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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 27, 2020
Funny how Moos think they deserve a six-figure salary for what they do, but someone else placed in charge of their kids to do the very same work doesn't deserve a cent. Interesting how that seems to work.

What is that about? Moos and duhs whine no matter the cost of their daycare (even if it is barely above minimum wage) but all these breeders want universal daycare and preschool at a livable wage (IOW - continuous 40+ week babysitting from the time they return to work after fully paid moo leave until the brat is old enough to stay at home alone-which is around 12 or 13 years old).

And what is to stop the SAHMs from trying to find an angle so they too can cash in on this "universal daycare?" They'll be next in line for the freebies. Parunthood is a 24x7 jaab and SAHMs or Ds deserve a break from raising their cancer curers, courtesy of the taxpayers. The "livable wage" part only surfaced once breeders sniffed out making the taxpayers take on the cost. I have never once heard a breeder state they wish their daycare costs could increase to accommodate a livable wage for the workers. If breeders remain solely responsible for paying for their own daycare you can bet that livable wage idea will go flying out the door.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 28, 2020
This dumb bitch broke up with the guy yet "somehow" still got knocked up by him and kept the brat over his objections. Now she's whining about being in a relationship with a guy she doesn't like.


About a year into the relationship, I decided that I had become unhappy and lost a lot of my identity in the relationship. I was so stressed with my own workload that I barely made time to see my own friends and my self care was miserable. After the breakup and some solo traveling , I moved back to my home state and found identity and satisfaction in being single and spending time with my friends who are my chosen family and likeminded people. My ex at the time and I would talk often and express sentiments about missing one another. Long story short, he came to visit and somehow I ended up pregnant. He was opposed to keeping it but I felt a strong bond and couldn’t do so. I decided to move back to CO and try to make the relationships work.


This one's useless husband is willing to let them starve rather than get off his ass and go get the free food handout.


I tried posting in the assistance sub but apparently I don’t have enough activity to request help. I get wic but we’re out for the month. Food stamps come in on Monday. No friends or family to ask. The last resort is literally standing on the side of the road asking for change.

Don't these programs provide enough cash and food to feed an army? Where is it all? As if I need to ask.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 28, 2020
I love how the first Moo claims the Duh is a "great father," but he didn't want her to keep the pregnancy. Usually when someone doesn't want a pregnancy to result in a live child, they don't turn out to be good parents. He may be a good parent compared to the shit lumps usually discussed in that sub, but it doesn't mean he's a good father in general.

Sounds like they intend to remain together (mostly because Moo can't afford to live on her own and pay for the kid) and attend couples counseling in order to parent the brat they made, but she also says they are completely incompatible with one another. No amount of counseling will make two totally incompatible people magically compatible with one another, not to mention the kid will grow up with a warped sense of what healthy relationships are if they're together when the child can start having real thought processes.

The food Duh is a piece of work too. I have to assume that he's getting fed somewhere and that's why he doesn't give a shit if his heifer and calf go hungry. And yeah, what the hell are these people doing with their food stamps that they still can't afford to eat? Are they both huge fat fucks and eat tons of food every day? People I know who are on the dole usually get so much milk and eggs that they can't use it all even if they give it away.

What is with this generation of men refusing to be providers? I do everything else, I gotta do this too? It’s not just benefiting me, asshole. I can’t go because I don’t even have fucking shoes to walk in the snow with. All I have is house slippers.

I think the better question is what is with this generation of women choosing to marry and/or breed with worthless men? There is no way this behavior didn't come to the surface before the loaf got shat. These women just chose to ignore it or figured that he'd change once he became a father. Yes, these men suck all the balls, but these women CHOSE these fuckers. Maybe they can, oh I don't know, have STANDARDS when they pick a partner and not just breed with the first erect penis they fall on?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2020
Here's an interesting discussion about moos' struggle to make the duhs take responsibility for their own fertility:

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2020
So if Moo wants to have worry-free sex and doesn't want to be on hormonal birth control, why doesn't she get Essure or a tubal? I know recovery for men is easier when it comes to sterilization, but if she wants to induce infertility that badly, why doesn't she do it herself? I'm sure she'd be able to get it done without hassle because she's already crapped out some kids.

