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Well this is it. Trump is in

Posted by cfdavep 
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 11, 2024

List of docs that will do sterilization for what it is worth from twox
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 11, 2024
I was talking to my dh and he said they will definately be going after all BC after they get done with abortion, RFK.jr will be "playing a large role" in the FDA and it looks as though any bc where the person has to depend on a doc will be banned using the excuse that it is dangerous, oral meds of any sort can be taken of the market due to the FDA.
Stores selling condoms will be fined. They are going to do to BC what they will be doing to trans people and their hormones.
The profit made from bc won't mean anything to them as the investment is in future slaves for their vision of the "new world order"
I also read that it is taking a lot longer to even get an appointment for a sterilization.
They may ban sterilizations liking it to the start of trans surgery
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 14, 2024

America is not the land of opportunity. It's three third-world countries in a trench coat.

I love this and miss your wit on The Island!

I’m so sorry, everyone. My old ass is in perimenopause but I will keep fighting for abortion rights for you younger folks. I was at a rally with a bigass homemade sign and some incel with a camera walked up to me, taking photos, asking where I worked! I’m sure my face is on some red pill site with the caption “unfuckable pig” but I’m not stopping.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 15, 2024
I checked the list a couple weeks ago of CF-friendly doctors and there is actually one at my local hospital! But I just looked on the hospital's online portal for the hell of it and the earliest I could see that doctor is the end of March. Just for like a meet and greet, not even a potential consultation or an actual procedure. Who the fuck knows, sterilization could be illegal by then.

I don't know who to believe about the future of birth control. Some people say everything is getting banned, others say if Trump wanted to ban contraception, he would have done so when he was in office before. Project 2025 said there would be "restrictions" on contraception, but that could mean anything. And I think Trump said something in an interview regarding birth control about "having a plan" for it that "you will find very interesting." That could mean anything.

Also, the two pills used for medical abortion both have alternative medical applications. I think one of them is used to treat ulcers? So if those pills were banned, would the people who take them for non-abortion reasons no longer have access to them? That seems kind of unfair too.

Birth control for women benefits men as well. Imagine how many more men would be paying child support if women had no access to contraception and loads more unnecessary kids were born. If we lose access to BC, I wonder how many men will be screaming for birth control to be legal again when they have to pay for kids they don't want.

Just thinking out loud here, but abortion is performed using vacuum aspiration, right? I've never had one, so I don't know for sure. But how hard would it be to make a DIY vacuum device attached to a flexible tube and with the help of a mirror, a speculum purchased online and most likely a few shots of whiskey, use it to perform an abortion on oneself? What would they do, ban women from buying vacuums?

Would it be comfortable? No. But could it work? If infection is a concern, go to a walk-in clinic and say you've had a sinus infection for three weeks and you want amoxicillin - this works because I have to do this for real because I get constant bacterial sinus infections. It shouldn't have to be this way, but if women were desperate, could they do this at home? I mean I've seen nasal aspirators that are meant to be hooked up to vacuum cleaners. If the woman has to go to the hospital for complications, there would be no fetus and she could say she is miscarrying, so no one would be suspicious of illegal procedures.

I wonder how similar it is to menstrual extraction. I know abortion anywhere other than a proper clinic will have its share of risks, but it's probably easier to do this kind of thing now with few complications compared to when abortion was illegal before and women were resorting to rusty coat hangers and dying from them.

They're fucking asking for another capital riot if they ban anything, only it's going to be all women. I'll wager there will be a lot more shootings too because women will be buying firearms and will blow away male offenders who don't take "no" for an answer.

I love this and miss your wit on The Island!

Aww shucks. friendly hug I do still lurk there, but I spend most of my time in the Living Room.

I also read that it is taking a lot longer to even get an appointment for a sterilization.

That might just be because so many women are scrambling to get tubals and IUDs right now. Like while I was in the process of making an appointment for an IUD, by the time I got to the end of the online process, I had to start over because someone already took the slot I was trying to book.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 15, 2024

Just thinking out loud here, but abortion is performed using vacuum aspiration, right? I've never had one, so I don't know for sure. But how hard would it be to make a DIY vacuum device attached to a flexible tube and with the help of a mirror, a speculum purchased online and most likely a few shots of whiskey, use it to perform an abortion on oneself? What would they do, ban women from buying vacuums?

