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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 06, 2024
Educated does not mean intelligent, sadly. She says it's difficult to have a child outside marriage, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's impossible to have one, from the sound of it. Surely it would be less difficult to raise a child on your own than with someone you are not compatible with? With a PhD, I'm sure she could afford it, assuming she's not getting a degree in something retarded like women's studies or philosophy.

She's also not IN her culture right now anyway. She lives in the USA, so it's not like she would have to personally face stigma over having a brat outside wedlock like if she were living in India.

Why is she even worrying about all this when she's still working on her degree? Get that done with, THEN worry about breeding. She says herself she doesn't think reproducing is a good idea, but she wants to do it anyway? WTF lady, if you don't want to have a kid, then don't have a kid. It's not a requirement. Sometimes you don't get to do what you want to do in life - that's called being an adult. But I'm sure she'll listen to her ovaries and have a kid anyway and then she'll complain about how hard it is to balance work, health and parenting.

And no, just because you care for a child does not mean they won't still abandon you. You have to do more than just raise the kid - you have to raise it well and be a decent parent for you to have a chance of maintaining a relationship with that child over the course of your life. Even if you do that, a kid could still go no contact.

God people are dumb. Having a kid isn't like buying a houseplant where if you decide you don't want to bother with it, you can throw it outside or leave it on the countertop to die. You are stuck with that shit for 20 years MINIMUM.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 07, 2024
More financial illiteracy. Moo keeps bailing out her daughter because grandchildren, and the daughter continues to be irresponsible.

From the IRHC Facebook page.


“I’m pretty sick to my stomach. My 45yo daughter lives in another state and has always had no financial literacy. In 2021 she was living in a pretty run down rental w/ my teen grandkids so we worked on her credit and I added her as an authorized user to my credit cards to boost her score over 100 points, and in 2022 she was able to buy a modest 3br home for 160k at 3.75% for 30 years on her own (I did not co-sign). I bought her a new fridge, new beds for her and the kids, and gave her about 3k towards closet costs. Over the last 2 years I would see her and her boyfriend buy things like a 2k shed for the backyard, a 3k backyard jumbotron projector to host football parties, an above ground pool, and bought a husky from a breeder, so I thought maybe she was doing better financially.

A month ago she called me asking for a loan saying she was behind on her bills. I let her know my work hours have been cut and I’m getting ready for retirement so I really did not have any money to loan her and she could call her bill companies and work out a payment plan with them. The next day I remembered I still had her login and password to her Experian account. So I logged in to check it, and it looks like she consistently fell behind on her mortgage (4-6 mos) and kept refinancing it and refinancing it. So now she owes 162k on her mortgage at an interest rate of 13% for 40 years! Her payment after mortgage and property tax used to be 1310 and now it is over 2400.

There is no way she is going to be able to afford this. It looks like she was just going out and buying a bunch of stuff instead of paying her mortgage. Then kept refinancing once she fell behind. Her credit is ruined again because she went out and took out a bunch of credit cards when she had decent credit and never paid them. She’s not an idiot, she’s worked for a large bank in the loan department for the past 10 years. But she definitely does not make enough money to cover this mortgage and it’s only a matter of time before she loses this house.

I have consistently helped her and helped her only for her to turn around and ruin things like this. I don’t know what I was thinking, thinking she was different this time . One of my grandkids still lives with her, but is over 18 and working. But now I’m just done. I have to be done. I’m too old. I thought about just buying the house from her and having her pay me rent, but I can’t depend on her doing that. I have a feeling she is going to call my mother who is in her 80s and ask her for money. But it’s not worth it, only $10 a month goes towards the principal of the house. It’s not worth trying to save it at this point. She needs to sell it and walk away with what equity she can, which she will probably also blow on dumb stuff. But I don’t know how to bring it up with her and tell her that I looked at her Experian credit report without her permission. Or should I just let her suffer her consequences?

Shoulda let her suffer the consequences about three years ago.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 07, 2024
Here's one who used her chyld's Social security check to pay her mortgage.

I wonder how many Breeders get Social security checks for their alphabet-soup diagnosed kids?

Interesting comments:


Misused my child's ssi backpay
My son receives SSI and i now have a letter asking to report what we used the backpay on. I put the money in my husband's account and we used it for the mortgage. As we were facing a foreclosure that month, But i did not it approved beforehand. What should i do?