Pushing surgery on someone who isn't keen on it isn't a great idea either and if anything, it's going to make Duh continue putting it off. But I know a lot of men are also huge babies who think they'll be less "manly" after the snip, because clearly masculinity is only defined by having viable sperm. eye rolling smileyCan you imagine the mooing that would happen if it was the other way around and he was pressuring her to get sterilized?

Nothing wrong with abstaining if he won't go through with it. But given the type of assholes these women marry, she also shouldn't be surprised if he abstains from sex with her to avoid a vasectomy and gets tail from someone else.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2020
Considering what a burden birth control, sterilization, childbirth, etc is for women, I side with the moos in this instance. It is a minor inconvenience for a male, but major surgery for a female to become sterilized. Besides, men escape responsibility for birth control too easily already.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2020
Considering what a burden birth control, sterilization, childbirth, etc is for women, I side with the moos in this instance. It is a minor inconvenience for a male, but major surgery for a female to become sterilized. Besides, men escape responsibility for birth control too easily already.

I agree, and I think that women should really consider whether the man is a partner, or whether he's expecting her emotional and physical labor in yet another area. It is a matter of gender equality for men to take responsibility for contraception, too.

That said, there's reality. You can find one of the rare men who has gotten a vasectomy, you can be single, or you can put up with that inequality in your life. I decided to get sterilized because I wanted something that would work regardless of what relationship I was in, and which would also offer protection from pregnancy in the event of a non-consensual situation. Given that I've already gone and done it, I don't consider it essential for a male partner to have had a vasectomy, it's more of a bonus which would convince me that he's committed to equality.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2020
It is a matter of gender equality for men to take responsibility for contraception, too.

Yes, that, too. I knew I was leaving something out. It is a matter of respect for your partner.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 02, 2020
These cunts are about to serve this teacher's head up on a platter over one brat's suggestion that he may be giving out SPANKINGS!


My son has mentioned "Mr. Bob" giving him swats before, but today he went into more detail. Since he's only 4, I asked if it was actual swats that hurt or more like the butt pats mom gives him when she's being silly. He said it hurts and he gets them for not listening, which is something we've been working on. He also mentioned that Mr. Bob gives other kids swats, too, but it's never when the head teacher is around. I'm going to ask his teacher about this, as calmly as I can tomorrow, but, guys, I need advice. How would you handle this? What do I say?


The first commenter would "burn the place down". I didn't bother to read the rest of the self righteous drivel.

There is nothing special or unusual about this post except the title:

"Where did our love go...oh wait". But the implied extended title is "Where did our love go...oh wait, we had kids".


This one openly admits they both spend all their parenting time absorbed in their phones


He's always so absorbed into his stupid phone. She's always talking to him and saying look at me! But he rarely even responds to her. If i say anything to him he is just defensive and nothing changes. He tells me I am on my phone too. Which yeah I am..but I actually acknowledge my kid when she's talking to me. I am still aware of what she's saying and doing. I'll put my phone down to interact with her. But him.. The house could be burning down around him and he'd have no clue.


Duh tells moo her gentle discipline is bullshit and she straight up tells him he's wrong.


Last night we got into an argument over parenting and how to handle DD (3) when she’s crying and upset about a consequence. I encourage holding space, affirming her feelings, and explaining that her favorite movie was turned off because she wasn’t listening once she’s calm. Husband thinks by doing this I coddle and encourage crying. He wants to basically patronize her into stopping, or yell, or talk to her like she’s 15 and can understand everything with an extremely irritated tone when she doesn’t. Or bribe her.

I told him he needed to stop trying to get her to stop crying which turned into a parenting argument where I said we needed to get on the same page but he refuses to read anything I send him or flag for him in a book. He said he doesn’t need to read a fucking book to be a parent and can find 12 articles that disagree with what I say. He said he’s wrong no matter what. I said we needed to actually talk about this instead of just argue when it comes up. 3 years in and we are nowhere. The truth is, he is just wrong. It’s plain and fucking simple. And he is always going to be wrong because he just parents without intention and or repeats everything his parents did, which raised a handful of fucked up kids who have incredibly unhealthy relationships with their parents, or none at all and have cut them or completely.


