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13 year old girl is brain dead after tonsilectomy (Jahi McMath). Mom wants life support continued.

Posted by bell_flower 
I'm not sure insurance could cover it since she's technically dead.

This. The ambulance hearse chasing lawyer claims insurance is paying for this. However, this girl was declared dead by six doctors and a judge. Insurance, whether private or welfare whore, is not paying for medical treatment to a corpse.

The hospital knows it will wind up eating the cost (which we will as well, when they have to raise costs) so they want her removed ASAP.

Everyone is seeing dollar signs for a multimillion dollar malpractice suit. However the hospital will settle in a PR bid for a much smaller amount minus their costs, and the lawyer will get most of it.

There is little indicating malpractice from where I sit right now. This hospital performs thousands of them a year. The surgeries together are complicated, but common when the docs don't want to put someone under multiple times. Patients deemed risky often have them done all at once, which tells me there were more issues.

The parents and their mouthpieces are lying to the press, and when the hospital asked them for permission to speak the parents refused to grant it and I believe got an injunction to gag the hospital.

The child was clearly obese from the hospital pics. What else are they trying to stifle? And do they think that this will prevent the truth from coming out in the inevitable lawsuit?

And yes, it seems they do not understand that coma victims still have brain activity. Terri had a brain stem that still worked even if the rest of her brain was bean dip. Jahi does not have a functioning stem, which makes her dead. The only reason her heart beats and she is warm is because circulation is artificially induced.

I hope she is at peace, and honestly hope her family finds some and lets her go.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
If some nursing home takes the body to pretend it is still alive and the body starts rotting and liquefying, the family will be further traumatized and can try to sue for that. I can't believe it would get to this point or that any medical facility would legally be able to keep and feed a corpse as if it were a living person. Someone needs to step in on behalf of the dead girl so she may be put to rest. The family is truly crazy if they are fully informed about what is happening to that girl's body and they still won't let her go.
Blondie, the comments on CNN had an ICU nurse describe that very thing. A young mother had back surgery and arrested right after. The husband kept her on mechanical support because his evil pastor said she would miraculously recover if he believed enough (nice guilt trip, asshole, tell him that if he asks Sky Daddy nice enough his wife will be returned.) At the 3 week mark she was CT scanned. The brain was literally liquefied. At this point, the husband asked to keep her on just so the kids could say goodbye and let her go. I feel for him; he gets guilted by some religious crackpot on top of losing his wife.

My empathy for this family pretty much fizzled out; anything I feel lies with the kid, who is no longer here.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Bleh. Now the fambly is looking to ship the corpse cross -country. Lamest road trip ever ....

The letter sent to the lawyer by the hospital is almost hilarious...and the hospital has had NO response as to where the facility that is willing to take this person "in her current state". My guess is that facilities were willing to take a PVS person but not a dead person. The hospital has released the letter stating they need the name of the facility, the people to contact and the name and point of contact for the company transporting her. This was on Friday. No response.

Sorry but the hospital has gone above and beyond in mollycoddling this family. They are proving to be nuttier than squirrel shit, attention whores or both.

Thanks to the injunction against the hospital, this family can get one side out to the media. Once the lawsuit commences, all bets for onesided coverage are off.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Has the hospital tried explaining things to the familiy ala the dead parrot sketch yet?
Sorry but the hospital has gone above and beyond in mollycoddling this family. They are proving to be nuttier than squirrel shit, attention whores or both.

Believe me, Childrens Hospital is counting down the minutes until 5:00 PM -- they're just complying with the temporary restraining order, as stupid as it was for the courts to issue one. They've surely figured out by now that Jahi's family is a bunch of primitive, rabid animals who need to be 5150'ed, yesterday. Given their deluded behavior in this situation, I'm fully expecting there to be some kind of shooting incident at the hospital. With under 3 hours to go now, any one of them or their supporters could go absolutely ape shit, so the hospital better have SWAT teams all over the place.

