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Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley

Posted by peace-n-quiet 
Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
June 30, 2012
Hello all,

I have a medical issue going on. In this breeder crazy culture, I am not sure that most doctors are willing to really do what needs to be done for me. In 2006-2007, I began having a bad pain in my stomach. I was diagnosed with everything from gas to impacted stools by a bunch of moronic doctors. Finally, after ultrasounds, I was diagnosed with ovarian dermoid cysts on both ovaries. I have never had bad or heavy periods or any other "women's problems" so this diagnosis caught me off guard. Anyway, I was told that the pill does not help dermoid cysts so the only treatment was surgery. I did not want to be sliced open so I put it off and tried natural remedies such as castor oil packs. Of course, they didn't do shit and I ended up having a bilaterial laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal in early 2010.

After surgery, I asked the doctor about birth control pills to control cyst regrowth (even though they said they didn't help dermoid cysts, I didn't want to just not do *anything*). The doctors says it was better for me to just let the ovaries heal and do what they do naturally for awhile. So, no Pill.

In late 2010 I had moved and was seeing another primary care doctor. I told her about the cysts and she scheduled me for a transvaginal ultrasound just "in case". To my surprise, the bastards were back! They were not as large though and weren't hurting at all. If it weren't for the ultrasound, I would not have known that they were trying to come back. So, my PCP referred me to a new GYN.

The new GYN is a male/female doctor duo with a lot of physician assistants. I get a CA 125 test and it comes back negative (this is to test for tumor markers and make sure the stupid cyst really is just a cyst and not something malignant). The male GYN who I see that day recommends surgery after another ultrasound. The surgery was not bad and I don't mind getting cut again. But, if it is just going to come back again, what's the point? I agree to surgery and it is scheduled in early 2011.

About 3 weeks before the surgery, the female GYN from the same practice says she does not want to have me undergo another surgery. She says that if the cysts are not hurting, she doesn't want to put me through another surgery. She also says that everytime you go in there, you are messing with your fertility. smile rolling left righteyes2 I don't give a shit about the fertility but I am relieved to not be cut again. She said also that ovaries produce other hormones to keep you healthy and it is just not about reproduction. She has more experience than the young male GYN so I defer to her and the surgery is cancelled. Yet, when I ask about options to shrink the cysts or make them not come back this time, they offer me no help. They say birth control pills don't help dermoids. If they can make 67 year old women shit out children, why can't they help me with my cysts? I'm sure there's got to be something out there....
But anyway, the GYN recommends periodic transvaginal ultrasounds to monitor things. I comply.

Ultrasound results: One month, the right side is larger. Six weeks later, the right side has shrunk, but the left side has gotten larger. They seem to flip flop which is weird.

A few weeks ago, I began actually hurting and having pain from these cysts. I don't know what to do. These GYNs don't seem to be offering me anything to make the cysts go away and stay away for good. They seem to be as stumped as I am. I am thinking of going back on the pill because I've got to do something and not let the cysts get to the point they were in in 2010. In 2010, I was vomitting and hurting so bad that I thought I was dying. I am no where *near* that now.

Here's another thing that ties into my childfreedom and it is relevant to this discussion. When I was a teen in the 2000s, I began taking the Pill. Even though I was not sexually active, I knew I didn't want to breed. Up in that time period, they were running all of these articles in magazines and in the papers encouraging women to breed early and breed often to lower their risk of ovarian and other cancers that plague women who breed late or not at all. I knew I didn't want brats so I did my research and decided the Pill may be a good job to shut the ovaries down for awhile and give me some protection against these problems. Actually, I thought Lupron might have been a good idea but of course the doctors were not going to do that on some teenage girl. As I said before, I had never had any problems with pain or heavy periods at all. Even though I was an intelligent kid to do this health research to try to protect myself, I fucked up in some ways because I didn't know any better. I'd do things like skip the placebos and just continuously take the pills sometimes to "mimic" pregnancy and offer me better protection against these cancers. I'd do this some times even when I switched pill brands because I didn't understand about the different types of progesterone and different strengths. To me, the Pill was the Pill. I think that what I did kind of messed up my hormones and overly stimulated my ovaries.