This weekend must have been a mountain of fail. So many posts about uninterested duhs ignoring their brats during custody time or after breaking up with baby mama.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 02, 2020
It seems to me the time to talk about values about parenting is...before you have kids. But I'm sure most of the people sleepwalked into parenthood since it seems to be the norm for people to not even discuss if they want children in the first place.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 02, 2020
Man, today was just a goldmine. This cow is upset that co-workers who have been saddled with extra duty during her maternity leave are expecting her to reciprocate. Of course, instead of just doing it, she's threatening to take MORE leave, but won't cause she's trying to show how much better she is than them.


I took 15 weeks off for maternity leave and just came back to work.

We work on a “on call” rotation, so every third week in on call for a week straight. Obviously I haven’t been on call during my maternity leave.

Yesterday my coworker asked if I could cover her call this weekend - Friday through Sunday. I made plans for my partners 30th birthday on Saturday, so I declined taking call that day. She said, well I mean we all have had to miss things because you’ve been gone.

Then I asked my boss today if he would mind covering Saturday since I had already made plans. “Well, I’ve been on call quite a bit and honestly I think I’m gonna leave on vacation soon and you’re going to get the brunt of call while I’m gone.”

I’ve always been a team player. I very rarely say no to covering call, and I rarely ask for my call to be covered. And I feel like they’re going to be guilt tripping me for taking maternity leave for the next few months every time call comes up. I’m more than happy to do my fair share - but do you think it’s fair I’m expected to do more than my share because I was gone?

I dk. I’m wanting to be really bitchy about it and decline any extra call at all if they’re gonna be rude about me being gone.

I could honestly take another 9 weeks of leave if I wanted to and leave them struggling through the holidays. I want to. But I won’t.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 02, 2020
Daym, those are some bitchy, entitled Moos. She's been off four months. Check out SanctiMoo Commenter #1's first reply:


You didn't just take 15 weeks off because you felt like it. You took a break from your career to raise a child and recover from childbirth. Then having to be on call while you were off is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. I mean jeez, they had, what, 7 months to prepare for you being off? I was off from November 2nd - August 28th on maternity leave, and guess what, my company coped without me.

DO NOT LET THEM GUILT YOU BECAUSE YOU HAD A CHILD. Now you're back, you should be treated like every other employee.

Correct me if I am wrong, but every other employee has not taken off four months and has taken his/her turn and been on call, and this is what they are asking Moo to do now. They ARE treating her like everyone else.

SanctiMoo Commenter #2 goes right to "she must not have a chyld to ask you to do that."

Moo circled back and said:


I just wish they didn’t act like it was an “of course she will say yes because we covered for her for months”.

These are the reasons nobody wants to hire people of childbearing age. Off for four months with paid Mooternity leave AND comes back with a 'tude.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 02, 2020
On Call Moo’s attitude is exactly why I’m against special leave for breeders. They view their coworkers covering for their mooternity leave as something that is owed to them and cannot be trusted to willingly assist anyone else. Companies need to offer “lifestyle leave” to everyone so that moos are forced to give as much as they take.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 03, 2020
Nobody gives a shit why this bitch was out of work - all they care about is that she wasn't there to do her fucking job and they all had to pick up the slack from her absence, and her trying to duck out of covering for them in exchange for their extra work just isn't gonna fucking fly.

Guess what bitch? If you work a job that involves being on call, then you should never get too attached to plans you make.

You didn't just take 15 weeks off because you felt like it. You took a break from your career to raise a child and recover from childbirth.

Yes she fucking DID take off 15 weeks because she felt like it. Reproducing and then keeping/raising the resulting child is completely 100 percent voluntary. She took a break from her career to deal with the aftermath of her life CHOICE. Bitch there are women who go back to work right after sluicing - a lady at my old workplace was heavily pregnant when I started and she decided to give the loaf up at birth and she was right back at her desk the day after she dropped the calf. To be fair, I think she was back mostly because she couldn't afford to stay home and recover (no maternity or sick leave at that place), but still, it is possible.

