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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
April 30, 2024
always the refrain (also in divorce attorney's offices) 'and then the kid(s) came'

And then the $15,000+ divorce attorney's fee that happen 98% of the time as a natural result of people having kids and then divorcing.
My (childfree) divorce was the cost of the county filing fee.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 04, 2024
I'm always stunned that so few people EVEN considered. that kids are just LIKE THIS before they bred! I so often feel like a person from outer space or something, when it seems my reality is so different from so many. Looking at the body and "grooming" standards the media seems to promote, I shake my head till I'm dizzy. I mean, the whole-body shaving, the 5 inch stiletto heels, and insane fixation on having a "glowing complexion", the 3" fingernails with enameled designs , the list of things I don't "get" just goes on and on! And now, "all body deodorants" and fabric scents that smell" clean" for weeks (chemicals, anyone??). It feels like society is just....insane---or is it me?

If you like that stuff, fine. But it does seem like many people haven't realized how many things are optional. Children, makeup, heels, shaving...all of it. I opt out of anything that isn't necessary or pleasurable.
I shave but it's only because I hate the feeling of stubble and it makes me feel cleaner to not have it. Just a personal preference but I don't care if someone chooses not to do that. It's none of my business. Hate the fingernails thing because it renders me useless as does the high heels. My sister wears high heels and still rocks them at age 71. I asked her about it and she said that she's just used to wearing them because she worked corporate for years and doesn't find them uncomfortable. She's always been a bit of a fashionista though.

I don't keep up with trends. I just do what feels good to me and it's not a standard I expect from others. The overall internet aesthetic thing is just so over the top now I just can't keep up and have no interest in it. If I could, I'd spend my life in yoga pants, t-shirts and hoodies which is what I wear when I'm at home. I only dress up if I have to.

The one thing is though that I'm not happy with is when I have to wear a bra. I only wear them if it's absolutely necessary and it's mostly because I have a bum shoulder and it's super painful to put them on and take them off.

I'm so glad I live in a town where fashion isn't a requirement and most people look a bit out of place if they're overly dressed.
Another sad story.

I don't honestly know why people encourage young people in their early 20's to get married and start sprogging immediately. (I'm guessing the parents are also Breeder trash.) It's usually such a horrible idea and it most always turns out badly.

Most are gullible little girls who are married to man-children. This one especially: "he wants to have more babies with me and says he'll never divorce me." Well so fucking what? He's also screwing other people and being a violent asshole.

Shouldn't your early 20's be about figuring out how to support yourself and finding your place in the world? If these people had anything on the ball they wouldn't need to get into these situations.


Throw away for obvious reasons. Hi, this post is more of a rant and word vomit. I don't even know how to move forward OR if I should move forward or if I should just bury my head in the sand until I can't anymore. I'm sorry about any grammatical or punctuation errors. It's never been my strong suit and I'm not really thinking straight right now. I (24F) have been with my husband (24M) for 6 years, married 4 years. I just found out two days ago that he has been messaging about 4 other women actively in the last 4 months and probably about 15 or more since we got together. He has adult photos and videos from and to half of these women. He has most likely met up with over half of them. One of them considers themselves a male and is trans and that person has a video of my husband engaging in what a court would consider an indisputable infidelity act. Pictures between both of them. Few words had been saved since it was through Snap but the videos were there. I used my phone and recorded all of the conversations I could find and I got the real life name of this most recent individual. This would be a lot easier had we only been married, however we have a child (1 F) and my husband and I had been actively trying and successfully got pregnant with our second. I am most likely 10-12 weeks along by now. He met up with and had the most recent encounter (that I have proof of) right before our first child was born. I also think he slept with his coworker more recently but I have no proof. I talked to him a little bit about some random things and brought up the fact that he could probably have gotten whoever he wanted (in reference to before we were together). His response to me was to snort, saying that no, I'm the best that he could do. So, he settled. Ouch. I don't really have any money to my name, but I'm not concerned about where I'd go or how I'd support our kiddo without him. Now we come to the nasty part other than the above... His job is one where if you are found guilty of adultery you could face jail time and disaplinary action. I have one of his close family members saying that I should absolutely out him to his job and go full scorched Earth. The problem is mentally that I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can even confront him. Last time I upset him he hurtled a stack of books at me while I was pregnant and also holding our 1 year old. I like to think It could be better for our children for us to just stay together and for me to mentally remove myself and enter a roommate type living arrangement and just force him to make his own choice. I know this most likely wouldn't actually be good for our kids but I'm not stable enough to make rash decisions at this exact moment. I could just make him think I'm drifting away. He'll carry on with whatever the hell he's doing and I can live my happy little life at home with my kids, supposedly unaware of what he's done. I think I'm going through shock because my emotions haven't really kicked in yet, they will and I'm going to have a full breakdown but right now I just feel numb. Again, I'm not really asking for advice. I just need to tell someone. I am the sole holder of the ability to ruin my family. Do I live happily in this life he's building for us, pushing out the feelings for the possibly false betterment of my children? Or do I bring to light the ruin he caused and destroy my family? Some third option?

