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Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore

Posted by cfdavep 
Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 23, 2021

Old moos get offended when docs call them geriatric and now there is to be a "Renaming Revolution"
Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 23, 2021
In terms of fertility, biology, ability to carry to term and recover, health of eggs and pretty much everything else revolving around reproduction for women, yes, 38 is considered geriatric! It's not an insult or providers being mean to women about their age. It's just that once you get up past abour 30-32, you have begun to exit your reproductive prime and the odds of complications for both heifer and calf as well as birth defects begins to increase.

Herp derp
The glossary will replace loaded terms — including "geriatric pregnancy," "incompetent cervix" and "inhospitable womb" — with more empowering alternatives that give women more agency, and less shame.

What is shameful about these terms? It's just straightforward medical terminology. If these Moos are such big fucking babies that they're going to start a revolution over some goddamn words, they stand no chance of being decent parents. These are the women who will crumble and have a nervous breakdown when their kid says "I HATE YOU!"

"Feeling sh***y," an emotional Bowden titled her video post on Peanut, in which she shared how his labeling her a "geriatric mom" subject to high-risk complications made her feel "really inadequate and guilty ... that I'm lacking as a woman because I decided to pursue the things I love and build my career" before starting a family.

God what a whiny little bitch! She makes her doctor out to be a bully for telling her that she has a higher risk of complications compared to a younger woman. Meanwhile, if he didn't tell her this shit to spare her delicate fee-fees, she'd sue him every which way if her loaf came out any less than flawless. She's not less of a woman or inadequate - it's just how biology works! These women are making simple medical observations into personal affronts, much like how a doctor can't tell a patient they're obese anymore because the lardass doesn't see it as a diagnosis, but a completely unjustified personal insult.

Bowden, who has a 4-year-old son and is trying to conceive after having a miscarriage at the start of the pandemic last year, tells Yahoo Life that she was "taken aback" by her doctor's comments, which left her feeling discouraged about the prospect of having another baby.

She was taken aback by her doctor telling her what kinds of risks she may be taking by trying to have another kid? Shame on him! Doesn't he know he should fully support and encourage whatever the patient wants to do, even if it's unhealthy or dangerous for them? eye rolling smiley

So if we can't call these whiners geriatric when they decide to breed in their 30s/40s, what do we call them? I assume "high-risk" is not an option because it automatically implies that being over a certain age makes pregnancy dangerous and that might be too mean for the wanna-Moo to handle. "Mature pregnancy" won't work either because it's ageist like "geriatric pregnancy." I think they ought to be charged extra for an appointment with an OB where use of these new gentler words must be used to spare the breeder's feelings.
Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 23, 2021
this is just part and parcel of all of these sneauflaykes who can't stand any hint or whiff of a perceived insult or slight. one has to go through 10 degrees of association to figure out why baseball cards are offensive.. (not yet but I wonder). these kids are going to to deserve the hell they are bringing on themselves. I'm old enough that I will probably be out of the way when the shit hits the fan. Trouble is, like most dumb assholes, they will be incapable of determining that they are the cause of the collapse.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 23, 2021
Y'know, if we didn't denigrate the elderly, "geriatric" wouldn't be considered shameful or insulting in the first place. Methinks these elder breeders are outraged over the wrong thing.
Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 24, 2021

Old moos get offended when docs call them geriatric and now there is to be a "Renaming Revolution"

This one always has such insight to bring during a pandemic when people are getting sick, dying, risking their lives and losing the jobs. We can count on Chris-sigh to put everything into perspective for us.

She mooed and lowed repeatedly over a miscarriage on social media. And an anniversary of a miscarriage was more of the same lest any of the plebeians (which constitute 99.9% of her millions of followers) forget her horrific plight. And I think there was a tattoo to commemorate the event which she mooed and lowed over again! And this is just the obvious crap I read in news articles. I'm imagine there is lots of shameless attention whoring on whatever social media accounts she has. Perhaps she is angling to become one of those influencers who is paid half a million or a million dollars per post.

Womben above a specific age are high risk pregnancies and social media, botox or millions of dollars isn't going to change reality. Another example of stoopid ultra-wealthy womben faking outrage in attempt to receive udder rubs and gain followers by being "relatable."
Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 24, 2021
This is from the article, emphasis mine:


Adds Michelle Kennedy, founder and CEO of Peanut: "Troubling terms used to describe fertility and motherhood have been a recurring theme in conversations women have on Peanut. This is in part due to the safe and trusted environment we’ve created where women feel like they can share exactly what is on their minds, and as a result, band together in sharing their experiences and supporting one another.

"Tricia’s video about the term 'geriatric pregnancy' going viral with the help of Chrissy Teigen only reaffirmed that these terms have harmful, widespread effects," Kennedy tells Yahoo Life. "Their associated stigmas leave lasting negative impressions on women, and we knew we had to do something about it, which is why we’ve gathered the brightest minds — from OB/GYNs to psychologists — to shift the discussion to a more positive and supportive space for all women. I can’t wait to see what our women think of the new glossary we’re creating, and better yet, see the terms used in practice. Changing how we talk to and about women will help us build a brighter future."

I'm with you, freya. This is a shameful display of First World, Navel-Gazing, Wealthy Women problems. Reminds me of pro-liars who wanted to change the medical term for miscarriage from "spontaneous abortion" to something else. Never mind the 500,000+ pandemic deaths and countless people with long haul complications--let's focus an already strained medical community on sanitizing medical terms so no one gets her fee-fees hurt.

There is a mention farther down the article about the word "barren."

But hey, I'd be willing to make a deal with these dumb bitches: I'll support you sanitizing medical terms to remove terms offensive to Moos, if you support making "childFREE" a widely used, acceptable, mainstream term to describe people who willingly choose not to have children.

Re: Not allowed to call them geriatric anymore
March 24, 2021
But hey, I'd be willing to make a deal with these dumb bitches: I'll support you sanitizing medical terms to remove terms offensive to Moos, if you support making "childFREE" a widely used, acceptable, mainstream term to describe people who willingly choose not to have children.


Amen to this Sister!

Crickets do make good additive and or substitute for other less green meats. /derail


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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