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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 22, 2020
Good haul today...

Who would run from a catch like this? What's not to like?


You're a shitty excuse for a man and I should've ran when you told me you still lived at home with your mom at 33 and have never attempted to move out.

I should've ran when you told me haven't held down a consistent job in your life except for being a drug dealer.

I should've ran when you told me your ex wife ran away because of problems that we're still having now.

I should've ran when I caught you feeling yourself in front of your (female) best friend.

I should've ran when I found out I was pregnant.

I should've ran when I'd come home from work pregnant and tired, and all you'd want to do is play video games or have sex.

I should've ran you didn't bother doing anything on our first Valentine's, followed by my first mother's and still nothing.

I should've ran when you promised to always help but I'm still the sole caregiver to our child. "Well you should've asked me". BULLSHIT.

I dislike you, I dislike your family, I dislike your mediocre love, I dislike your friends that you prioritize over me, I dislike how all you do all day- be it cigarettes or pot, I dislike how smelly you are, I dislike how you manage to be tired all the time despite doing NOTHING, I dislike how you never listen to me, I dislike how you're always picking your nose or bumps and touching everything afterwards, I dislike how neglected you make me feel, I dislike so much about you.

Don't think for a second I didn't notice your moustache smelled like privates today. Shame on you. But I enjoy being away from you so go right ahead.

I will leave you once I get my degree and I will happily be single.


Looks like hubs isn't coping well with the One of Our Own. So short but says so much. I'm pretty sure he's miserable, too.


We both have kids previous to our marriage.. we tried for our daughter and succeeded ...now our life is stressful. I mean it always has been... but now that we are "doing it the right way" I guess more is expected. Well... our home is falling to shit. We are still supporting our teens and have a 1 yr old. At a drop of a dime hes so mad that ......we can't find the remote/ internet sux/ car sux / need to do renovations to live here/etc.... I'm trying to stay positive and its wearing on me. I know life is hard how do u stay positive when everything seems to go in the wrong direction?


These people piss off everyone who has the misfortune of sharing a building with them, but of course, it's always the other guy's fault for being so "anti-kid".

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 22, 2020
I'm pretty sure a lot of these women confuse attention with affection. As in someone with a penis shows them something resembling kindness and they immediately think he's The OneTM. Then they fuck him, breed with him, marry him (not always in that order) and only THEN learn what a piece of shit he is. That, or he was a piece of shit from the start and they just ignored it because wuv. Or they're just so desperate to get laid that the size of the guy's junk takes priority over his personality and/or bad habits until such a time that they live together and she learns he's totally unbearable.

These women have every opportunity to see and acknowledge these HUGE red flags and yet they don't because they're stupid. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crappy former relationship under my belt, but I was also 16 and didn't know any better. These women are often twice that old, so what excuse do they have for making these juvenile mistakes? I might have pity on them if they didn't just hop from one asshole to the next, so all they do is make the same mistakes repeatedly anyway.

I've seen at least a couple stories about women on there who reach the conclusion that their male co-worker is in love with them because they treated the Moo with basic human decency. Moos need to figure out what the fuck normal male/husband/father behavior is before they hop on the next erect penis so they quit winding up in these fucked up relationships and exposing their kids to this shit. I know that's asking an awful lot, but who else do they have to blame but themselves when every one of their kids has a different baby-daddy because Moo insists on shacking up with complete pieces of shit? Surely being alone is better than being stuck with someone you hate?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 22, 2020
The Moo who posted this has teenagers by another marriage and a one year old with her angry and unhappy second husband:


but now that we are "doing it the right way" I guess more is expected

For real? LOL. I believe "doing it the right way" = staying with the first husband and raising the kids you first decided to have, not divorcing their Dud and making them back-of-the-couchers while you lavish your attention on NewBaybee with NewMan. (Who is, unsurprisingly, sounding like a prick.)

holding sign: bed made lie
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Yes, rather than making an effort to "do it right" the first time, they have to fuck up one set of brats and then try again with a new brood.