You know what pisses me off about this whole thing? Her family could have gotten something positive out of this tragedy and tried to have her organs harvested, if they were viable. But now they're going to decay within her body and it will all be a waste.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan


The famblee really wants to see her organs turn to mush before they'll finally let go... :headbrick


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
God, what a shitty, cruel family. I hope my family won't "love" me that much if I'm ever in such a state.
The letter sent to the lawyer by the hospital is almost hilarious...and the hospital has had NO response as to where the facility that is willing to take this person "in her current state". My guess is that facilities were willing to take a PVS person but not a dead person. The hospital has released the letter stating they need the name of the facility, the people to contact and the name and point of contact for the company transporting her. This was on Friday. No response.

This is what makes me suspicious. If the family has a facility willing to take her and allow them to act out whatever fantasies they please about her making a miraculous recovery, you'd think they would name them and get whoever's in charge to take all the steps necessary to have her moved. But none of this has happened, despite the family's frantic flailing.

It's all bullshit. The family claims that a pediatrician examined her and determined that she's not dead....but this mysterious doctor hasn't been named, or come forward independently. And now they have a facility that's willing to take her...but it hasn't been named either, and there has been no contact made with this mythical place. I had a bit of sympathy for this family in the beginning, because this is a truly shitty situation to be in. That has completely evaporated in the face of what appears to be a pack of lies and possible fraud.
I don't know what the fuck they hope to accomplish in that amount of time. (Probably trying to keep her corpse "alive" until after the first of the year, so they can claim her on their taxes one more time.)

Have they even thought about the logistics of moving her body elsewhere? She's already dead, none of us would argue with that -- but they'd have to have some kind of power source for the ventilator at all times. Will medical transportation even take a dead body anywhere but the morgue? Will *any* facility in the United States take her once they fully know her condition? Methinks not.

I imagine it's getting pretty ripe in her hospital room by now...
True...if she is "alive" tomorrow, they get to claim her for the year for more tax credits. But what if it is reversed and she is once again declared dead. I think the court ruling about her condition still stands, but who knows what the IRS will decide.

My friend, a parent, said that the family is not accepting the harsh truth. I said that is what I thought at the beginning, but now between no-name mythical quacks claiming brain death is not the same as cardiac death and this lawyer making up no-name mythical magic unicorn medical centers willing to take this "Weekend at Bernie's" child they are certifiable. They have lost all sense of reality.

I said I had much empathy for them at the beginning, and even could see keeping her hooked up till Christmas. But this is now ridiculous.

captcha: PUHnk

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
I just saw an update about this on the news. Granted, I walked in in the middle of things, so I may be mistaken; but, I believe they said that the hospital has protections against malpractice claims and that the cap is something like $2,500.

If that's true, I suppose the famblee could sue the individual doctors involved in the surgery to get more money. I have no idea what kind of limits doctors would have, if any, that they could collect from.

My mom was a nurse for 30+ years before she retired. I was just asking her the other day, aren't there some sort of medical ethics at play here? I mean, for the long-term care facility that would supposedly take her? I suppose that legally they might be able to take the patient, but doesn't that raise all sort of ethical questions about a facility that would except a dead person and indulge the fantasy that she could come back to life, while trying to collect big money for it?

Don't get me wrong, hospitals, doctors and treatment facilities deserve to get paid for their services, but in this case? It would only be keeping a body existing until it rots. Seems highly unethical to me.
There is a whole lot of ethics at play. The hospital is already breaking them by keeping her "undead" (I refuse to call her alive because she is not) but they have a court order telling them to. They refuse to put tubes for breathing and feeding in her because it is unethical to do this to a dead body. Any care facility that is licensed is going to turn her away for this reason.

I am calling bullshit on the long term treatment facility. They keep saying that media attention may drive a facility away, but they don't shy away from media attention so this is no big deal. Plus the hospital can be asked to keep it confidential and probably would, and no names have been given to them.

I think care facilities are driven away by the ethics of keeping "Bernie" undead. They won't tell the grieving, batshit crazy parent that they are refusing to take a corpse so they say things like the last spot has been filled in first come first serve. Meanwhile "Bernie" is wasting (and wasting away in) a PICU spot for a kid who may actually have a shot at life.

