house, the price and, maybe the resale value that being near the school provides
From one of his "brilliant" posts

He knows the word is penis. He knows Daddy has one too, and his Mamma has a bagina, but we still just call them both peeps.
Cannot imagine what Easter is like for that child
His tripe was so bad, I responded multiple times under my two FB profiles (one is for home, one is for using during my work breaks). If I didn't know better, I'd think he was posting as a troll just to get a rise out of people. His follow up piece was an exercise in patheticality, (not a word, but should be), though I did appreciate the shout out to Bratfree.

He also has a half-wit fanboy by the name of Joe Maddison

Oh, that guy. What a tool. Another replier and I called him out on on some of his failed logic. His only reply to it was he was glad we were not reproducing and that he'd have the last laugh. Whatever he'll have the last laugh means. If Joe has already reproduced, I am actually depressed. I hope he's sterile. I looked at his FB profile, I get the suspicion he's a low IQ pervert.
From one of his "brilliant" posts

He knows the word is penis. He knows Daddy has one too, and his Mamma has a bagina, but we still just call them both peeps.
Cannot imagine what Easter is like for that child

Bagina? Why can the kid know the proper term of penis and not the proper term of vagina?

Wonder if the kids will develop a sugared marshmallow fetish in the future...
Yes, Joe Maddison seems quite excited we are "removing (ourselves) from the gene pool". This seems to show both little understanding of genetics, and assumes we all were spontaneously created. Most of us actually DO have other relations.

I think Joe Maddison is a wannabe-duh who has put as much thought into having kids as Bozzo himself did. If he wants ro see his future, he only has to look at CampDuh to see the resentment that awaits.
Yes, Joe Maddison seems quite excited we are "removing (ourselves) from the gene pool". This seems to show both little understanding of genetics, and assumes we all were spontaneously created. Most of us actually DO have other relations.

I think Joe Maddison is a wannabe-duh who has put as much thought into having kids as Bozzo himself did. If he wants ro see his future, he only has to look at CampDuh to see the resentment that awaits.

I decided to check out his FB page myself...nothing but pics of women who won't give him the time of day IRL.

waving hellolarious waving hellolarious waving hellolarious


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
I just posted a reply "awaiting moderation."

I got a vegas bet it will never see the lambent light of day.

Hey did you notice Bitchy Waiter weighed in? thumbs upwink

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
I just posted a reply "awaiting moderation."

I got a vegas bet it will never see the lambent light of day.

Hey did you notice Bitchy Waiter weighed in? thumbs upwink

I did...I would totally buy Bitchy Waiter a beer! :beer


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Am I a bad person for just sniggling to myself whenever I read this crap?

Kids being brought up today are more entitled and selfish than ever. Do these parents really think that they are going to waste their precious time wiping their asses and bringing the grandkids around? Puh-leeze.

The only way I see that happening is if the kids stay in the same place the parents were, and become asshat breeders just like them. But with kids in their 20s moving away from suburban areas because of the expense, it looks like Buzz Lightyear is out of luck.

Ha ha. Too bad.
Did it ever occur to him that inner city schools close, not because of CFers moving to the city but because they are notoriously shitty schools? They usually get the poor and dumb and are closed because they are underperforming.

Still don’t hear families in my ‘hood complaining about my presence…

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Shit, it is too early in the morning to read all his well, shit. I will never understand why people write stupid crap to get attention and then get mad when they get attention. It's like he thinks if you don't breed you shouldn't exist. It's none of his business if anybody has children. In case number one of the closed school, it is really common in the city I live in the close schools as they age and become more expensive to keep up. Since the precious shitlings aren't even allowed to walk 2 feet without Mommy watching them neighborhood schools within walking distance have become pointless so they build new, larger schools and bus kids there. Let's also not forget that there are still probably many empty-nester couples who raised their kids but wanted to stay in the family homes. Should they be rounded up and sent to the CF concentration camps as well? As far as the non-breeding woman who doesn't like the fact that all the women are one big moo clique, I think she has a point. People should have interests outside kids. Those who don't end up divorced.