Which brings me to my next exhibit. Check out this mountain of fail:


I (F42) didn't think posting a picture of some random destruction D4 and her best friend M4 (He's confirmed on the spectrum) got into while I ran to the grocery store (S18 was supposed to be watching them) would end in mom shaming and losing a friend.

D4 was a 'planned accident'. My DH45 and I had decided not to have a kid since he brought 3 kids into the relationship, and we both have arthritis and other health issues. But then my birth control failed, I was pregnant long enough to get used to the idea, and then miscarried. We decided to try for a rainbow baby and had our beautiful D4.

D4 is a whole different monster than her brother was, and, like i said, I'm not the young mom I used to be. My sleep schedule is shit. My DH gets home from work at 4 am, and if I am not asleep before then, usually I don't fall asleep until after the sun comes up. I have unmanaged fibromyalgia and arthritis, so I am in constant pain and can barely get out of bed some days.

My depression and anxiety are not well managed either, I am on the 4th different different medication this year to try and help with it, but... Yeah. A lot of my depression comes from not being able to be the same Uber functional mom for D4 as I was with S18. I keep telling myself it's a different situation, S18 had been in daycare from age 1 on because I was working and going to college. D4 has never been in daycare, I actually quit my last job to become a SAHM when my DH was moved to second shift. I was also lot younger with S18 and my issues were managed better when he was little. I also had help from roommates for a majority of S18's childhood

The rest is just an uninteresting description of the brats opening up neighbors' garbage and scattering it all over the sidewalk while she wasn't paying attention. Also notice there was no father in the picture for the teenager.

Let's see...middle aged, chronic health problems, mental issues, litter of steps...LET'S HAVE A BABY!!!11

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Middle-age Moo also contradicts herself. At first she said that her S18 was supposed to be watching them (watch them yourself you lazy cow!) but later in the post, she says she was cleaning.

What kind of inept moo leaves two four year olds alone, outside, for 15 minutes?? Especially when one of them isn't even hers??
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Maybe things are different now, but I can remember playing outside alone in an unfenced yard when I was very young. It was drilled into me from birth not to fuck shit up and not to leave the yard, and I did neither. But parenting was different then.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Maybe things are different now, but I can remember playing outside alone in an unfenced yard when I was very young. It was drilled into me from birth not to fuck shit up and not to leave the yard, and I did neither. But parenting was different then.

That's because your parents did their job and were trying to keep you safe.

These days, most parents don't seem to warn their kids about the stuff our parents did, things like respecting animals, looking both ways before you cross the road, and not going up to strangers.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Any time a parent says they think their brat is "on the spectrum" without any official diagnosis, I immediately assume the child is an undisciplined brat and Moo is trying to pass the buck by blaming the kid's awful behavior on a disease rather than her parenting failures. And a vast majority of the time, I'm right.

If the kid and its moron friend cannot be trusted to not dump the neighbors' trash all over the sidewalk, why are they allowed to play outside? I'm sure Moo is relieved to not have the brats she chose to have in her hair for a while, so she doesn't give a fuck what they do as long as they do it away from her. They should have lost the privilege to play outside after the first garbage stunt they pulled.

Also, why the fuck would these two retards go and make a brat on purpose when both have arthritis and a myriad of other health problems? Dealing with a gaggle of kids is bad enough, doing it in middle age is worse and doing it in middle age when you're sick long-term is just asking for trouble.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2020
Da fuck is a rainbow baybee?!?
rainbow baby
[rainbow baby]
a baby born subsequent to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of an infant from natural causes.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2020
I am middle aged and chronically ill, and I would not try to take care of a small child even if I liked them. I simply don't have enough energy to do a good job. Also, there is no guarantee I could respond to an emergency fast enough. There was somebody on My 600 Pound Life who was fired from her job at a day care center for that reason. She was young but over 600 pounds. They were afraid she wouldn't be able to get to a kid fast enough in an emergency, which is a completely legitimate fear. Brat care does require a certain amount of physical health and strength.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2020

a baby born subsequent to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or the death of an infant from natural causes.

