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Ten Things About You

Posted by peace-n-quiet 
Ten Things About You
February 04, 2014
I saw this on Youtube...youtubers are being tagged to say 50 things about themselves that their viewers might not know. I don't feel like doing 50 things. I will just do 10. Here are ten things about me. Let's get to posting and find out even more about each other. smiling smiley

1. I don't like much meat. I prefer starches like pasta, pizza and rice dishes.

2. I am left handed.

3. I used to own rats and one hamster.

4. I don't have a Smartphone. I have a regular cellphone with texting and photo capabilities.

5. I don't like Jell-O. The texture is gross.

6. I don't like bananas for the same reason.

7. I prefer the temperament of dogs but cats are easier to care for (IMHO).

8. I started taking music lessons as an adult. It's never too late.

9. I am thinking about getting braces. I had them as a teenager but I feel that the ortho took them off too soon. He snatched them off in 9 months and even when he took them off, they were not "perfect". If I was doing this today, I would have made him keep them on for longer but I did not have the courage then that I have now.

10. I speak some Spanish and a little German. I want to get more fluent in both tongues.

BONUS: Depeche Mode is my favorite band of all time. smiling smiley

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
Here's my list:

1. My favorite movies right now are Galaxy Quest and The Great Gatsby (the one that came out this year).

2. I don't drink soda of any kind--I just don't like carbonated drinks for some reason.

3. I can't stand green beans, I just hate the flavor.

4. I have extremely sensitive hearing-- a kid screaming feels like a hot poker is being jammed through my ear and into my brain.

5. I'm very punctual--I have to arrive wherever I'm going on time or I get nervous.

6. I tend to over-apologize if I feel I did something wrong.

7. I collect stuffed animals, books and jewelry.

8. I've written a few fiction stories but haven't published them as they're not ready for that yet.

9. My favorite candy is Reese's peanut butter cups and Lindt strawberry cheesecake chocolates.

10. I'm addicted to Youtube.

BONUS: I want a corgi or a pug when I can live in a place that allows dogs.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
I'm not sure these things aren't already known about me but I'll try.

1.) I'm a Wiccan

2.) I've recently reconnected with my father's family.

3.) I love pugs and I'd really like to have one someday. I went to a pug meet up some time ago in order for my husband to learn about the breed. It was a blast to sit on the floor and be pugged.

4.) I love whiskey in most forms.

5.) I love teddy bears, especially antique ones.

6.) I love Batman

7.) I love classic Star Trek and Star Wars.

8.) One of my favorite places to eat is Olive Garden. I know it isn't exactly fine dining but I've always enjoyed the place.

9.) I enjoy making my husband look at me like I'm insane. Ordering a Happy Meal accomplishes this very well.

10.) I love kittens and everything about them. I'll happily clean their litter boxes if it means I get to play with and love on them.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
My turn! grinning smiley

1. I speak some Spanish, some German, a little Japanese, and very little Italian and Russian grinning smiley

2. I'm a big nerd (anime, manga, comic books and regular books) smile rolling left rightsmile

3. I'm a sucker for foreign and independent movies eating popcorn

4. I love foreign treats (Japanese Kit-Kats, for example) :dindin

5. I have 38 tattoos grinning smiley

6. I like having my hair in a mohawk once in a while band playing music

7. Munchkin cats are fucking awesome (no, it's not just because I have one)! hysterical laughterz

8. Men with German accents...rawr! winking smiley dirty thoughts

9. Alcohol: Yes, please! :chug

10. Mayonnaise and mustard...please keep that shit at least 500 feet away from me! two faces puking two faces puking

BONUS: Depeche Mode and Rammstein are among my top favorite bands! devil with smile


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
Okay, I'll give this a shot.

1. I'm vegetarian. I am not out to convert everyone to my eating habits & hate pushy, militant vegetarians.

2. I didn't get a cell phone until 2011, and still am not interested in having a smart phone. My phone texts and calls, and that's fine with me.