Side note; he has no plans to leave me. Ever. He is planning on buying us a house and having more kids with me. He would never divorce me willingly which is why I'm so confused as to why he'd do this in the first place. I guess I'm just a means to an end to him. What do I even do?

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 05, 2024
Those posts in AITA are wild sometimes. My husband killed our dog, beat all our kids bloody, raped me for three days straight, burned down our house and blamed me for it, forced us to drink from the toilet, starved us for a week, kicked me in the head while bathing our son, and spends all our money on hookers and drugs. Would I be the asshole if I left him??

Sounds like a young woman with not a whole lot of experience and this dude may have been her first boyfriend. So she has no perspective on what constitutes a decent man or what constitutes abusive behavior. I get it, I was in that position with my ex. He wasn't nearly as bad as this prick, but since I had no relationships to compare him to, I had no idea I was being mistreated. I didn't like how he treated me, but I didn't know the shit he did was not okay either.

Of course he wants to stay with the author - he has a broodmare to provide him with sprogs as well as raise those sprogs, and he'll stay married to her so he has someone to do all the chores. He'd be dumb to divorce his personal domestic slave. Given his violent reaction to a simple confrontation, he also probably figures he has her too scared to try to leave him, so he can carry on banging all his side dishes.

And let me guess. In typical fashion, this woman has no friends, no family, no money, no job, no skills, and nowhere to go. I mean she has one of the Duh's relatives telling her to leave, but that doesn't mean they would accommodate the author in the event she needed somewhere to stay.

I do sympathize with this woman because like I said, she probably is willing to put up with her husband's shit simply because she doesn't get how bad his behavior really is. Plus I know it's insanely hard to get away from an abuser, especially when you have a brat in tow. If she did try to divorce him, I'm sure he'd make the whole process as miserable as possible for her to punish her for leaving him.

Also what kind of job does this guy have where infidelity is a jailable offense?
A preschool? Boy Scouts? I've never heard of this either, but I'm not sure what country the poster is writing from. I had to skim the post because of the massive wall o' text. She needs to start planning her escape like, yesterday. It'll never get better and it only gets worse from where she is now.

Sounds like this young woman has adopted the TradWife lifestyle and it's blowing up in her face.
Don't even get me started on the TradWife bullshit. Everything old is new again. It's a re-hash of the garbage that Phyllis Schlafly, who was an attorney with a job, was spouting in the 1970's. She campaigned against equal rights for women and encouraged them to scurry home and be baby-machines and housewives. Now we have obnoxious men like Andrew Tate and personalities like Dr. Whora saying the same thing. Yawn.

Someone wrote in the comments that her husband could be in the military. Having worked in military organizations I can tell you, some chains of command still frown on adultery and they will give bad ratings because of it. It's conduct unbecoming an officer. (And I'm okay with that honestly.) And someone else wrote about penalties for fraternization between officers and enlisted personnel. That's also true.

The Army in particular takes a dim view of fraternization between senior Non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and junior NCOs. It's designed to protect younger service people from senior enlisted officers, who are often training them or supervising them, from preying on them.

When you sign up for the military, you are under a whole different set of rights called the Uniform Code of Military Justice.




