I've seen people who work in the restaurant industry say that a good way to discourage breeder patronage is to make it as kid-unfriendly as possible. No high chairs and booster seats (or have only one or two of them), no kids' menu or "kids under 5 eat free" crap, no crayons at the tables. Unfortunately, I think you know as well as I do that this will only deter some breeders. I know plenty of parents would haul their kids into such places and let them sit on the tables or the floor, demand the food their kids hated be removed from the bill, and will let them play with a tablet at full volume for entertainment. Then in classic breeder fashion, they will leave their entire dining area a huge mess, they'll let their brats bother the other diners and/or staff and then won't tip.
Maybe they could just put the bad child fee on the receipt as "tax" because I'm sure there would be much screaming from breeders if they were told to their dumbass faces that they were being forced to face monetary consequences for their kids' bratty behavior. The excuses would be flying too: s/he is just expressing her/his creativity, this place hates children, s/he is autistic/has some other mental disorder that Moo likely diagnosed with Google, how can my babies learn to behave in public if I don't take them in public, if you can't handle working around kids then you should get a different job, etc.
I'm sure the breeders would scream to the media too, but that would actually benefit the restaurant two-fold. One, it would drive away other breeders who don't want to dine in a "family-hating" establishment. And two, it would attract the patronage of unchilded customers. I still remember the story from forever ago of a restaurant or cafe or something that said "no kids allowed" and there was all kinds of outrage at first as well as a dip in sales. But then business boomed because people could go there knowing their meal wouldn't be ruined by screechy brats and neglectful breeders. Might have been from The Stained Apron, but I think there was something in the news about a similar case.
I wish more businesses would stop pandering to breeders. There are more than enough places for famblees to go and it's time adults had more options where people who were smart enough to get a sitter or not breed don't have to pay $90 to listen to someone else's crotch maggot scream until it vomits for three hours while the parents pretend it's not their kid.
I'm making assumptions because I can't really watch videos on my home connection.