3. I love good comic strips. Krazy Kat is my all-time fave.

4. I am a total sucker for having my back scratched.

5. I am American & extremely right-handed, but I taught myself to use silverware European style before my stint in Germany.

6. I don't own a laptop computer. Portable computing technology just doesn't interest me.

7. I am a bit of a gaming geek. I like tabletop RPG, dice, board, and card games. I also play D&D Online with my husband.

8. I don't believe in god.

9. Raw tomatoes are gross, and I pick them off sandwiches, pizza, etc. In salsa, pizza sauce, chili, etc I don't mind them at all.

10. I'm a bit of an insomniac.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
1. I don't drink alcohol. Ever.

2. I have a soft spot for electronic music (NOT dubstep) & recently got into deadmau5 and Audrey Napoleon.

3. I love obscure/weird music (mostly metal & ambient), so if you need strange bands to listen to, ask me!

4. I hate baked beans - and mayonnaise, come to think of it. two faces puking

5. I've worn glasses since I was 7 years old.

6. I'm a massive Harry Potter fan & really want to get a Deathly Hallows tattoo.

7. I love ASMR videos!

8. I like making databases of different things to pass the time. :nerd

9. I can speak quite a bit of German & French (sadly not fluent yet), and really want to learn Italian, Russian & even Latin at some point - also, I can curse in Swedish. bouncing and laughing

10. My favourite "love story" is Natural Born Killers.

BONUS: Depeche Mode is also my favourite band, and my favourite song is "In Your Room" - the album version, naturally. grinning smiley


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
1. Have a big collection of books and CDs. Love to read and listen to music.

2. I'm spiritual, but not religious.

3. Even though I like to be social and have fun time to time, I like privacy.

4. Have an eccentric tase of music, depending on my mood. One day, I'll be listenting to neo-soul, the next I'm listening to industrial rock. Like strange aeons, if anyone is interested in looking for new music, let me know!

5. I can't stand most of today's mainstream music. Sounds too teeny bopper-ish.

6. Never had a boyfriend ever. But that may soon change in a few months (or earlier).

7. Look very young for my age. Most people assume I'm 17 or 18. (I'm 23).

8. I'm very petite at 5'1.

9. Like learning about the infamous Tudors.

10. I can speak some Spanish. Hopefully, I'll be fluent in a couple of years (or sooner).
Re: Ten Things About You
February 05, 2014
1. I dislike rap music. Most of it doesn't make any sense to me.

2. I have mild OCD. It's more about order than cleaning. I need to have some things, like my books, in a specific order. This is why it's a pet peeve when people touch or move around my stuff without asking.

3. I have way too many accounts across the internet. Some of them are quite old. I still use an email address from when I was ten! Others, however, I've lost the password to, but the site has yet to delete them.

4. I like mayonnaise and ketchup, but I dislike mustard. I like honey mustard, but ordinary mustard, no.

5. I love pasta, especially spaghetti.

6. I get anxious about any and everything. There can be nothing to worry about and I will still be anxious.

7. I have a half-sister and a stepbrother, though I haven't seen the latter in about eight years. I got along with him a lot better than with my sister, though.

8. I love seafood. My favorite restaurant is Red Lobster, but I like most kinds of restaurants except steakhouses (I don't eat steak).

9. I am a sucker for chocolate, but only if it's milk chocolate. I don't like dark chocolate. White chocolate is okay.

10. Usually, I keep my fingernails short, but I'm letting them grow because I want to have the tips painted white.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
1. I live to read, garden, working out, and like cleaning my house

2. I can make my own yogurt, pasta, tortillas, bread, pizza dough, and trying to start on cheese making.

3. I can read upside down and backwards.

4. Ruth Rendell is one of my favorite authors

5. I am obsessed with the Jonestown massacre.

6.I hate shopping malls, suburban sprawl, consumerism, and SUVs

7. I'm registered with the Green Party.

8. I love animals

9. I don't like cops.

10. I'm a night owl.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
1 - favorite movies and tv shows tend to be about apocalyptic and disaster events

2 - don't drink. have absolutely no palate for liquor. Tried and could never get past the alcohol taste. The best I can do is a wine cooler.

