Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 08, 2023
I had a hard time keeping track of all the brats in the grocery store story too. Moo verifies in the comments that there are actually seven fucking brats. Their ages are 14, 11, 9, 6, 4, 4 and 20 months, and she is pregnant with number eight. WHYYYY?? She already has shown she cannot handle the ones she has by herself and she's gonna throw another infant into the mix? Apparently her "delicate condition" is why she didn't drink herself into a stupor after the fiasco at the grocery store.

I think Duh didn't stay home with the sproggen because he was at work or something, so Moo called Meemaw when the brats became too overwhelming. She said her two oldest were fighting over riding shotgun, so the eleven-year-old and the teenager? Isn't that a little old to be fighting over the front seat? I didn't think riding up front remained so important once a person hit their pre-teen years - I never remember giving a shit after the age of maybe ten. Personally, if I were still a kid, I'd rather be in the backseat so I can misbehave and be harder to see.

And also, she's having her husband bring the brats good pizza for dinner - after they behaved like such shits, she's gonna reward them with pizza? After Granny stuffed them with McDonald's slop and they presumably got plastic toys that I'm sure they fought over? Man their asses would be having sleep for dinner if Moo had any semblance of a spine after the shit they all pulled at the store.

Also, the four-year-old beefers are not only still in diapers, but they're shit smearers too. I wonder if they might be retarded and that's why they're still being treated like infants. She claims her household is neurodivergent, and further down in the comments mentions all the brats are tards of some degree or another. According to Moo, when one tard is off kilter, it makes all the other ones act all fucked up too.

And why do they put the six-year-old and the nine-year-old in the grocery cart? You're only supposed to put brats in the front seat part of normal grocery carts for safety reasons and those are only big enough for toddlers at best, so unless these brats are emaciated, they are storing them unsafely in those carts. Even those massive godawful monstrosities that look like trucks to appeal to brats aren't big enough to hold a kindergartener and a third grader. They're meant for smaller kids. But heyyy what's a little health risk if it means making shopping easier for Moo? I'm sure if the brats fell out of the cart and busted their heads open, she'd sue the store to hell and back.

This is the kind of horse shit that would make me drive to Nebraska and kick all these assholes out of the car. I know the Safe Haven Law was amended to prevent it, but it would not stop me from driving out to the middle of nowhere and leaving them all on the side of the road like trash and letting them fend for themselves. Fuck, the closer I looked at the details and the comments, the worse it got. Moo must be some sort of a tard too if she has this many messed-up brats and keeps having more.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 09, 2023
and we wonder why this species is gradually getting dumber

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 10, 2023
Holy fucking shit, and here we see the rare and elusive Moo with a functioning brain cell actually using it!

She describes how much her Duh husband has changed since she bred with him the first time and how he's a completely useless sack of shit when it comes to being an involved partner and father. So rather than have another loaf (which she does want, and Duh is pushing her to have) with this shitbag and then moan about how hard it is to essentially be a single parent to two kids, she chooses to NOT reproduce. Even going so far as to cancel her consultation with an infertility specialist.

I mean, she says this. She might be careless like most Moos who think they're barren and get herself pigged up anyway. But her ability to see the writing on the wall and make the intelligent choice rather than what she herself wants is highly unusual behavior for Moos. More of them need this kind of awareness so they don't make an entire fucking football team of kids and then gripe when each subsequent child didn't change their husbands' behavior.

I'm guessing this Duh is jonesing for another kid when he can't be arsed to care about the first one because he wants a male heir.


By being a terrible partner and a lazy, shitty dad.

The last 3 years have changed him into a person I don’t know or really want to know. He doesn’t help clean, cook, maintain our home/lawn, take care of our child, or do literally anything at all except go to work. He doesn’t buy us birthday or Christmas gifts and expects me to handle all of the mental and emotional labor in our lives. I’ve been applying to preschools and he argues about the choices I’m making in facilities even though he’s done none of the research and has no idea the average price, hours or availability of any kind of childcare. He sees our child for about one and a half hours a day while he’s awake, before he goes to work. He doesn’t get up with her in the night or in the morning, doesn’t feed her any healthy meals, and almost never leaves the house with her unless I’m coming too, except if he’s going to his parents’ house. Even then he doesn’t brush her hair and dresses her in ill-fitting clothes. I can’t even leave him because I can’t trust him to take care of her properly by himself.

