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Women discuss permanent changes they experience due to pignasty

Posted by Cambion 
Women discuss permanent changes they experience due to pignasty
May 16, 2022
It's not just getting fat, puking a lot, developing stretch marks and knee-length nipples - your bones get displaced and STAY THAT WAY. I knew stuff moved around in the abdomen to accommodate the growing uterus, but I did not know they don't go back to where they were. wide-eyed freak out

Sorry I can't post text because these are all screen caps. But some highlights include: bad teeth (fetuses suck calcium out of the mother's bones, so that does not shock me), incontinence, hair loss, abdominal wall weakness, spontaneous allergies, changes in sense of taste, total loss of thyroid function, cardiac disorders, and gallbladder fuckery, to name a few. More in the comments from women sharing their personal experiences. And these are the things that can happen to you on top of the things that you expect.

A woman is just never the same once she breeds. Pregnancy is not beautiful, it's a fucking horror show. They don't teach you this shit in sex ed.

Re: Women discuss permanent changes they experience due to pignasty
May 16, 2022
This is the reality of pignasty. I bet this wasn't easy to find this gem, as many would like to keep it hidden. I've never heard about the rib cage changing. I've heard of feet growing up to two sizes and staying that way-I think I was well in my 30's when I heard this. I have this weird thing about not wanting my feet to be big and was horrified to hear childberth could do this.

And the 43 year old who had spinal fusion as a teen? Why did they not tell her to avoid childbirth and it would permanently disable her? I know of someone else who has the same surgery and she was told absolutely no bratbirth! Of course, she moans and wails about it constantly so that others will feel sorry for her.

And the woman whose liver stopped producing some protein? enzyme? and can no longer drink alcohol because of it?

Organs try to fall out of you? Yikes!

Organs dying during pignasty? Yikes!

How can any woman without brats read this and decide they want brats?

A basic biology class in 9th grade taught us a woman is expendable by mother nature once she reproduces. Why not keep nature in check?

A woman is just never the same once she breeds. Pregnancy is not beautiful, it's a fucking horror show. They don't teach you this shit in sex ed.


Sex ed in the South teaches nothing in the South. Other than keeping yourself 'pure' until you find your fuck-up and marry him.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Women discuss permanent changes they experience due to pignasty
May 17, 2022
I’m with you, Cambion. Young girls/women really ought to learn this stuff in sex ed. Of course, they won’t because they might opt out of pregnancy, and we can’t have that!

I was lucky to hear the stories of how Grandma had such a miserable time with pregnancy. She had eight kids in all. When I was a kid I figured I had to go through it myself, like it or not. Then I grew up, and thought “uh-uh, not for me.” Not a popular choice in a Catholic family, but surely the right one for me, an ex-Catholicspin and stick out tongue

Gawd, but those photos are scary af. Not beautiful, sorry to say!

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Women discuss permanent changes they experience due to pignasty
May 17, 2022
Like what's even the point of sex education if they aren't going to teach you everything? Sure, where babies come from is a good start, but women shouldn't have to find out first-hand just how much they get shafted when it comes to reproduction to get the full truth. Teen girls are impressionable and many of them care a LOT about their appearance, so showing them a post-pregnancy body would probably be enough to make them nun-level celibate. It's an absolute disservice to high school girls to keep them in the dark about this stuff. If knowing the truth turns them off to reproducing, or at least makes them think about it more before doing it, then good! When you make a decision about anything, it should be fully educated, and that includes the decision to get/stay pregnant.

I'll bet all those women in that list and many, many more feel resentful that nobody warned them just how it would be when they got pregnant. Yes it's partly their fault for not leaning more on their own, but pignasty is often just passed off as getting fat, craving pickles and ice cream, and puking for a little while and then everything goes back to normal.

Given how much people are shitting themselves about alower birth rate in the US, I wouldn't be surprised if there's not a larger push for abstinence-only sex education since it's been proven that states that engage in this type of sex ed have higher teen pregnancy rates.
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