Here are my questions to you all:
1. Has anyone else out there had ovarian dermoid cysts? What did you do? Did the Pill help?
2. What would you do in my case?
3. Is the Pill in anyway dangerous? Did going on the Pill as a teen mess me up and cause these current problems?
4. Are there any other therapies out there to help with these cysts? Or are they not telling me because I am a young woman who they think might want to sluice loaves later?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
June 30, 2012
I don't know about dermoid cysts and I am on my phone right now but I wanted to offer two things:

1. It's a little known and I suspect squelched fact that tubal ligation cuts your risk ovarian cancer.

2. I had severe endo and suffered for years. Pain, bleeding to the point of anemia vomiting miserable life. And PCOS. And family history for endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer. If my fucking reproductive organs had been my gall bladder they would have been gone by the time I was 25. But instead I had to suffer & wait until my endo was all over my abdomen, bladder and rectum. I had three surgeons to wrestle that useless organ out, a vertical incision and 26 staples, nevertheless I was walking the next day and out of the hospital in less than 48 hours and back at work, traveling in 6 weeks.

Ovary removal cures PCOS, endometriosis, and if the ovaries are properly ressected, the risk of ovarian cancer is removed. Yes it is "extreme surgery," as I was told by many doctors over the years, but guess what? My medical conditions warranted it. If people want to have babies, fine, but I resent the fuck out of Breeders corruption of medicine. If removing your ovaries will improve your quality of life that should be offered to you. In my case I took Lupron depot for six months and I felt fabulous so I knew ovary removal would be okay by me. If your condition is helped by ovary suppression or menopause you may want to explore that .

It is also important that you get a doctor who is knowledgeable about after care. I found one. People with endo are encouraged not to supplement for six months. I waited a couple of years and I have chosen to take bio identical progesterone and estrogen mostly for bones, sleep and libido. I am co sidering taking some testosterone too. They aren't cheap hut my insurance does cover a lot of it and doctors are getting better with it. For me it was well worth not bleeding like a murder victim every month and being in pain all the time and wondering if
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
June 30, 2012
If l had ovarian cancer.

Sorry about the typos above. Phone, can't correct.

Anyway I would suggest finding another doctor, maybe a gyn instead of an ob, who is lookin at you as a future L&D charge.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
June 30, 2012
^Thanks so much for you advice bellflower. I'll look into the tubal ligations and the Lupron as well.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
July 01, 2012
PnQ, I don't know anything about the specific kind of cysts you have, but have had gyn problems of my own (with fibroids and horrific bleeding,) so my comment is more about doctors.

Agree with Bell that you need to look around to find a doc who understands your specific concerns about how to move forward with your situation given that you are CF. Probably finding a gyn is best, but I did have wonderful luck with an ob/gyn who specialized in perimenopausal women.

Be sure to mention in any appointments that your condition is affecting your quality of life--especially if you are unable to enjoy a specific pursuit because of pain/discomfort. Some insurance companies need to see a recurring patient history of a condition before surgical options will get approval.

And don't be shy about switching doctors if you feel your concerns are not being taken seriously.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
July 01, 2012
Start documenting your pain levels every day. Keep a pain calendar, days of work missed, medicines taken, etc. Then you can present this to your doctor in black & white & he/she can't ignore you.

Some people have had luck with gyms only so I mentioned it. My current doctor is an ob-gym. My first appt with her was the week she came back from having her third child. She agreed at the first appt that I needed a hysterectomy right away. I was also 45 but I always feel as if I am getting her full attention even through I no longer have a womb. She genuinely cares about m health and that is rare.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
July 01, 2012
In your situation, I think I would look into having my ovaries removed. Of course there are potential negative side effects to this, but you've already tried a less drastic approach and it didn't work. I can't see any reason why you'd want to repeat that operation, knowing that you'll probably get to do it again, and again, and again... Maybe your doctor can talk to you about the pros and cons of removing your ovaries, hopefully considering only what it means for your health, as opposed to the impact on fertility.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
July 02, 2012
If you remove the ovaries and leave the uterus & supplement, you could end up with menstrual periods. That's one or the reasons I took mine out. I kept my cervix for sexual reasons and pelvic floor health.
Anonymous User
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
November 10, 2013
I had dermoid cysts at 17 years old. They said they wouldn't come back. They came back 2 years later, had surgeries on both. That was 1990 and 1991. Then in 2004 again and I had the laproscopy surgery. Now they are back again, found out almost 2 years ago. Ignored it this time and now I my periods are getting closer together and my skin is acting weird and been bleeding in between periods. I have to deal with it agian, but am so frustrated and am too looking for answers. What is the point in continuously having surgeries?

