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CF person gets crap from mommies about how they "don't know what tired is"

Posted by Cambion 
From r/AmItheAsshole:


Why do Moos have to turn every fucking thing into a pissing contest? Nobody is more tired, miserable, depressed, fat, angry, frustrated, overworked, underappreciated, and stressed out than mommies! Oh, but parenthood is all woooooorth it! eye rolling smiley I'm glad to see parents chiming in and calling out the breeder exhaustion monopoly as the bullshit it is. Everyone gets tired, it's called being human. Some people get tired quicker than others. Some people have more demanding lives than others. Point is being tired isn't something that only happens to breeders.

I know I've spoken of it here before, but when I was in the full throes of untreated hypothyroidism, I was exhausted and suffered insomnia at the same time. I was so miserable from tiredness and an inability to sleep that I was on the verge of legitimately going crazy. That, or I thought I was either getting old or dying. At age 25. I'm sure some of these women can relate because they're super tired and have to get up every 30 minutes to mind their loaves, but I would never tell someone they don't know what tired really is because they didn't experience what I did. I wouldn't wish what I felt on anyone, but the thing is I didn't fucking CHOOSE to have a broken thyroid - Moos choose to have kids, so they choose to be tired. But I'd never say that to one of them because I'm not a bitch. What's wrong with saying, "I'm sorry you're so tired, want to go get some coffee?"


This is probably really stupid. I really don’t think I’m the AH here but my friends are split...unsurprisingly pretty evenly along lines of who has kids and who doesn’t.

Basically I (34f) have a really demanding job. I work long hours, never really get to turn off, and have a crap contract which means unemployment is always looming. Sometimes I make it to the end of the week and I can barely keep my eyes open. There are weeks during busy periods where I barely get to see my partner, let alone my friends. Long story short, sometimes I’m just really, really tired.

Recently I was hanging out with some friends and mentioned that I was struggling a bit at the moment because it’s a particularly busy time at work. I said I was excited for a day off and a lie in because I was bone tired. About 3 of my friends (all mothers of kids under 6) laughed and said I didn’t ‘understand the meaning of tired’ because I don’t have children. One of them said a week in my life would be like a holiday for them and that I shouldn’t complain because childless people have it so easy. They just went on and on, telling me how hard it is to have kids and that when I ‘grow up’ and have a family I’ll realise how stupid I sound.

So, I got kinda pissed. I told them they didn’t have a monopoly on being tired and that they have no idea what my life is like. I told them if it’s so damn hard to have kids maybe they shouldn’t have kept having them. I also told them it was shitty to talk down to people who have made different choices to them. I understood being tired just fine thanks very much, and that having kids is not something that means you deserve a frigging medal.

It was awkward, people left. One of the mothers messaged me later to say I was unfair and that one day I’d understand and feel bad and that I should apologise. She said she felt I was being unsympathetic to people with kids by ‘playing down their experiences’. I told her she was being patronising as hell and to leave me to sleep. All the parents in our group are now texting me telling me I’m in the wrong, but all the childless ones are saying I’m NTA. Am I the asshole for saying I understand what real tiredness feels like even though I don’t have kids?

TLDR: friends with kids think only they have the right to say they know what it feels like to be really tired. I think they’re full of shit because other stuff is also tiring..
This is such a common thing, for these bitches to denigrate others for daring to say they're tired...wtf do they gain by it, anyway? We know kids are exhausting, you miserable cows. That doesn't mean the rest of us can't be tired to varying degrees, too. And notice how it's always the women...maybe if their partners were equally involved in raising their brats, they'd have a chance to get some rest.

One of the joys of my disability is that it came complete with a sleep disorder. I've had *maybe* a few dozen good nights' sleeps in the last three decades (no joke). I sleep, obviously, but it's crappy sleep. Any bitch who tells me I don't understand what tired is because I haven't bred is liable to get an earful.
Life isn't a competition. There is no Tiredness Olympics. Everyone has stretches of time that are just shit, and being understanding and respectful goes a long way. I get fucking tired (no pun intended) of hearing about people's travails with their kids and how exhausting they are, but usually I'm polite and keep the remarks to myself because I'd expect the same decency from them if I'm having a shit day.

I'm with kittehpeoples--wtf do they gain from all this? They don't get a monopoly on exhaustion just by dint of reproducing, and I don't get a monopoly on anything just because I know how to successfully deploy various kinds of birth control. Jesus.

