Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 01, 2024

They are saying on the comments the whole family were Trump supporters who felt abortion was "morally wrong" but believed in exceptions. The girl's mother was screaming for help and they let the teen bleed out as they could not prove the fetus was dead. It was and the teen is also now.

That is getting torn apart by the leopard
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 01, 2024
I saw this story earlier too. The teen girl was so fucking septic that she was gushing black blood out her nose and mouth while the staff let her die because her doomed clump still had a heartbeat. The fetus did eventually die, but by then, it was too late for the mother.

Even if I wanted to reproduce, I would be absolutely terrified to even try right now, especially if I lived in states that make it impossible to abort. I think a lot of these assholes (always men making these rules too, never women) think women who get abortions are just filthy heartless sluts who get off on murdering children, and so by outlawing/restricting abortion, they will learn a less about being such whores and that babies are a gift from Gawd that should never be killed.

They don't get that plenty of women who are pregnant on purpose with very much wanted children must seek abortion when the pregnancy winds up ending or presents a threat to the women's lives. And since every single doctor cares more about their overpaid job than with trying to save people, they will sit around with their thumbs up their asses while miscarrying women die from completely preventable complications. I know they're concerned about legal ramifications, but how the hell do they sleep at night knowing they just stand there and let women die of completely curable and preventable pregnancy complications?

Must be they also don't realize that if the mother of the fetus dies, she is taking the fetus with her, especially if the clump is not at 20 weeks gestation yet, which I believe is the cut-off for viability outside the uterus. But heyyyyyy as long as someone doesn't stop a beating heart on purpose, it's totes okey dokey for an innocent woman to die in a hospital surrounded by people and treatments that can save her life.

And when women stop having kids entirely because it's too dangerous to try, we'll see a flood of articles about the record-breaking birth rate decline.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 03, 2024
What is sickening here is this girl should have been applying to colleges and finding out who she is. Instead she probably got drunk at a party, got knocked up and was convinced to birth her "gift from God" that killed her in a bad way. What a waste.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 03, 2024
If she's Catholic, she probably fucked without any protection because birth control is a sin and she likely had zero sex ed. Or she believed one of those dumbass myths about pregnancy like how you can't get pregnant your first time or you can't get pregnant if you jump up and donw after sex. I'm sure plenty of her Gawd-fearing peers would simply say Gawd punished her for having sex outside wedlock.

Judging by the names of two of the hospitals listed, it looks like she went to Catholic hospitals. Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas and Christus Southeast Texas St. Elizabeth. Sounds Christian to me. So they were probably especially against performing life-saving procedures that would endanger the precious fetus.

No offense to anyone here who lives there, but I kind of wish a hurricane would just obliterate Texas. Let all the sane people escape safely, but PLEASE let category 15 Hurricane Fuckoff wipe Texass off the fucking map.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 04, 2024
I got downvoted on another Reddit thread when I stated the obvious: It's FAFO and "this will never happen to me because I would never abort my baby."

The world is getting a lesson that reproduction doesn't always go smoothly and the decision making should be between the woman and her doctor.
And doctors should be able to do what is in the best interest medically to save the woman's life, period. If a woman wants to be a martyr and die for her fetus, (would someone really be that stupid?) but you should get the option to not die for your fetus.

Nobody deserves to get septic, bleed out and die when the death is preventable. But at the same time, women are at least half of the population and good "Kristian mommies" like these people are keeping us in this mess. Women need to wake up and vote blue.

But these people are unlikely to change their minds anyway, sadly. They can rationalize the death of the women who took the abortion pill in Georgia and say the evil abortion pill killed her (I've heard them say it) This one is a little harder--she Kept Her Baybee Like a Good Forced Birther Pro-Life Kristian ShouldTM, but she died anyway. They can always blame it on Sky Daddy, I guess.


What is sickening here is this girl should have been applying to colleges and finding out who she is. Instead she probably got drunk at a party, got knocked up and was convinced to birth her "gift from God" that killed her in a bad way.


If she's Catholic, she probably fucked without any protection because birth control is a sin and she likely had zero sex ed.

QFT. It seems to be our collective 'Merican pastime to deny that teenagers are going to fool around and that telling them to just not have sex is going to work.

If this girl had been given access even just to rubbers and if someone had learned how to use them properly, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 04, 2024
This just makes me so sad. I have such a hard time feeling bad for the family, because they were on the side of the POS who did this. They're a huge part of the problem.

I have young women and girls in my family who live down in the states and I can honestly say I've never prayed harder for someone to win the presidency in a country where I don't live than I have now. I feel so helpless because I can only watch, not vote. I hate that prick and his minions. They can go fuck themselves.

Just want to add that my family are all pro Kamala and hate dump as much as I do. They've all voted.

