California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
October 30, 2018

Since breeders have been throwing around various exemptions in order to avoid vaccinating their kids, California decided to actually do something about it and no longer allows parents to skip shots for their kids on the basis of bullshit personal/philosophical exemptions. Some key points from the story include:

  • 94% of children must be vaccinated in order to achieve the herd immunity anti-vaxers all love to rely on.
  • Senate Bill 277 requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated against 10 viruses (measles, mumps, pertussis, the usuals) as an enrollment requirement. Because of this bill, public school vaccination went from 90% to 95%. However, this has also led to an increase in the number of medical exemptions against vaccinations, with a pre-bill rate of 0.2% to a post-bill rate of 0.7%.
  • Lots of medical exemptions for vaccinations are horse shit. Sometimes medical exemptions can be purchased, while other times doctors just hand them out or they're offered by unauthorized parties such as nurses or non-pediatric providers. Many medical exemptions were found to just be personal exemptions, meaning that anti-vaxers will just doctor-shop until they find someone willing to give them an exemption.
  • Agencies are set up to keep track of medical exemptions because anti-vaxers are so determined to kill their kids via neglect. One such tracking agency received hate mail and even death threats because they were keeping track of all these exemptions.

TL;DR: California attempts to fight anti-vaccination by not allowing kids to enter school without the typical series of childhood shots if the reason for not vaccinating is because the parents are retards. While it seemed to succeed to some extent, determined anti-vaxers are now just finding doctors who will offer them a medical exemption without just cause since personal beliefs are no longer acceptable reasons for neglecting their kids' health. I wonder if the home-schooling and unschooling rates will go up now too since unvaxed kids won't be allowed to enroll in school. Can't send them to school without shots? Then they won't go to school! Hah! Take that!

Back in the 70s I got every available vaccination except smallpox. The doctor recommended I didn't get it because I had allergies. Smallpox was wiped out in the late 70s anyway, although I would not be too surprised if the filthy breeder pigs somehow manage to bring it back. If they did I would get the shot. I got the chicken pox vaccine when I was 27 because it was not available until then, and I never had the chicken pox. I don't remember anyone having any of the childhood diseases except chickenpox. Generation X was way healthier than the current crop of brats.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
October 31, 2018
I got the chicken pox vaccine when I was 27 because it was not available until then, and I never had the chicken pox. I don't remember anyone having any of the childhood diseases except chickenpox. Generation X was way healthier than the current crop of brats.

It's interesting that not that many new vaccines have come out since I was a child. Basically chickenpox and HPV. I wonder if there is less research in this area since people don't want to see to enjoy the vaccines we have. I still think the solution to the problem is a reality show where idiots with no real problems swap places with people from developing countries. If they survived they'd probably gain a sense of perspective.

I keep my vaccines up-to-date for travel, and not long ago I was recommended to update the pertussis vaccine because I was traveling to the US. It's absolutely ridiculous that people are now recommended to get vaccines before traveling to developed countries, because of the idiotic hoardes.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
October 31, 2018
I got the chicken pox vaccine when I was 27 because it was not available until then, and I never had the chicken pox. I don't remember anyone having any of the childhood diseases except chickenpox. Generation X was way healthier than the current crop of brats.

It's interesting that not that many new vaccines have come out since I was a child. Basically chickenpox and HPV. I wonder if there is less research in this area since people don't want to see to enjoy the vaccines we have. I still think the solution to the problem is a reality show where idiots with no real problems swap places with people from developing countries. If they survived they'd probably gain a sense of perspective.

I keep my vaccines up-to-date for travel, and not long ago I was recommended to update the pertussis vaccine because I was traveling to the US. It's absolutely ridiculous that people are now recommended to get vaccines before traveling to developed countries, because of the idiotic hoardes.

I periodically get myself tested, and if I have a low immunity to anything, I get re-vaccinated. It's crazy in this day and age to suffer from preventable diseases.
I am so glad to hear that at least one state is doing the right thing and denying these disease vectors public schooling unless they get their vaccines. I'm sure plenty of crunchy earth moos will decide to home school their brats instead of having them get da ebil vaccinations, but it does send a message.

I'm afraid that it won't be enough, though. I'm thinking that they will have to somehow sanction parents for not vaxxing their brats under any circumstances. The best way to hit them is in the pocketbook. I know it's probably not gonna happen, but I think it's the only way to get these idiots to do the right thing.
I’m glad that parents will no longer be able to treat their kids like Petri dishes, but I would like to add, homeschooling is not always bad. People say homeschooling like it’s a bad thing, and it’s not. I was homeschooled until HS, and I am really glad! When I got to HS I was baffled by the stupidity of my classmates. Some of them didn’t know we were off the gold standards. Others didn’t know that Kazakhstan is a country. Most of the kids in my high school were preoccupied with frickfracking or drugs. I’d shudder to think what I’d have been like if subjected to that environment.