The fact that her kid is a "rainbow baybee" (Gawd, just another stupid Breeder term to loathe) does not eliminate any of the original reasons why the Moo and Dud decided to not have a baybee together:


My DH45 and I had decided not to have a kid since he brought 3 kids into the relationship, and we both have arthritis and other health issues. But then my birth control failed, I was pregnant long enough to get used to the idea, and then miscarried. We decided to try for a rainbow baby and had our beautiful D4.

I wonder if her birth control really failed. She could have wanted a baybee after they got married because she thought the three kids were getting too much attention that was diverted from her.

Sane people who really have birth control failures make sure it does not happen again. It would have been easy for Dud to get the snip after this happened--in fact he should have got one before they were married to keep wifey honest when she said she was okay with not having any.
I'm female and I've seen too many women say they are not ready for kids or tell the guy they are okay with not having any, but they get married and suddenly stop using the BC.

They are now geezer breeders with a four year old kid and Dud has three other kids. He will probably be working until he's 70.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2020
Any time a parent says they think their brat is "on the spectrum" without any official diagnosis, I immediately assume the child is an undisciplined brat and Moo is trying to pass the buck by blaming the kid's awful behavior on a disease rather than her parenting failures. And a vast majority of the time, I'm right.

Also, why the fuck would these two retards go and make a brat on purpose when both have arthritis and a myriad of other health problems? Dealing with a gaggle of kids is bad enough, doing it in middle age is worse and doing it in middle age when you're sick long-term is just asking for trouble.

I think this is a way to maintain victim hood well into her 40's, she can whine and complain about baybeez and her health issues to anyone who listens.

They probably were thinking about how the older kids can be perma-babysitters, because that is what every kid dreams of, right?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2020
I'm female and I've seen too many women say they are not ready for kids or tell the guy they are okay with not having any, but they get married and suddenly stop using the BC.

I think there are a large number of women (and some men too) who think that birth control is only for unmarried people and that you will magically continue to be unable to reproduce after marriage without contraception until such a time that you want a child, in which case the magic spell wears off and you become pregnant. Like you're not "allowed" to practice birth control when you're married because birth control is only for when you're "whoring around" and once you've got the shiny rock on your finger, you don't have to be careful anymore. I don't know where this logic comes from.

Can't tell you how stories I've read by married women who rely on pulling out who are surprised when it doesn't work.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2020
Moo seems to think that she has the monopoly on names and gets pissed when her in-laws name their brat after her kids, sort of.



So I have two children, with fairly unique first names. They are both very meaningful to my husband and I and they really compliment one another. Both names have special significance to us, one for my grandmother who passed, the other is unique and very sentimental. The names also flow together really well. It was planned this way! My BIL and his wife are expecting a baby, and they’ve decided they like our kids names so much, that they’ve combined my two kid’s first names TOGETHER to create their baby’s name. Phonetically, it is an actual combination of my children’s names! This isn’t speculation, this was deliberate. So now, all of our children’s entire names will sound so similar, with phonetically similar cultural middle names given by our families, and they will share SAME last name.

I’m trying not to be a petty bitch, but I’m extremely annoyed. They took the only piece of my children’s names that came from me, and forced me to share it.

Just ranting because I would never actually say this to them. They’re excited first time parents who love this name. I just wish they would have been more original.

Hasn't she ever heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Still, what's wrong with having kids with similar names in the family? Three of my grandmother's sisters were named "Kate" and aside from getting multiple responses occasionally at family gatherings when someone was looking for Aunt Kate, it wasn't a big deal because they had nicknames! Imagine that, nicknames exist! What the fuck does Moo think happens when two people in the same family have the same name?! Does she honestly think this is the first time names within a family will be shared? Apparently Moo has dibs on these names because they have some kind of sentimental value to her, whereas her BIL and SIL just "stole" those names because they liked them. I guess Moo feels like she "worked" harder for those names?

