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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 14, 2024
Here's another one. Do the math--this woman is 34 and had her first kid at age 16. She is now married to a guy and cranked out THREE KIDS with him. (All girls.) It appears 3/4 kids are on the spectrum. (Of course they are, but I do wonder why she has to "get a plate" for the 18 year old kid. Is the kid too dumb to get her own food?)

The mom is asking if she's TAH because her husband copped an attitude with her when he didn't like her "tone" when they trucked the kids to attend a fambilee function. (A wedding, naturally. smile rolling left righteyes)

No, she is the AH for dragging that dumpster fire to a wedding and expecting anything but chaos to ensue. She sounds very enabling to all of her kids and I'd guess her husband is over it and that is why he copped an attitude.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2024
From AITA. Not surprised this got deleted because the guy got a lot of flack (found it in r/amitheangel), but the gist of it is the author is pissed that his pregnant wife kept stealing food off his plate. An update provided later had him explaining that they are so poor that they have no choice but to eat one meal each per day.

People are calling the wife an asshole first, but then calling the guy an asshole like he's intentionally starving his pigged-up wife and tell him to just go buy more food because the piggo needs it. I think the implication is he should let her snarf his food and he can just eat nothing because babby.

I also recall him saying that the wife is 7 months gone and it was an unplanned pignasty due to a birth control failure, but in spite of the fact they can't even afford to EAT, they are still "nervous and excited" about having a child. Uhh you should not be excited at all about making a third mouth to feed when you two morons are doing OMAD because you're broke. And since she's in her final trimester, abortion is not feasible.

Lots of people who figure it's just a troll, but I suppose they could just eat the loaf when it's born.

And I'm sure if they can't afford food, they also can't afford medical care, so I'm sure Moo has not had a single pre-natal appointment. Paired with the malnutrition she is almost certainly suffering from, I wouldn't be surprised if the kid comes out all kinds of fucked up.



AITA for removing my pregnant wife's hands from my plate and telling her to stop fucking grabbing food off my plate while I'm eating when she has her own plate in front of her?

My wife is seven months pregnant and I understand that being pregnant is not easy. You are growing a whole human being inside you and naturally you are going to have to eat more but my wife won't stop eating my food. At first I let it slide because I was trying to be understanding but it just didn't stop.

Most times after coming back from work and looking forward to eating my only meal of the day, she will casually start eating off my plate while I'm eating. This is after she has eaten her own meal earlier. When we eat at the same time, she basically will do a back and forth between our plates.

Last night was the final straw, I had a long day at work and was very hungry. When we started eating she reached for my plate to grab something before even touching her food first and I pushed her hands away and told her to stop eating my fucking food and that I'm really tired of not being able to eat my food in peace while she gets to.

She started crying and told me that I could try and understand that it's because she is pregnant that she gets really hungry and can't help it instead of being an ass about it.
the idiots need to swallow their pride and hit the food banks (all of them!) NOW!! I expect they are waiting for the child benefits when they will get food stamps (whatever they are called these days) and can steal the baby's food! I hope this post is a spoof.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2024
just more stupid breeders. can't think beyond their gonads

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2024
Why on Earth do women marry guys who have had one failed marriage and get knocked up? Another "blended family" that is likely going to fail just as badly as the first one did.



These past months I've been having problems with my family and its gotten so bad I had to step away from it because too much was happening. I honestly felt stuck in one place while no one was really there to help me, I'm very stressed. Op(32F), spouse(35M)

I've been in my step kids life since they were 6 and now their both pre teens, in that stage of parenting it gets overwhelming for me. I'm the only mother figure they know, they call me mom, if they need anything they come straight to me. Now I'm having my first child so a new addition, I'm happy I could have a child of my own, my stepkids are still my kids and first.

My step kids began to act out and I will say this was the second week of school where they would get smart with me, I was told that my baby wouldn't make it, said my stepson. I understand he's in the teen stage but it hurt when he said that my baby wouldn't make it. When their friends were over they would change their entire personality to impress them, while they impressed their friends they disrespected me. I was hurt because I had known them for years and hearing them say hurtful things to me hurt, on top of that my husband didn't seem to help, he would check them but his words didn't matter to them.

The kids have chores around the house, and the only thing I wanted them to do was do their laundry and take out the trash, in their mind I was making them be “ slaves” they said. They told me I should be doing the work and not them because their just kids, this new attitude was shocking, I asked them about it because they didn't care, and they would ignore me or go to their room. They stole money out of my purse to go to the store with their friends, they broke my mother's vase and I didn't know until days later.