When I was a child I got substantial survivor's benefits because my father died when I was a minor. (We are talking $1100 a month in 1973, which was substantial. Ronald Regan eventually cut the program.)

My dear mother used the money to buy shit for herself and my stepfather and gave him the money. I never saw a penny of it and she didn't save any of it for my college. I started working when I was 14.

Parents who financially abuse their kids should go to jail. And yes, I know the person in this post used the SSI to pay for their mortgage, but it makes you wonder what's going on that they are about to be foreclosed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 10, 2024
hey mum, there are a few podcasters out there.. which one??

the one's I know off the bat are misery machine, suffer the little children, AFK (I think, I don't recall the letters exactly). but they all have little sympathy for the perpetrators.

Hi twocents! Sorry I was away for a bit so I just saw this. I watched the misery machine for a bit but I found that one just too depressing and awful to watch. I remember some of the stories on there to just put me into tears so I decided to put that one away for a bit.

I like Annie Elise ten to life, and I watch Law and Crime a lot. That one is a bit easier to handle because even though it's kind of graphic, they do a lot of interviews with the perps..I mean parents and a lot of the graphic stuff isn't focused on. Another good one is called Monsters. He delves into a lot of crimes, not just involving children but I like him because his voice is incredible and he's an awesome storyteller.

There's also a young lady from Australia I started watching but her name eludes me now. She does her makeup while discussing crimes and even though it sounds tacky, I find her good to listen to.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 12, 2024
I find the ones involving kids hard to take. I don't like kids but I absolutely hate these child murderers.. and to me it is mind boggling why they do this crap. when we see all the idiotic bingos and pressure from fucking morons to try and bully, guilt, trap someone else into having children they don't want, can't afford.. I just wonder how many of these gaga batshit retards are indirectly responsible for abused and murdered children. and then there's... the brain dead vapid mootard that simps 'who'd want to huuurrt childrennn.. I have blah blah blah beautiful (always beautiful??? cripes cripes cripes... ) toddlers ...'.. I HEARD one on an old Phil Donahue a couple decades ago... yes..t hat long..

some woman had walked out on her family and two children because she was afraid she was going to lose it and really hurt one. but some simpleton idiot moo called up and an almost baby like tone of voice said that.. someone like is just the type to parrot the bingos and leave destroyed girls in her wake, and oblivious..

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 22, 2024
Another Moo is finding out her husband is worthless. AND SHE HAS TWINS. And she almost died having his childrun.

She should have broken those golf clubs....over his balls I'm thinking.


AITA for Breaking My Husband’s Golf Clubs after He Left Me Alone with Our Newborn Twins?
I (28F) recently gave birth to our twin babies—a boy, Oliver, and a girl, Lily. They’re almost 9 weeks old now, and while I’m overjoyed to be a mom, I’ve never felt more physically and emotionally drained in my life. I suffered from postpartum hemorrhage right after delivery and lost so much blood that I had to be rushed into emergency surgery. I nearly died. I was in the hospital for almost two weeks recovering. The physical recovery has been brutal, but the emotional toll is even worse and I feel like I’m drowning every single day.

My husband, Matt (32M), was helpful while I was recovering in the hospital, but once we got home, he checked out. He works a 9 to 5 job, but instead of helping when he’s home, he escapes to his "man cave" to play video games or go out with friends. I’m left alone to care for the twins, and the exhaustion has become unbearable. I’ve been having terrible complications from the hemorrhage—constant pain, weakness, and intense anxiety. I still can’t walk properly without getting dizzy, and breastfeeding has been a nightmare. Lily struggles to latch, which leads to bleeding nipples, and every feeding session feels like torture.

I’ve tried to ask Matt for help, but every time I do, he brushes me off. His go-to excuse is that I’m on maternity leave and "this is what moms do." He says he needs to "decompress" after work and that I should be grateful he’s working to provide for us. Meanwhile, I’m lucky if I get 30 minutes of sleep in between feedings, and I’m running on pure adrenaline at this point.

Last week, after another exhausting day with no help, I tried to talk to him about how I felt like I was drowning. His response? He asked when we were going to start having sex again. He said, "It’s been two months, and I’m getting frustrated."