Most of the Moos are siding with the author saying that she has a legitimate reason to be upset and telling her to confront her in-laws about it to tell them how mad she is that they stole her brats' names in an effort to make them change it. I guess she thinks she's got a copyright on those names or something.

Still, I can only imagine how retarded the name sounds if it's a made up combination of two other names. Sounds like this Moo gave her kids potentially kre8ive names, so I can only imagine what hot mess her in-laws came up with. Every child does not need a unique fucking name! At this point, kre8ive names are so common that "James" and "Carla" might be considered unique now.

Everyone is a fucking moron here.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2020
Everyone is a fucking moron here.

Yup, everyone sucks here. Breeders never seem to consider that a name is for the person who has it, and it's not to showcase creativity. You can name your dog or your succulents whatever you like, as they will not care. Humans, on the other hand, will care. Being tormented about a name will leave a mark. I guess it's a normal oversight given that we're talking about people who make others exist because that's what they want - nevermind what the person who comes to exist may want.

So the names "flow" together, one is named after a grandmother and the other is yoonique. I'm envisioning something like Anne and Toneia. Toneia is going to resent her yoonique name, and both of them are going to resent the "flow" and wind up hating each other as adults because they were never seen as individuals but always as one member of the "Anne and Tonia" group.

And then the in-laws who are naming their kid Antonia or whatever, suffer from the opposite problem, complete lack of originality. There are more than 3 names in the world. They had to know that most people don't want three kids with the same name in the same generation of the family. Maybe they only see each other once a year, but it's still unnecessary.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2020
And then the in-laws who are naming their kid Antonia or whatever, suffer from the opposite problem, complete lack of originality. There are more than 3 names in the world. They had to know that most people don't want three kids with the same name in the same generation of the family. Maybe they only see each other once a year, but it's still unnecessary.

I’m kind of with the OP moo on this one, not because I think she has a special right to those two names, but because someone saying “I like your two kid’s names so much, I’m going to Frankenstein them together to make a name for my one kid!” is fuckin’ weird.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 26, 2020
And then the in-laws who are naming their kid Antonia or whatever, suffer from the opposite problem, complete lack of originality. There are more than 3 names in the world. They had to know that most people don't want three kids with the same name in the same generation of the family. Maybe they only see each other once a year, but it's still unnecessary.

I’m kind of with the OP moo on this one, not because I think she has a special right to those two names, but because someone saying “I like your two kid’s names so much, I’m going to Frankenstein them together to make a name for my one kid!” is fuckin’ weird.

I agree. Portmanteau names are great for a separate stage identity or an indie band, but it's not the sort of thing that should be encouraged in a regular, everyday setting, given the propensity for modern breeders to name their kids after everything from days of the week to backwards nouns and the first five letters of the alphabet...
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 26, 2020
This one's pissed because her parents are encouraging actual discipline on account of what a brat her kid is turning into. "Waaaaah, who do they think they are". They're people with more intelligence and brat raising ability than you, obviously. Also, obviously this makes them "right wing boomers" because we must throw in an insult with our self-righteous whine.


So my folks are your typical right-wing boomers, who believe that hitting and yelling at your kids is sufficient discipline. My child is 2.5 years old and behaves like well a toddler should. She is bossy, strong-willed, and of course throws age appropriate tantrums. I have told my parents that I am not going to spank my child. My method of discipline, which is a mixture of time out (1-2-3 Magic) and natural consequences, has been proven to be more effective on her than spanking will ever be. My parents always mock anti-spankers saying that if they don't spank their kids they will be brats, which is utterly absurd.

