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Awtard gets booted from neighborhood

Posted by cfdavep 
Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 18, 2015

Apparently an awtard's family was forced to move due to their kid being a public menance. Biting and spitting on people, sitting on outdoor cats. It was either be sued or hit the road. The family had to move and rent out the house
Anonymous User
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 18, 2015
Gopal and his wife, a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center, said they remain focused on helping their son. But they hope this case "will raise awareness about autism and educate the public" about the challenges that families of children with autism face.

"Raise awareness" and "educate" (ie indoctrinate with PC BS ) , the rallying cries of the entitled. What "awareness raising" do you think would make someone willing to watch their child or baby be struck by your ever-growing monster? Do you think "education " would EVER make me willing to tolerate my tiny dog or cat being hurt by your monster?

"It was painful," said Sue Alford, a 61-year-old retired registered nurse who has lived for decades with her family in a home next to one of the families that sued Gopal and Agrawal.

"We all met with them and talked to them about their son, but they didn't see our point of view," Alford said. "We wanted the street to be a safe place for other children."

As I expected : Two entitled prats who think their special snowflake, because he's their progeny, can do whatever he wants to whomever or whatever he wants, and anyone who doesn't cheerfully accept his violence is a Big Ol' Meany-Head. Narcissists .

The bit about "property values" should have been left out; this is a safety issue. Speaking of safety, do not go to the link and read the comments: It may take days for my blood pressure to go back to normal levels.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 18, 2015
Glad to see that a majority agree that the baby bashing, cat squashing brat needs to go elsewhere. If the parents are going to let it roam the neighbors needed to do something before puberty turned this kid into King Kong.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 18, 2015
ex lurker

The bit about "property values" should have been left out; this is a safety issue. Speaking of safety, do not go to the link and read the comments: It may take days for my blood pressure to go back to normal levels.

After the neighbors couldn't get results for parents, cops or CPS the "property value" issue was likely the best alternative option to get some action.
Anonymous User
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 19, 2015
Yeah, the 'property values' might have been a desperate grasping for straws by people at the end of the tether...But that's the phrase that's got the people against the neighbor's knickers in a twist : "Yer elevating property over people omigawd how heartless !" ( post 200+ times) .
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 19, 2015

"Raise awareness" and "educate" (ie indoctrinate with PC BS ) , the rallying cries of the entitled.

Yep. That and "ambassador." Hear somebody use those words, and look out. They're about to force something nasty on you.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 19, 2015

To Gopal and Agrawal's dismay, a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge last October issued a preliminary injunction against them to ensure their son does not strike, assault, or batter anyone in the neighborhood or their personal property. The case returns to court Tuesday, when a judge will hear arguments about whether the plaintiffs should have access to the boy's school and medical records.

I feel sorry for the plaintiffs. They had to pay money from their own pockets just so they could live their lives in peace. Where is law enforcment while Junior is terrorizing the neighborhood and vandalizing property?

This is our future, folks. There's a legion of these sneauflakes that are being relased to the world. Their parents won't control them, and law enforcement is afraid to do anything, lest they get crucified for dealing with an out of control animal like this.

Actually the comments weren't too bad, but the idiots who insist, "he's just a CHYYYYYLD. The fambilee needs support" don't know what the fuck they are talking about. If a violent tard like this were assaulting their kyds, pets or property, they would be up in arms. (understandable.)
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 19, 2015
It's about time, as it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. I can assure you with the explosions of autards predicted, this will no doubt become the norm and not the exception. However, this isn't half expected, with the whole social belief of babby-worship, zero kiddy discipline / consequences, and 'poor widdle/god's special friend/he's just a retard' attitudes that is so prevalent.

Tard or not, assaulting others and animals isn't acceptable, no matter how much the negligent parents deny it. Let's not forget that nature is also the greatest equaliser, and severe tardism become overcompensated in other areas, such as brute size and strength, which isn't helped when the idiotic parents overfeed them to pacify them. So little violent tard, becomes an ultra-violent hulking, murderous, rage-tard. If the moo/duh's can't control them when they're 6, what the hell makes them believe that they will be able to when their special flapper is 26?

Isn't it amazing, how the moo's are all for free-ranging autards and their 'rights', but as soon as one turns around and slaps a loaf (not supporting this vile action), they all band together and bay for it's blood. Still, when dealing with clearly clueless and outrageously entitiled tard-parents, extreme measures have to be taken, such as injunctions and legal orders - but that still doesn't stop the tard parents and tard worshipers entitled lowing about 'rights and awareness'.eye rolling smiley
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 19, 2015
There are a number of articles on this and some with some interesting details.

