The article wouldn't load for me, but I'm definitely in favor of putting your dealbreakers in your profile. I put mine there, and 90% of men and 50% of women ignore the fact that I say I'm not interested if you have or want kids. When I go to check out their profiles, and they say right up front that they have kids, great - I can exclude them.
I feel like dating apps suck for both men and women, but for different reasons (speaking strictly for heterosexual matches). Men don't get many matches, women get too many matches. The result of this is that women are stuck looking for the needle in the haystack, and the bigger the haystack, the lower the chance that they will actually carefully wade through it. The numbers are ridiculous - I saw a Reddit post by a woman saying her sister who lives in London had something like 5,000 men swiping right in the space of a weekend. Even from my vantage point of a less populous city, not being a great beauty, and being over 40, I will get about 1,000 in a week. (And perhaps 50 of those will be interesting enough to warrant a second glance, and I'll end up matching with ~10 at most.)
This is, in essence, the tragedy of the commons. Because dick is widely available, men seek to maximize their matches by swiping right on anyone that they find at all attractive, and by having the most bland profiles imaginable so as to not put anyone off. That's precisely what the dating coach is encouraging with suggesting removing dealbreakers: become one of the indistinguishable masses. Of course this approach has the opposite effect on any woman who is genuinely interested in meeting someone. After I remove everyone with dealbreakers, I remove everyone with a bland profile. What makes me more likely to swipe right is if someone has the guts to put opinions in the profile, and those happen to be my opinions too.
Both men and women would be better off if men would put more opinions in their profile and start exercising some discrimination (in the selective sense, not the bigotry sense!) in their swiping.
Being an older CF person is not that bad. There are definitely options of people my own age "never married, no kids", the trick is making sure it isn't because they are emotionally unavailable, and of course compatibility in general. But I'm also pretty indifferent to age, so this helps a lot as there are ample people in their 30s without children, and of course most people in their late 20s don't have them either.