I was speechless. My body hasn’t even fully healed from the traumatic birth, and he was acting like I was depriving him. When I tried to explain how much pain I was still in, both physically and emotionally, he rolled his eyes and said, “Other women bounce back after having babies. It’s not that hard. You’ve gotta stop using it as an excuse.”

I felt so ashamed in that moment. Like I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t recovering fast enough, wasn’t being enough for him. It’s not like I didn’t want to be intimate with him again—I missed the closeness we used to have—but I was still bleeding occasionally, and I could barely walk without wincing. My whole body felt like it was failing me, and instead of being patient or supportive, Matt acted like I was deliberately withholding sex from him.

He even tried to initiate once when I was barely five weeks postpartum, and I had to practically beg him to stop because it was too painful. He got frustrated, said, "Come on, it’s been long enough," and huffed off like a teenager. Every time I tried to talk to him about how overwhelming things were, he’d steer the conversation back to when we’d be having sex again, like that was the only thing on his mind.

This Saturday was my breaking point. The babies had been fussy all night, and I hadn’t slept more than an hour in 48 hours. I was completely exhausted, and with my anemia still making me weak, I could barely stand, the incision from my surgery was throbbing with pain. Matt had left early that morning for a full day of golf with his buddies, despite knowing how rough my night had been. He said he'd be back by noon, but noon came and went, and he was still out. He was golfing at a course that was only an hour away, so I figured if things got too bad, he’d come home.

Around 4 PM, I was trying to feed Oliver while Lily was crying. My hands were shaking from sheer exhaustion, and in that moment, I almost dropped Oliver. I caught him just in time, but it scared me so badly that I collapsed on the floor in tears. I texted Matt, begging him to come home, telling him I was scared and overwhelmed. His response? “Just put them in their cribs and rest. I’ll be home later.”

“Later” turned into 9 PM, by which time I was a complete mess. I had been alone with the twins all day, with no help, no food, and no sleep. When Matt finally walked through the door, he didn’t seem to care at all. He saw me sitting on the floor with the twins still crying and giggled. Yes, giggled. He looked down at me, smiling like it was all some kind of joke, and said, “You’re being overdramatic. You should’ve just handled it.”

I saw red. His smug, dismissive little giggle was the final straw. In a blind rage, I grabbed his beloved golf clubs—the ones he’s obsessed with—and smashed them against the floor. I broke two of them before Matt even realized what was happening. He started screaming at me, calling me "crazy" and "psycho" for breaking something "so expensive" and accusing me of "losing it."

After that, he stormed out of the house and spent the night at a friend’s place. His best friend has since been texting me, calling me a "psycho" and saying I’m "unhinged" for destroying his clubs. He told me I owe Matt a huge apology for "overreacting" and that he’s been "trying his best."

But has he? I’m here, day after day, struggling to keep it together with two newborns while still recovering from a traumatic birth. I’ve been so weak that I’ve nearly dropped my baby, and Matt hasn’t been around to help. He works during the week, and I understand that, but every weekend he’s out golfing or with his buddies. And whenever he comes back from work he is either watching sports or playing online games. I haven’t had more than two hours of sleep at a time in weeks. I feel like I’m drowning.

I’m starting to feel like maybe I did overreact, but at the same time, I’m so angry that he doesn’t seem to care about how hard things have been for me.

AITA for breaking his golf clubs?

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 23, 2024
Educated does not mean intelligent, sadly. She says it's difficult to have a child outside marriage, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's impossible to have one, from the sound of it.

Yes, education doesn't mean the person can critically think. If more people could critically think we'd have less population overall.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 25, 2024
Here's one from Ask Old People.

Do hard marriages get better, asks the woman.

Stevie Wonder could see what the problem is here. I mean, she got married at age 20 and cranked out FOUR kids with a guy who she says has "mental health issues."

Why did she have FOUR kids? And maybe he is a jerk, but he is also telling her to stop complaining because she wanted to be a mom, which may have a kernel of truth as well. Maybe she begged him for all these baybees and now is complaining.


I’m 29. Married with four children who I absolutely adore. My husband and I have been married 9 years and he struggles with mental health issues.