He’s pushing me to have a second child. I wanted another baby, but not with this version of him that has left me to be a single married parent. I’m canceling my infertility consultation appointments because I’m not doing this by myself with two children.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 10, 2023
what brain cell? she didn't have any to begin with. all this 'i wanna baabbeee' from a male is 80% bs and falls into the 'ogdickwerx' braggadocio slot. most of it is a lie when spewing from a male orifice.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2023

He’s pushing me to have a second child. I wanted another baby, but not with this version of him that has left me to be a single married parent. I’m canceling my infertility consultation appointments because I’m not doing this by myself with two children.

Why in the name of all things holy is this woman is not using birth control right now?

Look, I know that some guys can hide what they are, but please explain to me why, when this guy hasn't lifted a finger for three years that she's 1. still fucking him; 2. actively trying to make another baby with him?

Oh, and let's not forget she just wrote that she CANNOT TRUST HIM to watch the kid she has? (Although in the scheme of things, not brushing the kids hair or putting the kid in the "wrong" clothes won't kill the kid.**)

If she does get pregnant, she'll be just another Breaking Mawm whining cow who claims she "accidentally" got pregnant or she thought she was "infertile" and now she's stuck with three babies, one of whom is a Man-Baby.


I could see that a fair # of mine whine for baybees and are useless thereafter, because a good portion of guys are suddenly useless around the house after marriage. The chore wars are real. BUT, why hasn't she thought of leaving him? Giving him half custody or partial custody would surely be better than the life she has now.

And before she does that, she needs to just go to a hotel or a friend's house for the weekend, turn off her phone all weekend, and take a nap and do what she wants to do. Just tell him, guess what? You get to be Daddy for the weekend and walk out the door. **Who GAF if she comes back and the kid's hair isn't brushed? She got a rest and as long as the kid is alive, that's a win.

On to other topics, I found another gem on the I Regret Having Children page. Ever wonder why your neighbors look at you with hate in their eyes? It may be just because they have kids and you don't. The comments are pure gold too.


I’m jealous of people without young children. My god the free time! Nap whenever! Not tired 24/7! Get to sleep through the night. Can do whatever whenever. I literally burn with jealousy & rage when I, late 30s with 2 under 2, see my late 30s childless neighbors.

But remember, we are the bitter ones?

smiling face made up of smiles moo, duh and two kids dancing bouncing smileys holding sign: bed made lie
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2023
I counted six kids in the grocery store moo story. A teen, a 9 year old, a 6 year old, 4 year old twins, and a toddler. Obviously Moo either does not believe in birth control or is not very good at it. What stood out to me the most was the 4 year olds still breastfeeding and wearing diapers. She made no mention of even trying to wean or potty train them. WTF? These modern moos do all they can to create more work and trouble for themselves, then bitch about how shitty their lives are.

Exactly! They love to work harder, not smarter!

beating with a lol hammer
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2023
And on a related topic.. the in-pig wars.... or the entitlement of breeders... 'look at meeeee'.. (too)
also note the proliferation of I I I I I I I

AITA for announcing my pregnancy immediately after my sister?

My husband and I have been trying for our second baby for two and a half years. We lost 2 pregnancies during that time, though we only told our families about the first. I’m incredibly grateful to now be 13 weeks pregnant (whoopie fucking do) and have been looking forward to sharing that news with my family.

On Friday, we had dinner with my family - my sister, her boyfriend, and our parents - and we decided to share our news then. I decided to wait until dessert, so that we could leave shortly after telling everyone. Obviously, it’s exciting news, but I was worried about all the emotions that could surface for myself and my husband. (me meee meeeeeee!!!)

Right after we sat down to eat, my sister announced that she and her boyfriend are expecting their first child. I was thrilled for her and congratulated her, as did the rest of the family. Once things had settled down, I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to have everyone together and thought it would be a good opportunity to keep the joy flowing (proof moos, especially in pig moos have no brains), so I shared that I’m pregnant as well.

Our parents were so excited to be having two new grandbabies just a month apart and I was super happy that my kids would have a new cousin. My sister was happy for me but she left very soon after dinner and didn’t stay for dessert.

She called me this afternoon and told me that as happy as she was for me, she felt that I’d done a shitty thing by taking away “her moment.” She pointed out that this is my second baby and when I announced for the first time, I didn’t have to “share” with anyone. I didn’t want to apologize because I didn’t feel I’d done anything wrong, but she finished out the phone call by saying that she didn’t think I was really even happy for her, if I couldn’t have let her have that moment and taken another for myself later on. That really stung.

I truly didn’t see it that way. I saw it as sharing joy, not stealing it. I also see each pregnancy as being unique, so I don’t feel that it was right of her to say I shouldn’t have said anything because it was my second baby. Honestly, I think she might be kind of hormonal. But I also want to understand my sister and I know I’m not going to get anywhere asking her about it. So, I want to be enlightened. AITA for announcing my pregnancy immediately after my sister?

