Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 30, 2011
"Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I have to be interested in sports."

mr. minkoff doesn't follow sports, either. he occasionally gets bingoes about it, and his comeback is always the same: "the counseler at my anger management classes said i shouldn't watch sports after what happened last time."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 30, 2011
myrna minkoff
"Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I have to be interested in sports."

mr. minkoff doesn't follow sports, either. he occasionally gets bingoes about it, and his comeback is always the same: "the counseler at my anger management classes said i shouldn't watch sports after what happened last time."

waving hellolarious I love it! Imagining someone saying that while making one eye twitch. bouncing and laughing
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 31, 2011
Hope you don't mind me commenting in bold. tongue sticking out smiley
Oh, let me count the bingoes:

- Not having a car ('But....but HOW do you manage?') - I have a bike, strong legs and a fit cardiovascular system! It's also a great way of getting out of many supposed obligations to do with Family First bollocks.
I'll be the first to admit that at 17, I haven't gotten a full license yet. I get a lot of shit for it, too. Honestly, I'd rather walk. Plus, no insurance to pay for or having to worry about gas money!

- Being tattooed and pierced ('But what about when you're OLD?') - I'll have colourful, wrinkly skin instead of just plain wrinkled!
Haha, love this! bouncing and laughing

- Not drinking (at least not going out drinking, I'll have a wee bit at home on occasion, I'd be lying if I tried to call myself teetotal)
I get this too and I'm underage, wtf! saying 'wtf' I have tried a few sips of vodka diluted in juice but it almost killed me (lightweight, I suppose). Staying away from that then.

- Loving comics, manga, anime, horror and action movies and various other things girls aren't supposed to do.
I get weird looks if I talk about this wonderful menagerie of entertainment outside of my good friends.

- Not wearing make-up except on very special occasions
Same here. I slap on some foundation in the morning to cover up the raging hormonal blemishes on my face and I'm off!

- Not having friends especially, and more so for not seeing any need for them
Besides a tight circle of good friends that I don't hang out with unless the mood strikes me, I don't see a need for a clusterfuck of friends. shrug

- Being logical rather than emotional in decision-making
Same. Sometimes my EMOtions will try to pull one over on me but I manage to do well with making decisions with my mind, not my heart/uterus.

I know there's more but that'll do for now.
Nice list. thumbs upwink
I can definitely relate to more than a few.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 01, 2012
Something that came up on another board reminded me of coffee. I don't drink coffee. Yes, I have gotten shit for that.

Really, people: it offends you to the core of your being that I don't drink coffee?

Me too yurble! I simply don't like the taste of coffee and when I do drink it for the caffeine I load it up with sugar, chocolate, and cream, which of course is fattening and I don't need the extra calories. People have been pushing coffee on me my entire life and I have never understood it. Some people treat coffee as if it was some sort of a sensual thing like with many of the commercials. They caress the mug, practically fondle it, and make little "mmmmmm" noises as they drink it I could also do without hearing. The only thing that makes less sense than their love affair with coffee is the ones who drink De-Caf. It's just a beverage, so why all the moaning like it was a liquid orgasm?confused smiley

The coffee drinkers who annoy me the most are church people who are against all other forms of "drugs", yet they'll slurp down a whole fucking pot of coffee like there's no tomorrow. Hot, liquid, caffeine with sugar as a catalyst is nothing more than a fast high and it always delighted me to point that out to them when I worked in the restaurant business. I'd make it known I didn't like coffee in little subtle ways in order to elicit a response about it JUST so I could say, "Oh, I don't put DRUGS of any type in my body". Their expressions were priceless.drinking coffee

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 11, 2012
- Being kind of "tomboyish" by not wearing make-up (I think it makes me look like a clown and I honestly think I look better without), not being a slave to fashion (I tend to stick to things that look flattering on my frame and aren't the latest fad), not owning umpteen million pairs of shoes and not caring about shoes in general, I don't like to shop with the exception of hardware stores and thrifting on occasion, etc.