There are also similar prohibitions regarding officers fraternizing with NCOs.

tldr: if this fucker is preying on trainees or screwing a subordinate (and he sounds like a huge dirtbag) he could be court-martialed for it. If he's harassing subordinates and making them have sex, he could end up in the brig.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 06, 2024
Sterilized CF woman gets engaged to a guy over their mutual childfreedom, only for the guy to spring it on her that he was actually a fencesitter and wasn't sure at the time they began dating if he wanted sprogs. He decided during the engagement that he did want them after all.

Guy gets butthurt over the fact that the author got sterilized prior to meeting him and didn't tell him. So it's okay for him to lie to her about his desire to breed, but not okay for her to not disclose to him she made it so she cannot breed? Funny how that works out all nice and neat in his favor.

Sounds like he was willing to go along with whatever a potential partner wanted as far as reproducing and if her decision did not align with his, he'd just wear her down until she caved. I think they were already barebacking by this point, so not like he could oops her. It's good she found this shit out before getting married, at least. He probably sprang his surprise baby plans during family dinner so the author couldn't make a big scene too.

If she's CF, why does it matter whether or not she discloses her sterilization? It should be up to her to decide if she wants to share that information with a potential mate. "I don't want kids" should be enough. If you want kids, then don't fucking stay with someone who doesn't. And vice versa. It's not difficult.



I (29F) have always been open about not wanting children with people from the first date. I dont want to waste mine or their time. I met fiance (32M) ~2.5 years ago online. We had a lot in common including not wanting children. He proposed 4 months ago and a few days ago we were at his parents house for dinner and his mother commented about his sister who is pregnant which led to talking about us having children. When children come up i usually just change the subject asap but before I could find an opportunity fiance answered that we wouldnt start trying until after the wedding and after we have a house so we wouldnt have to worry about moving while i was pregnant. I was surprised but figured maybe he hadnt discussed not wanting children with his family and he was just not wanting to talk about it.

after when we were driving home i made a comment saying maybe we should tell his fam now we aren't having children to avoid talking about it down the road and then he told me he wasnt sure about being child free. I was shocked and wasn't sure what to say except to tell him that i was sure and to ask when did he start thinking he might want children. He told me he was never sure and that now he thought he wanted them. I was really hurt that he lied to me because when we started dating I was very clear that under no circumstance would i want children and if he wasnt sure it wouldnt work. we argued and he basically told me he thought I might change my mind. But he didnt know is that I was sterilised at 25.

when I was 22, despite using birth control, I got pregnant and got an abortion. Afterword's, the stress of that possibly happening again was too much and it began to take a toll on my mental and physical health. To make a long story short after 2 years of looking from doctor to doctor I was able to find one willing to sterilise an unmarried, childless, early 20s year old women. My mental health improved over night as soon as I had a date scheduled and I no longer have so much anxiety. This was 1.5 years before i met fiance. I never said so because it doent matter because i dont want children.

I told him that i cant have children becasue i was sterilized and then he got mad at me for not telling him and that he might not have dated me if he knew. he called me an AH and dropped me off at home and when to stay with a friend.

At this point I'm not hopeful for the relationship. I am sad about it becasue i do love him but i was clear about children from the start becasue it is a deal breaker. what i want to know is if im the AH for not telling him I cant have children. ive gotten messages from his friends saying i am, not that i worry about their bias opinions but I couple of my friends have said i should i have told him while others are on my side that is doent matter because I dont want children.


EDIT: I didnt mention that i am sterile because it is irrelevant to the fact that I dont what children. No adoption. No surrogacy. No step-parenting. I dont even want to babysit children for 3 mins while someone goes to take a shit. It never explicitly came up until now. On both our profiles we had said no children
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 06, 2024
Stepparents of R, what is something you really want to say out loud but for whatever reason keep to yourself?

The responses are extensive, best ones are below. Pumped in some negative space due to the number of responses. Some of these fall into more than one category.

