I will try to find the link. Some narcissistic moo on the news said she was “physically ill” when the hospital storing her eggs had a malfunction with their freezer. She and duh already had one kid through IVF, but they “want to give him a sibling.” How about, oh I don’t know, ADOPTING one, you narcissistic bitch. angry flipping off As an adopted person, this boils my blood. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Only their sprogs deserve a loving home? And wtf is wrong with the breederific pronatslist media? Why is this a story? So a bunch of rich narcissists might have to *GASP* NOT bring more people into an already overpopulated planet. So what. Be content with the child you have. Or heaven forbid, give a needy child a home.


Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
I find IVF nauseating in a world with overpopulation and children without families. People whine that adoption is "too difficult" because some standards are applied, whereas when you create your own the standards are significantly lower, even if medical intervention is required to achieve the result.
IVF is a cash cow for unethical medical folk.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

So I just found out that stem cells {I didn’t know what exactly they were before today, but I got curious and started doing research} can be made from IVF embryos. They have things in their freezers that can help treat cancer patients and people with cirrhosis, and they’re wasting it on creating more babies. Disgusting. Makes me wonder though. Can you have eggs donated FOR SCIENCE, with the caveat that they are NOT to be used for reproduction? I like the idea of contributing in some way, but I under no circumstances would want my eggs to turn into another resource hog.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.

So I just found out that stem cells {I didn’t know what exactly they were before today, but I got curious and started doing research} can be made from IVF embryos. They have things in their freezers that can help treat cancer patients and people with cirrhosis, and they’re wasting it on creating more babies. Disgusting. Makes me wonder though. Can you have eggs donated FOR SCIENCE, with the caveat that they are NOT to be used for reproduction? I like the idea of contributing in some way, but I under no circumstances would want my eggs to turn into another resource hog.

I don't know, but certainly not in the ass-backward United States and it's shithole GOP.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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