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The Babadook

Posted by jmc 
The Babadook
December 14, 2014
Anyone seen The Babadook? Wow, that movie show the absolute HORROR of having a child. It was also scary in the traditional sense but that scene in the car when the kid was kicking the back of the seat and wouldn't shut up hen started screaming bloody murder and then had a seizure. ........I was f%cling TERRIFIED!!!!!!!!

I was so scared because what if I had a kid and it was a six year old psycopath?? That thought was the scariest thing I've experienced in a while.......

Definitely a movie you want to show a fence-sitter

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
Re: The Babadook
December 14, 2014
I loved this film. I started out all "OMG" at how bad the kid was, and then ended up rooting for him. He was a nightmare, you're right but her descent into total crazy was really horrible too. It showed the nastiness of children in general, eg when the little girl is taunting him. Kids are amoral, and without the right kind of guidance quickly slip into IMmoral.

IMO this not only shows the nightmare of having a kid, but the nightmare of BEING a kid. I hated being a kid, and my parents were more or less OK although I look back on some of the ways they treated me and get angry. Being completely at the mercy of an adult person can really suck. And that's even if the adult isn't someone who has become a lunatic because of bereavement and sleep deprivation. Being physically threatened and trapped by someone you are more or less helpless against is some seriously dark shit.

Nightmare fuel in every sense of the word, and the first truly shocking and frightening horror I've seen in a good long while. It really does give an insight into the minds of parents who go round the bend and end up hurting their own kids.
Re: The Babadook
December 15, 2014
It's definitely a showcase of how a regular human can spiral out of control...

And the acting was SUPERB!

"If you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby. And don't think maybe, if you can't feed your baby."
- The wisdom of the late Michael Jackson
"The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children." - Paul Ehrlich
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