So we were video chatting with my parents and my child started pushing her boundaries and tried to boss me around, and I shut her down immediately saying that we use nice words in this house. My mom goes "OMG she is sooo bossy". I say, "She's a toddler, what do you expect ?". Then my toddler hits the dog, and i put her in time out. Toddler starts wailing and my parents say that I should have spanked her. I then was so enraged that I told them that this is my child and I will discipline her as I see fit. They didn't like that so they left. Who do these people think they are anyway?


Here's one blaming the extended family for her inability to have time alone with hubs. It's all their fault for not assuming incessant babysitting duties whenever moo wants a date.


Hello, first post here. Long story short, my husband and I have no one that we can rely on. We have three kids and since my middle one was born we have not been able to go anywhere or do anything "just us". My family lives in our town but none of them can be relied upon including my mom, dad and siblings. My mother and father are narcissists, so they enjoy watching me squirm, not getting any help and not getting any alone time with my husband. My husband's family lives out of town so they're out of the question.

For years we have stayed home, not gone out anywhere, no dinners together, no alone time. By the time we get the kids to sleep every night, it's so late, we're exhausted and we just pass out. We rotate on and off so that we can get time out of the house alone, but it's never together. He goes to hang out with his buddy here and there and I do the shopping and to the gym. It's causing resentment, it's making us crazy! We've tried reaching out on social media for babysitters, but we've not found anyone trustworthy or worth the bullcrap or we just get no response. It's making us angry at the fact that we get no break, we're resentful towards my family who doesn't seem to care at all that I've reached out, who don't want to help but act like they care so much when they're in front of your face. I see others getting to go out, even though they have kids too and it makes me jealous and resentful that we can't get any help. I don't know what to do, my husband and I love each other very much and absolutely love and enjoy our beautiful children, but I think it's imperative once in a while to get that break- that recharge time away from your kids to just rest from the rigors of Parenthood and to get the kids around other family members to enrich them and enjoy them.

I'm struggling with resentment, sadness, I feel like nobody actually cares the way they say they do. I'm at my wit's end, I just want some help. I try and imagine we are in a foreign town and we have no one else around us so that it doesn't make me so upset. What do you guys do if you have nobody to help?


I just included this one for the trainwreck factor. I can't imagine there were no red flags to prevent this mountain of fail. Not like they would have been heeded, anyway.


So dumb, honestly. I don't even know why I'm venting here. I just don't have anyone else.

When I was 5 months pregnant (2019) my 9 year old and myself both got the flu, really bad. I was already spotting because I have a subchorionic (?) Hematoma.

Anyway, my husband comes home from work and says 'my ex's (kids mom) grandma called me and wants me to go hook up her roku tonight' I said, 'i can't get out of bed, I don't even know if my son is even okay cause he's also so sick he can't get out of bed, tell her not tonight that we are sick, and you can come another night'

He refused. Big fight. Took his 2 kids and left to her house. Left my pregnant ass with the flu and bleeding and my 9 year old with the flu home. Leaves for almost 4 hours. When he comes back we argue, he tells me to get over it. She paid him by making them tacos. Jesus.

I'm starting to bleed pretty heavily so I say 'i really think I need to go to the ER and get checked out. I'm concerned.' he says 'have fun. Go by yourself'

So I did. It was awful, they kept telling me I was having a miscarriage, didn't do any ultrasound, nothing. I'm a wreck. There's a tornado siren outside going off. I finally get home after midnight and he's sound asleep in bed.

So, fast forward to now. I ask him if he can fix the TV for some elder members of my family. He said 'nope. Not unless there's an incentive for me to do it.' um what the actual fuck. I reminded him of said incident and he says 'they fed me and gave me $20' um, no they didn't. Unless you forgot to mention that part to me. But he still won't so SHIT for my family or friends. Nothing. Unless he's getting something out of it. But if it's his family, co workers or friends, he will literally bend over backwards to help.