Recently my step daughter got into a fight at school, mind you this is a new school, the fight happened because a girl was looking at her funny! I don't think fighting for a dumb reason is okay, my step daughter then hit the girl because of it and when she got home I lectured her about why she was wrong. She then went on and told me I couldn't tell her anything because I was not her mom, to be honest, I'm that moment I couldn't say anything, I let her have it. It's just that everyone does not care, I had to go to the doctor because my blood pressure was high and I was told it could harm the baby, my husband didn't even show interest in me, surely not my health.

After that situation I thought about it, she was right I wasn't her mom so I stopped doing everything around the house, I didn't cook, or help with work, or anything. My doctor already told me my blood pressure was high so I knew I needed a break, my husband was no help and ignored anything the kids said and did, he told me I was doing too much and to leave them alone because I'm not the mom, and that's why I told him to discipline his kids or get a divorce. Aita?

I'm sure these kids are not angels, but they are getting jerked from house to house and now Duddy's wife is having a shiny new baybee. And it sounds like Dud is a lazy turd of course.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2024

These past months I've been having problems with my family and its gotten so bad I had to step away from it because too much was happening. I honestly felt stuck in one place while no one was really there to help me, I'm very stressed. Op(32F), spouse(35M)

I've been in my step kids life since they were 6 and now their both pre teens, in that stage of parenting it gets overwhelming for me. My doctor already told me my blood pressure was high so I knew I needed a break, my husband was no help and ignored anything the kids said and did, he told me I was doing too much and to leave them alone because I'm not the mom, and that's why I told him to discipline his kids or get a divorce. Aita?

She has lived with the duh and his two kids for at least five to six years and admits she is the primary parent to them. Why is she shocked that none of them are going to "step up" now that she is inpig? How is this a new or shocking revelation? The duh has made it clear for years that he isn't interested in parunting and hasn't enforced any discipline anyways.

My guess is that she has been furiously trying to get inpig and focused on that instead of objectively looking at her living situation. And not only that but she is just now realizing that everyone is taking advantage of her.

Why even date a single duh in the first place? Is it some kind of "I'm past 25" desperation?

I know exactly why he dated her. He wanted an insta-cup mother for his brats, just add water and BOOM. And I bet "things moved fast" between them and they were likely living together or engaged within less than a year. So this is yet another nanny bang maid situation. Why do these women delude themselves into thinking these men care about them when it is obvious these men are using them?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2024
"I grew up in poverty and want my kids to have a different experience."

Well how about not having FOUR KIDS IN FOUR YEARS?

Bonus: her "significant other" is disabled. Further comments reveal that he's NOT the father of all these kids and the youngest kids are one year old twins.

The title of Moo's post is: "How do you support a family with many children and no childcare?"

I'll give her credit--she is working, but not having kids with loser men may be a good start. If you aren't going to pick wisely, another suggestion would be: don't have what you cannot afford. (Or if you cannot get an abortion, give them up for adoption. Yeah, it's messy but at least they may not grow up in poverty.) And get your damn tubes tied if you can.



I live in an area that has "ran out of funding" for childcare assistance. I do not have family or friends that are able to watch my 4 children (one year old twins, two year old, and four year old). My significant other is a disabled veteran, I opted out of disability to work, and now social services are telling me that they no longer provide assistance for affording childcare. I would have to make over $100/hour to afford just the costs of childcare, not including costs of living. I do not qualify for other financial assistance. They told me I can inquire salvation army and the like for clothing handouts and assistance with gifts for holidays. I am devastated that I've worked very hard to be self sufficient and I am now unable to pursue my career or directly afford to raise my children. I grew up in poverty and want my children to have a different experience. How can I provide for my children without having childcare?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2024
Moo bitching about her stepkid being a cunt, but one of the comments is more disturbing to me than the original post.

Hooooly shit, this kid was being coached by her family on how to try to make Moo miscarry? Then the brat talked obsessively about loaf death after it was born. Dafuq kind of sadistic freak show did she marry into? Like there needed to be more reasons to not be a step-parent! Moo is lucky her step-bitch didn't off her loaf.



No judgement here! I'm sorry you're going through this bromo!

My then stepdaughter 12 was similar about our baby when we were expecting. She pretended she was happy about it but she was NOT! She was actively trying to terminate my pregnancy via methods her father's extended family were telling her to do. (Trip me, cause me to slip, kick me in the stomach, poison me, cause a car accident etc etc)

When the bub was born, she became more blatant and would talk about baby death A LOT when her father wasn't present, which was terrifying me!!! Ended up leaving him because he didn't take the risk seriously (she was violent and abusive and i just couldn't take anymore, and he refused to support me, defending his little golden princess instead!) She's with her mother now, and 2 years later she STILL hates me and the baby (toddler now), but thankfully we don't have to see her!