"Robert Flowers, on the other hand, tells Yahoo Parenting, “The case is being presented to the public as us trying to ban an autistic child from his neighborhood for ‘minor transgressions,’ and how dangerous a precedent it is. This is wildly false. It has nothing to do with autism.” In fact, he alleges, the boy in question “viciously attacked my son on his 4th birthday, charging at him without warning, ripping him off his bike, slamming him to the ground, and shaking him by the hair with both hands.”

Flowers further states that it took his wife, a neighbor, and two babysitters to pry the boy away, that his son was “traumatized” and “could have been killed,” and that it was “not the first time” there had been such an incident. They declined to have the boy arrested “out of compassion,” he says, noting that they filed a lawsuit as a “last resort” after communication with the boy’s parents broke down. Now, he claims, the parents are engaging in a “smear campaign” against himself and his wife and “have attempted to hide behind autism as a way to escape culpability and responsibility.”
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 20, 2015
I like how they're focusing on his behavior as a threat to property values, like he's equivalent to a sinkhole or a car up on blocks in the front yard. That's funny. Maybe families of hyper-aggressive autards should join together and make their own community, built with proceeds from the precious snowflakes' disability checks. The town would look like an episode of "The Walking Dead" but at least the damage would be contained to the defects and their enablers.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 20, 2015
Notice how autards always seem to target those who are smaller and or weaker
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 21, 2015
Lovely, just peachy. A good kick in the face would have separated this little shit from the poor 4 year old. I used to try to be sympathetic, but no more. I seriously cannot stand these freaks.
There are a number of articles on this and some with some interesting details.

"Robert Flowers, on the other hand, tells Yahoo Parenting, “The case is being presented to the public as us trying to ban an autistic child from his neighborhood for ‘minor transgressions,’ and how dangerous a precedent it is. This is wildly false. It has nothing to do with autism.” In fact, he alleges, the boy in question “viciously attacked my son on his 4th birthday, charging at him without warning, ripping him off his bike, slamming him to the ground, and shaking him by the hair with both hands.”

Flowers further states that it took his wife, a neighbor, and two babysitters to pry the boy away, that his son was “traumatized” and “could have been killed,” and that it was “not the first time” there had been such an incident. They declined to have the boy arrested “out of compassion,” he says, noting that they filed a lawsuit as a “last resort” after communication with the boy’s parents broke down. Now, he claims, the parents are engaging in a “smear campaign” against himself and his wife and “have attempted to hide behind autism as a way to escape culpability and responsibility.”

ETA: The parent, Robert Flowers, was told to cut his kids hair so it wouldn't trigger a reaction from the Tardley. And also for his kid not to ride a bike!

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 21, 2015
I am still amazed by this:
DuH = engineer at a Silicon Valley company
Moo = a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center
the fruit of their love = aggressive Autard

In addition to this, one would think that people with that kind of education would know how
to deal with their chyld resp. would know who to contact (for resources etc).

"What scared us in the Bay Area is that there are thousands of kids just like this one,"
said Jill Escher, president of the board of the Autism Society of the San Francisco Bay Area.
-> The lawsuit claims that over the years the boy, now 11, had struck a baby with his hand,
spit at and tried to ride his bicycle into neighbors, and repeatedly sat on a neighbor's cat.
-> Thousands of kids just like this one????
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 21, 2015
Yeah, the minute I saw him abusing the four year old or trying to squash an animal is when they'd be needing to pry me away before I beat the shit out of him. Especially if it was one of my animals. "Special" or not, that is not acceptable. Lock him up or put him down.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 21, 2015
Awtard or not, what the child has done is assault / abuse. Knocking a kid off of his bike and shaking him, sitting on the neighborhood animals and being aggressive towards other children, unprovoked. What do the parents do about it? nothing...

Here is what I think should happen:

Kid should be removed from his parents care and put into a youth mental health facility to be evaluated. Either this is a case of negligent parenting in which he should be removed from their care permanently. Or if he is autistic, than they can administer medications to help control him. Then from there they can decide what to do with him.

My bet is kid is acting out because muhmmy and duhddy aren't around enough....

The neighbor's were right to do what they did, they shouldn't have to live in fear where they are afraid this boy may seriously hurt their children. I say it's only a matter of time before this kid hurts / kills someone be it another human being or an animal. I would definitely press charges if I were in their shoes but I also see that they were trying to do the neighborly thing and resolve it quietly - with no outcome.

My Source: Where I live there's this one lady who is schizophrenic. Everyone in town knows about her and gets annoyed by her daily. She likes to talk about the same things over and over again, or talk to people that aren't really there but that she can see. When she is on her meds, she's stable enough to deal with day to day life but if she goes off of them for whatever reason, watch out! She becomes a ball of rage, yelling, screaming, cussing, threatening to call the cops on people who also live here that have done nothing at all as well as violence. From what I have heard from a lot of the long time residents is that she has had the cops called on her and has even been taken away a few times.

