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Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?

Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 25, 2017
Sorry for the long title. I'll explain. When I was driving to work the radio station I listen to had another ad begging for donations for "chyyyldrun and families." They do this quite a bit {3-4x a year}, and they spend the money on things ranging from impractical {jello, cereal, and macaroni for school kids} to frivolous {bike for an autard because his was stolen, dental care for a moo whose kids called in saying she doesn't feel pretty with her teeth}. I parked at work and wrote up a letter on my phone. It's really long winded, and in places blunt. I touched on how the world is overpopulated, they are encouraging pronatalism, why this is bad, why they are spending frivolously, and, among other things, why the excuses "if you don't like it don't listen," and "it's our fundraiser" don't make the message they are sending ok. I told someone about my letter and that I don't know if I will send it or not. They said "I wouldn't," with the same tone you'd say "I wouldn't," if your friend said they are marrying someone they met 5 minutes ago in vegas. So, to make long story short, what sort of trouble would I get in if I wrote them? Surely if some white knight can threaten air crew and get off, I can write a letter to a radio station. I didn't threaten anyone, I didn't name any individuals by name, or even imply that my letter was about a DJ. My letter is a critique on their message, nothing more. Could I get into trouble for this? Thanks for any advice

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 25, 2017
No threats, no trouble. But, probably pointless.
Re: Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 26, 2017
depending on the size of your town,whether or not your name would be used, the nature and restrictions of your job, etc--these are the things I would consider. And pointless? Probably. BUT if no one ever says it, who else will ever know it's ok to think this way? I feel (sometimes) that if I change ONE person's opinion and save one person from sheeplike wandering into breeding, maybe I have done my job.
Re: Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 26, 2017
If it would be anonymous I'd totally send it. Maybe post it if you're worried about revealing your identity?
Re: Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 26, 2017
I would keep the pronatalism out of it and question the necessity of the items and whether the money could be spent for more worthy causes, say the elderly. Feeding kids more junk food hardly seems worthwhile. And was the bike stolen because AuTardly was careless with it? Sometimes there are lessons and consequences to behavior. If it was stolen through no fault of his own, well maybe. At least the kid would get some exercise. As for dental care, well maybe.

I wouldn't sign my name. You'll still be accused of being a horrible and unfeeling person and you might possibly be ridiculed if they could find out who you are. You might get airtime as being a Scrooge and a subject of outrage.

It is their prerogative to fund raise how they see fit. They are pandering to the Breeder culture.

ETA: Not that it's bad to say anything, but I would protect my anonymity because you could become the subject of a FB and/or Twatter bombing by SJWs and the culture of outrage. (Love who used that term.)

I think privately a lot of people are starting to question the assumption that no amount of money is too great when it comes to Da Chyldrun. School bond referendums for lavish facilities and technology come to mind. The schools want more and more money, only to turn out dumber kids.
Well, I did it. I typed in a search for an anonymous email service and used that. As far as I know, the only way to find people is via their IP address and searching their name on social media. Since I don't have any, I should be good. Though, someone more versed in this sort of thing {like whoever outed that moo in epic threads} could perhaps offer suggestions to protect my anonymity in the future. I don't know about this stuff. I have heard about proxys and VPNs but I don't understand how they work or even what they are. Hopefully I'll be fine, since I didn't threaten anyone or otherwise do anything illegal.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Would I get in trouble for expressing my CF opinion?
April 30, 2017
Use a pseudonym. I have a several pseudonyms myself that I'm dying to use..
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