- Going camping. I'm not kidding. People have given me shit for the fact I like nature and outdoor activities and prefer them over going to the mall and other such boringness.

- Not having cable TV.

- Not having a driver's license at the age of 29 (as another poster said, LONG STORY). People assume I don't know or never learned how to drive. Not so. Just situations and circumstances have prevented it for a long time. I'll get it when I get it!

- When I had them (I cut them off after about a year because of boredom and deciding I wanted short hair), dreadlocks. It was just hair - why did people even care?

- Being shy and quiet (although not a life choice, just an ingrained part of my personality)

- working in restaurants and other service-oriented jobs, not rushing back to college to "find myself" because I don't want to be in debt up to my eyeballs. I'm also not an overachiever and prefer to focus on my personal life now, which is why service jobs work for me because of their flexibility. If I want to go back, I will when I can and want to. I was pushed into college right out of high school, and a fat lot of good that did me because I changed my major umpteen million times and then dropped out. I'm not stupid, but I didn't know what I wanted then and it would've been better to skip it altogether and just go when I felt a calling of some sort. Now I'm approaching 30 with no degree, which doesn't actually bother ME, but for some reason it bothers others. If I feel the itch to go back and actually have a purpose and a goal, I WILL. But not because I feel like I have to. Having a degree does not guarantee a good job, and it certainly won't make me a different person. I don't want to be a career student. I only want to begin studying again when and if I obtain a clear focus and goal I will stick to. It makes absolutely no sense for me to spend time, money, and mental energy on something that is for ANYONE but myself. I think my parents are finally becoming ok with it. Even if they weren't, I still have to do it on my terms because that's how I'm wired.

- preferring quiet activities like reading, going on walks, playing games, etc. over partying and drinking myself into a coma.

- I don't drink to get drunk and I no longer indulge in drugs of any kind. I figure I had my experiences with substances when I was younger, I had my fun, that's a phase of my past, and I'm over it. I luckily never got in any legal trouble when I was indulging, but I simply have no desire to indulge anymore. It's funny how many "friends" I've had disappear because of this.

- Being fat and wanting to lose some weight. Really. I'm not joking. I tend to have weight that fluctuates a lot based on what I'm going through at any given time in my life, and how much I feel like maintaining what for me, is a normal weight. When I'm on the weight I consider my "maximum" I usually want to lose weight. I get ignorant comments from those at work or other places when I refuse some junk food because I don't need to eat it. Sometimes the reason I refuse junk food has nothing to do with watching my weight and everything to do with the fact that I'm not fond of it, I'm not hungry, and I'm not going to eat something just because it's there. If it were the most delicious thing in the world, or something special and homemade, I might eat it. If it's some bland, supermarket donuts, it's not worth the extra calories I'll have to work off later. I have also gotten comments like, "You look fiiiiiiiine, you don't need to lose weight!" When my BMI is pushing obesity, yes I DO need to lose weight, but not so I can look better. For me, it's for practical reasons like fitting into clothes that fit me a year ago that are now too tight, and being healthy and comfortable. I have scoliosis, not a severe case mind you, but having a lot of extra weight doesn't help. Being over a certain weight is physically uncomfortable for me. Why do dumb asshats assume it's because I hate the way I look? Why do people even care about this stuff? Usually when I'm trying to watch my weight anymore, I won't mention it anyway, but someone always assumes if a fat girl refuses donuts it's because she's trying to lose weight. Maybe it's just because I'm not hungry? "But fat people are always hungry!" I assume that's what these losers are thinking. Why must they comment and push the issue? Of course if a skinny person refuses a treat, it must be because they're anorexic, right? So everyone gets it bad in both directions (having a close friend who's naturally tall and thin her whole life, I've seen that skinny people get shitty comments on their body too).

