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Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend

Posted by ladybug2203 
Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
July 26, 2018

This is just horrible sad smiley. Moos friend was initially arrested in this, moo gave bogus kidnapping story to the cops, she was arrested yesterday but they "arent giving further details" at this time, i take that as junkie moo being involved

RIP little man sad smiley
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
July 26, 2018
Aww, that is so sad. sad smiley I can't imagine a more horrific, painful way to die than being burned alive. I've had nightmares about being trapped in a burning building, and woken up bathed in sweat, freaking out.

That poor little guy didn't stand a chance with a fucked up junkie for a moo. I'm going to say something probably not very PC, but I'm tired of feeling sorry for junkies. I have one in my family, and he's seriously fucked up - not to the point of murder, though...I hope. They don't give a fuck about ANYTHING but their drugs, and who they can rob in order to get money for their next fix.

This is all self-inflicted BULLSHIT as far as I'm concerned. I struggled with a gambling addiction, but I got help and now I've been clean for nearly a year. I am able to see how horrible my behavior was, and I've vowed to my husband that I will never go back. Sure, it was tough quitting, but I wasn't about to fuck up my life and my marriage, just to get a quick fix of whateverthefuck I was getting from it.

Junkie breeders piss me off so much. I think it's time that forcible sterilization for these asshats start to be applied. I don't want to sound too harsh, but I just got an email from my political party asking that all street drugs be decriminalized. I can see where this might benefit some, but I have NO idea if it would really work to help anyone in the long run. My nephew is a meth-head, and I seriously doubt he'd stop taking Meth if it were decriminalized.

Sorry about getting on my soapbox, I'm sick and tired of the destruction and pain these people cause. Then they whine about how haaaaarrrrrd it is to quit! Suck it up, Buttercup, is my only answer. rant over.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
July 26, 2018
Moos facebook

Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
July 27, 2018
The main advantages to decriminalization is that gangs can't make as much money out of selling drugs, and it is easier for people to seek help for addiction. Functional addicts are unlikely to seek treatment if they know they risk losing everything more quickly through getting help. At least that has been the approach used in Portugal. I doubt it does anything for hardcore addicts but if a policy is humane and reduces the overall number of drug addicts it seems like a win to me.

There should absolutely be no reduction in culpability when someone is charged with a crime while under the influence. Rather, like drunk driving, it should be an extra offense, if anything. People may not have control of what they do when they are fucked up, but they have the choice to not get fucked up in the first place.

I wish LARCs or sterilization were used when people's actions are absolutely going to fuck up the life of any child they would have (applies to both men and women). It is better that such babies are not conceived. But because of the shadow of eugenics nobody would consider denying the "human right" to reproduce. They never think about the human right to be born as healthy as possible and to have functional parents.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
August 06, 2018
Saw picture of moo. something about her face makes me want to smash it to pieces.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
August 06, 2018
Saw picture of moo. something about her face makes me want to smash it to pieces.

JAYZUZ I just saw her face and I want to punch it too.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
October 31, 2018

Not a troll just an update. Both moo and duh met in drug court, and according to judge moo had problems staying clean and holding down a job. Perfect candidate for motherhood (not).

Say it with me; Parenting makes you a better person people, parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
November 01, 2018
Saw picture of moo. something about her face makes me want to smash it to pieces.

She's got that brain-dead, dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks thing going. Most moms under 25 do.
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
November 01, 2018
Saw picture of moo. something about her face makes me want to smash it to pieces.

She's got that brain-dead, dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks thing going. Most moms under 25 do.

There was another article (I'm not sure where it is, sorry) that mentioned she still wanted to be involved with the baby daddy but he did not. My wild guess is she kept this pregnancy to try and keep the duh. I've been bingo'ed before on how I'll never find a man if I don't give him a baybee, yes because having a baybee always works in keeping a man around amirite?
Re: Baby burned alive by moo and her junkie friend
November 04, 2018
[ I've been bingo'ed before on how I'll never find a man if I don't give him a baybee, yes because having a baybee always works in keeping a man around amirite?

Those people are lying or trying to bring you down to their level of personal unhappiness.

When guys see a woman online who fits their personal visual type, they get interested whether they want to or not. When they see she has a bunch of kids, they become disinterested. At least, the ones with half a brain who have anything going for them do.

Once I reached my late twenties and was still single I made note of all the girls my own age without kids who made fun of mombies and parents, and I made an effort to stay in touch with them

Conversely, the ones without kids who acted like they wanted kids - who have a bunch of friends with kids, and get tagged in photos playing with their kids, I started to avoid them like the plaque. Because those are the ones most likely to say "oopsies!!!"
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