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PMYABP; moo murders her friends 3 year old daughter because her son raped her

Posted by ladybug2203 
She didnt want the child to tell on her golden penis so she killed her

She killed the wrong child.
Violence against females in South Africa is endless and unbelievable.
Oh my freaking God did you read what the judge said when this woman got a lenient sentence of 11 years?

"Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela said the fact that the woman pleaded guilty, coupled with her having no one to care for her children, warranted a more lenient sentence. He said the right of children were of paramount importance; and as there was no family to care for the children, it was in their interests not to have to spend too long without their mother."

Holy Jeebus Fuck. If the rights of chyldrun are so important, what about the victim? A grown woman deliberately bludgeoned this innocent child to death. She's a profoundly evil bitch and she should hang.

And listen to this "helpful" comment from the judge:

"Judge Maumela said it was a pity that the mother did not realise that her son would not have been arrested. He said that in terms of the law, a child under 10 could not be held criminally responsible for their deeds."

If Sonny Boy is raping a three year old at age 9, he's a fucking psychopath. And where did he learn such deviant behavior? I'd be looking really hard at the family. Also check this out:

"The mother cannot be identified in order to protect her son, now 11, who is in a place of safety with his younger sister."

DOUBLE JEEBUS FUCK! I don't care if this waste of skin is in a "place of safety," why in the name of all things holy is HIS YOUNGER SISTER with him? Does nobody think he's probably raping her?

This story is enraging. If this is justice, South Africa sounds like a third world shithole.
Defending your child is understandable... to an extent. When you haul off and murder the person your child raped just so they wouldn't tell anyone, you're going way too far. Never mind the fact that both the victim and the rapist were children and I don't even want to know where the nine-year-old boy learned the concept of sex, let alone that it was okay to force on a toddler. Guessing either Daddy is a rapist too (if it's Africa, this is sadly not uncommon) or the kid has been sexually abused by someone.

The woman told the court she was bitterly sorry for what she had done.

No, she was "bitterly sorry" because she got caught. If that little girl's body was still outside rotting in the backyard and no one knew any better, she wouldn't be sorry at all. In order to defend her piece of shit child, she took someone else's innocent child away from them, and for that, both the Moo and her disgusting brat should be thrown in jail. I hate the fact that the fucker wouldn't have even been punished for it because he's just a chiiiiiild. Bullshit, if he knows how to rape someone, he's old enough to be tried as an adult.
Oh my freaking God did you read what the judge said when this woman got a lenient sentence of 11 years?
This story is enraging. If this is justice, South Africa sounds like a third world shithole.

I didn't read this until your post. This is so disturbing and heartbreaking. I guess the best way to get away with murder and raising a psychopath in South Africa is to make sure to have kids before murdering your friends daughter.
some of these little fuckers are born psychopathic.I've heard that can be determined by age 3.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
1. Where does a 9-year-old prepubescent boy learn how to rape?

2. Why is this murderous bitch's motherhood status even being factored into her crime? And since it is, shouldn't it just mean she goes away for LONGER since she's a danger to children? She should never be within throwing distance of a child unsupervised again. Ever.

3. Why are the lives of women & girls worth so fucking LITTLE to people? Not just the killers & abusers but the "justice systems" around the world? I saw a video of a grown-ass (white) man punching an 11-year-old (Black) girl out cold on Reddit yesterday & the comments were almost universally some variation of: "She had it coming. If women want equal rights they should expect equal lefts. Etc". It's terrifying that so many violent rabid fucktards are running free among us & actually get off on seeing men brutalize women & girls. Obviously this was a crazed woman killing a little girl, but not before her vile son raped her. This story is just the extreme conclusion of the mindset that women & children don't matter. (Need more proof? Check out the sentences for child sexual assault & domestic violence right here in the U.S).
trance formation usa
3. Why are the lives of women & girls worth so fucking LITTLE to people? Not just the killers & abusers but the "justice systems" around the world? I saw a video of a grown-ass (white) man punching an 11-year-old (Black) girl out cold on Reddit yesterday & the comments were almost universally some variation of: "She had it coming. If women want equal rights they should expect equal lefts. Etc". It's terrifying that so many violent rabid fucktards are running free among us & actually get off on seeing men brutalize women & girls. Obviously this was a crazed woman killing a little girl, but not before her vile son raped her. This story is just the extreme conclusion of the mindset that women & children don't matter. (Need more proof? Check out the sentences for child sexual assault & domestic violence right here in the U.S).

That's a common thread in so much of the world. I was just reading an article that the average sentence for a man who kills his partner is 4-6 years, while the average sentence for a woman who kills her partner is 5-11 years. And that's without even taking into consideration the most common reasons for killing: the men usually kill because they are abusers, whereas the women usually kill because their partners are abusive. (It's because of the mentality that killing someone in a confrontation when you're enraged is less bad than killing them in their sleep, which requires pre-meditation. However it fails to take into consideration that a person who is being abused is most likely to be killed when they are trying to leave the abuser, so it could also be interpreted as self-defense. Plus the person who kills out of rage rather than self defense is far more likely to do something similar again.)

Just one of the many ways in which women's lives are devalued by the justice system.
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