ETA: I’m visiting from Los Angeles, my sister lives in New Jersey and our parents live in NYC.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2023
If there's anything piggos don't like, it's someone stealing their spotlight, especially other piggos.

Why did the author have to announce her pignasty that day? Like yeah you had plans to do so, but sometimes plans don't go how you expect them to. Couldn't Moo have announced her "blessed event" on Facebook instead? I bet it would have reached a lot more people that way, rather than just whomever was in the house at the time.

Personally I don't give a fuck because nobody should be happy to announce they are preparing to intentionally bring someone into the world who will almost certainly struggle to afford to live when they reach adulthood because none of this shit is gonna get any better. There's no rule saying you can't announce you're up the duff on the same day as someone else in the family does, but it is a little tacky. This is kinda like proposing to your significant other at someone else's wedding. Can't your ass wait and do it another day? It's not that fucking important.

Now I'm sure both the author Moo and the sister will hate one another because they'll each remain convinced that the other one stole her "special day." This will open the door for all kinds of hateful competition between the sisters by means of their children - who gives birth sooner, whose child has a better name (LOL imagine if they both want to give their brats the same name too), which child is more academically successful, which child is healthier, which child is smarter, which child is in more extra-curicular activities.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 12, 2023
And geriatric moo and duh trying to parentify oldest child and rope into servitude. I just hope she takes the commenters advice and stays away from these sob's. they had the humpty dumpty and it's their responsibility.

AITA for refusing to go back home during break?

I (18f) grew up in the west coast but am currently going to college in the south. Around a year before I left for college, my parents announced they were pregnant. I wasn't thrilled by this for a number of reasons, but I didn't say much at the time and I was outwardly pretty neutral. My parents seemed disappointed by my reaction regardless and they kept trying to pull me into discussions on what the baby's name should be or what furniture they should buy for the baby's room. They also kept making jokes about how I would need to help out more, since they would be older parents. When the baby came, I was around to make sure my mom was alright, and then I mostly kept out of the house until it was time for me to leave for college.

Since I've been at college, my parents have continually asked if I was coming home for break. I went back once (for winter break) and the entire time, it was baby-centered. The house was constantly filled with the baby crying, or the sound of cartoons, or my parents asking me to help care for the baby. Everything was interrupted by the baby. If I wanted to go to a restaurant with my parents- we can't because of the baby. If I wanted to go shopping- we're too tired because of the baby. If I wanted to go grocery shopping alone- can you take the baby with you. They were constantly pushing me to babysit or change diapers or make formula stuff in the name of sisterly "bonding".

This break, my parents kept asking me if I was going to come back for break. I told them I probably wasn't, because I had plans with my friends and I'd rather stay in my dorm than go through the hassle of flying all the way over. They kept asking me to, and saying it would be a great "bonding" opportunity, but I don't see what's so "bonding" about listening to a baby cry for most of the day every day. Finally, I snapped and said I didn't want to come back until things settled down and they were capable of handling the child they made by themselves. So AITA for refusing to go back home for break?

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 13, 2023
Yeah no college kid wants to come home and loaf-sit on their break from school. I kind of had to do this once, only the loaf was a 300-pound schizo-tard and I was never fucking happier to go the fuck back to school than I was at the end of that break. I'm all for kids helping around the house when they live in it like washing the dishes they use or vacuuming here and there, but the parents chose to reproduce again and that child is the responsibility of one single party: the parents. If they want their adult daughter to mind their brat on her vacation, then they better pay her for her time.

I'd bet you my bottom dollar they wouldn't be foisting their brat on their older child if said older child was male. I don't think there is anything wrong with not wanting to come home to be a parent when you need a break from what is essentially a job. Maybe Moo and Duh should have put more thought into their choice to breed if they can't fucking handle it, but at the very least, they did it when their daughter was old enough to be away at college because if she were still in high school, she would have no way to escape.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 13, 2023
This one is disgusting. Warning: shit stench and food.

Eating where you shit

We live in a small 3 bedroom 1.5 bath house (about 1200 square feet one level), the half bath is right next to the kitchen.( I could be sitting on that toilet and see the stove and back door) We don't poop in there because of its proximity to the kitchen but the toilet doesn't seem to handle it well. The other bathroom is also tiny but it is at the end of the hallway. The kitchen is at the other end of the hallway and the kitchen table has to be in there because we don't have a dining room.

Every single morning from 7-9am my husband takes at least 1-2 giant dumps and the smell permeates the entire house.

I will be having breakfast at the kitchen table and when he goes into the bathroom, the smell will start reaching me in the kitchen. There is no where to go in the house where the smell doesn't reach.