3 - used to be a crazy cat lady until we adopted our first Japanese Chin dog. As the cats died, they were never replaced. Feels weird because I used to think that when we lost one cat, that meant room for two

4 - I am beginning to loathe living in a standard house. We "live" in a 14x24 studio we built off the back door of the house. I kinda wish the house would burn down so we could just add a bath and food prep areas to the studio.

5 - Ride a small motorcycle (600cc) with a sidecar. So far, the longest trip I've taken is 2500 miles, round trip. I'd love to be able to go on even greater long distance rides.

6 - desperately want to travel, once I quit work in a few years. Buy an RV, spend ~8 months of the year on the road, boondocking for the most part.

7 - a bit OCD as well. I have to have order and moderate cleanliness in my life or I fritz.

8 - am kind of a nut about genealogy. I've been working on my family tree for ~6 years and have come across some very interesting ancestors.

9 - don't like beef. I can snarf a hamburger occasionally, but it better have bacon, lettuce, mustard and mayonnaise on it so I can keep from thinking "I'm eating beef." Prefer chicken, will eat some forms of pork.

10 - Even though my career is in technology, I'm not interested in the modern forms. I have a flip phone, a desktop and a laptop. Everyone presses me to "get a Kindle, they're great!" or whatever kind of phone they use, or notebook. Really doesn't interest me.
Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
1. When I was a kid, I preferred old black-and-white comedies (such as Laurel & Hardy) to most of the kiddie programs.

2. I once hand-fed a wild nutria. It was scary at first, but one of the sweetest things I’ve ever experienced.

3. I’ve been in a couple of low-budget horror films. It was fun, even though I’m so not a horror fan.

4. My taste in music is pretty abysmal.

5. I prefer a good, rollicking thunderstorm over going out on the town anytime.

6. Hospitals don’t squick me out, but nursing homes do.

7. I may very well decide to judge future potential friends by what they think of Firefly.

8. I’m left-handed, but do many things right-handed (scissors, mouse, etc.).

9. My birthday’s coming up.

10. I think pitbullgirl1965’s avatar is the absolute shiz. grinning smiley
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
5. I prefer a good, rollicking thunderstorm over going out on the town anytime.

Good one thumbs upwink

We get some awesome storms here in the late spring. If it wasn't for my 40 lb dog, who cries and tries to climb in my lap when she hears thunder, I'd think of storms as the best entertainment.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
1. I have OCD leanings so I spent way too much time on this list.

2. Can't handle tv movies with bloodshed, ran out of the room screaming more than once because I saw some blood or guts.

3. I staff Science Fiction conventions

4. I'm lactose intolerant

5. I cuss my sewing machine out in German, tried other languages but German works best.

6. Moved around a lot as a kyd.

7. I sometimes speak in a British accent.

8. Like most CF people I'm older than I look, teenage boys hit on me on a regular basis.

9. I'm left handed but use scissors and crochet right handed.

10. I love watching really bad Syfy disaster movies.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 13, 2014
1) I love the flavor combination of chocolate + pretzels + caramel + salt

2) I have some pretty weird places on my travel bucket list - well, maybe weird for an American. Svalbard and New Caledonia, anyone?

3) I don't really like wearing jewelry

4) I have a cat, and I have about 30 different names for my cat, apart from her given name

5) I love martinis, but I can't really tolerate liquor anymore. But I do love red wine, and it's hell on my teeth unfortunately (those damn stains!)

6) I hate my middle name

7) I have a few talents that will never yield me fame nor fortune, such as being really good at 80's music trivia and the ability to burp very loudly

8) I want to learn how to knit - it's a skill in others that I envy!