I am in miserable, absolutely miserable in marriage. My husband is the provider so he doesn’t believe it’s His job to help at home. I’m one month postpartum and exhausted. He tells me my life is easy and I am almost 30 with nothing to show for it. When I express that I am feeling unloved, worn out and completely drained, he tells me to leave then, he could find someone else. He said I can’t complain bc I wanted to be a mom. This is just a peak into things he has said.

My question is, does it get better? Did you stay for the kids and the relationship improve? Did it improve once the kids were older and things were a little less stressful??

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 25, 2024
As far as whether or not hard marriages can improve, it depends entirely on why the marriage is hard and if the two spouses are willing to work on their issues. Some issues are just not fixable, and some people are miserable in their relationships because they are two people who are simply incompatible with one another. Some people go and breed before they figure out they are not right for one another.

Maybe the prick struggles with mental health issues because he has to pay for four fucking brats? I'd be mental too if I was the breadwinner and most of my money was being spent on brats. But hey, Moo didn't reproduce asexually - he helped make them, and if he didn't want more, he should have taken measures to prevent more kids from being made.

But given that Moo says she adores all her kids, I am inclined to think she wanted all these damn brats. She can't be too "unloved" if she managed to shit out four kids in nine years - clearly she got some lovin' along the way! And if she didn't want to be so damn drained, maybe she shouldn't have had stair-step kids?

Generally speaking, staying in a troubled marriage for the kids is not a good idea. People think it is, but I think it's more unhealthy for two people to stay together in a dysfunctional relationship and subject their kids to their broken marriage than it is for them to separate and co-parent. Because it's very possible for two people to be good parents, but bad spouses, and living together may bring out the worst in them, whereas being apart may bring out the best in them. And how could it possibly be beneficial for their kids to grow up thinking a dysfunctional relationship is healthy? They'll be less likely to recognize the signs of a bad relationship and less likely to leave if they think treating their partner like crap (or getting treated like crap) is normal.

Big shock, the original discussion was removed. Moo probably can't leave because she likely has no job skills and no way to support four kids. The only way Duh could get someone else is if he lies to her and makes her think he has no kids. Because no woman - not even a breeder woman - wants a mentally unstable prick with four kids.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 26, 2024
6-year-old brat intentionally breaks the TV and computer because Moo wouldn't play a game with him because she was in pain. She is asking how to gently discipline the fucker.

You DON'T gentle discipline this shit. You beat the kid's ass, he loses any TV/game/computer/tablet privileges, and any money that would be spent on birthday and Christmas gifts will go toward a new TV and computer. Though I do agree with natural consequences also being used. Oh you broke the computer and the TV, fucker? Welp guess there's no more TV or computer games for you! Even if/when she can replace them, Junior isn't allowed near them because he cannot be trusted to not break shit.

But I am questioning what six-year-old would say "you deserve this" before going on a destructive rampage. Either the kid is a sociopath or Moo is making shit up. Because a kid that age would probably normally just go break shit out of anger over not getting his own way without parting words. And his behavior was very calculated, not just breaking shit that's within arms reach out of frustration. He intentionally left the room, intentionally went after two expensive electronics and intentionally made sure Moo knew he was wrecking them because of her refusal to do what he wanted.

Big shock, the brat has ADHD bcause what kid isn't an awtard anymore?



For some background, I got a molar pulled 1 day prior to this, and I’m in a lot of pain because my dentist said “lol just use Tylenol”.

My 6 year old son came home from school and demanded I play geometry dash with him on the computer. I let him know that I’m really hurting and don’t want to play right now. He continues to escalate and scream-beg, and I ask him to please stop yelling, I don’t want to play right now, and maybe later? He decided this isn’t good enough and goes away. I hear him say “then you deserve this”, and he hits the TV with a broomstick and pours a glass of water into my computer tower, breaking both.

This is what I get for doing nice things for kiddo, I guess. I set the computer up so they can play games and learn to use it, it ends up broken. I can’t afford to replace either right now.

He’s demanding I go buy a new TV right now because this one now has a big crack and rainbow lines down it. Obviously I can’t do that, but what would you all do? Besides cry internally?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 26, 2024
this is what you get for not kicking his little ass through his fugly little teeth at age 2. I don't condone beating kids but these 'gentle discipline' cows get what they have sown.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 26, 2024
oh 'and you can't complain because you wanted the fuck trophies'. there is truth to that.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2024
I'll never understand the mindset of how these moos say that being a moo is so great, but when you just scratch the veneer there's thousands upon thousands of posts like these.