Selfish cunt. Doesn't matter that every single one of her coworkers had to cancel plans and miss things because she was home fussing over her loaf and tending to her leaking vasshole for almost four months.

I’ve always been a team player. I very rarely say no to covering call, and I rarely ask for my call to be covered. And I feel like they’re going to be guilt tripping me for taking maternity leave for the next few months every time call comes up. I’m more than happy to do my fair share - but do you think it’s fair I’m expected to do more than my share because I was gone?

YES that's fair. You've got a LOT of making up to do after your ass was at home NOT working for a quarter of a fucking year. Maybe she was a team player before, but she sure as fuck won't be now. You can bet she won't be covering too many shifts and will be doing her best to leave early as often as possible because babby.

The commenters aren't much better.

Another Moo
And why were you asking the boss to cover someone else’s call? You might need to start telling people to eff off, but politely.

Oh sure, tell the people who did your job for you for four months to fuck off when they expect you to do your job again. I'm sure that's gonna be great for workplace morale. If Moo isn't prepared to cover for people the way they did for her, then she ought to find another job. The typical Moo mindset of take take take and no giving back is a great way to make everyone at work hate your guts.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 03, 2020
The gentle discipline Moo sounds like a retard, which is no surprise. I love how the Duh is just plain wrong simply because his idea of discipline differs from hers. But to be fair, it sounds like he has the same opinion about her and her discipline methods. Boy, that's always a hoot and a holler when you have two "my way is the only/correct way" people living together, especially when they're two parents to the same child.

It sounds to me like these two morons aren't compatible with one another to begin with, so of course they went and had a child. Neither one is interested in discussing things with the other because both feel the other is wrong in pretty much every sense, and of course nobody discusses parenting methods before getting pregnant or giving birth because that would make sense and as far as breeders are concerned, sense is just what you get when you break a dollar.

And the cherry on top of this shit sundae is Moo went out and spent a bunch of money on a brand new puppy to keep as a companion because her husband sucks. Because of course they need another dependent creature in this healthy, happy home! They can't even agree on how to raise their fucking brat, so how will they agree on how to raise their dog? I guarantee the poor dog will get dumped at a shelter or in the woods when it becomes too inconvenient to deal with (translation: wants to play or get a little attention).

The Duh sounds like an argumentative dick who will be difficult on purpose just to fuck with Moo. But hey, she married the fucknugget and bred with him and stayed with him, so she knew him long enough to weed out these charming quirks of his. Like most Moos, I'm pretty sure this one is just retarded. I feel bad for the kid because it's not getting sane parenting from either of the DNA donors - Moo's pussified gentle discipline is useless and the Duh sounds like he just wants an excuse to be mean to someone and his kid is a good target.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 05, 2020
I don't know why these idiots make bedtime so hard on themselves. Put a fucking lock on the outside of your brat's door, put them to bed, lock them in and let them scream and cry all night. They won't die. Also, if a child is old enough to ask its parent to change its diaper, then it's too old to be wearing diapers, barring legitimate incontinence issues.


I came home from work yesterday tired and frustrated and sore. Fed my 2 year old, gave her a bath, rocked her to sleep, and put her in bed. She is used to sleeping with me, so she woke up a couple times and I laid with her until she fell back asleep.

She wakes up again and I am over it. I just want some peace and to relax. I seriously need it as I do not get a break. I tell her it’s bed time and she has to stay in bed. She screams and cries and keeps trying to get up, and I keep putting her in bed. She is sobbing and asks me to rock her but I tell her no, she has to stay in bed. She asks me to change her diaper, so I do, and put her back in bed.

After about 45 mins of fighting her to stay in bed, I get in bed and rock her and just cry because I feel so bad and I’m so stressed out and depressed. I hope I didn’t mess her up or give her anxiety or something. I just needed a break.

This is a great way to teach your brat that as long as they keep on screaming and putting up a fight, Mommy will cave and give them what they want, and this shit is a lot harder to fix as they get older. Some of the commenting Moos actually sound relatively sane and instruct Moo to not give in to the kid's bullshit.