The ones that can't stand the kids:

  • Days after I moved in, the oldest, (M17), developed a sudden terrifying fear of sleeping alone in his room. He asked, and to my shock, his mother told me to please sleep on the floor or in the guest room. Mind you, this is a child who actually thrived for 6 months at a wilderness camp in Utah at 15.
  • I'm glad when they're not around.
  • “I absolutely never miss your kids.”
  • i don’t sleep the night before our time starts and i find great relief when they go back to the other parents house
  • I wish you’d been as smart as I was and didn’t have children with someone even though you knew it was wrong at the time
  • This is never my kid and I rather to give my time money and love to a cat. Stop thinking I should treat the kid as my family, it is your debt from your old family.
  • It took me six years to say it, but I said, "I care about your [adult] child but I don't like her. I don't think I ever will."
  • I would never want primary custody of the kids. I don’t want to be the one responsible for them while he works. I don’t care about any of their school or sports stuff. No I don’t want to look at pictures of them from whatever bs your ex sent. When they leave I feel like our house is finally back to normal
  • I popped my top today and told my SO “this is why I never want to go anywhere together with y’all because your kids are bad and they don’t listen. Clearly no one is correcting this behavior consistently and I’ve had enough.“
  • I am happy when they aren't home.I will never put them above my or your health/happiness/whatever. They are not even in my top 5 of people. I sometimes wish they'd still live with their mother.
  • I wish SD didn't exist.
  • I don't like them at all, they are entitled and rude and spoiled and such behavior disgust me to no end.
  • I wish you pulled out in college.
  • Your kid is not welcome in our bedroom. Ever. Get him OUUUUTT
  • I hate whenever we have my SK. It does nothing but stress me out.
  • I hate living with your past and bad choices shoved in my face every. Single. Day.
    I dont miss your children when they aren't around
  • No SD, you can’t join the military after having been committed to a mental institution, twice. Please start having realistic expectations of what your future is going to look like. We know you’re not going to graduate with a 4.0 and go to nursing school right after, please stop lying to your grandparents. Getting married right out of high school is the dumbest idea and your marriage will fail, you are turning out to be exactly like your pathetic mother. I regret spending all my hard earned money and time on you when we first met. I can’t wait to not have to hide that we went on vacations. Yes, we did go to Vegas and went all out even though we said we don’t have money to pay for the ugly ass class ring from a school you don’t even go to anymore. And yes, I am watching everything unfold with a big bag of popcorn.
  • I don’t miss her at all. I count down every minute that she goes to her mom’s.
  • I never miss either of your kids when they’re gone.
  • Mine would be "Your kid is not mine. I don't get anything from having him around, he's just a person I put up with. A roomie I didn't ask for or choose. He's a good kid, but if I had the option I wouldn't choose to have him in my life. His personality and mine are not compatible, and I wished it wasn't like that but it is. He makes me tired, he's too demanding and over stimulating. I'm not in this relationship for him, I'm only here for you.
  • MOD NOTE: It's great everyone is getting these thoughts off of their chests, but we are still enforcing the rules. We don't call kids names, ever.

Choice of spouse woes:
  • I’m not the dumbass who mated with that wildebeest
  • I really wish you didn't "stick your dick in crazy". Twice. Also, I count down the minutes until they go to their mom's. I love the life we have on the "off" weeks.
  • I love you so much, you're an amazing woman, and I wish I met you 9 years ago, but recently have been wishing I never met you
  • Oh my god this was and still is to a certain degree, the hardest part for me. YOU fucked up and had a child with a person you knew was shitty from the start, and then you chose to do it AGAIN?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  • I give up a lot to be with you. You are strictly gaining from being with me and I still feel like the bad guy for wanting to do things for myself.
  • “I resent you so much for your past choices in the and that we constantly have to deal with them”
  • “It really pisses me off you’ll never spend a dime on me but if your kids want to do activities when they are here you’ll drop $200-$300 if my money”And finally “Your kids will not receive inheritance from me”
  • “I don’t want to hear anymore about how divorce is hard on the children . ENOUGH already. Someone please acknowledge that it’s just as hard, if not worse, for the partners/spouses of divorced parents. No one feels sorry for us.”
  • That my life after remarriage has been a massive disappointment.
  • You dedicated your entire life to bringing another man’s child into the world, and now I’ve been manipulated by false love as a means to use me for financial support, so now my life revolves around your decisions.

