Makes sense. Kids cause SO many health problems, and I don't just mean the damage they do during pregnancy and birth. They are a massive source of stress, they cause sleep deprivation for years, they can easily cause financial instability or ruin (especially if they come out broken and need tons of care), they cause and exacerbate depression and anxiety while causing minimal to no happiness.
Brats are a horrible investment, period. You sink so, so many resources into them and get very little in return.
And holy fuck, that guy looks like he's hardly old enough to retire - I would never guess he was a centenatian. Meanwhile, look at breeders who all look 20+ years older than their actual age. Also, I seriously doubt for a second this man could afford to buy a hobby farm if he had brats to support, or had any adult brats hauling their own sprogs back home for him to help pay for.
The place he currently lives is an independent senior living community too, and from what I can see from the website, he has people to cook for him, housekeeping services, access to day trips, a gym and a library, along with the option of an apartment or a cottage with full amenities/facilities like a kitchen and a bathroom. Compared to a breeder, who might wind up in the shittiest nursing home in the state where he has to lay in his own filth for days at a time so the grown brats won't miss out on a cent of inheritance. I doubt a breeder could afford such a nice living space as what this guy has now.
And let us not ignore the fact this man is over 100 and still seems sharp as a tack. Breeding turns your brains to mush. I'd like to see the rates of seniors who develop things like Alzheimer's and dementia when they had kids versus not having kids to see if there is a correlation between breeding and neurological decline.