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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
invader kim
Snark Shark
"YEAH I know him! BITCH OWES ME 20 BUCKS!"
I WISH I was that bold!

Dyeing my blonde hair red, because *everyone* wants to be blonde. Roll-Eyes I'd switch my boring dishwater blonde for fiery natural red hair any day, ginger comments or no.
Thank you I'm blonde too and bored of it. The day after school let out for the summer I dyed mine pink.

When I quit my current job and go self employed, pink is my next plan!

I also was bingoed for coloring my blonde hair red. Back to blonde now though winking smiley .

Other bingos-

Not having sex in high school or having a bf, living with my SO, choosing a middle class guy over a rich guy, having "invisible" disabilities, living in a rural area ("aren't you scared living way out there?") - it's ten minutes from town and I don't have to abide by any HOA rules, thanks. Taking solo vacations, changing flights if I get a bad feeling, questioning doctors.

Not having a dog or cat, leaving corporate job for self-employment, paying cash, having a purple door, liking antiques ("old stinky things"), going to rock concerts and talking about music, not "changing" since my twenties, being too "good" ???! Sorry for having ethics.

I got major, serious bingos for not having sex until about 3-4 months into my current relationship. Obviously only my closer friends knew but they were not supportive. I don't care if people go sleeping with someone after knowing them five minutes, so why the fuck am I getting judged? It really got on my nerves.

Oh, I forgot about the biggie...went vegan a few months. I keep my opinion to myself and do NOT try to convert people, I'm not an AR evangelist and I don't pull disgusted faces when people eat meat around me, in fact I could not care at all. But people still take every opportunity to attack me when they find out about it.

HOW could I forget the vegetarian bingoes???
I've been getting them for 13 years too now.
My father will buy my husband a burger and tell me "I can go graze on the lawn over there"eye rolling smiley
I'm like you, I do not try to impress my views on others at ALL. Hell, I still cook meat for my husband ffs and I still get crap from people.
Then there's the other veggies that give me shit for cooking meat for my husband, sigh, I just can't win.

Dads are always the worst for jokes like that, aren't they?

Lol, I'm rediscovering the fun world of veggie bingo. I was veggie as a teen and like most teens fell off the wagon when I started drinking and 3am kebabs were too much to resist. I forgot how much people love to bait vegetarians. I was a "meat is murder" type when I was a teen but I grew out of it quite quickly, and now I never comment on what people eat...partly because I used to work with a girl who was very "OMG do you know how much salt is in that/that's such an unhealthy meal" blah blah. I hate people commenting on my food.

Perhaps its that I'm genuinely non-disgusted by the sight/smell/sound of people eating meat, but I do not care. But people are SO fascinated by my veggie wraps or cous cous, especially in work. I don't even tell people unless they outright ask or I am forced to (going out for a meal or something). Some people react with real venom too...there's the jokers who are annoying but I can take that, then there's the people who react really defensively and nastily about it...similar to the nastier CF bingoers as opposed to the ones who just don't really think and trot out the same old shit.

I get bingos from all sides too...I have snakes, who inevitably have to eat mice (frozen/thawed, not live) and a lot of vegetarians HATE that about me. I'm not a proper veggie unless all my pets including the carnivores like ferrets and the dog are on a vegan diet. Can't really imagine my royal python dislocating his own jaw in order to consume a stem of broccoli.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
Taking solo vacations

Ha. You'd think women were supposed to be under the protection and control of their mates when that subject comes up :eyebrows

I haven't done it in a few years; time and money constrictions; but I never felt any qualms about going off for long solo rides on my motorcycle. Sometimes, I'd throw camping gear in my sidecar, check an area for decent weather and scenery, give Dh a kiss and tell him I'd be home in a few days. Especially when I was working my shit job, I needed the downtime. Dh was fine with it, just asking that I call him when I arrived at my destination. I even did a few x-country trips on my bike, returning to tell Dh stories of run-ins with tornadoes, redneck cops and pics of gorgeous vistas. Not being much of a biker himself, and certainly not one to take the kind of long rides I enjoyed, I wasn't going to deprive myself of that enjoyment. However, family, co-workers, even a cop who pulled me over in Kentucky, all chorused "your husband LETS you do that?"