- Being in a relationship which initially began on the internet. For some reason, meeting someone online is seen as this big no-no. The internet is not new anymore! If I said I'd met him in a club, would people raise their eyebrows at that? Probably not at all. Either way, I'm an adult and who I'm in a relationship with is my choice. Me and him were not looking for a relationship at the time we developed feelings for each other, it just HAPPENED. And it's the most healthy and amazing relationship. We of course spent a great deal of time in person too. He's moving here to be with me, and I'd willingly move there to be with him too. The cultural differences are not so dramatic that it causes any issues between us. It seems some people assumed I was being a retarded moron when he and I became a committed couple.

Travelling to Russia to visit him was also bingoed. So I should never meet him in person? It's extremely difficult (not impossible, but difficult) to bring a Russian here on just a tourist visa. It takes less than a month for an American to get a visa to Russia. On top of all that, he'd have to travel thousands of miles from home for the interview at the US embassy JUST to MAYBE be approved for a tourist visa. He'd have to book all travel through a travel agent to boot, which is fucking expensive, and that would NOT guarantee him a visa. It was guaranteed that I'd get to go there with no problems because Russia isn't paranoid about someone from a Western country migrating illegally, and the US is uber-paranoid about any non-allied country being a source of potentially illegal immigrants. Rather than risk him blowing thousands of dollars only to be told "no", we decided for me to visit Russia for us to spend time together in person. He and his dad flew me out there both times. But I still got shit about it from ignorant assholes. I had an amazing time with him in his home city and I'm so glad I got to be there with him! He's willing to come here almost sight-unseen to live, on a K-1 fiance visa. I get asked now all the time if we can handle that. I've done my best to take assloads of pictures of my city, along with video, and we've "walked streets" on Google Earth. I've been realistic about what my city is like, explaining him the differences between his and my cities. We've had a lot of Skype chats with my family together, so he and them have gotten to know each other the best way we can. My immediate family is surprisingly supportive, it's actually been acquaintances and extended family who've made the ignorant comments.

- My willingness to relocate to Russia if need-be. For various reasons after a lot of careful thought, we chose the US as our first choice, but not because of any delusions of this being "the greatest country on Earth" like so many water-headed morons seem to think it is. And if for some reason a return to Russia were needed, I will be going with him. I've heard some, "we were sooooo worried you'd run off to Russia! We're so relieved you guys decided to come here!" after our decision to try and bring him here was announced. Run off? Like I'm a fucking teenager? I'm an adult. It would be called "moving" or "relocating" had Russia been our first choice. If he's willing to "run off" to America to be with me, shouldn't I be willing to do the same for him? Call me crazy, but a healthy relationship requires equal give and take. Furthermore, he's the ONE AND ONLY person I'd be willing to do such a drastic relocation for, and the same goes for me.

I have gotten the occasional "green card marriage" comment as well from a few douchebags. He had no designs on going to America before we met, and had no need to "escape" Russia. If he were only after a green card, he'd have run off a long time ago because I tend not to trust easily and only give trust to those who've earned it. In a million ways, he's earned my trust through actions, and has also gone above and beyond to show me his love through actions. Again, the delusion that America is the greatest country EVAR fuels these people's fears. Russia isn't the greatest and certainly has its issues, but there are some really awesome things like free health care, cheap but quality dental care (he and his dad gifted me 5 fillings during my latest visit, and it was a zillion times cheaper there than in America, but just as good!), AMAZING food, easy to get around on public transportation, etc. Again, not a perfect country (a lot of corruption in law enforcement and government, for example), but not the worst either, and he was certainly doing fine in Russia and had nothing to "escape." Coming here is a choice to be with me because he loves me, not because he thinks America is paved with gold and is the land of opportunity.

There are a lot of other life-choice bingoes I get that I can't even remember. I think anyone who thinks outside of the box gets them. Honestly, while they kind of piss me off, they also just reinforce to me that I'm living the life I want, and should carry on just the way I see fit!
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 16, 2012
I'm guilty of bingo-ing myself, at times. At nearly 30, there are times when I feel that I took too long to finish school, that I should have a career, and that I should have my own house by now. Then I see the photos of the experiences and adventures I've had along the way; I shut myself up and remind myself that I've just been too busy enjoying my youth to worry about those mundane, everyday things.

