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Drunk momby memes

Posted by freya 
Drunk momby memes
November 27, 2022
My algorithm agrees I need a drink. “I drink because of my kids,” is the not-so-discreet message from content creators and influencer-wannabes popping up on my timeline when I scroll through my phone during night feeds or contact naps.

Zombies go after blood once transformed from a living human being, mombies seek alcohol after their transformation. Content creators and influencer-wannabees have taken note.

It took me months to realise I couldn’t drink and stay calm during my daughter’s long tantrums or my non-breastfeeding partner’s full nights of sleep. I take medication for depression; a medication that lots of other mothers are prescribed to deal with postnatal depression.

So I guess it is either succumb to being a medicated zombie or just raw dog the whole mombie experience. I have no delusions that if I was a mombie I'd have to be medicated 24 x 7 to deal with that bullshit because I'd hate my life. I don't see myself as being the exceptional mombie that somehow transcends the misery and am not even sure that person exists. From what I've seen the best parents are able to transcend the misery only some of the time.

Why not skip all the bullshit and enjoy wine and not use it as a form of escape?

Re: Drunk momby memes
November 27, 2022
I saw crap like this at the dollar store. Decor that I guess was supposed to be cute that said something akin to, "I Wine Because My Kids Whine." Isn't it kind of telling how awful breeding is when getting drunk to tolerate your own children is such a normal mindset? Funny, I've never once seen a piece of decor with, "Cat Mom, Send Wine" written on it in a script font.

Probably because unlike most bad decisions, you can't really change anything once you've saddled yourself with a bunch of needy, screaming assholes. If your job drives you to drink, you can usually get a new job. If family gatherings make you reach for a bottle, you can just not attend them. But if you drink because of your kids, you can't rehome them or get new ones. Maybe that's why it's considered acceptable to be a Moo and be drunk all the time? Because you can't do anything about it once you've got kids?

Don't get me wrong, if I had to deal with kids every fucking day of my life, I'd stay sloshed too because I can't stand them. But there's this real neat thing where you can choose to NOT have kids and just save a whole lot of money on booze (and buy the good stuff, not the wine in a box that Moos love so much). The best part is that anyone can do this! Rich, poor, fat, skinny, gay, straight, any creed or race or ethnicity, the choice to not reproduce is available to everyone!

One thing I do wonder about: do Moos drink because their kids are horrible, or do they drink because they chose to create those horrible creatures? Maybe some of both? Maaaaybe if children were as worth it as people claim they are, it wouldn't be so commonplace to medicate with alcohol just to deal with them?
Re: Drunk momby memes
December 05, 2022
I know, it literally has been called mommie wine culture elsewhere on the net. Most of my neices/nephews are older now, but for sure while I somehow don't think they have a problem, my SILs are into it. Very suburban thing, have a cute wine glass and I guess youre not an alcoholic. I dont drink at family functions for the most part, but they slug it away all the while they talk how they love their family and we're all so close. I guess if you drink w/ family it isn't tawdry when youre slaughed.
Re: Drunk momby memes
December 07, 2022
My go to when I was stuck babysitting my sister's crotchlings day in and day out was pot.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Drunk momby memes
January 10, 2023
I too would turn into an alcoholic if I had to deal with a bunch of needy, squalling brats 24/7. Add in sleep deprivation, having no time for yourself, noisy toys, squabbling, endless questions, constant messes, tantrums, fights, defiance, and doing nearly all the childrearing and those (hypothetical) kids are going to need therapy when they become adults. Thank doG for childfreedom
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