It's useless to waste long-winded arguments with those types. I merely laugh and say "he wouldn't be my mate if he tried to stop me!"
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.

OMG this is a HUGE one for me too! Being outgoing, "bubbly" (god I hate that term), extroverted is seen as the societal norm. For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me "you're so quiet" or "what is wrong?" FUCK. When I was first meeting DH's (then BF) family, it was the WORST. They are all super loud and gregarious, so I was a complete anomaly. It was a real shock to my system. I would hear that people said "she needs to come out of her shell" and other bullshit.

Does anyone ever analyze extroverts like that? Fuck NO.

It takes me a while to warm up to people. Maaaany times I've heard "I was afraid of you at first (WTF) but then I got to know you and you're funnier than hell!"

FWIW, I (and many others here) feel your pain. angry smiley

"I was AFRAID of you?" Does introvert = "possible serial killer" in their narrow little minds? angry smiley By the way, fellow introvert here. smiling smiley

OMG, I cannot believe I forgot this one.

I, too, have had people tell me that I am "intimidating" and that "they were afraid of me". Maybe it's because, every time someone goes apeshit somewhere and commits some horrific crime, invariably some yokel ends up in front of the news cameras saying, "We're all so shocked. He was quiet and kept to himself."

A couple of thoughts about why this happens: Most likely, the person in front of the news cameras is an extrovert looking for his (not quite) 15 minutes in the spotlight, and doesn't really have shit to say, but- "hey! There's a camera! Gotta get my face on TV!"

Now, people can say shit all they want about introverts, but we have the advantage of being good listeners, and of being observant - we notice things other people miss.

I bet that if an introvert was so inclined to want to be interviewed, it would have gone something like, "Well, I noticed that the guy came home with a rolled-up carpet and a couple of bags of fertilizer, and last week he waved and gave a big 'Hi!' as he was refurbishing an old ice-cream truck...and it all seemed weird, but everyone else was too busy yammering about stupid shit to listen to me." Or something like that.

I will admit that there are people with effervescent personalities that I really enjoy being around. But, I don't agree with this extrovert=good and introvert=bad , black/white way of societal thinking. There are a lot of people out there that have the gift of gab, but to me come across as insincere and annoying. And, for anyone that thinks that introvert = serial killer, don't forget that one of the hallmarks of a sociopath is "a glib, superficial personality". Just sayin'.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
No driver's license. LONG story.

I don't get bingos, since I keep it to myself. Besides I have access to GREAT mass transit. A car is too damned expensive anyway.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
No driver's license. LONG story.

I don't get bingos, since I keep it to myself. Besides I have access to GREAT mass transit. A car is too damned expensive anyway.

I don't have one either!grinning smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Still on dial-up. Get all kinds of crap from that. In fact, even trying to get a job requires some kind of high-speed platform to apply. I'm okay with dial-up. Sure, I can't see all the wonders on youtube, but since my FIL has AOL broadband, we just sign up under "guest" and use DH's screenname from his dad's account. Hence, free internet, albeit a bit slow at times. Well, all the time.

Cats. We have four. Two boys and two girls ranging from 3 to 16 years. When someone gives me attitude, I simply say, "Before I met my husband, I had three cats out of wedlock. After we got married, we decided to have one of our own." That shuts their shit down really quick.

Jimmy Buffett. I love him. Really, I LOVE him. But everyone thinks all he does is M'ville and Cheeseburger in Paradise. His catalog is HUGE and he is also a very gifted author. He is one of only four American authors, like Hemingway and Steinbeck that has had books on both the fiction and non-fiction best sellers list.

Still live in the town I was born in. All my family (siblings and parents) moved out of the area and want me to move. While it's not a bustling metropolis and it has some issues, it's very reasonable cost-of-living wise, has a mixed climate of all the seasons, mountains, streams, and some of the best pizza in America. And Yuengling Draft pretty much anywhere you go. I once dated a guy that lived in the state capital and he came to visit me. Since he arrived while I was at work, I sent him around the corner to a well-known pizza/sports bar with the NTN trivia games. When I got off work, he was happy as a pig in shit and says, "Man, I've been here for FIVE hours, had a great meal, tons of beer, and my tab is STILL less than $25!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Used to get the driver's license one - I didn't get one until I was 24 because I'd failed the test twice and was scared to do it again.

