I don't get the need for the meltdown. You wouldn't freak out over toilet paper or cotton swabs or any other hygiene device, so what's wrong with tampons? Not to mention it's the author's home - if she wants to leave her entire sex toy collection on display when guests arrive, she can do so because it's
her home.Dafuq kind of sheltered life has Moo led that she's offended by tampons? So what if her brat saw them? A kid that young likely wouldn't know what they are. It's such a weird thing to get upset over. Her shitfit probably scared the kid more than the devil's tea bags did. I might understand if the author pulled out her used tampon and threw it at the Moo, but just plain old tampons in their box in the bathroom? I'm more confused than anything.
What does the Moo do when she has to go to the store? Surely she's not so fortunate that she doesn't get periods, so she must have to at least pass by the tampons in the feminine hygiene section. Does she melt down in the aisle? Does she screech at the staff about how offensive it is to have tampons out? I wonder how many stores she's been banned from.
Maybe the Moo had a parent who wouldn't let her use tampons because some morons believe that women who use tampons are sluts because they think tampons will break the hymen and make a woman or girl "loose" morally.
I don't see any issue with telling the lunatic to leave. She was having a conniption over something to the point she was disturbing the other guests and something in the house was clearly offending her delicate fee-fees. No shame at all in saying, "if you don't like it, get out." She's got some balls on her not only dragging her brat along without permission, but then making a scene and making everyone uncomfortable.
I'm sure the family would have been accommodating if she just mentioned the brat. Not sure if there were other kids there or what, but I know some famblees are happy to put out kid food at parties so the sproggen have something to eat. Or he could have at least had a place at the table. It sucks if it was meant to be an adults and older kids party, though, because an eight-year-old will get bored fast without something to do or someone to play with.
Makes me wonder if it was the first time her boyfriend was finding out about the kid too and he had no idea she was childed either. It's certainly not the first time a breeder has lied about and/or concealed their kids in the hopes of snagging a mate and then springing the brats on them a few months into the relationship. They think it's harder for the other person to leave if they've become emotionally invested and will just not mind the kids.