My toothbrush is on the sink because there is no room to put any toiletries anywhere. I cringe at the thought of my brush marinating in all that poo stink every morning.

He has to leave the house 3 days a week for work and on those days, I am so happy because he wakes up much earlier and I don't have to smell it.

Pretty soon he is going to be working from home and never leave the house. I am dreading having to be around the smell everyday and worried it is going to continue to erode the little romance we have left at this point.

Moving would require leaving our awesome neighborhood and city otherwise I would have done that years ago.

Edited to add: I don't have this problem with my kids poop and mine (although I have chronic constipation and maybe poop 3 times a week if I'm lucky) my husband is doing it several times a day

UPDATE Thanks for all of your suggestions! I mentioned it to him this morning because I was waiting to eat breakfast until after he was done and he started to go in *again* right as I was sitting down and I just lost it. He got defensive at first saying he has to clean my period blood sometimes but I mentioned how that is rare and it's not several times a day, everyday. After that, he agreed to do matches and window open and keeping the door closed after he goes.

I'll look into the oils as well. As for the diet, I am not sure. He will often blame whatever we had the night before for making him go a lot but it happens every week so that seems like not a valid reason.

I mean, realy...this duh can't even open the window to avoid stinking up the house? He sits in there for 2 hours dicking around on his phone while letting his shit marinate the house. Also, that house is too small.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 14, 2023
I saw this one earlier too Duh doesn't give a damn because he's not the one having to eat breakfast in a room that stinks like a hot sewer. Moo could always get herself a nice bottle of Liquid Ass and spray it all around him when he's trying to eat, though if he's too inconsiderate to do a courtesy flush or crack a window on his own, the point made with the Liquid Ass would likely be missed. She could also stand outside the bathroom door with a bottle of Febreze in hand and just absolutely soak him with it the moment he emerges from his poopium den.

Or if desperate, do what nurses do when faced with a horribly stanky patient: mint jelly under the nose. No she shouldn't have to do this in her own home, but I mean as a last resort. She could send him back to his momma to finish raising him since she clearly stopped right before teaching his ass decency and manners. I mean yeah everybody's gotta poop sooner or later, but it's not hard to open a window.

Why are so many women in that sub married to men who are the laziest hogs on the planet? I know not all men are like that, but I swear half the threads in that sub on any given day are just rants about their brainless man-baby spouses and what they don't do. Surely they didn't turn into these nasty slobs overnight - they were likely that way prior to marriage and breeding.

If Duh likes spicy food, she could always feed him more hot things so his rank shits burn on the way out. I think I saw somewhere in the comments that Duh also refuses to poop at work and will come home just to have a shit. Man wouldn't that be amusing if he didn't take a dump at work because he didn't want to turn his office into a gas chamber and gross out his coworkers. Why do that when he can go home and gross out his family?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 15, 2023
This is so bad, it's almost comical. This sow leaves half a dozen kids (out of her EIGHT total) alone at the house to visit an ailing relative, with the youngest one that was left alone being eight years old (and the eldest being 18 years old). The absurd and unnecessary number of brats aside, how do six kids manage to completely lay waste to a house in such a short span of time? Most of the mess is stuff I'd expect from fucking toddlers, not kids who are between the ages of 8 and 18 years old!

Honestly, unless they're all retards, what 8-year-old feels the need to mash bananas into the floor and throw shredded cheese all over the house? What is wrong with the 17-year-old that they think it's okay to put an open peanut butter sandwich sticky side down directly onto the couch cushions?

Moo must be a fucking epic shit of a parent if her kids all think this is an appropriate way to act. The brats all blame Moo because she failed to put someone in charge (even though she asked the two oldest ones to keep shit under control), and since they all absolved themselves of responsibility, none of them cleaned up their messes either. Like I totally understand going hog wild when Moo isn't home and eating a whole pan of brownies for dinner or getting in a fight with your sibling and breaking their nose, but what is wrong with all these kids? This is not normal "mom's not home" behavior for kids who are between third grade and 12th grade.

I can understand why some people commit murder-suicide after reading this.


Today was extremely rough, my GMIL is taking a turn for the worse, she needed to be hospitalized today. I fell to me to get her there, my husband is out of town, my MIL was 'busy' my SIL was working.

I have the "too many" amount of kids, majority are over 10 with the oldest being 18.

I took the 18mo and the 5yo with me because everyone was being selfish today, but I don't get to be right? I have to do what ever it is to get shit done even if that means pushing a stroller and a wheelchair at the same time, while making sure my flight risk is keeping with the group.

That means I left 6 kids from 8yo to 18yo at the house. When I left my house was decent. Not better homes and gardens but lived in clean. I asked for the 2 oldest to please stay downstairs and make sure no one burnt the place down or went running with scissors or left without telling anyone.

