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Sprog dies due to boob brigade

Posted by cfdavep 
Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017

I guess moo thought that formula was not supposed to be a backup plan and the kid dies. She followed the advice of the beefers at all costs and the kid staves to death.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
Of all the retarded, asinine, mouth-breathing stupidity this is up there. How the hell do you starve your baby to death like this? Your baby is crying, it's not wet and you just breast-fed...hmm...maybe go to their doctor and find out what the hell is wrong. How did we survive this long as a species only for the stupid to come out this strong? My only hope is she doesn't breed anymore.


"It is better not to look like what you are; it is better to look like a bourgeois woman because then all the doors are open for you and then you can just go and make hell." - Marjane Satrapi
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
I saw this and was just going to post it. I'm not surprised. If this was her first infant, she might have been intimidated. I wouldn't be, but I realize not everyone is as pissy as I am. What I did like is that organization, Fed Is Best comes out and says that bottle feeding is just fine. I put this mess on the la Leche League and all the other asshole lactivists bullying women into breastfeeding even if they don't want to.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017

I guess moo thought that formula was not supposed to be a backup plan and the kid dies. She followed the advice of the beefers at all costs and the kid staves to death.

Life imitating art? There was a Law & Order episode with this same plot! Season 10, Episode 12, "Mother's Milk." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0629348/?ref_=ttep_ep12
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
Breast is not best, period. Women can't control how much milk they produce and what does leak out of their udders is only as good as what they stick in their faces. If a woman has a shitty diet, her milk will be shitty and her loaf isn't going to be getting much out of it nutritionally. Meanwhile, you have plenty of control over formula. You can ensure your loaf gets enough to eat, you know what's in it, it's fortified with the nutrients brats need to grow and since it's powdered, it has a shelf life. Tit juice does none of those things. If you absolutely cannot live without shoving your tits down your loaf's throat, then at least supplement with the fake stuff.

Here's a novel fucking idea. Instead of caving in to pressure from other heifers, how about doing what's best for your brat and not what's best for your ego, for Facebook or for your mommy board sig line? Not every Moo can tit-feed for one reason or another and that's okay. Don't sit there and force your loaf to suck your dry udders because the milking brigade says you have to or else you aren't a real mother. Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised since most breeder women have kids specifically because they caved to social/societal pressure, so why ever would they stop post-spawn?
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
"My only hope is she doesn't breed anymore."

She had a do-over sprog
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
First time parents can be amazingly ignorant, but still it sounds like she should have realized there was a problem sooner. And the tit-nazis need to fucking lay off. Every kid is different, every parent is different, every situation is different. Parents should do whatever works best for them and their spawn. That applies to everything, not just breastfeeding. Why do people get so hung up on the idea there is only one right way to parent?

It does seem odd that so many moos have trouble breast feeding when it is natural. Do other animals have so much difficulty nursing their young? If they do I haven't heard about it. Some of the commenters of this article speculated part of the high infant mortality in the past was caused by feeding problems. It seems the tit feeding mechanism is defective in humans. shrug
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 05, 2017
I was reading about this the other day and couldn't tell how long it took for the baby to get critical and die. I thought it said something about 12 hours after they took it home? And then I couldn't tell how long they kept it on life support...somewhere I thought it said 10 days but in another place it said the baby was 8 months old when they took it off life support. WTF? So confused. It does seem weird that they didn't just take the baby to the pediatrician or something. It's like the tit nazis at the hospital said "no formula ever" so the parents just went "durrrrp, okay."
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 06, 2017
Before I was in my teens I had a good idea of how much formula (in ounces) a baby and toddler required a day. If a child can figure out there is a problem then what is the excuse of a moo?Pretty darn sure a doctor or the formula bottle indicated the amount. If I could figure this out as a kid then you'd think any moo could figure this out. Internet search much? And you know the baybee had to be crying and outwardly suffering.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 06, 2017
Animals not having enough milk is fairly common. I recall cats just abandoning kittens when they didn't produce milk.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 06, 2017
The la Leche League is criminal. A friend told me her daughter was harassed by these hags with her first kid, fortunately she called her mom in hysterics about not being able to make enough milk but that she was told she must be doing something wrong and she HAD TO breast feed only. Her mother (a nurse) told her to cut off all contact with the league of banshees and get some formula! She did and the kid was fine, problem solved.

Medical people are probably too scared of the booby-hag brigade to tell Moos the truth. I am glad there is an organization that is starting to tell them it's ok to just feed your damned sprog.

How do we get so many whacked out cults in the western world?
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 06, 2017
A friend posted on FB an article of a woman whose baby was starving because she was trying to beef only and this baby, by its first month, actually weighed LESS than it did the day it was born. It took the intervention of the baby's pediatrician and the Fed Is Best group to get her to formula feed the kid.

So the fact that there are now two different stories of moos starving their babies, one dead and the other barely survived, how many more dipshits are starving their infants because they've been snookered by the "breast is best" bullshit? And the ones that survive, how is this going to impact their development now that their growing brains have missed out on nourishment for so long?