:1wv to dumb Duh who is still reading. Oh, and I live within walking distance of 5 schools. Oh, the horror.
Yes, Joe Maddison seems quite excited we are "removing (ourselves) from the gene pool". This seems to show both little understanding of genetics, and assumes we all were spontaneously created. Most of us actually DO have other relations.

About ten generations from now, Joe Maddison will have a great great great great great grandson named Frito Pendejo.
Shit, it is too early in the morning to read all his well, shit. I will never understand why people write stupid crap to get attention and then get mad when they get attention. It's like he thinks if you don't breed you shouldn't exist. It's none of his business if anybody has children. In case number one of the closed school, it is really common in the city I live in the close schools as they age and become more expensive to keep up. Since the precious shitlings aren't even allowed to walk 2 feet without Mommy watching them neighborhood schools within walking distance have become pointless so they build new, larger schools and bus kids there. Let's also not forget that there are still probably many empty-nester couples who raised their kids but wanted to stay in the family homes. Should they be rounded up and sent to the CF concentration camps as well? As far as the non-breeding woman who doesn't like the fact that all the women are one big moo clique, I think she has a point. People should have interests outside kids. Those who don't end up divorced.

:1wv to dumb Duh who is still reading. Oh, and I live within walking distance of 5 schools. Oh, the horror.

The first house I ever bought was right across from one Cathlick elementary school playground, and kitty corner to a public junior high. I worked during the day so avoided the chyldryn and it worked out well. I liked not having to look directly at other people's houses across the street and instead had a big playground where even *I* could go play frisbee or run sprints in. A local adult softball league also used it to play softball so it was nice to sit on my front steps on warm nights and watch.

The place we rented before we moved to where we live now was about 3 houses down from a Cathlick elementary school. Again, I was not there during the day when school was in so it was all good. We were more annoyed by living a couple blocks away from a Cathlick church since they tended to take up all the parking for blocks and drive around like idiots for Saturday night mass and other events. Also, we did share the house since it was divided into two apartments, so not sure how duh feels about that. Maybe that is less offensive since we are at least in a one-bedroom apartment.

The house we are in now is nowhere near a school, but since it IS still in the suburbs and in CampDuh's view has too much space/yard/ for a childfree couple and would be considered a "single family home" (which of course, we are even without brats), it probably still does not meet his requirements. angry flipping off

It’s frustrating. While families seek homes near amenities their children will need, those without need for said amenities squat. Grumble.


The thesis, however, remains – childless couples are becoming ever demanding and selfish in a campaign against kids. If you put yourself in place where kids are going to be, don’t complain about it. Stop squatting on land that families need near schools.

Does genius know what squatting means? A person who legitimately purchases property cannot be a squatter, Loserduh.

Here he is attempting to explain in the comment section-


I do think the baby boomers remaining in older communities has cause a lot of problems when it comes to finding appropriate places for schooling. The infrastructure, for the mostpart, exists, but it exists in communities that were vibrant decades ago. There has been no churn as the empty nesters stay in empty nests next to schools. It would be nice if they moved on, but I understand why they don’t.

So their failure to churn just makes them ...squatters. In the house they've lived in for forty years, the house they have paid off and cared for, in a community they are invested in. They should just churn on out of there because this piece of crap says so. Wow, DuhCamp sounds like a lot like a nazi. Bet he'd like it if the empty nesters get sent off to another kind of camp, as long as the breeders get their houses.
Did it ever occur to him that inner city schools close, not because of CFers moving to the city but because they are notoriously shitty schools? They usually get the poor and dumb and are closed because they are underperforming.