To any lurking breeders who might criticize my parents for home schooling me, you should also know that our next door neighbor was a school teacher. She went over all of our assignments and stuff to make sure we were at curriculum. And yes; I am fully vaccinated because my parents aren’t stupid and understood the value of us not dying from a horrible preventable disease.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 01, 2018
I periodically get myself tested, and if I have a low immunity to anything, I get re-vaccinated. It's crazy in this day and age to suffer from preventable diseases.

I had to do that not long ago for hepatitis, since when I originally got it they thought it conferred lifetime immunity, but subsequent research found it was only about 20 years. So I got tested for antibodies and then got the injection when they didn't find any antibodies. I also got tested for chickenpox antibodies when the vaccine came out, but as I expected I already had immunity (I was exposed as a child but never came down with it).

All those vaccines, I should be autistic by now, right? And yet somehow all that ever happens is a sore arm and a mild fever, and of course, not getting these diseases.
I’m glad that parents will no longer be able to treat their kids like Petri dishes, but I would like to add, homeschooling is not always bad. People say homeschooling like it’s a bad thing, and it’s not. I was homeschooled until HS, and I am really glad! When I got to HS I was baffled by the stupidity of my classmates. Some of them didn’t know we were off the gold standards. Others didn’t know that Kazakhstan is a country. Most of the kids in my high school were preoccupied with frickfracking or drugs. I’d shudder to think what I’d have been like if subjected to that environment.

To any lurking breeders who might criticize my parents for home schooling me, you should also know that our next door neighbor was a school teacher. She went over all of our assignments and stuff to make sure we were at curriculum. And yes; I am fully vaccinated because my parents aren’t stupid and understood the value of us not dying from a horrible preventable disease.

I'm sure you were homeschooled just fine. I'm just alarmed by the vast number of breeders who homeschool their kids, and don't know the difference between "they're, there and their". Judging by the way you write, I would have never guessed you had been homeschooled.

Aww thank you! I’m sorry I immediately jumped to the defense of homeschooling and I’m sorry if I sounded snappish to anyone here. It comes from my second cousin. I always want to stick up for homeschooling - I say this by way of explanation and not excuse - because my second cousin gave my mom a ream of tripe when she decided to homeschool me. This is the same cousin that decided to give her a ream of tripe when she decided to adopt me, and says “it’s different when it’s your own,” when I’m sitting right there.
/tangent over

I am glad though that they passed this law. I’m a libertarian and I’m all for protecting individual rights, however, I don’t think paresnts have the right to harm their kids, and not vaccinating definately harms their kids, as we all know. Antivaxxers should be forced to watch videos of people suffering the late stages of these preventable diseases, or watch videos of people with rabies. That would probably change their mind, or at least shut them up.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Well, I can say that the cousin was wrong. It's none of her business that your mother wanted to adopt you, or homeschool you for that matter.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 01, 2018
Homeschooling is too often used as an excuse to "teach" kids how to dance and play, or to indoctrinate them with religious beliefs. I do think their are children who are better off outside of the public school system, but I firmly believe that homeschooling should only be allowed if an independent authority periodically checks that the children are receiving education and socialization appropriate for their age and abilities. Without oversight, it violates the tenants of universal education and enables the worst sort of people to keep their children dependent forever, by ensuring that the children have no knowledge or skills when they reach adulthood, and by keeping any physical abuse hidden from others.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 01, 2018
Don't parents need to actually prove that they're, y'know, not retarded in order to home school? Like don't they need to get curricula approved and all that?

I think this is why unschooling became a thing. Dumb parents don't feel like sending their kids to school, but they also don't feel like teaching them anything themselves, so they keep them home and proceed to teach them absolutely fuck-all, or they do "child-led learning," which is when the child decides when, what, and how much they will learn... which, of course, means extensive lessons in cartoon binge watching, video games and snack consumption because no kid wants to learn actually useful things. I would love to know how unschooling isn't an act of truancy. Is it still truancy if the parent knows the kid is home and/or willingly keeps them home? I honestly haven't a clue.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of homeschoolers and unschoolers aren't doing it in the child's best interests. They're doing it so they can foist religion on them and ignore things like science and history, or because it's too much effort to fight with Junior for three hours every morning trying to make him get up and get dressed for school.

Here's hoping California (and other states) continue to chip away at anti-vaxxers' options so these assholes have no choice but to either live off the grid or just get their kids their damn shots. I don't know WTF is wrong with these people. There's a polio-like illness spreading among kids all over the country and it's still not scaring these parents into vaccinating (not that this new bug has a preventative treatment or cure)?
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 04, 2018

Back in the 70s I got every available vaccination except smallpox. The doctor recommended I didn't get it because I had allergies. Smallpox was wiped out in the late 70s anyway, although I would not be too surprised if the filthy breeder pigs somehow manage to bring it back. If they did I would get the shot. I got the chicken pox vaccine when I was 27 because it was not available until then, and I never had the chicken pox. I don't remember anyone having any of the childhood diseases except chickenpox. Generation X was way healthier than the current crop of brats.

I didn't get my vaccines on time because I was adopted twice by the age of two and a half and taken away from the first home due to SEVERE neglect. I was hospitalized for ten months. I then got every childhood disease you can get except mumps. I consider antivaxxers to be negligent.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 04, 2018

All those vaccines, I should be autistic by now, right? And yet somehow all that ever happens is a sore arm and a mild fever, and of course, not getting these diseases.