I've decided that I will never rely on a man again to provide me with anything. If I need help around my house, I'll hire someone. The golf guy treats his wife like a walking uterus and literally has no respect for her. She could also try bottlefeeding if udderfeeding is too difficult for her. Bleeding nipples sounds insanely painful to me.

I can also see the other side of the coin. Four kids is too damn many and the guy is probably sick and tired of providing for them. Should've worn a condom. They're a lot cheaper and easier.

I think a lot of women become SAHMs thinking it's the easy way out of life, but then they find out that it's not. It's the pipeline to misery. I watched my one sister (married to a psychopathic child rapist) be a SAHM and I've seen what it's done to her as a human being over the years. It's fucking tragic.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 29, 2024
I think a lot of women become SAHMs thinking it's the easy way out of life, but then they find out that it's not.

A lot of them also do it because it might cost Moo her whole salary (or more) to put the brats in daycare, so it's more financially feasible for her to not work and stay at home. Then after 1-3 years of this shit, they are ACHING to find a job to stick the fucker in daycare because they literally cannot stand to be around them any longer.

And yes, the particularly stupid ones think that SAHMing just means they can stick the kid in a playpen and fuck off all day long. And to be fair, some of them do that, but if they actually get off their asses and parent their kids, it is NOT the easy way out. I think a lot of them also don't realize that it's not like babysitting where you only have to mind the brats until someone comes and collects them because they ARE the parents. They do not get to escape. I mean sure, in an ideal world, the other parent relieves the SAHM when they come home, but that generally doesn't happen because Duh (or second Moo if it's a lesbian couple) wants to unwind after working all day.

So many SAHMs claim they are jealous of their spouses who "get to escape" to work while she has to stay home and deal wiith screeching, bodily fluids and messes.

SAHMing is not easy living, and it's adorable when women do it thinking they get to sit around not working all day long.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 30, 2024
I really hope we don't go down. I truly think there is more going on than we see. the powers that be are not the ones we see. .. the truth will lie between the two extremes. every single tyrant and dictator has always begun by disarming the population (lenin, stalin, mao, all of them. every. last. one.). the polishits are afraid of criminals, they are useful tools to bully the population. they are afraid of armed individuals in populations. I do think better background checks should be done, better scrutiny of individuals. However, I probably would fail any test. I don't have a gun because it would require more work than I'd want to give it. I'd own a gun to spite the anti gun people for the most part. Too many bleeding hearts and gaga goody two-shoes advocating for out and out criminals.. who should be spiked on poles with a sign 'this is what we do to people who... '...

they should do this to the fucking mental shits who shoot up schools. if they are killed in the act they are spiked on a pole in front of the school. if not, they are shot and then spiked. you go to youtube and look at the videos of police interactions with drunks.. and others. yes, there are some cops who do not behave and it is there for everyone. imo, the bleeding hearts and shitbag activists with the copcams have ended up shooting themselves in the foot, ass, mouth, and every body part. the majority of these body cams show what the cops have said.. they are dealing with scum, garbage, arrogant shitbags. there was one, who I think in addition to being fucking drunk, was high. all she could do was laugh, giggle like the stupid little cunt bitch she was, talk about being at school the next day... and you can see the paramedics trying in vain to save the two people this cunt hit. and the officer at the desk when she was at the station or wherever, listening to this cunt continue to giggle, primp, show off, laugh.. officer finally had something of enough and said 'you killed two people'.. did not make any impact.

bitch was sentenced to 14 years. the day after, the school was going to let this bitch attend graduation.. the student body, learning this and to their credit, went out and protested as they did not want this bitch there with them. the school just mailed her diploma. however, chances are bitch will get out early. and there will be some dick willing to go with her just to 'get some'.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 03, 2024
Here's another great one.

First of all, notice the age difference. A 32 year old guy knocks up a woman who is 10+ years younger than he is, probably because no woman his age would put up with his shit.