I get her settled in the hospital, wait around for scans and tests, feed the littles from a vending machine and comfort GMIL who is in end stage heart failure. She's gonna be there for a few days possibly. About 7 hours. Frequent calls home to check in and check up. Nothing amiss as I was told.

I walk in the door and my house is trashed.

All the clean laundry I did last night is everywhere. The bunch of bananas is squished into various spots on the carpts and rugs and stairs and one on the top of the toilet seat? Popcorn everywhere. Preshred cheese (3lb bag from Costco) stepped in and tracked all over the house including into the bananas and laundry. There is pancake batter drip dried all over the counters, stove and floors. I think every single dish and pot has been dirtied. There is jelly on my couches. The dogs haven't been let out all day and they shit and pissed in my house. Wrappers from snacks and empty ramen packages on the floor. The full trash is tipped over because no one fed the dogs so its between satans asscheeks and gods tits everywhere.

The whole house smells of farts. Like literally the house smells like fucking farts. Rancid protein fruit farts.

My kids are all sitting quietly on the couches, in the mess on phones and tablets and laptops and playing video game.. in the mess. My 17yo had a open pb&j face down stuck to the cushion next to him.

Like what the fuck right? Because thats what I said. Like what the fuck happened, who the fuck did this and thought it was okay?

My 15yo said and I quote "You didn't put anyone in charge so everyone just did their own thing and I wasn't responsible for what anyone else did, you should have put someone in charge".

This is where I flew off the handle and said the thing I did and right now I don't wanna apologize.

"I regret having kids." Among various expletives that scared the baby because I don't yell. I don't scream. I don't hit or spank. Because today I yelled and I screamed and I cussed them the fuck out. Because right now I actually regret having kids.

No one did anything. No one wants to help clean it up because they didn't do it. They want to argue. They want to blame me and everyone else. They are refusing to help. They are milling between the downstairs and their rooms while I clean.

I found a dogs butthole pucker shit print on my coffee table top that was for some godforsaken reason off the legs and on the floor. Now I'm outside contemplating doing a cigarette run, pacing around because I'm fucking livid.

At everyone. My husband for having the audacity to have a work trip. At my GMIL for having a medical emergency. At my MIL for being a self absorbed narcissist. At my SIL for having a life and a job. At my kids for being fucking bums. And at myself for thinking I was actually a good parent and that I thought my kids were raised right. Who the fuck am I? Thinking everything was okay and that they are decent empathetic people.

And I still have to go back to GMIL house to care for gramps who is completely immobile.

And its not even safe to leave my own house to run and check on him because godforfuckingbid I disremember to put someone in charge and they burn the place down.....

I regret so many of my choices right now. So here I am venting to all you fine folks with my novella. Fuuuuuuck.

Edit* someone better come hold me back because I just found a tipped over open 32oz bottle of soy sauce under my new sweatshirt.. puddled into my shitty holds every stain light brown carpet under the table next to a dog turd. I feel violence. I might have to slap my own face so I don't hit a kid. I know hitting is never the answer but what if you slap yourself and not other people?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 15, 2023
First off, I hate that term “littles.” Call them kids or children like a fucking adult. That tells me a lot about how overly precious this moo is.

That being said, this is not normal kid mess. This is the kids making a purposeful decision to cause as much damage as possible. And because moo doesn’t ever yell or scream or hit or spank, they know they can get away with it. I bet they’d start helping with the cleanup real quick if she started swinging the belt around.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 16, 2023
I hate that term too. Do they call adults "bigs?" Probably not because it sounds stupid, and so does "littles."

Looking at the comments, the only one of the brats to fess up was the youngest one, and Moo is taking money from everyone but the 8-year-old to pay for a carpet cleaning. So at the very least, there are consequences instead of some gentle discipline horse shit where they discuss their feelings. I have a feeling the remorseful brat isn't actually sorry, but they know enough that if they pretend to be sorry, they will be spared Moo's wrath, or at least spared the full brunt of it.

Fuck, I never acted like this when I was the ages these kids are. On the rare occasion I was left unsupervised, I'd usually just crank up some music and light incense because I like playing with the smoke (my mother thinks I will burn the house down if I light incense indoors). This shit had to be intentional like you said, LoveToLurk - like the brats felt jilted by Moo taking away a privilege or whatever and decided to get revenge by making an absolute shit of the house. I wonder what they did to make the whole house smell like farts, though.

I did see this in the comments from the author Moo, though:


All charging cords, charging stations and plugs for every device and TV are locked up in my husbands footlocker now. Phones, tablets, laptops, switches, all gone.

