PMYABP Wisconsin breeders knowingly sending covid positive kids to school
September 26, 2020
Re: PMYABP Wisconsin breeders knowingly sending covid positive kids to school
September 26, 2020
Parenting at its finest. The modern way.
They’ve been doing this forever. In the elementary school where I used to teach there was always a rush on the nurse’s office around 11am, which is around the time kiddie Tylenol starts to wear off. Breeders would drug up their kids to make them look healthy enough to get in the front door, and then refuse to pick up the phone after their kid’s illness was discovered.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: PMYABP Wisconsin breeders knowingly sending covid positive kids to school
September 29, 2020
Many parents in my region are happy about a return to school as it was free daycare and they were fed up with parenting for a few months.
Re: PMYABP Wisconsin breeders knowingly sending covid positive kids to school
September 30, 2020
Doesn't surprise me at all. Parents don't give a shit, they just know they're sick of being around their own kids and want them anywhere but at home. Breeders have never been all that uncomfortable with the concept of endangering their kids or other people's kids for the sake of convenience.


“Something that happened and continued to happen, but happened on the first day of school, which I never in my wildest dreams imagined it would happen, is people sent their known positive kids to school,” Johnson said.

She said parents are also neglecting to get symptomatic children tested for the virus.

“What’s also happening, again not in my wildest dreams thought this would happen, is kids become symptomatic, and parents are refusing to test them because they don’t want to quarantine their siblings,” she said.

I'm not surprised. After months of quarantine, parents are fucking sick to death of their own brats and can't wait to unload them on the school again. It's not like a little thing like illness has ever stopped parents from forcing their kids to go to school. Junior could be coughing up a lung, shitting his pants, projectile vomiting, covered in lice, bleeding out, running a fever, having a seizure or any number of symptoms that scream "STAY THE FUCK HOME" and breeders will still make them go to school. They don't care how miserable their kids are because they're practically foaming at the mouth in anticipation for a few peaceful bratless hours and some bitch-ass teacher isn't gonna mess their day up with their pesky phone calls about Junior's 103-degree fever. eye rolling smiley

And of course they aren't getting their brats tested. Aside from the fact that they probably don't want to restrain the kids to get the test done and listen to them cry all day afterward, they don't want to hear that their kids have COVID-19 because it means they'll have to stay home with them longer.

I wonder how much outrage there would be if schools started testing students and then sending the ones who test positive home.
A moo group published an opinion piece on the local news website this morning bitching that the local school boards have unanimously voted to extend their hybrid model schooling past mid-October. When schools started back in August, the message was "We will have a hybrid model until at least mid-October, at which point we will reassess and see if we need to extend it." Which moos apparently understood as "we will definitely reopen full-time in October."

Our county is not doing worse, but we are not doing better. We are holding steady despite the fact that we are adjacent to three counties with rising infection numbers. This is BECAUSE we are remaining in a semi-locked down state, as opening up would invite travelers from the surrounding infected counties.

The best part was that the letter didn't make any logistical arguments, such as the one that working parents need their kids out of the house. I don't agree with that, but I can understand it. No, this entire article was pearl-clutching "Think of the children's education!!!" which tells me that it was probably penned by one of the many SAHM groups in the area. The two main points in the article were 1) The school boards shouldn't listen to the opinion of the county health commissioner, because she is only one person and one person shouldn't have that much sway. They should instead listen to the opinion of all the parents, because...they're parents, I guess. And there's a lot of them. 2) Our county is the most restrictive, and all of the other counties around us have opened up! (They even made a fancy chart for this one).

Yes, moo, let's follow the lead of the counties that are the biggest hotspots in the state. And of course we shouldn't listen to the opinion of the county health commissioner. She's just a woman with an few advanced degrees, which obviously pales in comparison to the collective knowledge of a herd of moos with Facebook access.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
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