Anyway, seeing as yours is your daughter the only solutions I can think of are therapy for her (because this is not normal for her or sustainable for you!) and your idea of her dad taking her at least on a regular schedule to give you some breaks.

Huge hugs and solidarity!!!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 23, 2024
Here's one from the family law forum.

I need a freaking diagram, but this woman is married to a guy who has TWO previous Baby Mamas. AND he has a ten month old baybee with his ex, and she's already knocked up by this guy?  

Dude's 2nd Baby Mama keeps calling CPS on him. Moo keeps going back and editing her post and telling everyone what a stand-up guy he is, and how he's really going to be a great Duddy to the loaf they are baking, despite his not being with the Baby Mama of his 10 month old kid AND another kid before that. They "asked each other all the hard questions" before they got married. Obviously one of these questions did not include, "why aren't you with either of the two women you had babies with?"

She also mentions in an edit that he had two girlfriends between the most recent Baby Mama, and neither one of them got pregnant? WTH? As if that's something to be proud of? Shouldn't not getting pregnant be the default?


This is starting to feel so ridiculous with my spouses “co parent” that she called CPS on my husband. They have a baby together, he has limited time right now due to a step up process and her resistance to allowing him more time amicably. Child is 10 months old. We have a baby on the way and 2 older children combined. There is food in the home, baby toys, play pen, baby food and formula. Baby is taken care of. We have a smaller house right now and will be moving eventually into a bigger home for space. But until then, this is where we are at.

CPS is for child abuse and neglect… none of that is going on. She did this to her older child’s father and although I don’t have all that information, she talks possessive over the baby, blames husband for a poopy diaper, blames him for anything really. The mediation they had recently even noticed something was off from her, local community members have even said the same thing. It’s not just us not liking her, she seems seriously mentally unstable and possessive. Wants him to really have no involvement with their child. My husband does not interact with her in their parenting app, keeps it simple to exactly what baby ate, diaper changes, naps.

We missed the cps lady yesterday but she left her card on the door. I know they have their process they have to follow but this is insane. He’s caring, he’s involved, he has full custody of his other child due to legit parenting concerns by the other parent. And idk. I guess I want to vent and ask any opinions on how to handle this? He has a lawyer and will be contacting them today to discuss this as well. We just feel this won’t be the last issue with her and we don’t want our other children subjected to this or at risk either. There’s food in the home for everyone, clean clothes. It’s a smaller space so some clutter but we’ve been working on it. I’m just at a loss for how someone can be so hellbent in this way.

Edit- thank you to everyone that was informative and sharing their experiences to this. I should know better being Reddit but those judging because my husband has a 10 month old has nothing to do with this. We are a team and have older children from previous relationships/situations and it’s worrisome when someone makes false claims and trying to do anything to cause conflict. They were equivalent to a one night stand type of situation before we met. My husband has been using a lawyer for his case of the 10 month old and has taken the initiatives to tackle this situation head on and also speaking with his attorney to know what to expect, if false calls persists how to handle it, but we are a team and there’s more than one child in the home, so regardless, anyone would be a bit off put into a situation like this, I would think. Everyone is cared for properly, no abuse, no neglect, food in the home, clean & new clothes for children. Again thank you to those being genuine in responding.

Edit 2- honestly guys, this post is about a cps situation, not my relationship. We are grown adults here who decided we wanted to grow our family and become one. We asked each other the hard questions, honest with one another about anything and everything. There are people who marry sooner than later and have great marriages, we know some! My husband is loving and caring, my family loves him. I appreciates a man that actually steps up and is involved in his children’s life. He’s had 2 other actual girlfriends prior to this situation and neither became pregnant. We live and we learn. It would be more of a red flag if he was dipping out on his newer baby. We both wanted the marriage and both wanted another baby together. Finally, a situation that we both can parent without the extreme issues that can come with co parenting. I do not care that Reddit has not approved of my marriage, LOL. Our family has, my husband and I are happy together. I have met his first child’s mother and are civil and kind to each other. His second has a history of calling cps on her first child’s father and when people in the community plus the mediator call out something is off with HER. Well Reddit only gets one small take on such a larger picture. THANK YOU to everyone who has been supportive, given legitimate advice and cast no judgement. Maybe in 5 years I’ll come back with an update on our happy home and big family and moved into our bigger house we are working towards smiling smiley Have a blessed day everyone and hope you have a wonderful day smiling smiley learn to be kinder and less judgmental, I guarantee none of y’all being negative are perfect human beings smiling smiley

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 24, 2024
And this is why you don't want to be a SAHM.

