Then I'm sure something will crop up about how the birth rates drop because women are straight up refusing to have sex, or there will be a sharp increase in the number of babies found in dumpsters or in the woods or thrown in alleys, prompting news coverage about the "abandoned baby epidemic" and lawmakers wondering how something so horrible could happen. If there are safe havens in Texass, they will be overwhelmed.
How would they even know if a woman is traveling for the purpose of abortion? Just assume anyone with a vagina is heading to an out-of-state Planned Parenthood? Will they give every woman a pee test? Do they realize that it's very easy to have a false negative, either due to not being pregnant, being too early in the pregnancy, or even being very late into the pregnancy? Yes, apparently this is a thing - pregnancy pee sticks can read negative if the woman has too much pregnancy hormone in her body.
And what is to stop female passengers from simply dressing like men? Ball cap with hair tucked in, hoodie, sweatpants, a face mask because that's normal to do still, and nobody would know you're a woman. Pretending to be mute so they don't have to reveal their feminine voices, maybe? Will there be strip searches to look for boobs and vaginas? Who is to say anyone preventing a woman from leaving the state for any reason won't get shot? People shoot other people for FAR less. Believe me, people WILL find ways around these so-called laws.
What if people offer to fly women across state lines, then? There are probably people with pilot's licenses and small aircraft who could completely ignore the highway. Will these pro-lifers shoot down these planes too? What about buses? Will buses be pulled over and all the women and girls aboard be given pregnancy tests? What if they refuse?
The term "trafficking" implies that these women are being dragged kicking and screaming to clinics to undergo abortions against their will. That is not the case - these women are fully voluntarily making this choice. There is no "trafficking" involved. Maybe these people banning highway travel to women should learn how to use a dictionary before they go throwing around big scary words.