Lowes/Home Depot/Harbor Freight/Menards are going to be selling a lot of wet dry vacs next year. That is if those devices don't get banned because women read your thread and got the idea. What are all the male construction workers who have to suck up a lot of dust and mud going to do then?
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 15, 2024
The house I grew up in had a central vac system that was LOOOOOOUD. The hose was huge and when I was a teen a cousin and I said something like that could be used for an abortion. IDK, but it was funny as that vac could turn someone inside out I would think. There was no hearing anything else when it was being used.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 15, 2024
That is true, there is a HUGE bottle neck of people trying to get the surgery before it becomes illegal, if it does. Thailand is an option as people used to go there in the 70's for sex changes, I believe.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 15, 2024
I have an IUD and was uncomfortable for a day or two only.

I also have latex-free condoms and the expiration date is 6/2028. Looks like I'll be buying the big box monthly to stock up now.
I also buy generic Plan B monthly and I'll be increasing the qty. of that now.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 19, 2024
I'm having serious issues seeing this site becuase of certificates. I miss the old format here.

I am livind that tRump was re-elected. ANd the worst of it is that I've been personally attacked by people offline and online since redneck America voted for him.

At this point I've made choices as to whom I will allow in my life and tRumpers are out. We're not going to my sister's house because they're all magats and Mr. Peace and I have no interest in seeing them. The first time people voted for him, I can excuse because they were fooled by his bullshit. This time around, they made a consious decision to vote for him, which tells me what kind of person they are inside and what their values are.

No tRumpTards allowed.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 26, 2024
He was never very vocal, and we fought him on it, but he always assumed that the majority of people were ignorant, easily led, and bigoted. Hmm, I apologize, Daddy. Apparently, you were right.

I have felt the same way about people since I was a teenager. Your pops was right. People are garbage.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 28, 2024
Something else that I was thinking about: if birth control is banned, would that not also affect the porn industry? Surely women who do porn professionally use some kind of birth control because let's face it, nobody wants to watch pornos where the guy is using a condom. If women who act in porn for a living cannot protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and cannot abort either, they probably won't act anymore. Even amateur videos will take a nosedive, unless it's videos of people who are trying to reproduce on purpose, porn involving pregnant women, or videos of gay/lesbian sex. There's plenty of existing porn for sure, but new stuff might become scarce.

But then I think Project 2025 also proposes banning porn too, because apparently anything relating to sex is bad. I know it's not exclusively for male audiences, but what happens when men have no more spank candy because one thing or another gets banned? I bet there will be a lot of screaming over that.

Meanwhile, sex toy sales would probably skyrocket.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 28, 2024
This time around, they made a consious decision to vote for him, which tells me what kind of person they are inside and what their values are.

He promises to hurt the "right" people, the ones they want hurt, and that's what they're voting for. They're not smart enough to understand politics but they do get violence and hatred. He's directing it the way they want so they're all for it and the country be damned. As long as POCs/queer people/women are suffering, they're happy.

That's the kind of people they are and the values they hold.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 28, 2024
Kittehpeoples, you hit the nail on the head.

Tell me who you voted for and I'll tell you who you are.

That's what this has turned into.

The only cold comfort I'm feeling is how many of the idiots who voted for him will also have to deal with his radical policies. Their Dear Leader will be coming for them too, even though they don't know it yet.

I can hear the "I told you so's" wafting from south of the border right now.
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 29, 2024
The leopards will be going after them for sure, but unfortunately also people who voted blue down the line to prevent this will be feeling it and some in really bad ways.
Many are saying they feel safe in a blue state, but that is if blue states will continue to be a thing
Re: Well this is it. Trump is in
November 30, 2024
I live in a state that was blue during Dump's first term but swung red a few years ago resulting in the Temu Mr. Rogers governor we have now. Now it has swung back to blue (blue up and down the ballot; we voted for MVP Harris and kept the Democratic senator in Congress and the representative seat Dem too. And thankfully, our gubernatorial laws state that Red Sweater can't run as an incumbent so we get rid of him next year. Living in a blue state will be a shield for a while and at least give people time to formulate alternative plans.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
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