Still don’t hear families in my ‘hood complaining about my presence…

A major factor of city schools closing or just getting shitty has been white flight. People like Buzz run to the suburbs and only the poor remain. No matter what your race, you socioeconomic status is a MAJOR predictor of educational outcomes. So it is Buzz and people like him that cause the downfall of some city schools. Many cities have reacted to this problem by creating specialized (arts, sciences, etc.) magnet schools in the cities. Where I am the "downtown school" is well thought of and many faculty ship their loaves there. This is not a new concept (Bronx School of Science anyone) so I wonder where buzzkill will expect CF to go if one of his flesh lumps shows signs of benefiting from such a school (although I know of no programs that are seeking non-housebroken pasta-phobics.).
Seems that he doesn't mind squatting if it's his autard kid (just waiting for the post about how "Z is 'speschal'") in the public shower. And do you really think CF people WANT to be near a school? They probably liked the house, the price and, maybe the resale value that being near the school provides[/quote]

Oooh, resale value... I forgot about that one. Not to mention that it is damn near impossible to find a nice house for a decent price with a big enough backyard for my muttleys (and fat cat) to roam happily, without it being literally within fucking earshot of the damn railroad tracks around here!
That whole peeing in the shower thing makes me think of that bleach commercial where the idjit kid announces that "he made potty!", and when moomy finds the crapper to be empty, she asks lil' idjit, "where did you go?". Well, come to find out the moron crapped in the bathtub! I somehow predict this to be in Buzz-kills future. waving hellolarious Infact, I'm praying this happens on a regular basis to that idiot!
My apologies for the whacked out looking post. I'm not sure what I did there, but I screwed that one up good.
Did any of you read the post titled, "Give it to the kid"? Apparently Buzz the Douche seems to think that if you catch a foul ball, hockey puck, or whatever at a sporting event, then you are automatically supposed to just give the damn thing to the nearest lil' crotch-fruit! Really? Well, I think fucking not! Screw you, buddy. If I catch a damn foul ball, I am keeping that damn foul ball! Just because you have a widdle, biddle, baybee does NOT mean it gets precedence over my need for sports memorabilia.

Here we go again with douche-camp talking about what self-entitled, assholes CF people are. I find it funny that he says we are assholes, but he keeps going on, and on about how duh chilldwyn come first, duh chilldwyn are special, all hail before the 1 foot tall, non-autonomous being that STILL craps its pants, slobbers on everything/everyone, and can't speak normal, human English! I think that's just a wee bit of entitlement showing on his end. The more crap I read from this ass hat, the more enraged I become!
Did any of you read the post titled, "Give it to the kid"? Apparently Buzz the Douche seems to think that if you catch a foul ball, hockey puck, or whatever at a sporting event, then you are automatically supposed to just give the damn thing to the nearest lil' crotch-fruit! Really!

I had one of these douche nozzles expect me to give his kid my over $100 Littman Stethoscope to his kid for a toy!

Bite me asshole. And I was right my comment never made the light of day at his duhdy camp.

Must suck to know some CF guy does more for kids and understands far more than he eve will about kids.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
College would cure a lot of this idiot's deficiencies but hey, at least he accomplished proving to the world that he can lose his load in a vagina. YAY BUZZ! You go boyeee!”
If that’s all he’s accomplished, he really isn’t much better than a grasshopper. Although I’m quite sure grasshoppers do a better job at raising their young than he has. What a sad sack of shit you are, Buzz.
"It may be stressful and hectic now, but when I’m old I will have children and grandchildren to keep me company and I will be showered in family. I wonder how happy a childless couple will be when they’re at the end of the line?"
Ahahahaha! Let’s not kid ourselves, duh. The way you treat your youngest son, there’s no fucking way he’ll be wiping your ass. And if you think your favourite golden penis will do it, you’re dreaming. Continue spoiling that kid, and he’ll end up a self-centred, narcissistic adult just like his pa. When you’re of no use to him, he’ll throw you away and forget all about you. And that’s if you’re lucky. If he’s got an inheritance to gain, you best watch yourself.
Grandchildren? That’s possible. You may have to track down all of golden dick’s baby mamas in order to see them, and that’s if he’s actually the father. Just prepare for a whole lotta crack babbies.
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