Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
March 31, 2021
I turn 58 this weekend. I have certain regrets, like not getting my PhD, but being childfree is not one of them.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
May 29, 2021
Turned 57 in February, and believe that remaining childfree is one of the best decisions of my life.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
May 30, 2021
I'm 53. I have zero regrets about dumping my rotten eggs and uterus into the medical waste pile.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
April 04, 2022
Recently I've been calculating the amount of time I'm happy and it averages 80% of the time. I had to do lots of work on myself and grow to learn how to be happy and definitely have made decisions that I regret.

I just hit 50. Someone I know was talking about being our age, he just hit 38. I'm positive if I had kids I'd feel and look at least 50 if not older. I do have regrets such as my major (and paying student loans for 20+ years for that major) but remaining childfree has been one of the wisest decisions of my life. Other wise decisions I've made are to always wear sunscreen, live below my means, avoid drugs and to keep alcohol consumption very light. If anyone questions if he/she are meant to have children the answer is no because it needs to be something that isn't ever doubted or done to please others or because so many others do it. All the (fake) posts on social media of happy families are engineered to convince people to consume in order to be happy. Do yourself a favor and avoid becoming part of the consumption trap. Be true to yourself at all costs because you have to live with yourself and your decisions.

If I had children I'd still be paying off student loans and would likely look and feel at least ten years older than I am.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
April 08, 2022
I turned 53 a few months ago and when people find out my age, they can't believe it. They usually peg me for someone in my 30s. I feel pretty good about that. If I had to deal with loafing and rearing, I'd definitely not look as youthful as I do.

I've made a lot of crappy decisions in my life, but not having kids is the best one I made. I guess it wasn't really that much of a tough choice because it was something I knew about myself when I was a kid.

Life can be stressful enough without adding more to it unnecessarily. I really wish that more people would think a little harder about what having kids really means and how much it takes away from you. Sure there are always a few good moments here and there, but it never outweighs the sacrifices and stress.

Congrats to everyone here who made such a wise choice! Those of us who are older can be proud that we stuck to our guns and decided to create our own lifescripts instead of the using the generic boilerplate that others continually fall for.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
April 08, 2022
I recently turned 59. I am so happy I never had kids. My house is quiet and peaceful. My garden is beautiful in the summer. I can breathe here without the caterwalling of brats. I look at least 10 years younger than my age, I am fit (than you gym!), I can afford to eat healthy, and I have a wardrobe that rocks.

I'd be as poor as a church mouse if I'd had kids.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
April 08, 2022
I turned 53 a few months ago and when people find out my age, they can't believe it. They usually peg me for someone in my 30s. I feel pretty good about that. If I had to deal with loafing and rearing, I'd definitely not look as youthful as I do.

I've had to deal with dropped jaws from doctors when I tell them I am menopausal. I've been told I look age 30, and not my actual 54 years. Part of that is due to skin so oily that it can be used to grease a muffin pan. It's so bad I can't even wear make up because it won't stay on my face longer than an hour.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
April 10, 2022
I used to be a grease pit but a few years ago my skin dried a little. Now it's just mildly combo. I'm so glad I can switch to wearing lighter products now instead of feeling all cakey in matte makeup. I always felt a bit mummified in that stuff.

I don't usually share my secret to how I stayed looking so young. I think if I said anything about it, most breeders would pop a gasket. I don't need that drama. I tell them my other secrets, like staying out of direct sunlight, wearing skin cream since I was young (usually just a cheap-o one like Olay with SPF but it helped) and other things.

My friends who didn't have kids all look fairly young for their ages. The ones who bred? Well...let's just say I couldn't pick them out of a lineup. They all look like they've aged quite a bit.
Re: Think You'll "regret it when you're old?" Think again.
May 02, 2022
This article has numerous couples who are talking about being older and not having children. They also do not regret it:

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