I'm researching, hope to find out more.
Anonymous User
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
November 10, 2013
I had dermoid cysts at 17 years old. They said they wouldn't come back. They came back 2 years later, had surgeries on both. That was 1990 and 1991. Then in 2004 again and I had the laproscopy surgery. Now they are back again, found out almost 2 years ago. Ignored it this time and now I my periods are getting closer together and my skin is acting weird and been bleeding in between periods. I have to deal with it agian, but am so frustrated and am too looking for answers. What is the point in continuously having surgeries?

I'm researching, hope to find out more.

Are you childfree?
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
November 10, 2013
I had dermoid cysts at 17 years old. They said they wouldn't come back. They came back 2 years later, had surgeries on both. That was 1990 and 1991. Then in 2004 again and I had the laproscopy surgery. Now they are back again, found out almost 2 years ago. Ignored it this time and now I my periods are getting closer together and my skin is acting weird and been bleeding in between periods. I have to deal with it agian, but am so frustrated and am too looking for answers. What is the point in continuously having surgeries?

I'm researching, hope to find out more.

saying 'wtf' You registered just to post that? Mate, this isn't WebMd.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
November 11, 2013
My cysts have not been bothering me recently. My doctor put me on the Sprintec brand of birth control pills. I was told that bc pills don't do much for dermoid cysts but perhaps things are different in there now because of the surgery I had in 2010 (the bilateral cyst removal). We shall see.

I was going to get a tubal until I heard that women with tubals can still have ovarian cysts. I thought about a hysterectomy but I found that menopause from a hysterectomy is harsher than a natural menopause. That is why I opted for the Pill.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 18, 2014
I want kids one day, and I am not sure how many more times I can deal with these dermoids.

This is not a forum for people who "want kids one day".
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 18, 2014
Does nobody even read the URL of a site they land on and go to the trouble of SIGNING up on??

I've had ovarian cysts, but not the dermoid type, the OP has my truly CF sympathy. I know that pain.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 18, 2014
Does nobody even read the URL of a site they land on and go to the trouble of SIGNING up on??

I've had ovarian cysts, but not the dermoid type, the OP has my truly CF sympathy. I know that pain.

I swear these mooos and wanna-mooos lack reading comprehension skills. What part of BRATFREE does this person not understand?
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 18, 2014
Spring Break is coming.

Pretty soon we'll be invaded by moos who are stuck home with their little darlings Googling "I don't want children" or "I wish I didn't have kids" and landing here.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 18, 2014
Spring Break is coming.

Pretty soon we'll be invaded by moos who are stuck home with their little darlings Googling "I don't want children" or "I wish I didn't have kids" and landing here.

Depends on location...my old college had it last week, and I'm on it this week. I can't speak for the public schools around here, though. sad smiley But...I don't doubt we'll get a stampede sooner or later. :eyebrows


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
March 24, 2014
Spring Break is coming.

Pretty soon we'll be invaded by moos who are stuck home with their little darlings Googling "I don't want children" or "I wish I didn't have kids" and landing here.

Eh, maybe it will make up for the sad silence on the WIC/Welfare Whore At Kroger thread.
Re: Ovarian Cyst Merry-Go-Round Nightmareconfused smiley
April 03, 2014
Spring Break is coming.

Pretty soon we'll be invaded by moos who are stuck home with their little darlings Googling "I don't want children" or "I wish I didn't have kids" and landing here.

Tangent: *shudder* Stay away from the beach or popular tourist spots. I made the mistake of going to Washington DC in April, several years ago. Stupid me that I didn't check the school calendars. Those cows think that taking their brats to places like Mount Vernon means they can be turned loose without fear of them coming to harm, being at an enclosed tourist venue. What happens is the hellions end up terrorizing other tourists.
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