Not being in a relationship. "Oh, are you not looking? Did you come out of a bad relationship or something?" No, I just can't find anyone worth me that's also interested. I'd really love to find a companion though, and the search gets frustrating, so THANKS A LOT for reminding me yet again that I'm single. Also this seems to make a dingbrained, lovesick coworker think that I can cover for her anytime on short notice so she can go do something or spend time with her fiance simply because I don't have a boyfriend so I must have all this boring free time.

Also get the 'Animals are practice children' one. "Oh, you take such good care of your dogs/cat/horses/sheep! You even bottle fed one of them, you'd be a great Mom!" Uh yeah, no thanks. I'll still take my smelly farm animals over human kyds because I like them better!

Not having a 'real' job and continuing my education. Yes, I run the cash register at a Volde-Mart pharmacy, and for the time being, I'm happy because it's the first job I've ever had that I actually enjoy for the most part. Do I want to do it for the rest of my life? Hell no. But I went to college for a year after constant badgering from people who swore it'd guarantee me a better job and . . . guess what? I'm working at freaking Volde-Mart. I have bills to pay and I'm not gonna quit my job and expect someone else to foot the bill for them while I fart around in college 'finding myself' and getting a 'real' education. Being a professional student probably would suit me, but I don't want to be that asshole. I'm worried about the here and now and not ending up on welfare, oh wait, I'm not eligible for welfare . . .
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Another one:

I don't drink. PERIOD. The way some people actually look forward to getting piss-ass wasted I'll never understand.shrug
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
I only recently started drinking at the age of 27. A few are nice to relax but drinking to the point of throwing up and being disoriented . . . yeah, I don't see the appeal. I certainly can have fun without the alcohol, anyways.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Not sure if this one counts, but I have been told by my mother's idiot basically the whole time I was in undergrad that I needed to use my degree to teach. Didn't matter how much I said I didn't want to - he would just tell me over and over again I needed to be a teacher, as if I were a stupid child who just needed to be told endlessly to do shit until I listened.

Or I needed to spend several thousand dollars on a screen-printing machine because the real money is in t-shirt making. I don't know WTF I'll do with that degree yet, if I can do anything since it came from a diploma mill school. But dammit, teaching requires your heart and soul to be in it...it WILL be apparent if I teach when I do not want to at all.

I get hair bingos now too...I think I said this earlier, but I am not "allowed" to dye my hair anything strange or even do something like funky-colored streaks because then no one will hire me. Or the fact I get my hair bleached because I like that trashy canary-yellow color - "Whyyyyyyyy can't you just have normal haaaaair?" Because I don't like my natural color, maybe? I'd love to have some more piercings, and I'm sure I'll hear about how no one will hire me with holes in my face/head.

Believe it or not, I even get bingos because I don't have eleventy billion pairs of shoes like "typical" women. I mostly only wear my combat boots, and I have one pair of sneakers (hardly wear them), one pair of sandals (never wear them because I hate my feet), some platform goth boots I have not worn in years, and one pair of dress shoes for when I need to give a damn about my appearance. That's it. I would love a pair of those pirate-style boots, but sadly I cannot find boots in my size that also fit my lower legs.

I also hear about it when I wear clothing more than once before it gets washed. I just don't see the need to wash jeans when I wear them once...I would run out of jeans if I did this.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Another one I just thought of...
I have a dozen of them and many are not easy to hide. I don't WANT to hide them, they are beautiful pieces of art that I take a lot of pride in but I always get hassled by losers for them.
Some of the bingoes include
"I didn't know you were a biker chick!"
"They're going to look stupid when you get old!"
"I want one but they would hurt too much."
"What will your grandchildren think???"angry flipping off
"They make women look trashy."
Etc, etc, etc.
I usually answer with "So don't get one, I happen to love them and I enjoy getting tatted, it feels great!"
Seriously love the feeling, especially on my back and the back of my neck, it rivals sex!blushing
That typically shuts the women up and occasionally turns men on.smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
1. i'm a vegetarian, the only one in my family, so thanksgiving is always fun. i just eat my food and say nothing about the turkey, etc., but some people just always want to start something. i usually say "you know, someone has a problem with your meat-eating, and it isn't me. if you have to justify it all the time maybe YOU have a problem with you eating meat." heh.