Also, why is the toddler sleeping with Moo every night in the first place and not in its own bed? Sleeping in your parents' bed is acceptable because of a nightmare or something else scary like a thunderstorm, but why is it happening every single night? Unless there is a severe lack of space in the house, there is no reason for this.

That kid won't ever want to sleep on its own if Moo doesn't try to make it sleep separately from her. Moo has the kid trained to only fall asleep when she's there with her, and I'm sure that gives Moo some sense of love and validation, but she's also making her child dependent on her as a sleep aid. Whatever happened to sleeping with a stuffed animal if you need a sense of security at bedtime?

I couldn't deal with this horse shit, personally. This kind of behavior would earn a brat a smack in the mouth from me. I'm sure punishing the kid for misbehaving at bedtime never crossed Mommy's mind either. Bratlina might think twice about being a shit at bedtime if she knew it would get her a tanned ass every single time. Or put on some noise cancelling headphones and let the little fucker scream herself to sleep. Once she learns that her hysterics won't get her her own way anymore, she'll quit doing this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2020
Here's another entitled cow bitching about coworkers not doing her job for her while she was on extended vacation. This one goes above and beyond with the self righteousness.


When I went on maternity leave, no one did shit to cover me. I spent months preparing everyone, training, and even wrote a fucking reference manual for the shit only I know how to do just in case. Did anyone work on any of my projects? Nope. Did anyone crack open the manual? Nope. Did they actively push off new work for when I got back? Yep.

Well in the haze of sleep deprivation, with cracked nipples, in the height of a pandemic, and desperate for money from a completely unpaid and too short maternity leave, I came back to an obscene amount of work and angry clients. It took me 3 months of work from home, from a laptop balanced on my husband's sleeping back at 3am while nursing my new baby to dig myself the fuck out of everyone else's incompetence. Things are finally slowing down.

Well now that I am not just reacting any more because I can breathe...fuck this job. I can never forgive how much they've epically fucked up my first year as a mom. I'm literally there for the pay check, and I'm not interested in being ambitious or going above and beyond ever again. On top of that it's the good old boys club anyway so it's not like I'm respected because I guess having a dick makes you somehow know shit? Nevermind I'm the highest educated person there and no doubt work the hardest. Their loss, idiots.

So fuck it. I'm just going to coast while I pursue my passions and hopefully in a few years I will be working for myself anyway. My boss thinks we're friends lolololol. Worst part is that being expected to be treated like a human is called "entitlement" with these folks. Yeah? How entitled are they? Basically all of their wives are single-handedly supporting their careers and like, what they eat for lunch, what they wear to work, and every other facet of their sad, one-dimensional lives. Babies. Hardest part of it all is holding my tongue and having to be friendly when I want to just tell every cuntwaffle I work with to gag on a fresh bushel of sticky dicks.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2020
I will give that woman a bit of slack only because it does sound like the company was badly managed and it's not necessarily related to Moo leave. If you lose an employee and you have angry clients because of it, there is a management problem. Good performers are piled on in a lot of workplaces because managers do not want to confront the deadwood.

However, she is out of line to automatically blame her co-workers. They probably had their own work to do and why should they pick up extra work if they aren't going to get anything for it? Her life choices are not their problem--they are the company's problem.


Well now that I am not just reacting any more because I can breathe...fuck this job. I can never forgive how much they've epically fucked up my first year as a mom.

Wah Wah Wah. It sound like the culture at this job is work alcoholic, particularly because she wrote this:


Worst part is that being expected to be treated like a human is called "entitlement" with these folks

Some workplace cultures are like this, and it sounds like she knew this going in before she decided to loaf. If she wants to have a personal life, she is better off looking elsewhere rather than wanting them to make her Moohood special.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 06, 2020
Re: bedtime drama...god, just more evidence how horrid toddlers are, PLUS horrid parenting on top of it. Who in their right mind would sign up for that kind of bullshit? Toddlers suck, and I'm lucky my parents let me make it through that stage alive. I'm sure I was awful. And considering that I was (with my adult understanding, hindsight, etc) a kid prone to insomnia...I can only imagine what I was like as a fucking toddler.

