I think a lot of people who breed for the first time think parenthood will just be the same life as before, just with a stroller. They have absolutely NO IDEA how much a loaf can derail a relationship.
It's not the first time I've heard of men who get shitty attitudes and complain that their wives don't pay any attention to them anymore after loafing because all their attention goes to the kid. My brother in Christ, if you do not want to share your wife's attention with someone else, then don't breed! Kids aren't like succulents where you water them once in a great while and that's all they need. They are insanely needy.
And what kind of asshat is jealous of his own kid? Like being upset that he doesn't get the same attention as before, but to be jealous of a kid that he helped make because he thinks he has the monopoly on his wife's attention is kind of pathetic. I'm assuming he's another Duh who doesn't lift a finger to raise his own kid, so Moo is basically a married single parent. Maybe if he pulled his weight more with his own damn kid, Moo would have to do less and could make more time for him.
It is too late to look for a cf woman and go the cf route
Oh that doesn't stop them. They'll just lie about having kids to potential childfree partners because they know no childless or childfree woman will want them with baggage. Then they'll act absolutely shocked when they're three years into a relationship and their partner finds out they hid a child and leaves.