2. my parents will never shut up about me NOT being a teacher, even though i have my masters in english lit. i don't want to teach, and because i am planning on giving up managing a bookstore soon to become a full time musician i am told "musicians don't make any money - what will you fall back on?" to which my response is usually "musicians don't get rich? next you'll tell me painters and dancers don't get rich, either!" umm...i'm not doing it for the money. i am auditioning for a 2nd chair cello spot in an orchestra in the fall, and if i get it it's bye-bye bookstore (and all the screeching kids that go with it)! actually, even if i don't i may quit anyway, as i am SO sick of retail. i play already in a small string orchestra and a string quartet ( weddings, etc) so between the two i can do okay financially. luckily mr. minkoff is on board with this plan and of course, we don't have any brats to support so i am actually able to follow my dreams. in your face, breeders!


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
Another one I think thought of...I am often accused of being completely misanthropic and overly critical of people, purely because I think people en masse sleepwalk through life and are taking the entire planet on a collision course to total devastation. Most people just don't think, they just do, having kids is the classic example but there are so many others.Apparently you're not allowed to be critical of the human race. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck I wouldn't call myself a total misanthrope, but I am probably halfway there. By sixty I'll probably be a total hermit.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2011
I would love a pair of those pirate-style boots, but sadly I cannot find boots in my size that also fit my lower legs.
Are boots too generally too big for your calves or too small? If they're too small then you could try buying wide-calf boots from J Crew or plus size catalogs. I ordered a pair of slouchy faux suede boots from the Roaman's catalog a few years ago and they fit my monster calves smiling smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 09, 2011
After spending a fair amount of time coloring my gray which first started coming in during my early 20s and enough to cover by 30, I decided in my mid 40s to let it grow out. I have dark hair and the front is where all the gray is. Some people have complimented it, but a lot of people lecture me about covering it. The thing is my hair grows fast and I have roots within 2 weeks. If I don't get it professionally done, the color doesn't match exactly. I think a bad dye job looks worse than any gray and professional color is pricey and I'm trying to take care of some debt.

I get bingoed about being single too. As well as living on my own and having 2 bedrooms. As in "why do you need 2 bedrooms, it's just you!"
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 09, 2011
I'm smaller chested and I've been bingoed about not liking padded or pushup bras. I was particularly looking for something comfy for the summer with zero padding (not a sports bra) and could not find it in my size. I learned not to complain about that to other women because they don't get why I would want such a thing. I have been told to get a water bra and it felt like wearing sweaty heavy udders over my own breasts.

As for tattoos, I get bingoed for not having any. When it really became trendy I was being pushed to get one or more tattoos because it was now acceptable to have them. If I wanted tattoos I would have gotten them years ago, whether it was "ok" by societal standards or not. I was asked if I thought people who had them were trashy and accused of being scared of having one or thinking I was above them - not true, I love art and looking at others' tats.

Another bingo was when I was trying to gain weight. When my body is thin my face gets long and gaunt so I chose to have a better face than body. I started munching goodies and got bingos from women for putting on weight. I told them it was intentional. EeK! I looked much better a little bigger plus it added a bit to the chest, and guys found me more attractive but the bingos were all about, oh noes, she's gaining weight.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
I get bingoes for being:

computer geek
loving pets more than most humans
not having cable for the longest time, got direct tv, people then shut up
not having internet,..
moving from the city to rural, whatever..
not having my degree yet and pushing 30
not currently working (no ones hiring, duh,
not being social at family gatherings, and "busy" ignoring them on my mobile phone


lab mom
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
I'm smaller chested and I've been bingoed about not liking padded or pushup bras. I was particularly looking for something comfy for the summer with zero padding (not a sports bra) and could not find it in my size. I learned not to complain about that to other women because they don't get why I would want such a thing. I have been told to get a water bra and it felt like wearing sweaty heavy udders over my own breasts.

