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Ebola outbreak...

Posted by DucorpsToo 
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 01, 2014
Great. This is starting to remind me of The Stand.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 01, 2014
It was only a matter of time before this happened, but CNN has changed the Ebola headline about the guy in Dallas to say that FIVE KYDS HAD CONTACT WITH THE SICK MAN. It doesn't say how many ADULTS had contact with him, but isn't it so much worse now that the fucking children have been exposed?
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 01, 2014
It was only a matter of time before this happened, but CNN has changed the Ebola headline about the guy in Dallas to say that FIVE KYDS HAD CONTACT WITH THE SICK MAN. It doesn't say how many ADULTS had contact with him, but isn't it so much worse now that the fucking children have been exposed?

Well considering what foul germ vectors children are, it's probably worse than when an adult is exposed.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 01, 2014
It was only a matter of time before this happened, but CNN has changed the Ebola headline about the guy in Dallas to say that FIVE KYDS HAD CONTACT WITH THE SICK MAN. It doesn't say how many ADULTS had contact with him, but isn't it so much worse now that the fucking children have been exposed?

Well considering what foul germ vectors children are, it's probably worse than when an adult is exposed.

Good point. 5 kids from 4 different schools. Oye.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 01, 2014
It was only a matter of time before this happened, but CNN has changed the Ebola headline about the guy in Dallas to say that FIVE KYDS HAD CONTACT WITH THE SICK MAN. It doesn't say how many ADULTS had contact with him, but isn't it so much worse now that the fucking children have been exposed?

Well considering what foul germ vectors children are, it's probably worse than when an adult is exposed.

Good point. 5 kids from 4 different schools. Oye.

Fun fact: The original index case in Guinea is now thought to have been a 2-year-old boy.

Fuk kydz, srsly. fainting


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 02, 2014
The latest 'guy in the US' to get this - in Dallas, TX - I find it weird that he was on a (seemingly) direct flight from Liberia. Is this odd?

I have traveled enough, including to places in N. Africa - from 'here' (Chicago, US) - you will be stopping and changing planes in London. There are very few, if any, 'direct flights' even to common large commercial areas such as Egypt or Israel. From what I remember. And did in fact look at a few months ago because I was thinking of taking a trip - then they started up the war in Israel so I said forget this. Was also thinking of Morocco. There were no direct flights to Casablanca, that I remember.

In 'that area' I have been to mostly commercial / urban areas, for biz purposes / was 'sent' so others did all the travel arrangements. But other times just for a 'vacation' that I did plan. Usually 'from here' but when I was in school in EU it was 'from there' (Prague).

You're stopping in London. Possibly also Cairo. There is no direct flight from here to Khartoum as another example. And that's a big enough biz destination. No direct flight. Will stop in London and then Cairo.

I don't think there are many direct flights to Israel from here. Another major biz hub.

We also (few months ago) got An Infected (with MERS) from S. Arabia. Riyadh, to London, to Chi.

But there are direct flights from Liberia to Dallas, TX?

Is it just me or is this kinda weird?
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 02, 2014
Zzelda, seen news reports that say he changed planes at Dulles.

Now my non military/foreign service friends are freaking out, and one breeder says she will demand doctors monitor her babbies for Ebola. This cow hasn't set foot near an airport in years.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 02, 2014
For a disease that isn't extremely contagious (compared to how infectious it is), it sure seems to be doing a good job of getting people sick who, of course, bring it back here with them. And to be fair, kids are fantastic at incubating some killer bugs and spreading them by sneezing, coughing, and slobbering on everything and everyone. If any of those kids actually gets sick and becomes symptomatic, you can guarantee it'll spread through the school like wildfire, infecting students and staff alike.

WHY are people traveling from Africa to anywhere else allowed to even get on a plane? Everyone knows about the ebola outbreak, and I think anyone near the outbreak area should be quarantined for a while. I think family, friends and employers will understand if the person comes home late.

Give it time. I'll bet ebola will be in at least a few states by the time 2015 rolls around.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 02, 2014
For a disease that isn't extremely contagious (compared to how infectious it is), it sure seems to be doing a good job of getting people sick who, of course, bring it back here with them. And to be fair, kids are fantastic at incubating some killer bugs and spreading them by sneezing, coughing, and slobbering on everything and everyone. If any of those kids actually gets sick and becomes symptomatic, you can guarantee it'll spread through the school like wildfire, infecting students and staff alike.

WHY are people traveling from Africa to anywhere else allowed to even get on a plane? Everyone knows about the ebola outbreak, and I think anyone near the outbreak area should be quarantined for a while. I think family, friends and employers will understand if the person comes home late.

Give it time. I'll bet ebola will be in at least a few states by the time 2015 rolls around.

ITA with you about the quarantining thing. They really have to start doing that. Ebola may not be extremely contagious now, but whose to say the virus won't mutate into something more airborne? Then we're all in for it.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 02, 2014
Zzelda, seen news reports that say he changed planes at Dulles.

Now my non military/foreign service friends are freaking out, and one breeder says she will demand doctors monitor her babbies for Ebola. This cow hasn't set foot near an airport in years.

Yes I saw today that he did stop in Brussels and DC. Which makes more sense. But why not say right away? Don't want to scare people?

And it seems this Ebola Guy barfed all over somewhere too. In TX - outside at his apt I think. Ooof.

