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Thanksgiving with the Clampetts

Posted by Dorisan 
Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 28, 2014
LOL. Reading about T-day drama on other boards.

I had to work, but Dh and I had a nice, quiet, early bird dinner on Monday

LINK for the rest of the entertainment


My thanksgiving was a drama filled shitstorm. BIL and MIL aired their dirty laundry in front of every one because he owes her money and *gasp* she actually expects him to pay it back. My BIL's ex-wife who is now with FIL (yeah...you read that right) is pissed because BIL is staying with them since being kicked out by his second ex-wife and he has nowhere else to go. BIL brought all five of his kids then expected everyone else to watch the 2yo (who can escape like Houdini). FIL and ex-wife #1 finally told BIL to not bother coming home due to his behavior and I had to hear an hour of his woe is me crap until DH got back from driving someone home. That's the cliffs' note version, but needless to say, my perfectly planned and executed Thanksgiving (in which I hosted 20 people) was ruined by one 30 year-old douche bag. The bright side is that my DH's unicorn was slaughtered in an epic fashion. My in-laws are Jerry Springer cannon fodder.

On my end, thanks to DWIL, MY douche bag brother (who is 25, unemployed, and living with my parents) refused to come because, after he acted like an asshole to everyone last Christmas, my DWIL-created spine of steel told him he was not welcome back to my house until he learned to behave like a decent human being. My mom had the "I just killed her kitten" face when she said he wasn't coming (like she was expecting me to call him and beg for him to come), and I simply said, "Mom, if he is all butt-hurt because someone finally spoke up and called him out instead of constantly rug-sweeping his rude, disrespectful behavior, oh well." So, I had my family well-leashed.
Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 28, 2014
I got to spend thanksgiving with my racist in laws.
Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 29, 2014
I went out to eat with my Mom.

It was OK.

Other relatives keep giving her Red Lobster gift cards.

She's not supposed to eat such food, she's prone to Gout.

And guess what?

She's having another Gout attack, real time, right now.

Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 29, 2014
This year was the first year I put my foot down and said 'hell no!' to Thanksgiving with the family. Thanksgiving has sucked ass for so many years that I finally came to my senses and made other plans. I went to dinner with a friend and her husband and then we went back to her place and just chilled. Best. Thanksgiving. EVER!

No stress. No feeling like shit when I left. No having to defend my life to a bunch of asshole that just don't get it. No family stirring shit. It was peaceful and stress-free.

I either might do this again next year or just take off for the weekend somewhere.

But seriously, it is time to begin new traditions and part of that is limiting how much time I spend with family.
Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 29, 2014
Being currently homeless AND estranged from my idiot famblee, I didn't have to worry too much about that bullshit. I worked on Thanksgiving, then had an awesome turkey dinner once I got back to the shelter. Once I get a place, I'll still avoid the happeh famblee ruckus...I have for the last 20-something years. thumbs upwink


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 29, 2014
I have heard so many Thanksgiving horror stories--not just on this board but in my own 3-D life. The "Hellidays' are not what Hallmark makes them out to be. I am rather glad that I am a hermit.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Thanksgiving with the Clampetts
November 30, 2014
Being currently homeless AND estranged from my idiot famblee, I didn't have to worry too much about that bullshit. I worked on Thanksgiving, then had an awesome turkey dinner once I got back to the shelter. Once I get a place, I'll still avoid the happeh famblee ruckus...I have for the last 20-something years. thumbs upwink

I was thinking of you the other day Popcorn, and wondering if you were still homeless. It seems you do have work and a place to stay? I hope you can save enough for your own place soon.

Maybe you could begin looking now? Asking around? Post things on local boards?

If I had a house in your area I'd rent it to you for cheap / make some kind of deal. I'm sure others would too. I do have one vacant house - but it's too far away. And it's also "on the list". Hey, it's no longer 'condemned' I got it bumped up to 'currently uninhabitable'. thumbs upwink
No I did *not* bribe the building inspector!

Anyway - this may be an idea for you - you could even *buy* such a junk house yourself, too. Plenty to be had CHEAP. (The cheap ones, as you can guess, are REALLY junky and might be 'on the list', and / or have liens against them and / or a host of other (physical and paperwork) issues.

Keep it in mind though. If your willing to slog through it all - there's some good deals out there.

Or, you could look for an RE investor / rehabber and work a deal with them. MANY want someone 'in there' just to watch it. They might let you live there for free. Or you might be able to work a deal like - you throw in some labor, they'll cut you in on the future sale, might even work out some kind of work + rent + you buy it eventually thing.

You know - there used to be these things where they'd sell 'half done' houses. The outside and inside framing was done - it was up to you to 'finish' the inside. These were sold cheaper.

This idea should be 'brought back'. Or, could be done with a rehab.

Just some ideas to look into. Might even come out cheaper than an apartment, you might even get something free, someone may let you stay free for awhile, someone might even GIVE you something! Maybe they bought a junk that they don't / can't now deal with and just want to unload it so as not to pay the taxes on it. Look around. Put a post on a local board that has a 'wanted to rent or buy' section.
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