I don't get bingoed by others, really. Friends and family know better. If they've had any thoughts, they keep them to themselves. Still, I know that some of my potential bingo areas have been an impediment to some things, like having female friends. I really have nothing in common with most women and I don't even know how to speak to them unless they share some of my interests, which is rare.

Coffee has been mentioned and that applies to me too. I have never had a sip of the stuff (the smell itself turns me off). I believe in sleep and I don't follow trends or invite anything into my life that turns me into a slave. I suppose I'VE bingoed people about that in the past... I told my in-laws, once, that anyone who HAS to have a coffee every morning to function that day has something wrong with them. It wasn't well-received... heehee.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 23, 2012
I don't associate with many people. I see that I am not missing much. People are stupid. I am doing the right thing by staying to myself.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 23, 2012
New bingo: "You should give your position to a younger person who needs the money."

No shit that I got that. One of my former cow-irkers is trying to get back in the game and she made this remark at lunch. She very nearly had to dig a Manolo Blahnik out of her ass.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 26, 2012
@cfbitchfromla. Wow, since, you know, someone who is beyond their twenties or thirties (don't know what would be considered "younger" since I don't know how old you are tongue sticking out smiley) doesn't need money or anything. Boy, I'd sure like to live in that woman's world where I don't need money once I hit 30 or 40. smile rolling left righteyes2

Basically, I find that unless I feel I can trust someone not to give me a hard time about things I do with my life, I don't say a whole lot about the choices I make. Most of the time, I just do not feel like arguing with someone to defend my choices that in no way affect the person who is questioning me.

Another fun one I get that isn't really too bad is why I buy stuff from the thrift store that I intend to essentially a shirt I want to chop up and turn into a doll, or how I bought a cute teddy bear for $2 to skin and gut because I needed the furry fabric for another doll's outfit. It's because I may see artistic potential in a shirt with a cool pattern and, rather than agonize over finding a similar pattern by the yard and paying a ton of money, I'll just buy the goddamn shirt for a couple bucks. An extra-large long-sleeved shirt usually provides enough fabric for a small doll with some left over for a margin of error.
satansbitch nli
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 27, 2012
Hubby and I have recently given up our cell phones. We pay $20 a month for our home phone and keep 100 prepaid minutes on each of our cell phones only for emergencies. Also, my facebook page is only for research. As soon as it is no longer useful to me I'm shutting it down. I'm not being criticized for it, but it's now damn hard to call people. Especially the ones who text instead of calling. Have we all forgotten how to answer a damn phone???
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 28, 2012
satansbitch nli
Hubby and I have recently given up our cell phones. We pay $20 a month for our home phone and keep 100 prepaid minutes on each of our cell phones only for emergencies. Also, my facebook page is only for research. As soon as it is no longer useful to me I'm shutting it down. I'm not being criticized for it, but it's now damn hard to call people. Especially the ones who text instead of calling. Have we all forgotten how to answer a damn phone???

That's a good one - but I'll raise ya.

I don't have a cellphone at all, and refuse to get one. I am always amazed by the squalling and odd looks that brings on, heh.

At home, I often unplug the phone, too, which prompts a lot of accusatory-sounding BS: "WHY would you do that?!?" Um, because I don't want to hear the phone ring because I'm busy (or not), and I really don't care about what you have to say? Even my mom has given up and just emails me ;D

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 29, 2012
I got absolutely thrashed because I don't like memory foam mattresses. I was TOLD they were superior and there is something wrong with me if I don't like them. And I will get terrible back problems and never sleep properly if I don't get one. I slept on one for a week at a friend's house. It was top of the line but I don't like sleeping on dense foam.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 30, 2012
I am getting so fucking sick of this lifestyle chioce bingo...the one where it doesn't count as a "real" job if you're not getting up at 5AM and getting dressed up to sit an an office all day.

