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oh, my! WHY does everyone claim their "right" to breed and continue this s**t

Posted by reeniebessagain 
saw this today on Pantsuit Nation! I hate when being politically liberal is supposed to extend to every freakin one's right to breed at will. This is just a SMALL part of her "inspirational" yet pitiful story. Who the hell ARE these people!!??
ello everyone. I am going to tell my story the best I can, allow those of you in the group into my world for a brief moment. Thank you for taking time out of your day to share in my life with me.
I am a multiracial, bisexual, mentally ill mother of three amazing multiracial autistic and mentally ill children. I also have an autistic and mentally ill white fiancee and a mentally ill white gender fluid stepchild. We are below the poverty line and living solely off of disability as I am a full time carer to everyone in my home. If you can imagine, my little family experiences a great deal of adversity.
To sum up my journey to this point, I've gone through suicide attempts, 7 miscarriages, a complete lack of respect and love for myself. I am a survivor of domestic abuse, rape, and discrimination racial, gender, and ableist. I have traveled a very long and at most points in my life lonely road. But, I'm happy. I'm blessed in so many ways it would be so damaging for me not to acknowledge this simple fact every day of my life.
Wtf does gender fluid mean?
I consider myself a moderate liberal but this woman and her fiance (they're always a fiance) are just stupid beyond belief and are obviously meant to be out of the gene pool. Yet they keep on jumping into the shallow end. Repeatedly.

And I hate that pantsuit liberal site. I have it blocked on my FB feed as my neighbor often "shared" stories and I just couldn't deal with it.

allow those of you in the group into my world for a brief moment.

Wow, that sounds egotistical.


mentally ill mother of three amazing multiracial autistic and mentally ill children.

For fuck's sake, STOP! Stop transmitting your faulty genes to innocent victims, jeez.


To sum up my journey to this point, I've gone through suicide attempts, 7 miscarriages, a complete lack of respect and love for myself. I am a survivor of domestic abuse, rape, and discrimination racial, gender, and ableist. I have traveled a very long and at most points in my life lonely road. But, I'm happy.

If you are happy, then you are not fucking paying attention. Your life sounds miserable.
there is a bunch of shit on PN, but I still like it. Lots of good info amid the dreck. The stories DO get old fast--I just skip 95% of them
Mentally ill woman breeding a litter of retards and other mental problems?? With a mentally ill fiance??

Lady, stop breeding!!

Her life must suck big time.

I may be wrong, but I believe gender fluid people are those who identity themselves as male or female at different times

This person is a fruitcake. A) isn't it redundant to say "autistic and mentally ill?" And B ) Mental illness isn't exactly something to be proud of, so stop glamourizing it. You wouldn't be proud to have 'regular' illness {for lack of a better word}. And you definitely should not be proud to pass on your ailments to your kids, you selfish cow.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
No one should be proud to say that they and their head-case partner have spawned a gaggle of nutcase kids. Then again, she did say she's nuts herself, so the only person who could possibly be proud of making job security for psychiatrists and nut house staff is someone who's crazy themselves.

Typically, discrimination would be a bad thing. However, when it comes to reproducing, I think we need a lot more of it because the worst people are the ones who breed the most. People who are sick, poor, nuts, irresponsible or just plain stupid do not need children (or more children if they've already got them before their problems began). I don't know how you could stop these people from breeding without going into human rights violation territory via forced medical procedures, but dear lord, I wish there was a way to keep them from making more worthless people. If you and your partner have physical or mental illnesses, there's a good chance you'll pass them on to your offspring. Kids who grow up in poverty rarely get out of it themselves because they make the same financial mistakes their parents made, and you simply can't cure stupid. There's a tremendously good chance that the children of such retards will grow up to be retards too and will then most likely make some little retards of their own.

Like kittehpeoples said, if this woman can be a rape survivor, be on disability, live below the poverty line (thus forcing her kids to live a shitty life because she couldn't be bothered to use a condom or take a pill), be a caregiver to her brood of awtards and still be happy, she's doing something wrong. No sane person could possibly be happy in such circumstances.

People love to yammer on about their "right" to breed no matter how crappy their situation/life is, but what about a kid's right to a decent life? They don't ask to be born, yet they have no choice but to deal with their parents' poor life choices. But since all breeders know is ME ME ME GIMME GIMME GIMME, they don't give a shit about how their kids feel. All they care about is getting their own way.
and please don't ignore the SEVEN miscarriages!!