What a stupid thing to end up in prison for. Judges and juries aren't going to care about peer pressure, La Leche, and lactation consultants. The bottom line is that a baby starved to death because its moo refused to use formula when it was clear the baby wasn't getting any nutrition.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 06, 2017
Seems like the most zealous boob-feeders and boob-feeding advocates prefer quality over quantity. It's more important to them that loaves are fed exclusively from the tit than it is for loaves to get enough to eat. Never mind the fact that breast milk quality will vary wildly depending on the mother's diet, medication regimen and recreational habits - since it's all-natural and comes straight from the body, then that means it's the best possible option? So much nope!

I can understand the fact that nursing can be a mother-infant bonding experience and that some women might not want to miss out on it. Fine, whatever. I don't think any doctor would discourage any woman from breast-feeding unless she was on a medication that her kid shouldn't have, but ensuring your kid isn't starving is more important than being all-natural. I never thought this would have to be said to humans in the 21st fucking century, but apparently it does. And when these loaves don't get very crucial proper nutrition early in their lives, they can suffer permanent damage from it.

I'm sure when women become mothers for the first time, they're not sure about a lot of things and will hear a lot of conflicting information in regard to every aspect of child care. But they should be referring to doctors first and foremost, not a bunch of lunatics online. The internet is much more accessible (and affordable) than doctor visits and advice, but the internet is also where you find people who think women are Hitler reincarnate if they give their kids formula, vaccinate them or spank them. Loaves dying from starvation won't stop the udder brigade from preaching their bullshit - they'll just blame the mothers when their kids die because accepting blame for their own misleading information would mean admitting that they're wrong, and the last thing a crazy Moo will ever do is say she's wrong.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 07, 2017
25+ years ago when my sister had her kids, she was pretty insufferable on the subject. She and her husband had five degrees between them and they were primed for all this tit nazi nonsense. She quit her job and became a milking machine and was totally brainwashed by the La Leaky League.

Come to think of it, it's not normal for the kid to weigh less than it did when it got home, but that's what happened. When I visited after she had her kids, I looked on in horror at all the useless crap she bought: nipple shields, special nursing pillows and all the stupid books such as The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding.

The title of that book pretty much sums up what's wrong with modern Moos today: it's not about feeding your kid--it's about the Moo.

There need to be more articles like this. And while I never wanted a kid, it's sad as Hell that some poor innocent kid had to DIE because its stupid brainwashed Moo and Dud (I'm not letting Duds off the hook) starved the kid to death. Horrifying!
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 09, 2017
What I don't get is all the books and paraphernalia that some new mothers get in order to learn how to breastfeed. Learn how to breastfeed? If this is so natural, shouldn't women be able to beef after minimal effort? Pretty much the loaf grabs on and starts sucking. I doubt it is as natchural as the Le Leaky bunch would like to think. And no mother should be harassed by those cows. It becomes evident pretty early on if the loaf is getting enough to eat. In that case the mother needs to do what is best for her loaf--go out and get some formula and bottles. Goddess! You would think this would be a no-brainer and, absent the interference of the LaLeaky brigade it would be.

One of my former friends had her brat and when she found out that she didn't produce milk, she said, "OK. Screw it. So he's going to be bottle-fed". No tears, no carrying on, she just went along and did what she needed to do. She correctly saw that all this drama around breastfeeding is nonsense.

Speaking of nonsense, I used to babysit now and then and one loaf I cared for was so thin you could count her ribs. I showed her to my then-husband and he remarked that she was way too thin. Her mother said that she didn't want her to get too fat. I went out and got her some powdered formal followed the directions on the can and gave her extra after Moo left. She was a much happier baby after I started doing that. I don't know what happened after I quit and moved away, but I hope that someone had some sense.

I don't like kids, but starvation/dehydration is an awful way to go and the part that pisses me off is that in these cases it is almost always preventable. If nothing else, this shows that parenting for some is not an innate skill. This is true even in nature. My family raised puppies and one day my father caught our dog trying to bury her puppies. So I have NO idea where these titnazi idiots got the idea that every mother can, or even wants to beef. Either way is OK so long as the loaf his getting enough nutrition/hydration. I suspect it's some power trip thing with titnazis. I wonder how often this crap has happened but no one said a lot about it.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 10, 2017
I suspect it's some power trip thing with titnazis.

I think it's a Catholic group, and there's probably an underlying agenda of "traditional values". If you can make a woman feel guilty for going to work, there's a chance you can get her to stay home, especially if you cast her as a bad mother when she doesn't engage in extremely time-consuming activities.
Re: Sprog dies due to boob brigade
March 12, 2017
Never mind the fact that breast milk quality will vary wildly depending on the mother's diet, medication regimen and recreational habits

That's why a mother's life must be completely about titfeeding - no alcohol, no caffeine, no spicy foods, no sugary foods, no sushi, no to a whole bunch of foodstuff, no to most medicine... so you have a headache or depression or any problem that can be easily treated with perfectly good medicine? too bad, you must suffer, your baby's needs come first... at least according to the hags at la leech league.
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