Parunting woes:

  • that i know i’m the better parent compared to both bio mom and dad
  • BE A PARENT, because stepkids so often resent stepparents already. Please don’t make me be the bad guy. Be consistent. Have expectations. Address the hard stuff (like finding weird porn on their devices). We are a TEAM, so I expect your full presence instead of leftovers when dealing with the kids.
  • Your kids' horrible behavior is due to you making a dumb decision with 2 different men, and you continuously making excuses for their actions. Not everyone is out to get your kid's, they are disrespectful, entitled, and you don't discipline them properly.
  • Oh my god this was and still is to a certain degree, the hardest part for me. YOU fucked up and had a child with a person you knew was shitty from the start, and then you chose to do it AGAIN?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
  • BE A PARENT, because stepkids so often resent stepparents already. Please don’t make me be the bad guy.
  • “I hate living under the constant threat of ‘you’ll go on court ordered child support’”

Non-specific marriage disappointment:

  • “I resent you so much for your past choices in the and that we constantly have to deal with them”
  • “I don’t want to hear anymore about how divorce is hard on the children . ENOUGH already. Someone please acknowledge that it’s just as hard, if not worse, for the partners/spouses of divorced parents. No one feels sorry for us.”
  • That my life after remarriage has been a massive disappointment.

source: https://www.reddit.com/r/stepparents/comments/1cl18t2/stepparents_of_reddit_what_is_something_you/
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 06, 2024
Sterilized CF woman gets engaged to a guy over their mutual childfreedom, only for the guy to spring it on her that he was actually a fencesitter and wasn't sure at the time they began dating if he wanted sprogs. He decided during the engagement that he did want them after all.

At least she is 29 and is still child free even though she has to suffer through the indignancy of a breakup that was 100% avoidable with simple honesty. Tick tock for her ex-fiance.

I'm thinking a direct question about kids can result in manipulation by your date. Especially if there is prospective sex on the line. Maybe it is better to go in sideways, like: "what do you see your life like in 5 years?" "10 years?", or maybe a more direct "what do you think about children?"
If they mention a "famblee" or go on and on about kids then they've outed themselves. Suddenly become sick and politely excuse yourself.

I don't know if it will work but there seems to be an uptick in liars who claim to be childfree, when in actuality they are temporarily childless.

And just in case your date is someone over 40 (or over what they consider an age that they make assumption to be that they don't need to ask about life in 5 years or 10 years) know that I have seen men in their late 50's with small kids and that unfortunately the answers to these questions can't be assumed after a certain age. I've also heard men who are within minutes of being able to retire talk about potentially wanting brats.

I've also been out on dates with men in their 40s who had claimed initially to be childfree and mention they could be a step-parent or adopt, so not really child-free.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2024
I don't know if it will work but there seems to be an uptick in liars who claim to be childfree, when in actuality they are temporarily childless.

It's probably people who are too lazy to find someone else they're compatible with, especially if the CF person is attractive, rich, or the rest of their personality checks all the boxes. So they just lie and say they're childfree and figure the other person will change their mind, they themselves will change the other person's mind over time, or will oops them. Assholes like this don't bank on their partner being sterilized beforehand and then they get all shitty because the person they're trying to trick exercised responsibility and forethought, and in doing so, took away the liar's ability to carry out an oops.

Or these people think "childfree" and "childless" mean the same thing. I know a lot of people still use those terms interchangeably.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 07, 2024
I don't know if it will work but there seems to be an uptick in liars who claim to be childfree, when in actuality they are temporarily childless.

It's probably people who are too lazy to find someone else they're compatible with, especially if the CF person is attractive, rich, or the rest of their personality checks all the boxes. So they just lie and say they're childfree and figure the other person will change their mind, they themselves will change the other person's mind over time, or will oops them. Assholes like this don't bank on their partner being sterilized beforehand and then they get all shitty because the person they're trying to trick exercised responsibility and forethought, and in doing so, took away the liar's ability to carry out an oops.

Or these people think "childfree" and "childless" mean the same thing. I know a lot of people still use those terms interchangeably.