They can eyeball each other for the rest of spring break.

They won't be getting any of their shit back until I can look back at this and laugh.

So at least there have been consequences to this bullshit of theirs, and not some gentle discipline crap where they discuss feelings and the worst they get is, "please don't do that again, honey-boo. I love you!" I'm glad to see that while Moo clearly failed to parent her kids well enough for them to know to NOT act like feral apes in her absence, she did not fail to implement some form of real punishment. I think ass beatings all around should have been involved as well, but making them all chip in for the cleaning bill and taking away all electronics is more of a punishment that I usually see in that sub. She also took every last penny from all of them to put toward a house cleaning, as well as hobby and art supplies, comics, toys, basically left them the barest of necessities to punish them for their bullshit (this is further down in the comments).

She also signed them up to be unpaid volunteers at the food bank for a month, but if she can't force them to clean, I don't see how she thinks she'll be able to force them to do work outside the house. They probably realize now they have nothing left to lose since she took away everything and all their money, so what would their incentive be? This will probably turn into a very interesting power struggle, and I fully anticipate more vengeful behavior from the brats because they see themselves as the victims and Moo as the horrible, cruel bitch and they need to punish her now for taking away their money and fun things.

Also from Moo:

I feel its deliberate too. They are never like this (past making age appropriate mess), like this has never happened.

Every attempt to force/demand them clean has been completely ignored. They flat refuse. Outside of physically accosting them I don't know what to do. Im so out of my depth.

I locked them all out if their rooms in a attemot to force them and they just sat on the floor in the hallway like a solidarity fucking sit in protest.

I feel like I did something because of how utterly shocked I am. No one acts like this right?!

I spent near 14 hours between last night and today cleaning, with just the 5yo and the 8yo helping. 11yo to 18yo did zero.

So she tried to force them to clean and the younger ones (including one who did NOT take part in the indoor food fight) were the only ones that helped while the rest sat on their asses. She also seems to think the mess was on purpose because of the intensity of the mess not making sense given the ages of the brats. But if that's the case, what was the reason behind it? Someone suggested maybe the oldest were mad being forced to watch everyone else, but Moo said they were tasked with that same responsibility in the past and had no issues with it. This mess is seemingly out of nowhere.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 23, 2023
Here's another winner from the I Regret Having Children thread.

It absolutely boggles the mind that a woman would not only marry, but also make THREE MORE BRATS with a guy who HITS her own son. (At least she farmed the kid off on her ex so he won't be beaten all the time.)

Someone commented that she should have not married this guy because he hit her son, and that person was told to "go away."

Isn't it touching how these Moo Cows talk about being "Mama Bears" but when that means putting down the Dick, they become hostile and defensive?


“My husband and I have three kids: 2 boys and one girl, all still toddlers (5, 3 and an 11 month old). so when we met, my husband told me he wanted nothing to do with my son from a previous relationship. I understood him and didn't force him to be close to my son. This was easy since the boy stayed with his dad.

So here is my issue, from the get-go, my husband forced me to be a part of his daughter's life. He even wanted me to neglect the kids we have together for his daughter... He would slap our 5 year old son for the mistakes of his daughter and his family always acted like my kids were unwanted and she only mattered. I said nothing... But now I’m depressed. His daughter is 10 years old, untidy and still wets the bed...
She doesn't mind going to play with wet pants doesn't bother bathing in the morning. sometimes she just takes the clothes off and leaves them on the floor, then proceeds to do whatever her mind tells her to...

I tried being soft, then harsh; nothing works. the only time she cleans after herself is when she wants something from me and when daddy is around... She’s disrespectful but when people are around she changes her tone speaks like a two year old... Sometimes I wonder if it is because she is a pre teen or what... She changes personalities faster than a speeding car..

I have realized that she tests people to see who is on her side. once you reprimand her, you become her enemy. I have stayed with many people, she would test them by using her siblings. She hits her baby sister and looks straight into your eyes, tells you “I didn't hit, she did that”. If you speak the truth she longer listens to you”.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 24, 2023
Phew, there's a lot to unpack in that trainwreck. First of all, why did this woman agree to marry a man who would not accept her child's existence? Similarly, why did this man agree to marry a woman if he was not okay with the fact she has kids from a previous marriage? Whether or not you like it, breeders and their brats are a package deal - you don't get to have the parent to yourself and then shove the kid out of the picture.