From the time I was young, I knew I would always work outside the home and I wouldn't have brats. Because I looked around and observed that 99% of the time, men will cop this kind of attitude and dump the cunt work on the woman.

Just say no!

P.S. And why did she have another kid with this dude? She admits this is a long standing issue.



This has been a long standing debate between my husband and I. We have three kids (1,4,5) and a dog. I stay at home because our middle child is only in half day preschool and daycare for our youngest is outrageously expensive and my husband works he’s active duty military. We used to split chores around the house where I would take on the majority but he would do the dishes and make dinner for us and help with bath time for the kids and help get them in bed. Recently my husband has told me that since I stay at home that all of the cleaning and everything pertaining to the kids, even when he is home, is my responsibility because it’s my job and if I want help with anything I need to ask because he doesn’t know what needs to be done.

I’ve told him that he’s capable of seeing if things are dirty and picking things up or putting shoes away or feeding the dog or letter the dog outside or even something simple like getting the kids a snack or even bring dirty clothes down or just put them in the laundry basket. He will come home and sit down and literally barely move from his spot on the couch unless it’s to go to the bathroom or grab a snack for himself. Im constantly running around taking care of everyone and everything I don’t even get a day to sleep in on the weekends even if I ask it’s not guaranteed he will wake up with the kids. Is this typical? Am I the asshole for thinking this is ridiculous? I feel like I’m being treated like a nanny and a maid but every time I say that I’m made to feel like I’m being ungrateful and over dramatic because he will do things if I ask him to do them. I just don’t feel like I should have to ask my husband to help me take care of the kids we both made when he’s home and I don’t feel like I should have to ask him to pick things up when he sees a mess if I’m doing something else at the time. Typically how does the dynamic go when one parent stays at home and one works? Am I being an asshole with this and just need to get over myself and just live with always having to ask if I want his help with anything at all?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 25, 2024
"I grew up in poverty and want my kids to have a different experience."

Well how about not having FOUR KIDS IN FOUR YEARS?

Bonus: her "significant other" is disabled. Further comments reveal that he's NOT the father of all these kids and the youngest kids are one year old twins.

I get that she is working, which is better than not working. But her husband is disabled, which likely greatly limits his income potential. So, like you said, why four kids? They may not be in poverty but good luck being solidly in the middle class with one decent income and four kids. Has she not looked around to realize most people cannot afford four kids even with two good jobs? I don't think she looked around at all, she put her head in the sand after being trained to do her job and decided a good paycheck means being able to support four kids. So not true.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 29, 2024
Kid's Moo wouldn't allow him to brush his teeth for 17 years and his teeth are screwy. There are pictures showing that this poor guy had to get his teeth drilled all the way down to the pulp to fix the cavities, which he has in every single tooth. Not sure what the Moo's problem was with him brushing his teeth - I assume just to be an abusive cunt.

Thankfully, it sounds like the guy has moved far away from his Moo and can start getting the medical care he needs, both physical and mental. In fairness, his teeth look pretty damn good for not seeing a toothbrush for the better part of two decades.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 30, 2024
That's too gross to even think about it. It was probably the parent's fault to some extent and the kid was probably eating sugary junk all day, but kids can also be really fucking stubborn. It's unfortunate somebody never told him, "your teeth are gross and your mouth is swampy. Clean that shit up."

My Gawd, here's another future Breeding disaster. A 19 year old woman has a 37 year old boyfriend who wants to marry her. Of course she's from a Catholic family and wants to be a SAHM some day. Her family is somewhat concerned but her dad is supportive.



I'm 19f. My bf is 37m. I understand that a lot of people view age gaps like this really negatively. This is a healthy relationship and we love each other though. My family, especially my parents, have definitely been concerned about the age gap. They approve of the relationship more now and like him more now (well some of my family) but my parents are still kinda concerned, specifically my dad, even though he does like him more now because he has seen how much he loves me and how happy I am with him. But they’re also concerned about us talking about getting married.

I’m in college rn, but I would love to be a sahm someday (we want that more traditional lifestyle as a couple where he’s more of the breadwinner and I stay at home and be a mother someday - we’re both Catholic, and my whole family is also Catholic).

What’s your perspective about it or experience with it especially if you did get married young around this age? Any advice about this? Just looking for other perspectives so try to be nice about it if you reply, especially about the age gap smiling smiley

Before I get asked this, we started dating when I was 18 (so I was an adult when we started dating). I turned 19 two months ago.