So, I (21F) am currently 7 months pregnant with our first baby, and my husband (32M) has been super supportive throughout the pregnancy. He’s attended every appointment, helps out around the house more, and I really appreciate him for that. HOWEVER, a few days ago, he dropped this insane idea on me, and I’m still reeling.

He says he wants to go on a “dad-cation” after the baby is born… basically a vacation for just him. He wants to go somewhere with his friends to “unwind” after the stress of pregnancy and getting ready for the baby. He actually had the audacity to tell me that since I’ll get time off for maternity leave, he should get time off too, “just to relax.”

I was honestly shocked. I told him that he’s not the one pushing out a baby, and I’m the one who’ll be physically recovering, breastfeeding, and doing the bulk of the baby care in those early weeks. He just brushed it off, saying he’d help when he got back, but “a few days away” wouldn’t hurt. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

I straight up told him that this “dad-cation” idea was completely selfish and unrealistic. He’s a grown man and should understand that the baby will need both of us, especially in those first few weeks. He got defensive and said I was “overreacting” and that he deserves a break too since he’s been “so supportive” during my pregnancy.

Now he’s sulking and barely talking to me, saying I don’t appreciate him or the sacrifices he’s made for me during this time. I feel like I’m losing my mind here. I’ve been dealing with all the physical and emotional ups and downs of pregnancy, and he’s acting like HE needs a reward for it?? Am I missing something? I’m starting to feel guilty because he has been great, but asking for a vacation right after our baby is born just feels so wrong.

So, AITA for telling him he’s being selfish and that a "dad-cation" is not happening?

Oh, she's missing something all right. I have a feeling she's missed a lot of things along the way in this journey.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2024
The guy probably acted like a decent human being during Moo's pignasty specifically so he could have an excuse to fuck off for who knows how long right after the loaf arrives. Like look at all the hard work he did being supportive of Moo, he deserves a break during the time when Moo will need help the most with HIS child. He just wants to not pull his weight or have his life disturbed by a screaming loaf.

He'll go on his "dad-cation" anyway and I'm sure he'll do next to nothing when he gets back. Well, if he gets back.

Must be Moo didn't like what she heard because the original post has been deleted. That, or she was concerned about her asshat husband finding her post. In any case, I suspect she will become a married single mother because Duh will be as absent from the parenting process as possible.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2024
these knocked up sows seem to be getting more needy, clingy, clutchy as time goes on. bloody hell, they can't do a damn thing unless someone is there propping up their fat asses

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 04, 2024
Almost all these people delete their posts, which is why I capture them.

There was one recently where a woman was dating a guy IN ANOTHER COUNTRY who was a Dud and who had custody or his four year old kid. Two people contacted her and said she needed to talk to the ex because the guy was physically abusive and they were trying to warn her.

I made what I thought was a reasonable response: at least hear this person out; you owe it to yourself before you move to this guy's country, etc. I got excoriated by a couple of other commenters who pretty much said the mother wouldn't have lost the kid if she weren't a bad mother. I disagreed with this--it's possible she walked away because it was either that or get beaten to death and she left the kid with the Dud. Anyway, the OP of course came back on and yanked her post and said she wasn't going to talk to this woman because she WUVED him. Um okay.

In the case above I don't think the Moo2Be is being at all unreasonable. She IS pushing a cantaloupe out of a half dollar sized hole and she's going to be sore and sleep deprived. (Many of them go overboard with the tit feeding, but giving birth would absolutely suck.) The least Dud could do is hang around and help her and not demand a vacation for himself.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 10, 2024
This moo convinced herself that having multiple brats would cure her anxiety and depression. Where do people get these ideas from about brats curing anything?
From the regretful ones.

When did you start to "accept" your life as a mother?
I feel like I'm in a constant state of denial when it comes to motherhood. It got worse after I had my second child 6 months ago. The age gap between my two kids is 8 years and since she's been born, I have been living my days questioning myself as to WHY THE HELL I decided to revert back to the baby stage after being out of it for so long. Also- having two kids feels like a million kids when you spent 8 years of your life adjusting and getting used to only having one child.

I have love for my kids, but I don't enjoy being a mother and I'm not someone who wants to be around a bunch of kids all the time. I've experience a ton of depression and anxiety over my life and I think at one point I thought having a child (or two) would fix it, but now I just spend my days reminiscing on when things were easier and when I had more freedom and less heaviness on my shoulders.