I usually hear this after some asswipe tries to call my phone at 10AM and I'm still sleeping and it's turned off. Then I get the "Whyyyy are you still's late, blah blah blah...shouldn't you get a real job?" The last time someone said that, I snapped and said, "What do you think, I get paid in fucking Monopoly money?"

I used to get more respect from people when I used to work as a substitute teacher. Because I had to get up early, work Mon-Fri, and get dressed up. Never mind the fact that I was a fucking punching bag all day and made less than my restaurant job. But that's ok because it's a "real" job. smile rolling left righteyes2

Forgive my ranting, but it's getting worse as I approach 30 years old. I have a master's degree and I can't find anything that pays more than the restaurant right now. Some people have no clue!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 30, 2012
I am getting so fucking sick of this lifestyle chioce bingo...the one where it doesn't count as a "real" job if you're not getting up at 5AM and getting dressed up to sit an an office all day.

I usually hear this after some asswipe tries to call my phone at 10AM and I'm still sleeping and it's turned off. Then I get the "Whyyyy are you still's late, blah blah blah...shouldn't you get a real job?" The last time someone said that, I snapped and said, "What do you think, I get paid in fucking Monopoly money?"

I used to get more respect from people when I used to work as a substitute teacher. Because I had to get up early, work Mon-Fri, and get dressed up. Never mind the fact that I was a fucking punching bag all day and made less than my restaurant job. But that's ok because it's a "real" job. smile rolling left righteyes2

Forgive my ranting, but it's getting worse as I approach 30 years old. I have a master's degree and I can't find anything that pays more than the restaurant right now. Some people have no clue!

I hate the "real job" bingo too, because I'm also working at a restaurant and I get it from time to time as well. I think it's so disrespectful of people to put down anyone's job, not to mention arrogant! :headbrick Not everyone can get a 9 to 5, and not everyone even wants to, for that matter. What is exactly makes a "real job" real? Is a non 9 to 5 job fake? I don't get it! Anyone who intones that I'm working a "fake" job gets promptly booted from my life. hitting over the head with a hammer That's just my policy, as I've decided I don't have time for crappy people in my life. smiling smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 31, 2012
I am getting so fucking sick of this lifestyle chioce bingo...the one where it doesn't count as a "real" job if you're not getting up at 5AM and getting dressed up to sit an an office all day.

I usually hear this after some asswipe tries to call my phone at 10AM and I'm still sleeping and it's turned off. Then I get the "Whyyyy are you still's late, blah blah blah...shouldn't you get a real job?" The last time someone said that, I snapped and said, "What do you think, I get paid in fucking Monopoly money?"

I used to get more respect from people when I used to work as a substitute teacher. Because I had to get up early, work Mon-Fri, and get dressed up. Never mind the fact that I was a fucking punching bag all day and made less than my restaurant job. But that's ok because it's a "real" job. smile rolling left righteyes2

Forgive my ranting, but it's getting worse as I approach 30 years old. I have a master's degree and I can't find anything that pays more than the restaurant right now. Some people have no clue!

I hate the "real job" bingo too, because I'm also working at a restaurant and I get it from time to time as well. I think it's so disrespectful of people to put down anyone's job, not to mention arrogant! :headbrick Not everyone can get a 9 to 5, and not everyone even wants to, for that matter. What is exactly makes a "real job" real? Is a non 9 to 5 job fake? I don't get it! Anyone who intones that I'm working a "fake" job gets promptly booted from my life. hitting over the head with a hammer That's just my policy, as I've decided I don't have time for crappy people in my life. smiling smiley

Would you believe I've gotten job bingoes too and I work in an office. I work in state government, and many believe these jobs are quite easy, we can't be fired, etc., so it's not really work to them. It is true we get holidays the private sector doesn't get, and we have a good paid sick and annual leave policies, but we do work. We have those who do as little as possible to get by, but the private company my wife works for has the same thing.