People love to yammer on about their "right" to breed no matter how crappy their situation/life is, but what about a kid's right to a decent life?

Seriously. The clumps got the best deal in that fucked-up situation.

My whole life I've run afoul of people who believe babies are a great idea in dismal situations. Birth is not a mirakul---most of the time it just means two people did something really stupid.
A potential child's right to a healthy life > Your right to breed. Try stepping away from what you want and consider its effect on others. Your kid has the right to expect you to not bring it into a world where you can't afford to feed it.
Wow....sounds like she gets off on being a victim and martyr, big time! And sooo proud of her obvious masochism.

Trust me, she is the type who won't be happy until she has more opportunities to become a victim or martyr.
and please don't ignore the SEVEN miscarriages!!

At that point, why wouldn't an OB/GYN recommend sterilization or even hysterectomy? I would think if it happened to a dog or a cat that a veterinarian would recommend that. Or are the human doctors just too greedy and need babies to pay for their new boat?

Are there any MDs on this board at all who could explain that? Thom, you know a lot, is there an explanation?
Wow....sounds like she gets off on being a victim and martyr, big time! And sooo proud of her obvious masochism.

Trust me, she is the type who won't be happy until she has more opportunities to become a victim or martyr.

That's because she is a victim and martyr in her mind, and wants the world to kowtow to her sympathy-whoring.

Do you know what this self-indulgent post screams... BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER! I work with these people every day, and I can smell a Borderline's bullshit a mile away... and this wreaks of Borderline manipulation.

Yep, I'd highly doubt she actually has a mental illness, but rather is a massive borderline trying to illicit sympathy by throwing multiples of 'illnesses/disabilities' cards and abuse, if it really happened...

The Borderline may try to elicit your sympathy by telling you stories about rape or sexual abuse, but that doesn't mean it happened.

This is the red flag that screams borderline... I've gone through suicide attempts, 7 miscarriages, a complete lack of respect and love for myself.


Recurring suicidal behaviors or threats or self-harming behavior, such as cutting

Who knows if she actually naturally miscarried these times, or induced it for the udder rubs, as they are capable of it.

Like others said she brought screwed up kids into this world, but borderlines don't give a shit about anything but themselves, and no doubt did it intentionally to get it simply for udder rubs.

At that point, why wouldn't an OB/GYN recommend sterilization or even hysterectomy? I would think if it happened to a dog or a cat that a veterinarian would recommend that. Or are the human doctors just too greedy and need babies to pay for their new boat?

As much as doctors want to tell us their practice is based on "standards of care" and "scientific information," medicine is subject to political, social and cultural forces. One need only look at history to see that was true in the past and so it continues today. Examples: eugenics for the good of the Master Race; lobotomizing the feeble minded (Rose Kennedy) for showing perfectly natural sexual impulses; and the idea that a woman could be sterilized only if she met the "120 rule," i.e. age x number of children = okay to sterilize. (So if you were a CF woman, you could be sterilized at 120 years of age.)

Medicine today is subject to rampant pro-natalism. You'd be hard-pressed today to find a doctor to tell you not to have kyds for ANY medical reason. Brittle diabetic? It's your riiiiiiiight to exhaust medical resources and blast out your insurance pool so you can experience pregnancy. 62 years old? OF COURSE we can find a doctor to willingly provide IVF so that Moo can experience the "joy" of pregnasty. That Moo is dead before the kid is 18 is not important.

Pronatalism + social media = not a good combination. If the doctor in this case pointed out the obvious: bringing more children into the world when you can't support them economically or emotionally is not a good idea, can you imagine the Facebook shit storm that would ensue? The doctor would be accused of being racist, sexist and elitist.

It's "elitist" now to suggest that people who can't afford children shouldn't have them. rusty chainsaw
There ought to be a parenting license.
A potential child's right to a healthy life > Your right to breed. Try stepping away from what you want and consider its effect on others. Your kid has the right to expect you to not bring it into a world where you can't afford to feed it.

Back during DC's crack epidemic a non profit offered female crack addicts $300 cash if they got the implant. Cue the outrage and accusations of eugenics and racism. The group explained that the addicts need time to get sober and find homes and jobs, so they want the addicts to delay having (more) kids. Also crack babies have a ton of physical and mental disabilities so the group wanted fewer crack babies being born.
^That isn't racist. It would only be racist if they said only minority crack addicts need the implant, but they didn't. I would counter that whoever said the suggestion is racist is racist themselves, because they are implying minorities are more likely to be crack addicts. THEY are the ones attributing characteristics to people based on race. But I guess they have to appeal to emotion, because logic isn't on their side.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
^That isn't racist. It would only be racist if they said only minority crack addicts need the implant, but they didn't. I would counter that whoever said the suggestion is racist is racist themselves, because they are implying minorities are more likely to be crack addicts. THEY are the ones attributing characteristics to people based on race. But I guess they have to appeal to emotion, because logic isn't on their side.