All of this. Or they could be the types who play the learned incompetence game when it comes to understanding their date doesn't want kids. It is so easy for people to just cop out and put their heads in the sand if something they don't want to hear becomes a topic. They'll revisit it never.

If I'm going out with a potential SO and they bring up a topic I know nothing about I research it so we can discuss it. If it is important to the SO I would at least like to know more about it because I care about their interests. My guess is most people wouldn't look up childfree to see what it means.

It is funny when a childfree person foils the plans of one of these fools with the "I've been sterilized" announcement.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 08, 2024
As far as the step-parent complaints, if they can't stand the brats of the person they wanted to marry, then why did they get married to them? Kids and parents are a package deal and if you decide to get with a breeder, you will have to deal with their sprogs. Like there's no way around that.

How the fuck do they think it's going to turn out when they wind up not liking the kids, don't want to parent them, and don't want to be around them? Surely these people had the opportunity to meet the brats prior to marriage, so what did they think was going to happen once they married the brats' parent?

If you don't want to be responsible for or in the presence of kids, then don't marry someone who has them! Christ on a cracker, this isn't hard to figure out. I'm sure the kids pick up on the fact the step-parent absolutely wants nothing to do with them and I'm sure that feels like shit. They don't need to express their distaste for their step-brats verbally because I'm sure their behavior reflects their feelings.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 08, 2024
I don't understand why the sterilized girl didn't tell him. Did they ever have discussions about birth control? If they were both CF (allegedly) then why ddin't this come up? Seems weird to me. If this story is true, let's hope she doesn't get pushed into a reversal or IVF.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 12, 2024
Happy Moo Day!

Today is the day that cows on breakingmom moo, low and whine over what their brats and sperm donors did or didn't do for them on this Holiest Of Days bowing





Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 12, 2024
LOL came here for the big steaming piles of butthurts from the Moos who claim they expect nothing on Moo Day, but still get upset when they get exactly that.

Also the obligatory bitch-fest over "pet parents" who don't deserve to be honored because they didn't crap out their dogs and cats. Just wait until these bints find out about PLANT parents! Yes that is a thing I've also seen to describe people who are plant lovers, gardeners, etc. I bet it burns their asses hearing people who tend to stationary leaves in buckets refer to themselves as parents/moms.

I don't really give a damn about the whole pet parent thing because I know many people see their pets as their babies, so if they want to call themselves "cat mom" or "dog dad" or whatever, good for them. I also saw my kitties as my babies, but I would never let someone refer to me as "mom" and I sure as fuck wouldn't use it to shoehorn my way into a holiday because I personally hate all holidays. But it makes me smile knowing how much it bothers the Moos when childless and childfree people wave their flag. grinning smiley

I hope more people hijack Moo Day for whatever they feel they are mothers of. Pets, plants, cars, houses, and so on. Moos don't need to be appreciated for doing the fucking jobs they signed up for, and most of them do a shit job at it anyway.



y'all im sorry to complain. i rly am and i know most folks dont care. but dink friend of mine j posted raybanz her fiance gave her for mother's day bc "dog moms are moms too" and lovingly, no they are not. I have a dog too but he is not my child. i didnt expel him from my body and struggle to feed him milk. I didn't have postpartum depression rage, ocd, and depresso w him. i am not his primary parent. (So by this logic, step-mothers and adoptive mothers are not real parents either because they did not push their kids out of their vaginas and nurse them.)

i j want one day that's actually about celebrating us and not people who don't have children. ik some people can't have kids of their own so having doggos helps, but im rly talking about dinks here who openly joke this one day where mothers get celebrated.
The ironic thing about it is that there are a lot of people who absolutely value and cherish their pets in a way that actual parents don't with their own kids.

The first time my dog got seriously sick from a stomach ailment, I spent three days cradling her in her blankie, assuring her she'll get better. I was actually scared to leave her just to go to the bathroom because she was so ill. Those three days I cleaned vomit and bloody diarrhea from every carpet in the house until the antibiotics kicked in.

My own mother sent me to school with food poisoning and when the nurse called her to come pick me up, she was pissed because she had to leave work early to come and get me. Let's just say there was no real love or cradling in a blankie for me.