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
January 31, 2012
I am getting so fucking sick of this lifestyle chioce bingo...the one where it doesn't count as a "real" job if you're not getting up at 5AM and getting dressed up to sit an an office all day.

Two words - "Office Space".
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 03, 2012
-not going to bars while in college. College bars SUCK. I hate them. Everything is overpriced, it's loud, smelly, and you can't enjoy your drink without some dumbfuck trying to hit on you because he's wasted.

My roommates like to go out to the bars and pay $8+ for some shitty, piss-diluted martini. I mix my own drinks at home. I can make them as strong as I'd like and it's so much cheaper.

-not wearing "girly" clothing or make-up.

-not having a credit card. Really? I have no CC debt and I pay off everything with cash or debt. A lot of people my age have a couple thousand $$ in debt. Screw that.

-not watching shitty TV shows that everyone else watches

-smoking. I am actually NOT a regular smoker. I smoke occasionally on the weekend with my alcohol. I sometimes smoke hookah once in a while. I've been doing this for over a year. I'm sick of these little liberal hipsters on my campus who bitch at everyone who smokes outside about how "YOU'RE POISONING MY AIR". They need to fuck off.

-don't pay for cable (internet only for me, thanks)

-not liking pop music

-planning to move in with my boyfriend this summer (OH NOES! Living in SIIIIN!)

-when I get married someday, I want a prenup. Fucking deal.

I actually feel bad for people who have to dress up for work everyday. I am preparing to work in healthcare and you know what I will be wearing for work? SCRUBS. I hate the idea of dressing up for work each day. I honestly love the idea of working in scrubs and comfortable shoes all day. No fuss, simple, easy to clean, etc.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 03, 2012
Something I have never told anyone: I am still a virgin at nearly 25.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 04, 2012
Something I have never told anyone: I am still a virgin at nearly 25.

You and tons of other people. It's not a big deal nor is it anyone's business. People have a tendency to lie about this to conform and there are plenty of people in their late teens and twenties who haven't had sex. No big deal at all.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 04, 2012
Something I have never told anyone: I am still a virgin at nearly 25.

Me too. I used to think that I was the only person in the world like this (I know I wasn't but it felt that way).
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 08, 2012
satansbitch nli
Hubby and I have recently given up our cell phones. We pay $20 a month for our home phone and keep 100 prepaid minutes on each of our cell phones only for emergencies. Also, my facebook page is only for research. As soon as it is no longer useful to me I'm shutting it down. I'm not being criticized for it, but it's now damn hard to call people. Especially the ones who text instead of calling. Have we all forgotten how to answer a damn phone???

I have a friend who never answers her phone when I call but if I text her she'll get back to me with a novel in less than 2 minutes.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 08, 2012
Ok, here goes...
-Working the graveyard shift
-I don't have a smart phone and I don't want one. I'm not too keen on my plain old cell phone either because it feels like a leash at times and some of my friends get so butthurt when I don't immediately respond to a text or answer their calls.
-Still using the following older technology: VCR, tube television, cassette player, turn table, Super Nintendo.
-Being tattooed.
-My sense of fashion. I stopped caring about what was "in style" back in 1996 and love styles from the '40's, '50's and early '60's. I regularly rock said styles and have been told on more than one occasion that I look like I'm in a costume.
-My fascination with all that is dark, morbid, creepy or odd.
-I love to read.
-My taste in music.
-I don't give a flying fuck about American Idol or any of the television shows that are popular these days.
-Spending money on my kittehs.
-I don't give a damn about Xmess but go all out for Halloween
-I love pro wrestling, yeah, yeah, I know it's white trash but I still love it. I'm rather picky about what I like and don't like in regards to wrestling and prefer the indy promotions, better quality wrestling with minimal bullshit.
I'm sure there's more but it's late, I'm tired and that's all I've got for now.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 09, 2012

I am proud to say that I hit my late 40s. I have not had any cosmetic surgery, nor do I plan on having any--and that is rare for a woman my age in Los Angeles!