This is starting to make me paranoid.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 03, 2014
This particular strain has around a 60 percent kill rate but that is vastly improved with modern medical care. The fear being spread by the news is for ratings. The reason it is spreading so rapidly in Africa is because people just let piss and shit run into the street or nearest water source. Most people don't have American standards of sanitation. There is no reason to get worked up as long as proper precautions were taken bringing them back. The Ebola hysteria reminds me of being a small child and people thinking you could catch AIDS if you sat on a toilet seat or drank after somebody with it. If it matters, I have a Master's degree in epidemiology and I am not worried.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 03, 2014
Dallas ebola man is likely under arrest when he returns; seems he lied on his health forms that are mandatory at the airport. He claimed he had no contact with ebola but had carried an inpig woman with it to and from a hospital. They declined her since they were full and she died at home. The country is most unhappy with the bad PR.

He did in fact vomit all over the sidewalk at the apartment while loaded into the ambulance.

He flew three legs; Liberia to Brussels (Brussels/Monrovia air) and then from Brussels to Dulles, Dulles to Dallas on United. United released flight numbers to crew and passengers. The originating airline has refused.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 04, 2014
My husband was just reading somewhere the full list of stops that the plane(s?) made. It hit all the major city centers. sad smiley

Hopefully I am remembering right and he wasn't symptomaticr until four days after he landed, right?
And the virus isn't shedding until the person is symptomatic, right?
If I have those two facts right, I feel much relieved.

(Although we already had six gallons of bleach at home and the hubs ordered surgical masks for us. I wuv him so much! He's just as paranoid as me. smiling smiley )
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 05, 2014
Yes, unlike measles the person can't spread the disease until they are symptomatic, usually with a fever. It can be spread by a dead body for up to 2 weeks. Unless this man was shitting, piss in or spurting blood all over the place then I think the news are just drumming up ratings. It is NOT airborne and the chances of it mutating to such are very slim. It would be about like aids or polio becoming airborne.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 05, 2014
Here's an interesting take about his misdiagnosis when he went to the hospital the first time:


It sounds as if the nurse entered that he had been to Africa but the treating doctor didn't read his chart.

However, I agree that the blame rests with the guy not being honest about his exposure until he was sick and needed help.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 08, 2014
Dallas ebola guy has died.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 08, 2014
This particular strain has around a 60 percent kill rate but that is vastly improved with modern medical care. The fear being spread by the news is for ratings. The reason it is spreading so rapidly in Africa is because people just let piss and shit run into the street or nearest water source. Most people don't have American standards of sanitation. There is no reason to get worked up as long as proper precautions were taken bringing them back. The Ebola hysteria reminds me of being a small child and people thinking you could catch AIDS if you sat on a toilet seat or drank after somebody with it. If it matters, I have a Master's degree in epidemiology and I am not worried.

Thank you, evilchildlessbitch. I was starting to get a little paranoid! :hs

It's always good to hear a voice of reason among all the hype.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 08, 2014
And now a dog has become a victim...a Spanish nurse has it, her husband is in quarantine, and officials wanted to kill their dog. Hubs refused to give permission. Officials got a court order and Excalibur lives no more because "dogs can carry it per ONE article."

Cool, can we euth people with it? Kids are the worst offenders. And a second person in Texas is showing symptoms after being in contact with the dead guy who lied to get on a plane.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 09, 2014
Am I a heartless bitch for being relieved the guy in Texas is dead? He brought it over here because he LIED, so he deserves it. If he had lived he probably would have never gone back to HIS country given that they were going to prosecute him if he returned. We don't need more people living here illegally.

I wish the U.S. had just quarantined the guy until he succumbed to the virus. I think we should treat our own citizens, but effectively treating one ebola patient uses a lot of resources, and we have to put our own people first. That guy wasn't our country's responsibility.

The fact that they euthanized that nurse's dog is sickening. AFAIK, she got it because she was just doing her job. If it were up to me, whoever assigned her to care for an ebola patient would have to foot the bill for quarantining and testing the dog to make sure it wasn't going to spread the disease. She got ebola AND they killed her dog…poor woman must be having an awfully shitty week.
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 09, 2014
From my understanding, the Dallas DA was planning on prosecuting him should he have lived. He would have been heading back home, where he was also facing prosecution.

I don't believe for one second he did not know. The inpig he carried to the hospital died when he was still there (some articles say that night) so he knew.

The dog: they based it off a study about dogs carrying ebola antibodies when exposed. However, these were feral dogs eating the ebola victims as a snackie, not a dog living casually with someone who got sick. Instead of using this as a learning opportunity, lets perform security theater and soothe the sheep bleating "the chyyyldren."

You want to contain it? Close the borders of any country with an Ebola case. Let it burn out. Problem solved.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 12, 2014
I now just heard that one of the nurses who had helped care for Duncan in the hospital has now tested positive for Ebola. She did have extensive contact with this patient and definitely was wearing the protective gear; But somewhere along the line protocol had been broken-which resulted in infection. Very scary...
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 13, 2014

There is a scientist in Texas who admits that with overpopulation, something will get people eventually, if not ebola
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 14, 2014
Dr. Nancy Snyderman Violates Voluntary 21 day quarantine

We are all doomed if a damned doctor won't follow a quarantine. She said she isn't a risk, but how does she know? Isn't that the purpose of a quarantine?
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 15, 2014
And a second caretaker has caught it from Duncan...
Re: Ebola outbreak...
October 15, 2014
From a snarky, CF point-of-view, I wonder how long it will be before a nurse refuses to treat an Ebola patient on the grounds of "I'm a motherrrrr, I can't risk becoming infected." shrug

Not in my hospital!
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