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Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion

Posted by freya 
Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 28, 2023
667 women from 21 various states were questioned five years later and over 95% of them believe it is the right decision.
This includes those who had difficult abortions and those who were concerned about their community stigmatizing them.
The fear-based regret is mostly propaganda and religious women coerced into saying they regret it.

Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 28, 2023
There was a big thread about this on reddit cf yesterday. Someone commented and said a friend of their's had an abortion in uni. The guy named the fetus and then YEARS later contacted her stating his wanted to "hold a mass" for the aborted fetus.

The person who started the thread said that she admits that she did not reget her abortion and that people get seriously pissed at her when she is honest about it.
Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 28, 2023
There was a big thread about this on reddit cf yesterday. Someone commented and said a friend of their's had an abortion in uni. The guy named the fetus and then YEARS later contacted her stating his wanted to "hold a mass" for the aborted fetus.

The person who started the thread said that she admits that she did not reget her abortion and that people get seriously pissed at her when she is honest about it.

Bullet dodged. Imagine how abusive and controlling he would be if she had a biological tie to him.
Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 29, 2023
There was a big thread about this on reddit cf yesterday. Someone commented and said a friend of their's had an abortion in uni. The guy named the fetus and then YEARS later contacted her stating his wanted to "hold a mass" for the aborted fetus.

The person who started the thread said that she admits that she did not reget her abortion and that people get seriously pissed at her when she is honest about it.

I really hope he is very upfront with this on dates so that women don't bother with a second date. What a douche. So glad her friend had the abortion.
Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 29, 2023
one of the reasons some of these idiot bints who pick a piece of shit as baby daddy and then strut and parade around when they get rid of them. as if they are so fucking noble and protecting their kid. wonder how many of these brain starved little assholes have to deal with the POS sperm donor wanting visitation. it can cut both ways and these little stupids are shocked to realize they can't just toss the male without some repercussion.

Most of the time the males are just glad to get out and away from the $$$ money sucker and its tit machine.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 29, 2023
I think it's because women who truly don't want to abort will go and have the kid anyway and figure that Everything Will Be OkayTM and They'll Love It Once It Gets HereTM. I'd like to see a study of women who considered abortion for whatever reason (finances, lack of supportive partner, physical/mental health, etc.), did not get one, and whether or not they regret not getting one five years into Moohood. I'll bet a lot of them wish they would have terminated.

But women who really really want an abortion or who have the sense to know that they cannot support a child and abortion is the only feasible option at that time often do not regret their choice. They're just expected to regret it because they "killed" their "baby" and women are supposed to luuuuuuurve their babbies at all costs. Idiots will tell them they're filthy murdering heartless whores if they don't.

If women suffer emotionally following a termination, it's more than likely due to the hormone crash. Your body goes from being pregnant to not being pregnant in a matter of minutes and I think it takes a bit over a day for those hormone levels to go down to zero. I've seen plenty of sources explaining that feeling all of the emotions right after terminating a pregnancy is pretty common because of hormone fluctuation. I'm glad this study was done over a matter of years because I'd wager that there are women who 100 percent wanted to abort who were only emotional immediately after the procedure because of the sudden loss of hormones.

“Even if they had difficulty making the decision initially, or if they felt their community would not approve, our research shows that the overwhelming majority of women who obtain abortions continue to believe it was the right decision,

Because many women realize sooner or later that getting those abortions allowed them to have the life they have now. An abortion may have allowed them to prevent being shackled to an abusive partner forever, or allowed them to graduate, or allowed them the opportunity to progress professionally to a point where they could afford to be parents, or allowed them to not be burdened with a disabled child. For some women, they choice to abort is VERY easy. For others, it's much more difficult. But as this study demonstrates, abortions are rarely the wrong choice.
Re: Over 95% of women in study did not regret an abortion
January 31, 2023
I think it's because women who truly don't want to abort will go and have the kid anyway and figure that Everything Will Be OkayTM and They'll Love It Once It Gets HereTM. I'd like to see a study of women who considered abortion for whatever reason (finances, lack of supportive partner, physical/mental health, etc.), did not get one, and whether or not they regret not getting one five years into Moohood. I'll bet a lot of them wish they would have terminated.

For regretful moos many have extenuating circumstances that would make it difficult to very difficult to abort. Some would be left on the streets, disowned, dumped, etc. I guess they aren't thinking about how exponentially worse it would be to assume that will happen anyways - be dumped/abandoned or disowned AND have a brat in tow AND be broke, because being broke is very common amongst unplanned pregnasties. Because famblee that threatens your behavior to control you is the kind that will dump you for looking at them the wrong way. And would she really want controlling assholes raising the brat?

The regretful duhs all realize after the fact how much better it would be if they had chosen a vasectomy and didn't have any baybees to regret. If they want to leave they aren't crucified for doing so but they better beat the moo out the door or they just might be left holding the bag.
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