And here in Thumperland, a dead body (who has an order to not be kept on support) is kept alive undead to incubate a "potential" baby. (Maybe the "potential baby" should be transplanted into Bernie; two birds/one stone....batshit moo keeps daughter alive, stupid state preserves a potential baby.)

PS: California has a 250,000 cap on pain and suffering in malpractice cases.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Okay, I actually rewound to the report on my satellite, and the news reporter did say the cap was $2,500, so I wasn't mistaken, but apparently the reporter was. I'll cut some slack since the attorney he was talking to didn't correct him.

But thanks for the info, I knew $2,500 didn't sound right, being so low.

I would assume that if there is a NY facility willing to take the body, the reason they aren't named is that they probably made it a condition. Being an unethical move, they probably would not want to have their name publicized in relation to this case.

Even if this girl is moved to a long-term care facility, the body is going to decay. Then the famblee will probably try and sue over that.

I can't remember if someone here said it -- and my apologies for not going back and reading -- but, it was the idea of a feeding tube. If the body is dead, and is/will be decaying, a feeding tube will just stuff the stomach and related organs with food that will not be processed. Will they just stuff her full of food until the stomach explodes? It's not like a dead body is going to go to the bathroom and eliminate the food.
I can't remember if someone here said it -- and my apologies for not going back and reading -- but, it was the idea of a feeding tube. If the body is dead, and is/will be decaying, a feeding tube will just stuff the stomach and related organs with food that will not be processed. Will they just stuff her full of food until the stomach explodes? It's not like a dead body is going to go to the bathroom and eliminate the food.

:::pausing for a moment of irreverence:::

That makes me think of the zombie that is assumed to have eaten Lori Grime's corpse in S3 of The Walking Dead. After consuming her body, it slumped to the floor in an engorged stupor, where Rick came upon it. The viewer is left to think "it's dead, what will happen to what it ate?"

The longer this thing drags on, the more horror will be piled on the family. As someone commented above, it probably is beginning to smell ripe in that room. I wonder if nurses are bathing the girl with fragrant oils to cover the smell of decay?

My father suffered a stroke that destroyed his brain. Thankfully, he had instituted a DNR and only deploy basic means instructions. No one in the family fought it (certainly not after seeing how the pressure build up that blew his gasket distorted the shape of his head.) Morphine for the pain he was likely feeling, even in an unconscious state, and liquids. The two weeks he lingered in a vegetative state, the room developed a worsening stench. Being sane people; accepting that the man wasn't coming back; we kept wishing that someone would show mercy and give the poor man just a wee bit more morphine than necessary, enough to finish what his body seemed to be fighting.

When a body is dead, its appearance changes, no matter the measures that are taken. That family must be bat shit blind to not see that.
Watching this chyld slowly rot is sick and cruel. They need to bury her. She's gone and nothing in the world will change that.
who the hell is paying 10k a day for this lifesupport for a corpse?
Maybe one of the hospital staffers could "accidentally" leave a window open in Jahi's room. The smell of putrefaction attracts insects -- I think you all know where I'm going with this. Then, and ONLY then, will the famblee "get it."

Judging from their past behavior, they'd probably call in a witch doctor, or something equally outlandish...
So, she'll be decomposing but still have her circulation and whatnot going? That's... interesting.

Now, obviously what they're doing is cruel and stupid, etc., but am I a terrible person for finding this absolutely fascinating? I mean, the humanitarian bit of me wants this shit put to an end, but the scientist in me wants to observe and take extensive notes...

Seriously, the whole thing kind of reminds me of Poe's The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Well, sort of.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Yeah, this is just demented...


The mother of Jahi McMath has alleged that the hospital where her 13-year-old daughter is on life support is not feeding her and have now begun to refer to her as 'the body'.

The shocking allegations made by Latasha 'Nailah' Winkfield come just one day after she won a court injunction to stop the Children's Hospital of Oakland from unhooking her girl from the machines that are currently keeping the teen alive.