I'm sure some of these thoughts are attributed to having an infant right now and maybe (hopefully!) as she gets older, things will improve and I'll find my peace again, but all I feel right now is a whole bunch of regret, denial, and sadness with the feeling that I'm constantly on a leash being pulled around and feeling stuck, inflexible, etc.

I felt like I had gained a lot of my freedom and time back before we had our 2nd baby. My oldest is 8 and having just him around was so easy compared to the complexity we just added with a new baby.

How do I come to terms with this? I want to enjoy my life as a mother, but I also don't want it to define me.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 10, 2024
Here's another great one.

First of all, notice the age difference. A 32 year old guy knocks up a woman who is 10+ years younger than he is, probably because no woman his age would put up with his shit.

Why do they always wake up after inpig and once the loaf is viable, IOW too late for an abortion in most instances? Or after the loaf is shat? And I'd bet he planned to completely blindside her too, based on their age differences. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most blatant crap he has pulled to date as he is waiting and vetting when he can reveal his internal asshole. I'd also bet he completely love bombed her at the beginning, as love bombing can make others glean details that they should be taking seriously and give their SO the benefit of the doubt.

This is just his first offer as an asshole, I'd guess there will be many more infuriating offers along the way.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 10, 2024
He'll go on his "dad-cation" anyway and I'm sure he'll do next to nothing when he gets back. Well, if he gets back.

This guy is likely setting the precedent. If she expects him to stick around at all, better be willing to accommodate his requests for his dad-cation with friends. Or any other time he wants to spend with friends. And when he comes home with a hangover better let him rest and leave him alone to sleep it off. And perhaps she'll want to overlook it when he graduates to cheating on her and she finds out when she gets a STD. If she plans to keep him around she'd better learn the bar for his behavior is going to be low. He is telling her that now.

I've had men do this to me in past relationships, or more accurately they've attempted to do this to me. Because I'm childfree there are no brats to use as leverage so I've ended the relationships when it became obvious that the low bar was their intent all along. They only agreed with anything at first to try to lure me in and thought at a certain point I'd be okay with tolerating the low bar of behavior due to a sunken cost fallacy. At first I spent too much time discussing the changed behavior and trying to resolve the issues. Over time I realized there is no save and who I'm seeing is who they actually are and noped it out of there. They literally get one warning from me now for this kind of behavior and only if it is a SO.

Divorce stinks, childfree or not. But if the low bar comes into the picture at least it can be a somewhat clean break because there are no brats.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 10, 2024
these knocked up sows seem to be getting more needy, clingy, clutchy as time goes on. bloody hell, they can't do a damn thing unless someone is there propping up their fat asses

In this day and age is there really any excuse for these moos to not have a way to support themselves and any kids they make?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 13, 2024
Here's another one. Do the math--this woman is 34 and had her first kid at age 16. She is now married to a guy and cranked out THREE KIDS with him. (All girls.) It appears 3/4 kids are on the spectrum. (Of course they are, but I do wonder why she has to "get a plate" for the 18 year old kid. Is the kid too dumb to get her own food?)

The mom is asking if she's TAH because her husband copped an attitude with her when he didn't like her "tone" when they trucked the kids to attend a fambilee function. (A wedding, naturally. smile rolling left righteyes)

I do think she's making things harder for herself, like after the wedding, and before embarking on a 3 hour trip home, Moo decided the kids had to change clothes before they drove home? So she trucked all the clothes into the wedding bathrooms to change them? Why not just let them ride home in their clothes, or let them change in the car? Seems unnecessary.

Just reading about her day makes me fucking exhausted. The logistics alone sound exhausting and making sure everyone is fed and has clothes, etc.
This is why I'm SO GLAD to be CF, because many husbands/fathers are worthless like this woman's husband and they hide it until after marriage.

I broke it into paragraphs because of course it's one wall o text.


I female (37) and my husband (34) male attended his nephew’s wedding this evening. Our daughter (7) was the flower girl. She had gone two days early with my husband’s sister for the rehearsal and dinner. This morning my husband and I got up about 9:00 to get ready to leave by 12:00. I started getting everyone (our two daughters 9 and 10 and my 18 year old) up and ready. Because the wedding was a three hour drive away I just had the girls put on comfortable clothes to travel in. Plus I knew we would stop to eat and they would get something on their clothes.