I'm so done. I'm over it.

I said 'i want to ask you why you feel that way, I want to argue it. But it makes no fucking difference. Anything that is important to me is shit, so I don't even ask' But then he acts offended that we didn't ask him.

I'm going to rip my fucking hair out... GRRRR

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 26, 2020

We've tried reaching out on social media for babysitters, but we've not found anyone trustworthy or worth the bullcrap or we just get no response. It's making us angry at the fact that we get no break, we're resentful towards my family who doesn't seem to care at all that I've reached out, who don't want to help but act like they care so much when they're in front of your face. I see others getting to go out, even though they have kids too and it makes me jealous and resentful that we can't get any help.

LOL I haven't even looked at the respoinses but it's not hard to figure out with her constant references to "family" and "help."

She wants to dump her brood on family or friends for free. The people who are getting babysitters are willing to PAY for them.

I would bet $ that she is one of those Moos who bleats that she herself deserves $150,000/year for watching her own kids, cleaning her house and fixing them meals, yet anyone else should watch them for free.

And ever notice these whiners often have a lot of kids? Does anyone think having three humans wouldn't be a shit show most of the time, particularly when they are little?

the world 'fail' on flames holding sign: bed made lie
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 26, 2020
I agree. Portmanteau names are great for a separate stage identity or an indie band, but it's not the sort of thing that should be encouraged in a regular, everyday setting, given the propensity for modern breeders to name their kids after everything from days of the week to backwards nouns and the first five letters of the alphabet...

Back when I was with my ex who didn't seem to hear me when I said no kids, he said that we should name our first child a mix of both our first names if it's a girl (and after him if it's a boy because he's "Buttmunch II" and he wanted a "Buttmunch III"). To be fair, that combination would have resulted in a normal female name, but with a dumbass spelling. When I think of combo names, all I can think of are the cutesy terms the media comes up with for celebrity couples like "Brangelina." And they're all fucking stupid. There are so many perfectly normal and beautiful names that exist already, so why do people have to make up retarded ones? I think a lot of parents think giving their brats "unique" names will ensure the child is a unique person that they can live through vicariously. Unique child = unique parent, right?!

Anyway, as far as the anti-discipline heifer...

My child is 2.5 years old and behaves like well a toddler should. She is bossy, strong-willed, and of course throws age appropriate tantrums. I have told my parents that I am not going to spank my child. My method of discipline, which is a mixture of time out (1-2-3 Magic) and natural consequences, has been proven to be more effective on her than spanking will ever be. My parents always mock anti-spankers saying that if they don't spank their kids they will be brats, which is utterly absurd.

I like how Moo thinks that her methods of discipline are effective, but her child is still a "bossy, strong-willed" tantrum-throwing little shit. If her means of discipline was effective, this behavior will not occur. This alone would make a sane person sit down and re-evaluate their methods, but these Moos are so insistent on not spanking that they'll sit there and tell you their piss-poor or non-existent disciplinary measures work while their bratty bastards are screaming, breaking shit, hitting people and generally being assholes. The point of discipline is to teach a child how to behave properly, so if they are not doing this, then the usual culprit is inefficient discipline. Why are the people with kids the only ones who don't comprehend this?

Why does everyone seem to think that spanking is the same thing as beating your child to a bloody pulp? A proper spanking should be a firm swat on the ass - it's not meant to legitimately injure the child, it's meant to get their attention and cause enough discomfort and minor pain to get it through their heads that whatever they're doing is not acceptable. A smack on the ass does this quickly and effectively, unlike modern Moo parenting, which involves hugging, discussion of feelings, redirection, natural consequences (which are what, exactly?) or just plain doing nothing.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 26, 2020

We've tried reaching out on social media for babysitters, but we've not found anyone trustworthy or worth the bullcrap or we just get no response. It's making us angry at the fact that we get no break, we're resentful towards my family who doesn't seem to care at all that I've reached out, who don't want to help but act like they care so much when they're in front of your face. I see others getting to go out, even though they have kids too and it makes me jealous and resentful that we can't get any help.