The particular cow-irker who made that cunty remark is, of course, a moo. She is not on my team, and she resents the fact that I have turned her ass down three times when she tried to transfer. I will not have that cunt ruin my team's performance record, and sure as hell I will not allow her to undermine my management.
CMFree Misanthrope
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
February 14, 2012
I love this topic and I love this place. Here are some of my other bingoes.

I get bingoned for not wanting to get married or be in a relationship. I'm perfectly happy with my life the way it is. I have friends, I'm not lonely, and I do fine. I don't see why my not having someone else is such a problem. I like to think of it as misery loves company.

I don't have cable TV nor do I watch any of the popular shows. My TV is seldom even on these days. I have no idea what the Karsashians have contributed to our world that makes them so famous. I don't know who the latest Bachelor is nor I do know anything about the contestants on the Biggest Loser. A coworker said I should audition for the Bachelor but then another, who is a little more tolerant of my ways, said I'd probably do like a previous Bachelor did and pick nobody which would make me the most hated man in America. She was probably right.

I don't have a smartphone either. In fact, I recently switched to prepaid to save money. I had a plan with the fewest minutes available and always had loads of minutes left at the end of the month so I decided to get a cheaper prepaid and not spend for what I didn't use. The same people who bingo me about this are the same ones who complain about their cellphone bills being so high because they have multiple smartphones for themselves and the kids on their plan.

I live in a small, 2br 1 1/2 bath condo and that is plenty for me. I don't have to worry about yardwork, exterior maintenance, etc., and there aren't any people with kids living there. It's also close to work so I don't have to fight rush hour traffic for over an hour each way. Some think I should move way out like they have because it's so nice out in the country, yet they complain when there is an accident on the interstate and it delays getting home or getting to work. I prefer city life and being close to things. Good cellphone and TV reception means I don't need a landline or cable/sattelite/etc. Some say I should get a house further out where it's quiet, nicer, etc., but I'm happy where I am.

If I think of any more, I'll post them.

CMFree Misanthrope
The idea that because I test well and retain knowledge well I should be in an extremely intellectual career, whether I want to be or not.

I get a lot of flack for dropping out of college because of this.

I have also had people bingo me about my hair color choices as well. I never understood why they even care. It's just hair. If you don't like it.. don't look at it.

I also almost got married young. I was engaged. I had gotten a lot of flack for that too. I ended up ending that relationship, so maybe they had a point lol.

On the rare occassion, I have also been criticized for books I like to read or television shows I like to watch.

In the past, overweight coworkers would make fun of my healthy lunch or the fact I go to the gym. "Why do you need to do that? You're already thin. That is not real food. blah blah" Well duh. I am trying to maintain it. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?

I've gotten bingoed for traveling alone. I don't think anyone would say anything if I were a man.

I have been questioned for not having sex in highschool and also periods of time in single adulthood. Funny enough, it was mostly men. They would call me a prude because I wasn't interested. Yeah I am a prude because I don't find you attractive or your personality rubs me the wrong way. Lol.

The bingos about sexuality always went hand and hand with me not being much of a party girl/drinker. I was considered lame or told I need to "learn to have fun/live alittle". My idea of fun doesn't include being hungover the next day. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a drink here and there. I also don't have a problem with people who do drink more than me. They just seem to have a problem with me.

I think the ones that offended/bothered me the most were the ones about college, my sexuality/social life, and now the CFness. Although, as I get older I no longer get too many questions about school. Everyone once in a while I still get, "Why are you here (insert part-time job)? You seem so intelligent. You could do better."

I get so sick of people telling me how I should be doing something differently. It is always from people who have so much drama and complaints about their lives too. Like really? Should I really take your opinon seriously? I think they just want the rest of us to be miserable like them. There can't be any other reason for it. It just doesn't make sense.
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