I copied it because if it follows the usual trajectory, her ass will get roasted (we can only hope), and she's going to get butt hurt, and she will pull the whole thing altogether.

You know she won't listen anyway because she's in luuuv and she's being raised in a broodmare culture.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 31, 2024

I'm 19f. My bf is 37m. I understand that a lot of people view age gaps like this really negatively. This is a healthy relationship and we love each other though. My family, especially my parents, have definitely been concerned about the age gap. They approve of the relationship more now and like him more now (well some of my family) but my parents are still kinda concerned, specifically my dad, even though he does like him more now because he has seen how much he loves me and how happy I am with him. But they’re also concerned about us talking about getting married.

I’m in college rn, but I would love to be a sahm someday (we want that more traditional lifestyle as a couple where he’s more of the breadwinner and I stay at home and be a mother someday - we’re both Catholic, and my whole family is also Catholic).

So many 19-year-olds are experts on what a healthy romantic relationship is because of all their years of experience, right? And why does a 37-year-old want anything to do with a 19-year-old?

Also, lots of women who want to be SAHMs only go to college to meet their future spouses. We used to refer to this as earning their MRS degree. Certain religious colleges are known for this.

I have some ideas:
  • He may already have kids and because she is really young she may not see the warning signs of this and just believe him if he lies about it. If there are kids I bet they will appear only after they are married and she is actively trying to get pregnant.
  • He is 37 and wants brats. There is also more than a decent chance he could have kids out there he has no knowledge of currently. Assuming he has always wrapped it up is a very naive assumption.
  • She is in college full-time, and he (presumably) works full-time. At this rate it could take years for them to truly know each other. This is one way abusers work, anyone can be pretend to be a great person for a limited duration. Especially a 37-year-old can do this because he would learn how to behave after being rejected after 20 years of dating experience.
  • Something about the age gap and them both wanting to have brats ASAP gives me potential red pill vibes from him. And we do know red pillers want young women who they can control.
  • He wants a much younger wife who he can control so that he can deeply enmesh her to where it is impossible for her to leave him because she is a baybee factory with no ambitions or work experience
  • He is looking to the future! He wants a wife that is young enough to take care of him when he is old and having a wife that is half his age accomplishes this. She can go from raising their brats to his caretaking because if he is around 40 when they marry that is exactly what their ages project. She can rip out some pups and after about 25 years they'll be adults. Then she can take care of her aging husband. And after that she can raise the grandbrats because she'll still be relatively young! Lucky her!
  • He may have a thing for much younger women. If so, she'll likely be replaced once she gains weight from pignasty or is over the age of 25. Then she'll have to deal with his new wife and split custody and the fact that she has no way to make money will catch up to her and she'll be a poor single mahm
  • She indicates she is in college "rn" and they want to get married. Sounds like she is prioritizing marriage over college as there is no mention of her wanting to complete a degree of any kind.

The only advantage for her would be if she could live off of him for long enough to get her career started and then abandon him once things become real. That would require a huge dedication to not getting inpig and she has all but said she has no career ambitions. She is a committed breeder and chances are that he will immediately try to get her enmeshed to make it difficult for her to leave him and once he does that only then will she see his true self.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 31, 2024

I copied it because if it follows the usual trajectory, her ass will get roasted (we can only hope), and she's going to get butt hurt, and she will pull the whole thing altogether.

You know she won't listen anyway because she's in luuuv and she's being raised in a broodmare culture.

Correct! It is now deleted.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
November 01, 2024
I mean I know it's possible for there to be a big age gap and still have a healthy relationship. It's just rare. I know some young women also intentionally go after guys much older than they are because they feel men their own are are too immature.

It's just people change a lot between the ages of 19 and 37, or at least healthy people do. I can't imagine these two have much in common besides their religion. But if they're both Catholic and she wants to be a SAHM, then it sounds like she's on the right track to her alleged dream life. But if all she wants to do is play house to a bunch of brats, why the fuck is she in college in the first place? If she's just gonna crap out kids like a good bible thumper, why is she even getting an education?

I would never encourage SAHMing because when you give up a job and therefore income, you become financially dependent on your partner. And if they turn out to be a total hunk of shit, good luck getting away when you have no money and no car. It lays the groundwork for multiple kinds of abuse. I'm sure once her body goes to shit from breeding, he'll start banging other women while she raises his brats for him.

Her parents - or at least her Moo - are right to be concerned because I'd also be wondering why someone nearly twice the girl's age is interested in her. A lot of Catholic guys are absolute pieces of shit too, so I would be especially concerned about why this guy is interested in someone young enough to be his daughter.
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