But then Duh demanded she absolutely adore his daughter, presumably from his previous relationship. Hypocrite much there, Duh? Don't love your own child, but you damn well better love mine! Why is he hitting the five-year-old for shit the ten-year-old does wrong? I thought maybe it was a child from one of Moo's past relationships, but it sounds like he's one of the kids the two of them share biologically. Why does Duh only seem to hate the five-year-old boy? Why is Moo letting him slap the kid, especially for things he didn't do? It's pretty obvious the eldest daughter is the golden child, so the five-year-old is probably the scapegoat.

Also, the ten-year-old girl still pisses the bed? And then walks around in wet clothes like it's no big deal? And.... nobody in the house thinks there is anything wrong with this? Given the fact the daughter likes to revert back to infantile behavior when she's around people besides her parents, she probably knows she can be a baby to get her own way. Maybe she thinks bedwetting will make her more baby-ish? I thought maybe she was being secretly abused or had some level of retardation going on, but it sounds like it's probably intentional.

The bitch ten-year-old is turning into a psychopath. Bedwetting aside, she is displaying seriously manipulative and narcissistic behavior and it's just gonna get worse. Why is Moo sitting there letting her hit the other girl child that is less than one year old and then lying about it to her face?

If Moo cares at all about her kids, she would try to get the hell away from this guy, especially the five-year-old Duh beats on and the toddler the daughter beats on. Let him and his bed-pissing cunt daughter live happily ever after. But let me guess... she's fully financially dependent on her husband and has no car, degree, work experience, money, marketable skills, or support, so she can't leave. So because Mommy needed a dick in her, she's got at least two kids who will be physically abused and I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before the three-year-old starts getting wailed on.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 25, 2023
Here's another one who needs to get an IUD and GTFO of her marriage.

You know, you read Facebook or Reddit and get the idea that 95% of all men are worthless when it comes to being husbands and fathers.

And this guy CHEATED on her while she was pregnant? What a scumbag.

I can understand why this woman feels somewhat stuck, now that she has a kid, but having another one will not make the situation better.

This woman is JUSTIFIABLY angry and she needs to use that anger to not cave in and/or leave her husband.


“Hi everyone, this is my second post. I'm F 28 married to M 32, our daughter is now 4 years old. My husband works 12 hour shifts and is barely ever around so I struggled a lot raising her alone because he never helped me with her even when he was around on his off days.

This year things have gotten a lot better because she's starting to be a lot more independent and enjoys doing things herself. Problem is that my husband is now pressuring me to have a second one even though I've told him countless times that I regret the one we already have. I've recently started feeling like myself again now that I've opened a little business for myself, now he won't stop talking about baby no.2 we even argued about it yesterday claiming that he will be more supportive this time around but I know that's not true.

I feel so much anger towards him everytime he talks about having another kid because I remember how poorly he treated me even when I was pregnant (cheating, drinking heavily, not sleeping at home etc). I feel so cornered I just needed to vent, thank you all for being so honest on this page I feel better knowing that I'm not alone.
(I live in South Africa and they won't allow me to get my tubes tied unless I have 3 kids or I'm over 35)”.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 26, 2023
stupid fucking hand wringing cows who achieved nothing in school. which proves most kids are just plain average. in the past they ended up as factory workers but those jobs are gone, leaving jobs that require a few more iq points than is the average..

and some just think they are worth more. grizzly bears tear apart anything they regard as a threat. not so human females. Cambion, that woman is a mental midget, hand wringing and has started the damage that will continue down 3 and 4 generations. someone who thought she was going to be better off. many of these mental midget girls (sadly) go from a frying pan into a fire. many times their own parents are pieces of excrement... and so it goes

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 26, 2023
stupid fucking hand wringing cows who achieved nothing in school. which proves most kids are just plain average. in the past they ended up as factory workers but those jobs are gone, leaving jobs that require a few more iq points than is the average..

and some just think they are worth more. grizzly bears tear apart anything they regard as a threat. not so human females. Cambion, that woman is a mental midget, hand wringing and has started the damage that will continue down 3 and 4 generations. someone who thought she was going to be better off. many of these mental midget girls (sadly) go from a frying pan into a fire. many times their own parents are pieces of excrement... and so it goes

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious ( word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

“Hi everyone, this is my second post. I'm F 28 married to M 32, our daughter is now 4 years old. My husband works 12 hour shifts and is barely ever around so I struggled a lot raising her alone because he never helped me with her even when he was around on his off days.

This year things have gotten a lot better because she's starting to be a lot more independent and enjoys doing things herself. Problem is that my husband is now pressuring me to have a second one even though I've told him countless times that I regret the one we already have. I've recently started feeling like myself again now that I've opened a little business for myself, now he won't stop talking about baby no.2 we even argued about it yesterday claiming that he will be more supportive this time around but I know that's not true.