They are having children for selfish and narcissistic reasons, or are simply irresponsible. Funny... Those are the terms often used to describe the CF

~Live, Laugh, Love~
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 22, 2015
If kiddo's behaviour is dangerous to himself or others he needs to be in secure care. Period. The rights of a disabled child do not trump the rights of other people and animals to be safe and unharmed.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 22, 2015
since moo and duh have moved and taken shittard with them, one can only pity the neighbors where they ended up. no one to warn them.
wonder if they'll be booted as well from there..
personally, if I did have a kid and this tard attacked as described in the incident, there would not be enough left of awtard to bury in a shoe box.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 22, 2015
Lock him up or put him down.

^ This! I lost a friend who had an autard brother when I told her that her parents need to medicate it or institutionalize it. It's nice to find a board of people who get it. Would it be okay if I stole this for my signature?

ETA: was it a polite thing to say? No. But in my defense, this was after she voice IMed me, crying, that he tried to strangle her again.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 22, 2015
Reminds me of my friend, shes got a child with serious psychosis whos now 13 and just starting to go full blown psycho!!! In fact, 2 weeks ago he had an episode that not only sent her to the hospital. But also broke several ribs when she tried to physically restrain the little bastard. And what pisses me off is this isn't the first time either, she is almost 50 with health issues plus has a new grandchild whos a few weeks old. With 2 other little maggots who are under 5 in the home.

I have warned her for YEARS, the little shit is just going to get bigger and meaner, what about the other kyds safety and hers. The men in her family get well over 6 feet tall, he needs to be locked away. Because the little bastard seems to be on everything from Atavan to Xanax, it doesnt help. But I keep hearing the same drivel,

"I can'ttt put my baby awayyyy, itd be cruel and he'd get abusedddd."

"There's no group homes around hereeee, the closest one is in Texassss. I live in Californiaaaa!"


She doesn't want to cut the apron strings and get rid of the little shit. She'd rather be killed and deprive her other grandchildren of a grandma, rather than do the right thing and save herself and the rest of her family.

I love this gal to pieces, but her common sense is some of the stupidest I've ever come across!!!
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 22, 2015
Steal away!

I'm sorry you lost a friend, but it kind of seems like you lost a lot of drama along with her. There's nothing quite so irritating as someone always whining and venting and asking for sympathy and help, but who refuses to actually do anything to improve their situation.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 23, 2015
@ Shiny: "There's nothing quite so irritating as someone always whining and venting and asking for sympathy and help,
but who refuses to actually do anything to improve their situation." -> YESSSS Those kind of people are emotional
vampires, they will drain you of any positive energy you have. They don't want to change anything, they love being a victim/martyr.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 23, 2015
Exactly Mrs. Chinaski, these people are emotional blackholes, that such all the positive energy out of everything, but refuse to change, as they are getting all the attention they desire. They fear being ignored, and that's the best thing for them, as they will just move on to other people they can suck dry.

As demonkitten rightfully says, little monsters grow up to be massive hulks, and nature tends to endow these numbnuts with excessive size and strength, which is helped along by enabling parents who resort to overfeeding these hulks to keep them occupied. You can bet your bottom dollar, that the size genes will certainly show themselves and more.

If ativan and xanax doesn't help now, what's it going to be like when hulkster is nearly 25 years old, 7 foot tall, and twice as wide as a door frame eye popping smiley. I've actually seen these monsters throwing fridges at people when they get pissed - (and pissed I mean meltdown that their cartoons have been pre-empted for football that saturday morning). Hah! Good luck.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 23, 2015
what's it going to be like when hulkster is nearly 25 years old, 7 foot tall, and twice as wide as a door frame

He doesn't even need to be that old or large. Once puberty hits he is going to be hitting or humping everything in sight.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 23, 2015
Anyone here remember that vicious tard skywalker?
moo cow would not institutionalize the little shit.
hubby actually did get the shit-tard into a group home or some such place and the stupid cow went and got him out.
she's dead now. and I'll bet the shittard is now back in some institution or other.
lose lose lose all round. all because of stupid moo cow sentimentalism.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Awtard gets booted from neighborhood
September 23, 2015
Everybody wants to boo-hoo and whine about discrimination about violently dangerous mentally retarded children being removed from classrooms and neighborhoods and such, but everybody would be singing a different tune if these kids end up murdering unrelated toddlers and other young children. Already we've seen one shoot up two first-grade classrooms and people wanted to play ostrich and try to blame mental illness (because people who are far more likely to kill themselves than anybody else will murder 26 people before offing themselves).

It's going to take a few more dead children for this idealization of autistics and other unchecked mentally disabled children to end and for society to call for proper treatment instead of endorsing breeders to let them be free-range and above the law.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
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