9) My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving - love the four day weekend and the beginning of the winter holidays

10) I love Canadian comedy

BONUS: I use the word "really" really, way too often bouncing and laughing
Re: Ten Things About You
February 14, 2014
1) I love the flavor combination of chocolate + pretzels + caramel + salt

2) I have some pretty weird places on my travel bucket list - well, maybe weird for an American. Svalbard and New Caledonia, anyone?

1.) I love that combo, too!

2.) I have been wanting to go to New Caledonia for YEARS! I would need substantial vacation time, though. I'm not flying all that way for just a week or two.

My ten:

1.) I'm terrified of flying, spiders, and driving. My fears are all related to my horrible phobia of death. I have to force myself to think of other things when I start thinking too much about my mortality because I will start to freak out.

2.) I'm obsessed with sex and have been since I was a kid. But I'm a 28-year old virgin. I swear I think about sex more than a teenage boy.

3.) I still hold the record for a reading competition I set in third grade at my elementary school. Either I read way too much or kids nowadays read too little.

4.) I am a total Francophile and have been since I was a kid. I started teaching myself French at 9 since it was another year before I could start taking a foreign language in school. I studied French formally for 12 years but fuck me if I can hold a conversation now. I'm restarting my studies. I also want to relearn Japanese and learn Farsi.

5.) I'm also obsessed with food and cooking and have been since I was a kid. My father was the one who taught me how to cook. I've always loved reading cookbooks. My first cookbook was Baking with Julia and I still own/use it.

6.) My music, movie, TV show, and book tastes are all over the map. I like a little bit of everything.

7.) I FUCKING HATE CUPCAKES. Come on folks, there is a whole wide world of desserts out there.

8.) I'm currently cuddling my Addy American Girl doll. She was the true badass out of all the American Girls.

9.) I've worn glasses since I was 6. I could wear my mother's prescription when I was in second grade. My eyesight now without glasses is equal to those who are legally blind. It's my saving grace that lens correction still works for me.

10.) I want to travel more. I've only been to Japan and Canada. I just have to get over my fear of flying and my hatred of being in close proximity with other people.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Ten Things About You
February 14, 2014
1. I have a condition called retinoblastoma. It’s basically cancer behind the eyes. I was diagnosed as a baby and had to have both eyes along with my optic nerve removed. I wear prosthetics.
2. I love, love, love chocolate.
3. I love animals. I’ve had various pets growing up – a dog who we unfortunately had to send away because of emotional issues, a bird, hamsters, a guinea pig and now a grumpy old kitteh.
4. I mainly listen to heavy metal and hard rock, but I do enjoy some 80s music, classic rock and 50s and 60s music too. I also like some electronic music.
5. I have difficulty socializing with other people, especially in groups. It’s been that way since I was a kid.
6. My birthday is coming up. I’ll be 27.
7. Investigation Discovery is pretty much the only channel I watch. I think it’s starting to warp my brain.
8. I’ve never even been kissed.
9. I love independent movies.
10. I hope to travel around Europe one of these days.

Bonus: I don’t like milk.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 14, 2014
1) I love the flavor combination of chocolate + pretzels + caramel + salt

They've released a chocolate bar over here that's a bit like that - it's got cola and pretzel in it. It's disgusting... and I love it. It's the weirdest thing!

paragon schnitzophonic
2.) I'm obsessed with sex and have been since I was a kid. But I'm a 28-year old virgin. I swear I think about sex more than a teenage boy.

Heh, me as well. On average, I reckon I spend about 90% of the day thinking about it. I lost my virginity last year, but I think if anything that's made it worse!

paragon schnitzophonic
4.) I am a total Francophile and have been since I was a kid.

Ditto to this. I've been told I've got quite a few typically French mannerisms (faire la moue and bof are favourites, admittedly).


