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Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
September 23, 2014
Does anyone here vape? If so, does it help you lose weight? Even the ones w/o the nicotine? The flavored ones? Just curious. :smoke
Re: Vaping
September 28, 2014
I vape. A lot. I have a Neptune RDA because I enjoy building my own coils and stuff. I do not view it as a means to lose weight because only diet and exercise helps with that. I use a variety of flavors because the place where I buy juice makes every bottle fresh and it is not prepackaged.

Some flavors are good and others are nasty so it is trial and error to discover what you like best.
Anonymous User
Re: Vaping
September 29, 2014
Thanks for the info.

I know it isnt a weight loss gadget but I thought w/ the flavors and oral fixation and nicotine, it may suppress appetite or be a substitute for putting something in your mouth. You know how everyone gains weight after they quit cigs and how normal smoking slows digestion? One YouTuber said he lost weight, so I was just wondering. smile rolling left rightsmile
Re: Vaping
September 29, 2014
mistress rotwang
I vape. A lot. I have a Neptune RDA because I enjoy building my own coils and stuff. I do not view it as a means to lose weight because only diet and exercise helps with that. I use a variety of flavors because the place where I buy juice makes every bottle fresh and it is not prepackaged.

Some flavors are good and others are nasty so it is trial and error to discover what you like best.

Can you give me an average cost?

Dh was a heavy smoker until about 10 years ago. He quit with the aid of nicotine gum, but now has an addiction to that. Runs us ~$90/month for that useless habit. I'm trying to maintain patience as I try to get him weaned off the stuff. I never made an issue of it when he was working because the gum helped him with work stress. Now - he's not working and only has light responsibilities of volunteering a few days a week at the shelter and library, so he has no excuse for the gum other than he is plain fucking addicted.

It may just be his personality - he can't get clean - so if vaping costs less, I'd like to explore that possibility.
Re: Vaping
September 29, 2014
Hmm the upfront cost of vaping can be big if you go custom like I do ( hundreds of dollars) but a decent set up with a tank will be around eighty. Juices run around ten bucks per ten ml and this size should last around a month with a tank type set up. Look at an itaste mvp. They are a solid set up that can take a lot of abuse and it goes about a week between charges.
Re: Vaping
September 30, 2014
Toilet Paper tube + Tin Foil

grinning smiley

Another Helpful Tip: The Old Style Tampax Tampons (yes you can still find them), the ones wrapped in paper - that paper works as a 'rolling paper'.

As you were, then / Carry on winking smiley

Re: Vaping
December 03, 2014
I just started e-cigs myself, as a way to help me quit smoking. I freakin' love it! I reach for my e-cig more often than I do my cigars.

I've decided to save cigars for special occasions, and do the e-cig thing for everyday purposes. I'm still in the process of weaning myself off of cigars, but the e-cigarette helps immensely. grinning smiley

I don't know if it helps you lose weight, but I know some people who have exchanged smoking for e-cigs, and they claim not to have gained any weight.
Re: Vaping
December 03, 2014
Dorisan -

Nicotine gum -

OOOOOO is that GROSS! I tried that stuff to quit smoking and it made me *violently ill*. Like 2 chomps on a piece and I was *heaving my guts out*. ERG.

But, I am not a heavy smoker, some days I don't smoke at all. Usually I have 2 or 3 cigs. I should probably just quit entirely. But then stress happens.

I literally had NO idea that this 'vaping' was for tobacco, too - I thought it was for marijuana. Yes, I guess I'm clueless, ha. And I walk right by all the flavored tobaccos and ecigs at the cig store too. D'OH!

I suppose I haven't paid attention because I'm kind of leery of this. And did not want to substitute one habit for another. I'm *thisclose* to a non smoker so if anything I figure I should 'just quit'.

Could you have smaller pieces of the gum? Cut / bite them in half? If it were me - I suppose I would try that.
Re: Vaping
December 04, 2014
I suppose I haven't paid attention because I'm kind of leery of this. And did not want to substitute one habit for another. I'm *thisclose* to a non smoker so if anything I figure I should 'just quit'.

Could you have smaller pieces of the gum? Cut / bite them in half? If it were me - I suppose I would try that.

Gawd, everything has been tried. Cold turkey, trying to wean him off. He's only allowed to buy two boxes a month, so I track the purchases on a calendar. He has to go 30 days between purchases, no less. I absolutely set my foot down on that. So, for two years, I'd try to extend the purchase a few days at a time - 31 days between purchase, then 32 .. 33. He couldn't make it.

I might suggest cutting the chicklets in half. See if he gets enough of a nicotine buzz from that. Thanks for the suggestion. It just that nicotine is a habit forming substance for some. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be carcinogenic, at least from my research. Dh is just stuck on the crap.
Re: Vaping
December 04, 2014
I was thinking about 'Nicotine Candy' (didn't this used to exist?) - it looks like it might exist and there are several kinds. For those interested there seems to be enough if you Google it.

While looking for that - I found an "ecig forum" - that might be of interest also ~

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