Mother's Day is a joke and it matters not that there are people out there who want to be pet moms, plant moms, whatever. If someone is secure and happy being a mother, then none of this should even be on their radar to bitch about.
Here's one for ya. A little bit different but you can get a little insight into breeders who bring their little kids to adult venues, like mosh pits and packed concerts.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 13, 2024
I see where folk can have problems with dr laura. however, if you stop and think about it, by the time these breeder mootards and stupid little girls who are brainwashed into thinking they are nothing... ANY therapist can only deal with what they have brought with them. and I have heard Dr L tell some of these little bitches 'get yourself sterilized because you have no business having children with them..' and it has been close to 'don't you dare drag a child into your shit.. . (he's cheeeeeatting.. what should I dooooo.. but I wuuuuuuv him and I want to taaaaaalllk to him).. you all know you can talk to these turds til blue in the face. and then 'he cheated but I forrgaaaave him and spred and bred and he's cheeeeeated...'.. Dr phil included, Dr L tends to cut the knees off of women like this.. and men... I can understand hers and others pov but she has always stood on the side of THINK BEFORE YOU BREED... so i give her a pass. We may not like a lot but I guarantee if Dr L had a day or two on reddit on some of these whiny moo subs and others she would be banned. along with dr phil.

but you can't lay any blame for these numnuts on reddit because that is victim shaming. just how much sympathy are we supposed to have for someone repeatedly stepping on a hornets nest and then crying because they get stung.. but we are supposed to say nothing but 'poor widdle mootard'. I was kicked off a narcissist forum because a pathetic little bitch had grown up in a narc household, had started shacking up with a succession of narcissist bf's.... and as of the post she was now with #4. I suggested taking a break from dating and get therapy to find out why she was attracting these types. ANYONE with any experience with the victims of narcs, they are damaged to the point that they only know these dynamics and have gravitate towards seemingly nice understanding people (a good ploy of narcs). They lack the self esteem and confidence to see through these turds and end up doing the same thing. hence the therapy. they did NOT like that advice at all and said I was victim shaming.. good grief. and then down the road when that particular forum blew up because an out and out narc took it over?? and they created another one??? at least that one was more open to telling people they needed therapy and acknowledged that narcs are predators and they seek out people just like that original little twit. you can't win. the way we talk about breeders, moo and duhtards.. that would go over like a lead balloon in most circles. even dr L sides with the 'NO' to children. 'the 'no' wins.' and she'll add that if you force someone into breeding the results never are good. someone is ALWAY resentful and the child usually pays the price

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
Of course he wants to stay with the author - he has a broodmare to provide him with sprogs as well as raise those sprogs, and he'll stay married to her so he has someone to do all the chores. He'd be dumb to divorce his personal domestic slave. Given his violent reaction to a simple confrontation, he also probably figures he has her too scared to try to leave him, so he can carry on banging all his side dishes.

And let me guess. In typical fashion, this woman has no friends, no family, no money, no job, no skills, and nowhere to go.

At her age she is very vulnerable to having no support network. Men who are predators are very good at picking up on this quickly.

I didn't realize how many men are perfectly comfortable with staying married to a woman as long as she: is a bangmaid, and is raising his "legacy." There are some who also want her to work (man babies) in addition to bangmaid and raising the "legacy."

I was over 40 before I realized just how predominant this attitude/mindset is. For a long time I thought they loved their wives, even if it wasn't the same as when they dated or first married but now I'm doubting this. I think lots of men are perfectly happy with these things and would stay married. She says that he says he'll stay married to her but it really isn't a positive reflection of her or what he sees in her, it is because she is a bangmaid and is raising his "legacy." If she stopped raising his "legacies" and quit being a bangmaid he may kick her to the curb without hesitation. Other than bringing in an income what exactly does he contribute because it seems like he is spending his spare time screwing other people AKA low key living "the single life", wink-wink.

I guess it makes sense that these same men are either completely ignorant of what a woman goes through when inpig or they just don't care about the scary risks she takes. Doesn't sound like love to me.

