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26 miscarriages

Posted by Cambion 
26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020

This nutcase tried to have a kid for 11 years and experienced 26 miscarriages during that time (as well as the death of a born child). She averaged more than two miscarriages per year.

Why the hell would you do that to yourself? After miscarriage #3 or #4, surely this retard had to have gotten a hint that maybe her body doesn't want to be pregnant, so why keep going? Something is clearly fucking wrong when your body rejects pregnancies more than a couple times, let alone twenty-six times.

Not to mention that most baby-rabid women tend to forget that miscarriages aren't just bouts of inconvenient sadness. Miscarriages can be considered medical emergencies and they have the potential to kill the woman under worst-case circumstances. Under certain conditions, a miscarriage can lead to sepsis and fatal hemorrhaging. Is risking your life constantly for a decade like that really worth it for a screaming monster that will tell you it hates you all the time?

And given this moron's track record, she would have done well to wait until the live loaf is in her arms at the hospital before telling anyone that she's expecting. Again, wannabreeder women forget that a pregnancy that survives the first trimester is not a guarantee of a live birth. It was three years ago and I'd wager that clump died too since this woman's uterus seems quite hostile to fetuses.
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
It seems to me that a lot of these desperate infertile situations are hiding a bad marriage, as if the thought of spending their lives alone with their spouse without a distraction is unthinkable. After the loaf is born, a lot of them break up.

At least that's what I have observed.
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
26 miscarriages = 26 pregnancies. She would have to be incredibly fertile to get preggers that often. That's one red flag.

The second red flag: I don't know if that many miscarriages in one woman are really possible. Seems doubtful to me.

At some point I'd think there would be too much reproductive-system damage to be able to conceive—or maybe even survive. We had a thread a while back on a British woman whose circulatory system shut down after she had had too many C-sections, so she lost both legs. Doctors had warned her to stop and she kept getting pregnant anyway. And this was after fewer than 10 C-sections. So what would too many miscarriages do to someone? Wouldn't a doctor have warned her to stop getting pregnant at some point?

She might have had several miscarriages, but 26 seems way over the top. Was the woman herself describing this or was it someone else? Keep the source (Reddit, trolls, etc.) in mind...
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
That's a good point. This bint is probably counting a missed period as a miscarriage.

Miscarriages can also carry a medical risk. Sometimes the fetus dies inside and the woman needs a D&C to get is scraped out, because the fetal tissue can become infected.

< gross all around >
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
It seems to me that a lot of these desperate infertile situations are hiding a bad marriage, as if the thought of spending their lives alone with their spouse without a distraction is unthinkable. After the loaf is born, a lot of them break up.

At least that's what I have observed.

Very very interesting point. If a marriage is already weak, fertility issues aren't going to do it any favors.

I wonder where the pro-liars are in this situation; they'd be all over me like white on rice for having a single deliberate miscarriage but they'd probably wring their hands in sympathy for this woman who murdered an untold number of humans in her body, on purpose, over time. She couldn't figure out after, say, six or seven of them fell out that the rest would fall out too? After that many, it then becomes something you can anticipate, ja? Why is this not baby murder?
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
I don't doubt that at least some of those "losses" were in fact just late periods, but I know how these rabid wannabreeder women are. They "just know" they're pregnant this time when their periods are three seconds late, even if they've had irregular periods all their lives, and then here comes the tsunami of tears when Aunt Flo shows up because they think they're losing a whole pregnancy and not just an unfertilized egg. So there's no telling how many of those were real miscarriages and how many were hysterical ones.

Even if these were not all miscarriages, this cannot be healthy mentally to do this to yourself for a decade. You know every single "loss" is going to be followed up with weeks or months of depression, anxiety, crying and the woman generally being intolerable. You might feel sorry for them after the first couple losses, but once you get up past three or four or nine, the sympathy well has run dry and you care as much about the newest miscarriage as you do about folding the laundry. Then the woman in question will cry to online support groups about how everyone's so meeeeean and nobody cares about dead baby #12 and these support groups will validate her feelings so she doesn't feel the need to get much needed mental help.

And yes, there is always the possibility that whomever shared this is just full of shit.

Miscarriages can also carry a medical risk. Sometimes the fetus dies inside and the woman needs a D&C to get is scraped out, because the fetal tissue can become infected.

There's that too. I think it's called an incomplete miscarriage when fetal tissue is retained, and it becomes a big problem because when the woman is pregnant, her body/immune system/whatever is perfectly fine with tissue associated with pregnancy. But when the body decides it no longer wishes to be pregnant, it sees any remaining fetal bits as an intruder and treats it as any other unwelcome guest and will make you sick as fuck.

I wonder where the pro-liars are in this situation; they'd be all over me like white on rice for having a single deliberate miscarriage but they'd probably wring their hands in sympathy for this woman who murdered an untold number of humans in her body, on purpose, over time. She couldn't figure out after, say, six or seven of them fell out that the rest would fall out too? After that many, it then becomes something you can anticipate, ja? Why is this not baby murder?

I assume serial miscarriages are acceptable because the woman isn't choosing to have a fetus voluntarily removed from her body and a miscarriage is generally seen as an unfortunate, but natural mishap. I'm guessing miscarriage would be considered okay by pro-liar standards because a miscarriage is fetal death while abortion is a matter of fetal "killing." So I guess it's just manslaughter instead of murder in that regard?
Re: 26 miscarriages
November 22, 2020
Let us not forget women who have endless miscarriages, if they do manage to cling to a clump 'til birth, that clump is usually defective.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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