If someone from the states needs asylum to get safe women's health care, they can always PM me if the orange dumpster wins. I have a feeling that Kamala will win, but it's kind of hard to tell right now except for some promising looking polls. When he loses, he'll pull some tricks out of his sleeve to change the outcome, but I don't think it'll work this time.

Keeping my fingers crossed for my democratic friends and family across the border!
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 05, 2024
George Carlin was right, pro life conservatives care more about the unborn than the people who are already here, and that includes the mother.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 05, 2024
George Carlin was right, pro life conservatives care more about the unborn than the people who are already here, and that includes the mother.

No, they don't give a shit about babies, only control. Once the brat is born, to the rubbish it goes.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 08, 2024
It's just the tip of the iceberg. More women will die because of these bullshit abortion restrictions, but the people who make the laws will just say those women should have kept their legs closed if they didn't want to die from miscarriages.

People can complain, campaign and protest all they want, but it won't do anything because the assholes who make these restrictive laws want to go out of their way to harm women. They're like those sociopathic kids that pull the wings off flies just to torture them.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 08, 2024
the assholes who make these restrictive laws want to go out of their way to harm women.

With conservatives now, the cruelty is the point.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 12, 2024
Protect yourselves ladies, The "Your body my choice" mantra isn't just about reproductive health. It's a very thinly veiled rape threat by useless knuckle-draggers that can't get laid unless they take it without consent.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 13, 2024
Protect yourselves ladies, The "Your body my choice" mantra isn't just about reproductive health. It's a very thinly veiled rape threat by useless knuckle-draggers that can't get laid unless they take it without consent.

I was shocked to see this because it is an outright threat of rape.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 13, 2024
I'm glad the douchebag who said that shit got doxxed. Hopefully someone will dole out a little vigilante justice and shut his face.

There have always been misogynistic assholes like this, but they seem to be getting more vocal about it, especially when they have platforms from which they can spew their horse shit and validate others with similar mindsets. I'm not worried about myself personally because nobody's raping a fat ugly woman who could subdue them by sitting on them. Ugly privilege is totally a thing.

But it would probably be wise for women of any age to learn how to defend themselves or acquire tools to do so. Pepper spray, knife, gun, and real self-defense techniques, not bullshit "women's self-defense." I had to take a women's self-defense class in gym and they taught methods like "ram your butt into your attacker's crotch." Uhhh that's not self-defense, that's foreplay.

Personally, I would consider putting bleach in a spray bottle and using that instead of mace. That way, not only will that shit do some major damage to the eyes (after 15 minutes, the damage may be permanent) and will hurt like hell, but the asshat will be easy to identify. Just look for the prick with bleach-stained clothes. Get a bottle that sprays in a stream and not a mist so there is no blowback. It'll be hard to assault someone when you're blind.

It sucks that it has to be this way, but some of these freaks might become less afraid to go after women and become physically violent, and they may need to learn a hard lesson.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 14, 2024
Pure peppermint oil is hell on earth if you get it in the eye. I got a tiny drop in my eye once and there is no way to open the eye for 20 minutes, and it only lets up with the oncoming tears. It maybe a bit thick to spray though
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 14, 2024
It looks like Mr. Tough Guy is hiding out at his mommy's house after he got doxxed because he's in fear for his life. Haha. Serves him right. If I was his mommy, I'd toss his pathetic ass out like trash but we all know she probably won't do that to her precious baby. (I threw up in my mouth a little there.)

I honestly have to say that if someone said anything like that to me, I'd let them know that I have a 2 foot machete and a lingering anger problem that says otherwise. I know I'm in Canada, but that asshole saying it has been heard everywhere and sadly, we have the Maple Maga to deal with here.

I actually really like the peppermint oil idea. I have some downstairs that I used to deter spiders. I also have eucalyptus oil that would probably burn like all hell. I think I have an old, empty perfume spray bottle that still works too.

I'm already worried about my personal safety and I honestly have to say that I'm preparing myself for any possibility.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 15, 2024
If it's essential oil, even if it's diluted, I bet it would still hurt like a motherfucker. Essential oils are super concentrated and you have to cut them with carrier oils, like at a ratio of one drop essential oil to 10 drops of some other oil, I think.

Anything in a spray can might work, to be honest. You get just about anything in your eyes and it'll hurt long enough to escape, at the minimum. At most, it could cause permanent blindness. Pledge, Windex, WD-40, canned air, cooking spray. Of course the issue will always be getting close enough to blast the person in the face, but that's an issue even with mace.

Here's another idea: a knife, but rub feces on the pointy end. This way, not only will any potential attackers get their asses stabbed, but they will get a nice infection too. A little gross, but it'll teach the fucker to think twice about messing with anyone.
Re: Trump supporter watches teen daughter bleed out from miscarriage
November 15, 2024
As I don't have the reflexes to protect myself, I just stay home.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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