I wonder how many women (like this woman, for instance) look back at their lives and include their weddings and feel like it was a huge rouse. How can they not feel shortchanged and like wasted potential?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
The ironic thing about it is that there are a lot of people who absolutely value and cherish their pets in a way that actual parents don't with their own kids.

The first time my dog got seriously sick from a stomach ailment, I spent three days cradling her in her blankie, assuring her she'll get better. I was actually scared to leave her just to go to the bathroom because she was so ill. Those three days I cleaned vomit and bloody diarrhea from every carpet in the house until the antibiotics kicked in.

During summer my family got a pup (I was in college) and when I wasn't working (later during the day/evenings) I sat holding the pup all the time. She would cry and have nightmares and was adjusting to being with people instead of her mom. I'd pet her and talk gently to her when she cried. I did this at every opportunity and she turned into a very loving adult dog.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
I can understand hers and others pov but she has always stood on the side of THINK BEFORE YOU BREED... so i give her a pass.
I agree, this is something all women need to take to heart but so few do. I recall hearing about Dr. Laura saying this from my parents but I wasn't going to breed, period.

I was kicked off a narcissist forum because a pathetic little bitch had grown up in a narc household, had started shacking up with a succession of narcissist bf's.... and as of the post she was now with #4. I suggested taking a break from dating and get therapy to find out why she was attracting these types. ANYONE with any experience with the victims of narcs, they are damaged to the point that they only know these dynamics and have gravitate towards seemingly nice understanding people (a good ploy of narcs). They lack the self esteem and confidence to see through these turds and end up doing the same thing. hence the therapy. they did NOT like that advice at all and said I was victim shaming..

I'm not sure why you were kicked off for suggesting a break from dating and getting therapy. It isn't victim blaming, it is education and learning self-esteem. How is she supposed to get better if she keeps repeating her same pattern? She needs to learn to love herself and then she'll attract better men.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
I hope more people hijack Moo Day for whatever they feel they are mothers of. Pets, plants, cars, houses, and so on. Moos don't need to be appreciated for doing the fucking jobs they signed up for, and most of them do a shit job at it anyway.

Me too, hijack away! First of all, holidays are shameless commercial days so getting butt hurt about it reflects the maturity level of a high schooler. We can show our appreciation and gratitude to others without waiting for a designated day. I have a friend who doesn't celebrate Christmas so he gives his children gifts for other reasons and on other days. Christmas for him is a holiday to spend with family/friends.

But hey, if you need to purchase a certain item it is 100% worth your while to see if an upcoming holiday may mean a discount.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
Happy Moo Day!

Today is the day that cows on breakingmom moo, low and whine over what their brats and sperm donors did or didn't do for them on this Holiest Of Days bowing

I glanced at this and saw breakingcow instead of breakingmom. LOL

Moo cries hysterically about her giftcard and claim "every item has gluten" when I checked the website and the main item Tim Horton's serves is COFFEE. No gluten in coffee moo! Who cares that your husband suggested you picking up breakfast from Tim Horton's with the gift card? Disregard. Could have said you're going to Tim Hortons, walked out the door and bought the first of a series of coffees for yourself moo! If your husband calls you while you're out tell him to make breakfast for everyone and that you'll be back for dinner. But noooo!

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 15, 2024
Now they're even gatekeeping what type of mother should be honored on Moo Day. Grandmothers need not apply. bouncing and laughing

u/buttonhumper <---is humping buttons a new moo kink now?

If I have to hear one more fucking rant from a grandma on tiktok pissed because mothers day is more for mothers in the most active stages of parenting I'm gonna fucking scream. Watching your grandchild twice a week is not in the trenches. Your adult child going to college is not in the trenches. If you do not have to worry about the hellish costs of daycare you're not in the trenches. If you only have to schedule doctor appointments for yourself you're not in the trenches. Fuck out of here old boomer bitches. When my children become parents it's their fucking turn to be celebrated not me. I've done my job. I have an 18 year old I'm still his parent but I'm not 24/7 mothering him like I am with my 3 year old. You can downvote. Tell me I'm wrong. I don't care. It's all over my page and from a mother who just wanted to be seen for all the fucking shit I have to do in active parenting on mothers day I'm really fucking angry.
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