'To watch my daughter just sit there and not have food ... I'm just so happy that she is kind of a thick girl so she still looks good,' Latasha Winkfield said today.

'I tell her every day, 'Jahi, you losin' weight girl, but you still look good.' I just think it's inhumane to not feed my child, to not refer to her by her name, and stop us in our tracks.'

Winkfield accused staff at the hospital of insensitive behavior - referring only to her daughter as a cadaver and not even giving her a Christian name.

'I hate it that they refer to her as just the body or the deceased; that is my child that they're talking about,' Winkfield said to ABC News.

'They don't even use her name.'


Of course they have to take the feeding tube out, there's no way for a dead person to digest food.

Oh and...


While Children's Hospital has yet to accept formal documentation, Jahi's attorney's have submitted court papers that reveal they plan to move her to the New Beginnings Community Center in Medford, on New York's Long Island.

The McMath family attorney Chris Dolan told NBC News on Tuesday that he planned to confirm today that the center was poised to take Jahi.

In an interview with NBC New York, Allyson Scerri, the founder of New Beginnings, who used to own a beauty salon, said that her center is 'all about life and that's what we believe in. We believe in hope and never giving up.'

Seems legit, right? smile rolling left righteyes2 No wonder they didn't want to tell the current hospital of the new place.

Much more to the article if interested.

strange aeons
So, she'll be decomposing but still have her circulation and whatnot going? That's... interesting.

Now, obviously what they're doing is cruel and stupid, etc., but am I a terrible person for finding this absolutely fascinating? I mean, the humanitarian bit of me wants this shit put to an end, but the scientist in me wants to observe and take extensive notes...

Seriously, the whole thing kind of reminds me of Poe's The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Well, sort of.

Ohh you're not the only one. Yes, it's cruel they're keeping this girl alive like this, but dear gods, the morbidly curious gorehound in me is on the edge of my seat, wondering what it's going to look like having a visibly decomposing corpse in a hospital on life support. I think I have a little too much of an interest in what happens to a human body once it's dead and I've never heard of anything like this before, so I'm also reading in fascination.

And I love that the Moo has her tits all in a twist over the hospital staff and their "insensitivities," referring to her dead child as a body... which is precisely what it is. Why the hell would they feed her? Her body cannot digest food because it is fucking DEAD. There is no brain activity, nothing works, everything's shut down. I don't know how that woman can honestly look at her own daughter's body every single day, hooked up to machines while she wastes away from not eating. You'd think the staff's actions - which I feel are appropriate and realistic - would be a big fat clue to Moo that the girl is totally gone and there is no hope. The staff doesn't use the girl's name because the girl is not there. It really is just a dead body that Moo insists on playing science project with because bawww she doesn't want to have to cry and let her child go, even though the girl has been gone for some time now.

This shit will get interesting, for sure. This corpse is just going to keep on getting smaller and smaller from lack of food and wasting away into nothing but a bag of skin and bones, the flesh will start rotting, the insides will turn to liquid shit and probably leak out of various orifices. I had no idea the brain liquefies after a while - that's pretty cool. I bet Moo will sue when all this happens too - sue for emotional distress because the staff refused to "feed" the body and prevent the inevitable cycle of death from continuing. Maybe they should just have some funeral home staff embalm the girl and let the famblee keep the preserved body in a hospital bed so they can keep on fooling themselves that this girl will wake up.

It really, truly sucks this happened. I'm not saying it's not tragic... but like everyone has been saying, this family needs to face facts and let this girl rest. She's not coming back, she's not going to get better, and there isn't eve any shred of life in her to preserve anyway. It's a body. She should be in the ground or an urn, not in a hospital or being transported to a new hospital that will encourage the family's horse shit cotton candy unicorn fantasies of a full recovery. I'm kind of shocked they haven't started trying to convince princes from other nations to come over and kiss her in the hope that maybe it'll bring her back to life like in fairy tales.
confused smiley If the body isn't alive, how does it have a metabolism to "lose weight"? Is this just more dysfunction in the brain of the moo?
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