I got the younger two clothes and had them get dressed. I gathered up everything we would need when we changed later. I curled my oldest daughter’s hair and then my other daughters. By this time is almost 12:00 and I had not done my hair and makeup yet. We were riding with my husband’s other nephew to the wedding. His nephew arrived and I told them they could go ahead and load the bags into the car. Now my husband had taken a shower this morning, got himself ready and then just sat on his phone. We stopped to eat.

As per usual I got the little girls drinks and got them situated. When we were done I cleaned up the table and took the girls to the restroom. We got loaded back into the car and continued on our way. We stopped about ten minutes away from the wedding venue at a gas station to change. This particular gas station had only one bathroom. I would get a girl changed and then have to wait for other people to use the restroom. In between getting girls changed I was touching up their hair as well. I finally got all of the girls changed and ready to get back into the car. My 18 year old is amazing and helped me do all of the changing of outfits and keeping up with everything. I changed after the girls were all back in the car and situated. I changed quickly and we were on our way. We arrived at the wedding shortly before it began. My 7 year old was the most beautiful flower girl I have ever seen.

Right as the ceremony began my 9 year old got a bloody nose out of nowhere. I think it had to do with her anxiety. She has autism and has sensory issues. I rushed her to the bathroom to handle the bloody nose and got back just as the ceremony was ending. The plan was to leave shortly after the ceremony. We were going to wait until my daughter was no longer needed for pictures and then leave. After the wedding party pictures were finished my husband’s sister (grooms mother) announces that she wants a picture of the entire family but it will be after the dinner. So we go find our table. The girls are hungry so I get them some fruit from the snack table and bottles of water while my husband sits at the table on his phone. We wait about forty five minutes and then I remember we have left over chicken tenders in the car from earlier. I trek back to the car to get the chicken. I get back inside, clean up the plates from the fruit and make plates of chicken strips. After they are done eating the DJ starts talking and playing music. My 9 year old covers her ears and starts crying. I rush her out side and calm her down. I ask her if she wants to stay outside. She says yes and her two sisters join her. My 18 year old daughter volunteered to sit outside with them. When it was time to eat my husband and I went to get plates. I got one for me and my 18 year old. My husband got his plate. I got extra plates to put mashed potatoes on for the girls. I divided up the potatoes (from my plate) for the girls. He went to get the girls from outside. Then I went and got everybody a drink. After everyone was situated I ate. During this time was husband was visiting with family. I totally get that and was not upset by that.

Shortly after that, my husband’s nephew that we had ridden with informed us that we were no longer taking the picture we had stuck around to take. We decided we were leaving then. I trekked out to the car to get the change of clothes for everyone. My 18 year old had already changed and gotten in the car (she also has autism and was done with people and noises) When I returned my husband had wondered off. I took the girls to change clothes and shoes. It sounds like a simple task but with three girls, clothes going everywhere and shoes all over the place it was a little stressful. In the middle of that I realized that my 10 year old had left her crocs in the car. So here we go back to the car. This time my husband follows me and offers to carry the bag. We get to the car, find the crocs but now I can’t find the keys. I go back inside again to see if my husband’s nephew has the keys (thankfully he does) and my husband is supposed to be following me with the crocs. He comes in behind me about a minute later with no crocs! I say where are her shoes? You had them and were supposed to bring them in. He says “I decided I can just carry her”. I say okay let’s go then in an irritated tone and my husband says “don’t get snappy with me, I didn’t do anything” so I responded with “yeah, I know”. He got angry and just said “oh, okay” we walked to the car in silence and are still on our way home. I understand he couldn’t take anyone to the bathroom or to change but he could have helped in other ways, like plates, drinks or even going to the car for me. So am I the asshole for saying “yeah I know” after my husband basically had not helped me all day.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 14, 2024
I felt tired from just reading the description! I really don't understand why people opt for this kind of life. It sounds absolutely chaotic and depressing. My energy level is one step above slug and reading through the post almost had my anxiety piqued.

I'll take my quiet, peaceful life as a single woman with no kids. It's far better than what I read in that post.
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