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Harry Potter - Fundie style

Posted by Dorisan 
Harry Potter - Fundie style
September 20, 2014

Oh good lard. This Xtian bint turned Hagrid into a Jehova's Witness, Aunt Petunia into a "career woman" (said in a vein that makes her sound even more vile than Rowling's description) and Uncle Vern into a wimp. The school of magic is now

**************************Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles***********************************

I couldn't get passed the first couple of pages for fear that I'd barf my croissant (or pass out from an overdose of adjectives) and went to the comments instead. Some of those are damned funny

ETA: folks, I'm searching to see if anyone 'fesses up to this being a satire. So far, no joy. It is becoming viral, so I don't know if the original author is hiding in shame or it's a troll who is keeping silent to see how far this thing goes
Re: Harry Potter - Fundie style
September 20, 2014
Nooooo!! waving hellolarious

OMG, this is a riot. LINK

Check out dajo42 (top right corner, at this point). "Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles" in audio

::Mr. T: I pitty tha foolrying to breathe::: bowing
Re: Harry Potter - Fundie style
September 21, 2014
At first I really did think satire....but knowing how crazy some people are over the whole "Harry Potter" thing (sorry I could not read it....definitely too old) and seeing how its ff.net, I can believe it. That place brings out the freak in people (yes I do have stories there I've written a looooooooooong time ago) add to it the anonymity of the internet and presto! A watered down "Harry Potter".
Re: Harry Potter - Fundie style
September 21, 2014
I think I just remembered the reason I avoid Harry Potter fanfics like the plague. ::brbl


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Harry Potter - Fundie style
January 01, 2015
This has nothing to do with HP fanfics but I couldn't find a topic: I just caught "Deathly Hallows" 1 & 2 on TV and... what? They all just become a bunch of boring breeders in the end? How nice. :cen
Re: Harry Potter - Fundie style
January 01, 2015
Even Draco. I bet his spawn turn out to be as insufferable as him. I wonder if he found a "pure blood" to breed with. The Malfoys were always on about not having Mudblood in their ancestry.

In the wizarding world, especially after the implied losses to Voldemort's short reign, I wouldn't be surprised if the mantra was to breed-breed-breed. I think it was Ron Weasley who stated in one of the early books that wizards had to choose muggles to marry because the wizard population was so low. After Voldemort's purge and battles, the population was even lower, I'm sure.
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