I DIDN'T get my vaccines and I AM autistic.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
November 05, 2018
Don't parents need to actually prove that they're, y'know, not retarded in order to home school? Like don't they need to get curricula approved and all that?

I think this is why unschooling became a thing. Dumb parents don't feel like sending their kids to school, but they also don't feel like teaching them anything themselves, so they keep them home and proceed to teach them absolutely fuck-all, or they do "child-led learning," which is when the child decides when, what, and how much they will learn... which, of course, means extensive lessons in cartoon binge watching, video games and snack consumption because no kid wants to learn actually useful things. I would love to know how unschooling isn't an act of truancy. Is it still truancy if the parent knows the kid is home and/or willingly keeps them home? I honestly haven't a clue.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of homeschoolers and unschoolers aren't doing it in the child's best interests. They're doing it so they can foist religion on them and ignore things like science and history, or because it's too much effort to fight with Junior for three hours every morning trying to make him get up and get dressed for school.

Here's hoping California (and other states) continue to chip away at anti-vaxxers' options so these assholes have no choice but to either live off the grid or just get their kids their damn shots. I don't know WTF is wrong with these people. There's a polio-like illness spreading among kids all over the country and it's still not scaring these parents into vaccinating (not that this new bug has a preventative treatment or cure)?

I was part of a team that home schooled two kids for about five years (about 10 years total homeschooling for each child).
For many reasons, I felt we did a good job for those kids to give them an excellent start in life.
Those kids were multiple grade levels advanced beyond their age group in English and math and both kids learned to be proficient in five languages before the age of ten.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 20, 2019
Good to see something being done about the antivax problem however, this will probably make matters worse. Seems like lately, conservative media is demonizing California these days. Seems like everything about California is wrong and everything about Texas is right. There are so many people who follow this stuff that it worries me it may only attract new people to the antivax movement.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 21, 2019
Good to see something being done about the antivax problem however, this will probably make matters worse. Seems like lately, conservative media is demonizing California these days. Seems like everything about California is wrong and everything about Texas is right. There are so many people who follow this stuff that it worries me it may only attract new people to the antivax movement.

Conservative doesn't translate to anti-vax. Unfortunately, plenty of liberals have hopped on this nut bandwagon.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 21, 2019
I am seeing some stuff in health headlines lately about some places considering not even allowing religious exemptions in light of all the measles outbreaks, so hopefully soon people won't be able to use their imaginary friends as scapegoats for child neglect. One step closer to mandatory vaccinations!
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 22, 2019
I am seeing some stuff in health headlines lately about some places considering not even allowing religious exemptions in light of all the measles outbreaks, so hopefully soon people won't be able to use their imaginary friends as scapegoats for child neglect. One step closer to mandatory vaccinations!



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I'm at the epicenter of the PNW measles outbreak, and similar legislation is being proposed here. I fucking hope it passes. Hell, I hope they're able to ban religious exemptions, too.
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 24, 2019

Some asshat French family took their measle filled brats to Costa Rica and now it is spreading there
Re: California bans personal belief exemptions for childhood vaccinations
February 24, 2019
Aside from the autism/vaccine ignorance breeders love to cling to, I think a lot of them seem to think that measles is nothing more than an annoying little rash like poison ivy. They don't seem to get that people can and do die from the measles, which is why we vaccinate against it to begin with. If it was just a little sniffle, nobody would waste time on a vaccine for it.

Considering how so many more children now have shit immune systems due to various factors like being born severely premature, never being allowed to play outside, or being bathed in hand sanitizer since birth, I wouldn't be surprised if the current generation of kids was at a higher risk of death and/or complications from preventable diseases compared to previous ones.

Not to mention, what kind of a shit parent would look at their child whom they allegedly love and go, "Y'know, I think I'd rather have you get sick for weeks/months instead of having you be uncomfortable for two seconds from a shot?" Most decent parents would far prefer prevention to illness, but then we aren't talking about decent parents. Sometimes I wonder if they want their kids to get sick for a while so they're easier to deal with. Depending on the illness, being sick might make a kid feel too tired and weak to be an asshole like usual, so it might make life easier for Moo for a bit. It's far from unheard of for parents to let their kids suffer so that they can come out on top.
Not to mention, what kind of a shit parent would look at their child whom they allegedly love and go, "Y'know, I think I'd rather have you get sick for weeks/months instead of having you be uncomfortable for two seconds from a shot?" Most decent parents would far prefer prevention to illness, but then we aren't talking about decent parents. Sometimes I wonder if they want their kids to get sick for a while so they're easier to deal with.

Some of these nutjobs actually believe that vaccine risks are worse than the diseases they prevent-- that it's more likely their kid will die from a vaccine reaction than from a communicable disease. Others think autism is worse than the risk of death.

The upshot is they're all terrible parents who don't think science is real and it's a damn shame it's the kids that will die instead of these idiots who make the world worse for everyone else.
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