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Breeder mind changer out in the wild

Posted by cfdavep 
Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 17, 2024
Some woman was talking to the cashier at the grocery this morning, showing her a cell phone vid of her friend or relatives wedding ceremony.
She told the cashier that the woman "always said she would never marry or have kids" until she met this guy who convinced her he wanted his "own little girl to spoil". So she did a 180 and they are now "trying"
The cashier went "awwwwwwwwwwwwwww" and I wondered at that point if doctors have experience with women like that and that is what makes them weird about sending real cf women to get sterilized.
Re: Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 17, 2024
I think it's the big part of the problem. I think doctors are afraid of getting sued because of idiots like that. What if she has a boy and not a girl? I suppose they can keep trying for the right sex until they get it.

I feel bad for the cashier. She's not exactly in a good place to set this person straight since she could be fired. Talk about bragging to a captive audience.
Re: Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 18, 2024
A lot of doctors seem to think women are all just immature little girls who don't know what they really want, and they aren't informed enough or smart enough to make such a permanent decision as sterilization. Because what if they change their minds?? What if they meet the right man and want to give him a baby?? If the woman insists the right man for her is one who also wouldn't want kids, then they get but what if you get divorced and meet a new man who does want kids?? If a woman already has one child, then they hear but don't you want a boy/girl (whichever the other gender is)?? Or don't you want to give your child a little brother/sister?? If a woman has any number of kids and she's below the age of 30, then she gets told she's too young to be sterilized, like someone telling an 11-year-old girl she's too young to wear makeup.

Could I just tell my doctor I was a man in a past life and I would like to get my current gender's equivalent of a vasectomy? Since men have no issues whatsoever getting snipped.

I wonder what would happen if a lesbian asked to be sterilized. Would they get the same shit as heterosexual women? Or would they just get a sideways look from a doctor asking why a woman who has sex with other women would need to be sterilized?

Why can't women just sign a freaking waiver that says in the event they do change their minds, they agree to not sue the doctor or the hospital and agree they understand sterilization is intended to be permanent? This shit isn't hard. Of course, a woman who removes her ability to reproduce is a monetary dead end for OB/GYNs because that means the woman will never need fertility treatments, pre-natal care and won't experience labor and delivery and all the complications birth entails. It's like spending time and money to plant a flower that will only bloom once instead of blooming every single year. Sterilizing women is not in OB/GYNs' best interests.

As far as the poor cashier who is just trying to do their damn job, they probably don't get paid enough to risk telling the customer to go fuck themselves. I also notice that Duh says he wants a little girl to spoil. Not a little girl to raise, but to spoil. So already we know he will only be there for the Kodak moments while Moo is handling all the cunt work. I'm sure Duh will not change a single diaper, will not get up once during the night to deal with the screeching loaf, will not feed it even once, won't bathe it or dress it, won't take it to appointments, won't clean up the various bodily fluids it will inevitably launch, nothing. But he'll take it to the playground once in a while to get a cute picture for Facebook so he can get his ego stroked for being a good daddy.
Re: Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 24, 2024
Well, it might be bcz many people arent truthful w/ their own selves, especially breeder types. So, they do end up changing their minds. You ever know a person better than they knew themselves, and could predict what they were gonna do even if they said something else? People are not as self-reflective as they should be.

The few friends/people I knew IRL that told me they were CF did change their minds at some point. One wasnt even married/dating, she went to a sperm bank. It pissed me off bcz once she told me in passing she didnt want children, I opened up and texted her not to feel bad about it, dont let people pressure you about it (it musta been something in the convo we were having). She was younger than I. When she made the announcement to me that she now was going to sperm bank, I asked her why since she told me she was CF. She said she thought that bcz she always thought she 'had to go the traditional route and get married and have kids, and that wasnt happening', she talked it over w/ her parents and told them to support her emotionally and she was doing this. She actually was still young enough to meet someone and have a kid. (She met a CF man and while not married all this time, they are a family. IDK how he feels about being a stepdad)

My other RL CF friend suddenly told me she did want kids (she never had them anyway), later went back to saying CF. I said why do you now want kids when you said you were CF. She said she always wanted to meet a man and get married, and if she told them she didnt want kids, that certainly didnt happen. When even that wasnt working, I guess she went back to being CF. She was/is drop dead gorgeous (she actually dated a lot) and still hasnt married as we inch by inch are getting closer to retirement.

There are others but I cant recall all the circumstances of the flip-flop.

But honestly, when I go to CF boards like this, or a few CF groups in person back in the day, most all of us said we always felt CF even as children. But there are people out there that rationalize their lives...so they flip-flop on big life choices. That's what doctors are afraid of. The legal system should not be the way it is, if you tell the doctor that you are sure and this is what you want, it should be on you, not them, when you change your mind, and then live w/ the outcomes.
Re: Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 24, 2024
and never, ever trust a doctor or anyone who tells you ..'you can never have a child'... it's a lie. a self serving lie.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breeder mind changer out in the wild
July 26, 2024
and never, ever trust a doctor or anyone who tells you ..'you can never have a child'... it's a lie. a self serving lie.

Very true! I was told this by a doctor when I was a teen but got knocked up in my early 20s. I had an abortion ASAP though. I was young and stupid at the time, and I'd been living with my boyfriend for quite some time before it happened.

I guess it depends on how badly people feel the need to follow the crowd and how flimsy their reasons are for not wanting kids in the first place. I knew I didn't want 'em when I was in elementary school and it never changed.

It's ingrained in me as heavily as my DNA and I consider it just a part of me like my eye or skin color. It doesn't make me better than anyone else, it's just that nothing could ever change that.

ETA: This reminds me of my mother's thoughts of marriage are like mine about kids: He could have a diamond-studded tool and I still wouldn't do it!
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