Some serious hate for cf women
August 25, 2023

"10."I wanted a hysterectomy because my life was literally in danger due to anemia and nonstop bleeding. I was told no, because my husband might want kids. I am not nor have I ever been married, I was in my forties and I didn't want kids in the first place, but after explaining all this, I was still told no. I went to Mexico and they yoinked that thing out for me. I came back and met with a completely different doctor for a follow-up, and when he learned I'd had a hysterectomy without my future husband's consent, he told me he wouldn't treat me and to see Planned Parenthood for any future care because 'They're used to dealing with whores.' This was six years ago, if you're wondering. I have no reason to think anything has changed and quite a few reasons to think it's getting worse."

Jesus. H. Christ on a stick
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 25, 2023
I don't suppose she could have reported the first doctor for refusing treatment since I guess he could claim religious beliefs or some such bullshit, but that second one should have his license revoked at the very least.
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 25, 2023
How does hysterectomy = whore? I'm trying to connect these dots, but I can't. Is the implication that she's getting her uterus removed so she can have unprotected sex without committing to marriage? Even though, you know, she had legitimate health reasons for getting it done?

I wish that it was possible to sue a doctor for malpractice for refusing to do a medical procedure. The definition of malpractice is "improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner, lawyer, or public official." Refusing to remove a non-vital organ from a patient that is causing them to lose enough blood to result in anemia counts as fucking negligent!

Doctors are money-grubbing pricks 99 percent of the time, you think they'd jump at the chance to perform any surgery. At the very least, I'm glad this lady had the resources to go across the border to get the surgery done since American doctors couldn't be arsed. I know a lot of people can't afford to travel for medical care.

I'd bet you my bottom dollar these doctors were all men who didn't want women "getting away with" having reproductive freedom and they got off on refusing to perform any reproductive surgeries on women. They're probably the same kinds of worthless shit stains who chalk up every ailment a woman has to hysteria.
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 25, 2023
I've read some similar horror stories on CF reddit. Some doctors think a woman's fertility is more important than her quality of life. In a case where she is constantly bleeding wouldn't that prevent an embryo from implanting, so she would not be fertile anyway? I guess these asshole doctors think if there is any chance at all she can conceive that matters more than her life. Also, some of these wacko conservative types believe any use of contraception makes you a whore. I wish we could boot them all off this planet.
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 26, 2023
I think her doc was pissed that she escaped traditional marriage and kids. He felt she should at least be punished with life threatening anemia for that, so when she got her uterus out in Mexico she escaped by having the $$$ to do so, so the only thing left was to call her a whore and power trip her that way. Some men fashion themselves as mini slave owners and really hate it when one of their "slaves" escapes. It makes them imagine their wives getting away from them.

Years ago in my twenties a guy told me that "some men define themselves by how much control they have over women" and he turned out to be right.
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 26, 2023
...and when he learned I'd had a hysterectomy without my future husband's consent, he told me he wouldn't treat me and to see Planned Parenthood for any future care because 'They're used to dealing with whores.'

I would have reamed that doctor a new asshole. A woman's uterus is not the property of some future man that she doesn't know yet. My reply would have been,"the only whore around here is your mom, Doc, and she should have aborted you." I would have left the office immediately and filed a formal complaint. I have zero fucks to give for grade A misogynists. cutting a smiley with a chainsaw

I think her doc was pissed that she escaped traditional marriage and kids.

That tells you just how shitty a traditional marriage and kids are, if he has to shame her for not accepting that life of drudgery. If this asshole thought he could put her under the thumb of some future man, he was sorely mistaken. using a flamethrower
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 28, 2023
I think her doc was pissed that she escaped traditional marriage and kids. He felt she should at least be punished with life threatening anemia for that, so when she got her uterus out in Mexico she escaped by having the $$$ to do so, so the only thing left was to call her a whore and power trip her that way. Some men fashion themselves as mini slave owners and really hate it when one of their "slaves" escapes. It makes them imagine their wives getting away from them.

Years ago in my twenties a guy told me that "some men define themselves by how much control they have over women" and he turned out to be right.

Sad but true. A lot of men get really mean and nasty when you refuse to have their semen demons.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Some serious hate for cf women
August 29, 2023
I think her doc was pissed that she escaped traditional marriage and kids. He felt she should at least be punished with life threatening anemia for that, so when she got her uterus out in Mexico she escaped by having the $$$ to do so, so the only thing left was to call her a whore and power trip her that way. Some men fashion themselves as mini slave owners and really hate it when one of their "slaves" escapes. It makes them imagine their wives getting away from them.

Years ago in my twenties a guy told me that "some men define themselves by how much control they have over women" and he turned out to be right.

Sad but true. A lot of men get really mean and nasty when you refuse to have their semen demons.

Yep, very true. Even if the men have zero interest in actually being fathers, they will still sometimes get really hostile when a woman even entertains the idea of aborting their precious seed. I guess she should be flattered that he got her pregnant and he chose her as his vessel for his progeny? Even if the pregnancy was a total accident?

I think men like this just enjoy the idea of having knocked a woman up, not only to prove how virile they are, but also how straight they are. Also to have control over her. So a woman who aborts in such cases eliminates that insecure asshole's evidence of his masculinity and heterosexuality as well as any hold he has on her. It's not like he gets pregnant and gives birth, so he doesn't have to care that staying pregnant can legitimately put a woman's life in danger sometimes.

But then they'll piss and moan to everyone they know when the woman takes him to court for child support after he talks her into keeping the pregnancy.
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