LOL I haven't even looked at the respoinses but it's not hard to figure out with her constant references to "family" and "help."

She wants to dump her brood on family or friends for free. The people who are getting babysitters are willing to PAY for them.

I would bet $ that she is one of those Moos who bleats that she herself deserves $150,000/year for watching her own kids, cleaning her house and fixing them meals, yet anyone else should watch them for free.

And ever notice these whiners often have a lot of kids? Does anyone think having three humans wouldn't be a shit show most of the time, particularly when they are little?

the world 'fail' on flames holding sign: bed made lie

And to think, she could have avoided having kids altogether if she didn't bank on free babysitting for life. She didn't take the time to notice (prior to giving birth herself) many moos complaining once the new baby smell wears off help is no longer available, unless moo is willing to pay?

She only realizes after three kids in that relatives will also say what she wants to hear to be agreeable and then never be available? Why not realize this hard truth at one kid and be done?

Was she never disappointed or set straight on how the world works until she was three kids in? Perhaps she had a ridiculously easy life as a child and assumed parunting would also be a piece of cake?
I swear these moos are so ridiculously naive!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 27, 2020
Why are these people so fucking dense? If you want to have a life with your partner and/or outside the house, then don't have kids! It's nobody's job to relieve Mommy and Daddy of the burden of their voluntary life choice so they can go pretend to not be parents for a while. Nobody wants to brat-sit now because of the pandemic, and breeders don't want to pay babysitters a dime because either they're broke or cheap, and if I had to guess, none of their kids is old enough to watch the younger ones for free, which is a popular tactic among poor/cheap breeders.

Breeders never ask themselves if they'd be willing to watch someone else's brats for free on a regular basis because I guarantee the answer would be a resounding NO. Minding kids sucks and almost no one wants to do it for no pay, and many people don't want to do it even for money. I guess they think the privilege of watching their snookumses is payment enough? Funny how Moos think they deserve a six-figure salary for what they do, but someone else placed in charge of their kids to do the very same work doesn't deserve a cent. Interesting how that seems to work.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 27, 2020
Why are the people with kids the only ones who don't comprehend this?

It's not everyone with kids...There are still old people alive who DID use discipline!

Here's another bog standard post about a feral toddler running wild with an unusual quote:

The behavior specialist mentioned something about how in the last 5 years, their studies are showing brand new behaviors in toddlers that has never been heard of before. That I’m not alone. That while he’s a bit of a severe case, he’s not as extreme as the twins who had to spend a week in a psych ward (?!?).

It's so obvious to everyone but moos...and doctors apparently.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 27, 2020
Based on what she said in previous posts, the Moo of the feral toddler claims to use time outs, "gentle" redirection, loss of privileges and "light" spanking, none of which seem to work. Maybe it's time for some heavy spanking, then. I also wonder what she feeds him, as in if she stuffs him full of sugar because he throws fits otherwise.

But her older kid seems okay, so maybe her parenting has nothing to do with it and this one is just a tard? Seems that way between the meltdowns, the screaming, the violent behavior (hitting and biting), the destruction (has destroyed his bed frame, toys, ripped up the carpet, tore his bedroom door off its hinges, tore the baseboards off his walls), escaping the house to go play in some water (we all know how attracted tards are to water), no sense of danger whatsoever.

I feel bad for the older kid because Moo admits to paying him much less attention in order to deal with the asshole child and he seems quite resigned to being second banana at the age of five. I'd wager Moo will eventually just dump the monster child on the normal child as it gets older in order to get relief from her poor life choices.

Medication might help, but anyone who has ever dealt with tards of any caliber will tell you just how easy it is to get a pill into a violent maniac, who more often than not is not interested in taking medication of their own accord.
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