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Ten Things About You
February 14, 2014
7. Investigation Discovery is pretty much the only channel I watch. I think it’s starting to warp my brain.
8. I’ve never even been kissed.

Bonus: I don’t like milk.

7.) Ditto. I'm watching a Deadly Women marathon right now.

8.) Ditto.

And I hate milk on its own. In fact, I'm not a fan of most dairy products, but ice cream is my downfall. I absolutely hate cream cheese and hate cheesecake as a result.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan

Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
Ooo sounds like fun! smiling smiley

1) I find butterflies and moths to be beautiful/cute (I love those little mascara brush antenna on moths), but I freak the fuck out if they fly at me and will generally run screaming. I will contemplate burning the house down if a crane fly gets in somehow.

2) Growing up, I only ever read two comic series. As an adult, I'm starting to get more into other titles.

3) I don't like eating meat that is in a chunk that I have to cut. This is partly because I'm never sure about table manners and if there's a "right" way to eat a steak or chicken breast with company, and partly because I don't want to have to dissect my food in order to eat it.

4) I have an odd fascination with seeing real gore. When I have access to a better connection, I will watch stuff on The YNC, which has lots of videos of horrible, bloody accidents, suicides, executions, etc. (Be warned if anyone goes there, sometimes the videos involve animals. I can't watch those ones.)

5) My memory sucks. I can't remember some things I have done within the last 72 hours, but I can remember facts from 6th grade history class. I kind of want to be on Jeopardy.

6) I generally cannot sit in a chair with both feet on the floor. I have to be sitting on at least one of my feet, and, if possible, I will sit with both feet in my seat. I do this at home and would always do it in class. I don't know why I do it either.

7) I think British accents and men in makeup are sexy.

8) I used to be terrified of thunderstorms, like to the point I'd be down in the basement with a flashlight if I heard so much as a rumble. Now I love a good, loud storm with lots of lightning. I would like to try storm chasing someday... just not where I live.

9) I hate raw/fresh blueberries, but love them baked into pies and pastries.

10) I play video games (prefer older consoles/games) and watch cartoons. Today I sat on my ass playing Pokemon Y and watching Freakazoid after shoveling.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
1) I find butterflies and moths to be beautiful/cute (I love those little mascara brush antenna on moths), but I freak the fuck out if they fly at me and will generally run screaming. I will contemplate burning the house down if a crane fly gets in somehow.

I can relate! I love butterflies - I'm fascinated by their patterns and why/how they evolved those patterns. But yeah, if one starts flying toward my face, I freak out!

Strange_aeons, I'd love to know the name of that cola chocolate bar. There's a candy bar here in the US called Take Five - it's the only one I know of that has all of those ingredients I like.
Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
Strange_aeons, I'd love to know the name of that cola chocolate bar. There's a candy bar here in the US called Take Five - it's the only one I know of that has all of those ingredients I like.

Certainly. It's Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations - Cola Pretzel Honeycomb. They do other varieties, but that one's the weirdest.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
strange aeons
Strange_aeons, I'd love to know the name of that cola chocolate bar. There's a candy bar here in the US called Take Five - it's the only one I know of that has all of those ingredients I like.

Certainly. It's Cadbury Dairy Milk Marvellous Creations - Cola Pretzel Honeycomb. They do other varieties, but that one's the weirdest.

That actually sounds delicious...I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those! grinning smiley


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
Thanks, strange aeons! I looked it up, it looks good! Anything with "honeycomb"... oh yeah. Will have to keep it in mind for my next trip across the pond.
Anonymous User
Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014

3. I love good comic strips. Krazy Kat is my all-time fave.

YAY! You too? I discovered that strip by way of Calvin & Hobbes, another favorite of mine.

And Elfquest. EQ is the balls. :cigar
Re: Ten Things About You
February 15, 2014
10. I think pitbullgirl1965’s avatar is the absolute shiz. grinning smiley

It's from Ms. Daisy Cutter> Feel free to yoink.

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