I know I've spoken of it here before, but when I was in the full throes of untreated hypothyroidism, I was exhausted and suffered insomnia at the same time. I was so miserable from tiredness and an inability to sleep that I was on the verge of legitimately going crazy.

One of my DH's friends, whom I would describe as a big, tough, athletic guy, went from doctor to doctor until he got a diagnosis of underperforming thyroid. During that time when he didn't have a diagnosis and was going downhill, he increased his life insurance and truly thought he was going to die. I've also had thyroid issues and some other painful medical conditions and I know that bone tired feeling where sleep is not restorative.

Having said that, these Moo are rude and they are STILL talking about it. Having kids can make you tired, but so can having medical conditions, which you DIDN'T ASK for. And demanding that she apologize when they were rude? She needs to lose these people.
This is such a common thing, for these bitches to denigrate others for daring to say they're tired...wtf do they gain by it, anyway?

They get to be martyrs by telling everyone else that any negative feelings they experience are invalid because they aren't the direct result of reproducing. If you're depressed, Moo is right there telling you that you don't know the meaning of depressed until you've had post-partum depression. Having trouble losing weight? Weight loss is IMPOSSIBLE for a mommy because pregnancy wrecked her body and she doesn't have time to diet and exercise because babby. You can't say a single thing to a Moo without her one-upping you.

You can't say anything positive either because sharing any sort of fun or happy experience is often met with the classic Moo line: "Must be nice." Go on vacation? Must be nice to have money. Graduated college? Must be nice to have time for it. Between this and the scoffing at other people's negative experiences, they can always be victims. Too bad for them their victimhood is entirely self-imposed and nobody feels sorry for them.

One of my DH's friends, whom I would describe as a big, tough, athletic guy, went from doctor to doctor until he got a diagnosis of underperforming thyroid. During that time when he didn't have a diagnosis and was going downhill, he increased his life insurance and truly thought he was going to die. I've also had thyroid issues and some other painful medical conditions and I know that bone tired feeling where sleep is not restorative.

If you have to have an incurable disease, thyroid disease is both the best and worst one to have. It's the worst because most doctors don't do the proper tests for it and it can be an uphill battle to get a diagnosis because of the fact you can have a normal TSH and still be sick. But it's the best because once you have your diagnosis, you take a single pill a day to treat it.

I was so miserable prior to treatment. Thankfully I was unemployed at the time because I was basically attempting to sleep for 12 hours a night (mostly a lot of rolling around) and made frequent attempts to nap, took all kinds of things like NyQuil and Benadryl and melatonin to sleep. Nothing helped. When I'd be out with friends on the weekend, I'd have to go take a nap in my car, which would just be me lying down and not sleeping. When we'd play a new board game together, they'd explain the rules to me and I just could not grasp it because of godawful brain fog and then they'd get mad at me when I forgot the rules or still didn't get it. It was awful. 15 milligrams of Armour a day (a pill 1/4 the size of my pinky fingernail) gave me my life back. Probably the closest thing to a miracle I've ever experienced.
From r/AmItheAsshole:


Why do Moos have to turn every fucking thing into a pissing contest?


About 3 of my friends (all mothers of kids under 6) laughed and said I didn’t ‘understand the meaning of tired’ because I don’t have children. One of them said a week in my life would be like a holiday for them and that I shouldn’t complain because childless people have it so easy. They just went on and on, telling me how hard it is to have kids and that when I ‘grow up’ and have a family I’ll realise how stupid I sound.

So, I got kinda pissed.

They are all stuck in grade school insecurities (the pissing contest). They are also very clearly jealous of her!
They also crossed numerous lines that may make her question her friendship with them (such as belittling/insulting her by telling her one day she will realize how stupid she sounds). And moos are the only ones who can complain about anything because childless don't have that right. bemused eye roll

It is possible to feel jealousy/envy of another person without taking it out on that person, it is called being an adult. Popping out a brat isn't an entitlement to invalidate the experience of other people.
Re: jealousy/envy...my personal belief is that jealousy, envy, and other feelings under that umbrella are like warning lights on the dashboard. Attend to them by finding the underlying cause, or there will be worse problems down the road. These insecure mommies don't know what their issues are and they're going to cause themselves more and more misery because unexamined jealousy/envy is poisonous.
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