My own parents' policy was that any of us kids could seek them out at night, but generally we were comforted, our needs were seen to, and we were tucked back into our own beds when things were taken care of. Looking at how my parents handled things, I see now that they were training us into sleep habits that did not require parental presence all the time. We were read/told stories, parent would sit and talk for a little, that sort of thing. Get that damn toddler a few stuffed animals, maybe a night light, give her some books to look at (I dealt with insomnia by reading myself to sleep), etc for after she's tucked in. As it stands right now, Toddler is training her mom quite well. Mom will be at her side and Toddler will never learn to self-soothe. Stupid parent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 09, 2020
Duhddy gets PPD like clockwork for the first year of each new brat's life and Moo is wondering what to do. Maybe quit having kids with him if he flies into a depression each time you have one? Fucking moron.

I am SHOCKED that there isn't a single Moo (yet) getting her udders in a knot over the implication that someone with a penis can experience post-partum depression because that is exclusively the heifers' pasture. Give it time, that thread's only 4 hours old and I'm sure someone will get offended over it.


After each of our kids my fiance gets post partum depression that spans nearly a year. During this year he barely helps, needs a lot of time to himself (or he spirals) and when asked to help with basics will blame me with favored tag lines such as 'we always have to do things when YOU want them done' but if left to him, it doesn't get done at all.

He refuses to see anyone about it and is moody and bitter. Watching one of our three kids is rough for him and when asked to do anything more (ie, watch the kids AND unpack the dishwasher) he gets upset and goes I'M watching the kids! Like yeah, I get it, I watch them in the day and manage basics! How do you think I get their breakfast and lunch done? No one but me to watch them while I make it.

He really doesn't want to hear it when I try to communicate it and I've tried every which way that isn't nagging but I'm honestly at that stage. Why do I have to be in tears before he will help?! Before he will meet the bare minimum?!

He works full time and I stay at home, and he does make an effort for me to have either a sleep in or a nap on the weekends plus get away to the store once a week or so. But the consequence of him watching them on the weekend is that the place gets trashed and he makes zero effort in that time. Usually sits on the couch on his phone while the kids watch TV! He sees me do that a lot but he doesn't realise what our day looks like when he isn't around. We go outside a lot, we have home made ice blocks, I play with them on the ground, I help my eldest (5) learn to write etc etc.

I just don't know what to do any more and I'm so tired. When we don't have a baby under 1 he's so much better, he keeps up with the kitchen mostly and that's literally all I need to be able to keep on top of everything else. At the same time I get how hard ppd is. I just don't know that I can live like this much longer

I just don't know what to do anymore.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 10, 2020

YOU want them done' but if left to him, it doesn't get done at all.


I just don't know what to do anymore.

stop having babies maybe.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 10, 2020
Such a classic modern breeder couple.

The duh is utterly useless with kids, and becomes depressed whenever a new one is born...yet contraception hasn't occurred to either of them, since they have three kids aged 5 and under.

And of course he is her "fiance" - isn't that always the case? I don't care if people get married or not, but if you care enough about the institution to feel the need to attempt a semblance of historic legitimacy by pretending you're engaged instead of just living together, why wouldn't you marry before having three kids?

Everything about this post screams L.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 10, 2020
I can buy PPD in women, because pregnancy and childbirth screw up every system in a woman’s body in every way possible. Men don’t go through any physical changes, so I’m pretty sure PPD for them is just buyer’s remorse.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 10, 2020
Did anyone catch this exchange on the PPD thread?


A Breaking Moo question: What is his personality like when you don’t have a young baby in the family?


He's cheeky, flirty, affectionate, if I ask for help he usually gets up and does it like it's nothing and if he doesn't want to he'll just say he doesn't want to instead of the current thing which is sulking after refusing. He's not much more helpful tbh but it is just enough that I can manage.

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. They did this three times. hitting head against a brick wall hitting head against a brick wall hitting head against a brick wall hitting head against a brick wall hitting head against a brick wall
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 10, 2020
Women continue to enable men to be useless, and then seem surprised when, guess what, the men are useless.
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