Actually the reverse is true... crack addicts are more likely to be minorities.... because crack is a cheaper form of cocaine, existing primarily in urban areas, which are heavily populated by minorities.

Back during DC's crack epidemic a non profit offered female crack addicts $300 cash if they got the implant. Cue the outrage and accusations of eugenics and racism. The group explained that the addicts need time to get sober and find homes and jobs, so they want the addicts to delay having (more) kids. Also crack babies have a ton of physical and mental disabilities so the group wanted fewer crack babies being born.

Why stop with DC? And why stop with crack addicts? EVERYONE on any kind of public assistance should be given a bonus for not bringing more children into the world, for three reasons: 1. It helps society in the short-term, as fewer children are being born into impoverished situations, thereby lessening the burden on schools and hospitals, 2. It helps society in the long-term, as fewer children being born into impoverished backgrounds equals more being able to succeed and thrive long-term, thereby lessening the poverty rate one generation from now, and 3. The individual receiving public assistance will be much, much, much more likely to get on their feet and succeed without the burden of unwanted children.

Typically, discrimination would be a bad thing. However, when it comes to reproducing, I think we need a lot more of it because the worst people are the ones who breed the most. People who are sick, poor, nuts, irresponsible or just plain stupid do not need children (or more children if they've already got them before their problems began).

"Discrimination" became a bad word somewhere along the way, but it isn't. As individuals we discriminate every day. Whether it's eating healthy foods, choosing a life partner, or deciding where to invest money, all of these are acts of discrimination. Discrimination is good. Discrimination means being skeptical, having a critical eye, and choosing the path of the purported best practice. While it can be used in a negative way, ie., unfairly excluding someone for prejudicial/knowingly inaccurate/unethical reasons, most of the time discrimination is good. "I'm not dating a single parent" is discrimination, isn't it? And yet, it is a sign of good judgement for childfree people.
I'm not familiar with Pantsuit Nation, but this person sounds like a troll.

Pantsuit Nation is a secret FB group for Hillary Clinton supporters. It's called Pantsuit Nation because Hillary wears pantsuits and has been insulted and called unfeminine for her clothing choices. The main admin of PN is now writing a book based on the group and its postings. Many members feel betrayed that the admin is cashing in from what was a supposedly political movement that supported Hillary. I'm not in that secret group, but I know some people that are, and have since deleted themselves because of the recent infighting in that group. From some of the recent screen shots of their wall that I've seen, it reminds me of a cat fight between high school girls.
I wouldn't call PSN "secret". It's pretty accessible to anyone who wants to join from Facebook. It's politically/ social-activism inclined, and was pretty inspiring right before and after the disastrous election. It HAS, however, descended into a ton of hard luck stories. The story I posted is pretty much just the worst I have seen. Many members continue to post fairly weepy stories of being discriminated against, or having multiple hardships. Not quite sure WHAT these endless stories have to do with Hillary, but... I'm not at all sure the person in my post is a Troll. Unfortunately, I have actually known some people who come pretty close to this real or imaginary woman. Of course, I DID used to work in a womans' shelter.
I hate extremists of any stripe, left or right, and clowns like this dizzy twat give leftists a bad reputation.

Even if you're pro-life, you have to admit that abortion would at least cull thousands of these future leeches on society.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Related to this discussion, why does MSN call this "Good News"? Good news? Really?
this type of story (Martyr gives birth to future orphans) has been a breeder staple for years. It's second only to"mom creates child -centric crafts at home and becomes a millionaire" stories

In 12 remarkable months, Kayla Gaytan has become a cancer survivor, a mom of spontaneous quadruplets and a cancer patient all over again.
Diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma six days before her 29th birthday and a week after her wedding in January 2016, she gave birth to her four babies last month.

I need a diagram. Apparently she had two kids with this guy, then got married in January 2016, then was diagnosed with lymphoma.

According to the article, she went through five months of grueling chemotherapy, which ended in June. Shortly thereafter, she discovered she was PREGNANT.

Why wasn't she on birth control after doing chemotherapy? That's no miracle---that's just plain stupid.
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