I feel so much anger towards him everytime he talks about having another kid because I remember how poorly he treated me even when I was pregnant (cheating, drinking heavily, not sleeping at home etc). I feel so cornered I just needed to vent, thank you all for being so honest on this page I feel better knowing that I'm not alone.
(I live in South Africa and they won't allow me to get my tubes tied unless I have 3 kids or I'm over 35)”.

Three words: Get a divorce
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 29, 2023
stupid fucking hand wringing cows who achieved nothing in school. which proves most kids are just plain average. in the past they ended up as factory workers but those jobs are gone, leaving jobs that require a few more iq points than is the average..

Yep, most people are average and will fall into this category. And there is a decent amount of people below average too.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 29, 2023
Yeah it's real easy for the Duh in Africa to say he wants another brat because he probably doesn't ever have to lift a finger to care for it if he works 12-hour shifts. Men who want brats often act like kids who want a dog: they'll swear until they're blue in the face they'll be involved and take care of it, and then when it arrives, they fuck off and never so much as look in the child's/dog's general direction. Only when it's a dog, it can be rehomed or taken to a shelter. Can't do that with a kid, at least not without mutual parental consent.

Sounds like Duh senses his wife is trying to develop a smidgen of independence by opening her own small business, so he wants to further her dependence on him with another brat, probably to prevent her from leaving. That way, if he makes her mostly or entirely dependent on him financially, he can leave home, get fucked up drunk, sleep around and do anything else he wants because he knows Moo-Wife can't leave.

I know it's easy to say just get a divorce, but I'm sure there's more to it than "just" getting legally separated. I was curious to see how things work in South Africa and it looks like mutual consent is not required - if one person wants a divorce and the other does not, the divorce can still proceed.

I hope Moo sticks to her guns and gets on birth control that can't be tampered with. I hope an IUD would be enough because I have seen at least one story over on r/breakingmom about a Duh that intentionally yanked out his Moo-wife's IUD because he wanted more kids and she didn't.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 30, 2023

Three words: Get a divorce

There is a lot of conservative hand-wringing about divorce. I do agree it's better for kids to be raised in a functional two parent household. Loads better. But the key word here is functional. Certainly, if one parent is an addict or abusive, it's better for the child not to be around this. (**And of course the real problem is, someone decided breeding with Mr. or Ms. Addict was a good idea.)

I read where some of the mothers on Reddit are actually contemplating divorce as the only way they can get a break, and I can definitely see their point. Divorce looks attractive because when the kid is with the Dud, Dud is legally required to watch their brats. These man-babies will be forced to parent their sprogs.

Of course this all backfires if they have bred with someone who is incapable of taking care of the kid. I also see some others complaining that they cannot get divorced because their husband is incapable of taking care of the kid and if Dud had any custody at all, he'd be drinking, drugging or putting the kid(s) life in danger.

**See the point above. And it's always multiple kids, is it not?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
March 31, 2023
Breeders no likey that people are not tolerant of their pweshuses.

I have not heard the story this lady is talking about, but while I do think killing a guy for asking someone not to vape is a bit extreme, it's nice to see CF folks (who, despite Moo's assumption, are not likely all "whiny college-aged" people) being more open/public about their distaste for breeders and their little cunt nuggets.

According to one Moo, Vancouver has a very large population of total violent psychos, so you never know if the person you're approaching is going to have a reasonable reaction or if they're going to lose their shit.

I'm sorry this Duh died and all, but breeders gotta face facts: the tide has turned, and fewer people are smooching breeder ass now. Makes me happy.


Did you guys hear about the dad in Vancouver who was murdered for asking a guy not to vape near his toddler at the entrance of a Starbucks? Too many comments talking about how "annoying" the dad's "behavior" is and how it's hard to say who was really at fault. Granted, more comments said it was disgusting, but the sheer number of people whining their whiny college-aged asses off about how "it's not my fault you decided to have a fuck trophy" and "fuck kids" and "fuck those irresponsible breeders" and "I don't have to stop vaping because of your crotch fruit", like, I'm sorry, no, it's not your fault that someone somewhere decided to be a parent, but on that same token, is it a parent's fault some violent asshole has a habit he can't set aside for a ten minute Starbucks run without MURDERING SOMEONE? Who's more entitled here? Is it really that hard to decide??

These people talk about parental entitlement like they aren't acting like entitled little jackasses themselves. It's so fucking annoying. Anything a parent wants or needs is asking too much. Anything some murderous vaping asshole wants is saintly and reasonable because he didn't commit the egregious sin of wanting to be a parent. It's bullshit.

One comment said this:

Entitled mothers is like an oxymoron. Lol

Haha that's fucking adorable. No, "entitled mothers" is just redundant.
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