Bigger's always better, right? smile rolling left righteyes2

If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
Quote from Yurble:

"If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women"

Compare it to penis envy and think about it in that context. "Hers are bigger than mine, she must be a better woman than me. Mine are bigger than that woman over there, I must be the better woman because boob size tells me so."
I'm not saying this is true, I'm only saying this is the attitude I've come across.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
My mother gets bingos for having no cable TV, but she can't afford it. We have no had cable in the house since I was about four. And I'm on dial-up too...it's slow as shit, but dial-up = free proxy server. I get a new IP address each time I connect. It's fun seeing where Google thinks I'm located. smiling smiley

And as far as my boots issue, almost all boots above the ankle are too small for me because I do have wide calves, but take only an 8.5-9 in a women's shoe. Last time I bought boots that could fit my legs, I had to go with a mens' size 13.

And if my Catholic family knew I became an atheist about 10 years ago, they would be bingoing me for that.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
Quote from Yurble:

"If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women"

Compare it to penis envy and think about it in that context. "Hers are bigger than mine, she must be a better woman than me. Mine are bigger than that woman over there, I must be the better woman because boob size tells me so."
I'm not saying this is true, I'm only saying this is the attitude I've come across.

As a guy I really don't care about breast size. I am SURE I would get huge bingoes for that.

Because "You are male, therefore you MUST like big knockers, because aaalllll guys like big knockers!!" Well, no I don't.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
I'm smaller chested and I've been bingoed about not liking padded or pushup bras. I was particularly looking for something comfy for the summer with zero padding (not a sports bra) and could not find it in my size. I learned not to complain about that to other women because they don't get why I would want such a thing. I have been told to get a water bra and it felt like wearing sweaty heavy udders over my own breasts.

Bigger's always better, right? smile rolling left righteyes2

If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women.

I'm very small-boobed, and I have always liked it that way. I only wear a bra when I'm going out in public. In a recent photo of my DH and me, I felt like the camera angle and/or the shirt I was wearing made my boobs look too big! I told him we're not showing that one to anybody until we can figure out how to Photoshop them down. bouncing and laughing

But yes, Bigger Is Better is what our culture says. Bullshit on that, I say.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2011
oh, i forgot the techno-bingos! my cell phone is very simple, i don't text, i don't take photos, i don't have internet or GPS on my phone, etc. and i have no idea how to install anything computer-wise (that is mr. minkoff's department). i don't have a kindle because i prefer the feel of a real book.i don't know what "angry birds" is exactly or how to play it. i have no idea how to photoshop anything.

i hardly go to the movies or watch TV. i have no clue who snookie is or why she's famous, can' t name a justin beiber song and i have no opinion on "american idol."

i also get the "misanthrope" label because i am shy and because i think most people are lemmings.

i don't like hiking & camping. i am all for nature and preserving it but i just prefer to see it rather than be in it and battling mosquitoes and looking out for bears.


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
Snark Shark
myrna minkoff
i don't like hiking & camping.

don't get me started! as another CF person I know (online) says, "Camping is like paying to be homeless!"

I LOATHE camping. I somehow allowed DH to talk me into what would be my last camping trip in the late 90s. Even by his accounts it turned into the trip from HELL. That was it. Never fucking again. The only good thing to come of it is that every now and then it's fun to give him shit about it...especially when he gingerly tries to even broach the possibility of camping. FUCK. NO.

I think part of it is that I didn't grow up with camping, like most people around here seem to have. I'm a very clean person. I hate being dirty and having all your stuff being dirty. And the bugs! Ugh.

thumbs updown

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
Quote from Yurble:

"If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women"

Compare it to penis envy and think about it in that context. "Hers are bigger than mine, she must be a better woman than me. Mine are bigger than that woman over there, I must be the better woman because boob size tells me so."
I'm not saying this is true, I'm only saying this is the attitude I've come across.

This, I concur and solely why I prefer autumn and winter, to summer. Winter clothing does a better job of covering 'em, so I'm not constantly having to 'pull up' my spaghetti strap/tank top or otherwise they'll show, and then if you do (dammit) you'll be deemed a slut, just for having 'em. smile rolling left righteyes2

lab mom
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